SirHenryLeeChaChing's For Original Fans - Favorite Moments In NTTD (spoilers)



  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    Posts: 12,501
    Yep. :)
    Here is what I put towards the beginning of the tribute week for Greg, the origins of his user name:

    How did he come up with his unique and memorable username? It was taken from the early draft script of the third Dalton Bond film, which we never got.
    SirHenry said: " … the lead villain was listed as Sir Henry Lee Ching. I added 'Cha' to that for a little humor. My little tribute to my fond and forever unfulfilled wish that Tim would have done a 3rd (more would have been even better). Here is the link for what was known as 'Bond 17' in the Dalton tenure - Under 'features', you can read lots of script details:"

  • edited November 2014 Posts: 3,566
    Just a few observations regarding the results of our “Fix a Bond Film” game so far: while I’m not at all surprised that no votes have been cast so far for the first 3 Bond films (DN, FRWL, and GF) I am somewhat surprised to find no votes at all for the 3 Daniel Craig films in the series. Granted, CR is one of the best films of the franchise in the view of many fans…but QoS is nowhere near as exalted, and the most recent Bond film, SF, is somewhat controversial in several other places on this forum. Also surprising to me is the fact that no fixes have yet been suggested for OHMSS, LALD, TSWLM, OP, TLD, and TWINE. Not that I feel each of these OUGHT to be fixed…but even my own favorite in this pack, TLD, could have used a stronger main villain, and some others (such as TWINE) have received substantial criticism elsewhere on this forum. Even the venerated OHMSS has been widely noted elsewhere as potentially being a far stronger film with another actor (say, Connery or Dalton) in the lead role. And MR, often sited as being among fans’ least favorite Bond films, has received only one vote for a fix.

    So: what are we to make of these results?

    First of all, as I originally noted, I didn’t expect the voting here to expose the “least favorite Bond films,“ but rather, the ones that we loved DESPITE THEIR FLAWS. Perhaps MR has received only one vote because not enough people CARE to fix it. The same could be suggested for Christmas Jones in TWINE or the balloon Kananga in LALD. I think the Craig films have escaped notice for the purpose of this game because they are just too new to have broken through regarding our perceptions of their limitations ... perhaps something has to have been kicking around in our subconscious for a few decades in order for “DAMN THAT SLIDE WHISTLE!” to take precedence over “DAMN THAT SHAKY CAM!” Of course, this theory doesn’t account for the free ride we’ve given Balloon Kanaga so far…

    Please, anybody out there with some fixes yet uncast: Tomorrow may Never Die, or even get its title fixed (I do think “Tomorrow Never Lies” would have been a much more effective movie title, don’t you?)…but after Sunday at Midnight, US West Coast time, the results of our little game will be finalized. So get those fixes in while you still can! And please, everyone that has participated so far, give us your input on which fixes you’ve liked the best. We only have 2 votes in so far on that question, and I’d love to know your opinions on each others’ suggestions!
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    edited November 2014 Posts: 12,501
    Well it is high time for me to give my vote to the "best fix" for this game. But it is difficult! :-? Everyone had at least one suggestion I really liked a lot. I have pondered this for too long, so as much as I appreciate a lot of what was suggested, I'm voting for MayDayDiVicenzo. He did not fix just one film, but tackled three separate films and the simple changes in each would have made a very good difference to improve the quality of those films. Here is what he said:
    Although I am not an original, I do like to dip in here every now and then.
    For me, I would change aspects in the following films (I haven't included Die Another Day, as that would involve completely overhauling the film);

    Thunderball - I would have had perhaps completely re-shot the finale on-board the Disco Volante. The actual fight is spot on, but the sped up rear projection, for me, ruins the scene, removing any suspense or tension from what would have been an exemplary end to the film (and would perhaps knock Thunderball a spot or two up my rankings).

    You Only Live Twice - Completely get rid of the scenes involving Sean Connery dressed as a Japanese fisherman. IMO, these scenes severely damage YOLT, as it is one of those scenes where I genuinely feel myself cringing. Again, dispensing of those awful scenes would have meant that I would have held YOLT in a higher regard.

    The Man with the Golden Gun - Remove the following aspects and scenes; karate schoolgirls (anything to do with martial arts, for that matter), JW Pepper (although I do enjoy his dialogue with Goodnight via the walkie-talkie), the slide whistle (this is essential) and the scene where Lieutenant Hip leaves Bond stranded (this always bugged me). Doing so, and you have a solid Bond, IMO.

    I thoroughly agree with his 1) because it would greatly improve a good film (that area sticks out like a sore thumb), and heartily applaud his 2) (my least fav aspect of YOLT), and for his 3) I think it could be summed up by simply saying "remove the truly stupid humor aspects" of TMWTGG.

    So really this vote was nearly a 3 way tie for me. So many very valid suggestions that would have done good service to the Bond series.
    I salute all participants in this fun round of @Beatles' game "Fix a Bond Film."
  • CommanderRossCommanderRoss The bottom of a pitch lake in Eastern Trinidad, place called La Brea
    Posts: 8,596
    @Beatles for me the Craig Films are good, and improving them wouldn't make that much of a difference. Yes, the shakey cam is annoying, but for me it somehow isn't that bad after seeing the film on the small screen (several times). Skyfall may get it's flak, as all high fliers do, but again, changes would make little difference. That's just what makes this game interesting: the search for the most effective change. Besides, if there's one thing I'd change about Qos, it's not the cam, but that terrible title track.
  • Okay, so we have 3 votes for "Best fix" and 1 vote each for 3 particpants: CommanderRoss, OHMSS, and MayDay! Let's get some more votes in, folks! I can declare a 3 way (or 4 way or more) tie if necessary but I'd rather not. And of course, it's still not too late to register your own fixes...I'm happy to see DAF still in the lead but the game isn't over until Shirley Bassey sings "He loves GOOOOOOOLD!" one last time...

    Thanks for your participation, everybody, and anyone with suggestions for our next topic when @4EverBonded resumes the pleasurable task of moderating this thread is welcome to post those suggestions now...
  • That's just what makes this game interesting: the search for the most effective change.

    Exactly...and I'm glad you caught on to the way the game was designed. Anybody can give a list of 23 changes that would make the series JUST's in choosing a selectively small number of changes, and doing the best for the series overall, that the game finds its meaning!
  • royale65royale65 Caustic misanthrope reporting for duty.
    Posts: 4,423
    Right then, @Beatlles asked us for our opinions on other peoples suggestions. I really liked @4EverBonded fixes for DAD, but that is only one film. Could I live with fixing DAD, without solving the other films problems? Quite possibly. Still, I can't stand the overt humour prevalent in the 70's Bond movies.

    Concerning @MayDay , although I'm a fan of fixing both TB and YOLT, but considering the sins the other Bond films have committed, they aren't too major. But yes to fixing TMWTGG. The tragedy with that film, is that the first and final are relatively straight laced. It is just the unfunny middle third that ruins it.

    @pachazo mentioned about having AVTAK more in line with Sir Rog's age; I thought that would work wonderfully.
  • @Royale: can you give us ONE suggestion that you give top marks to? I'm hearing a vote for my perception correct? That would give us a four way tie, which is perfectly okay by me!
  • royale65royale65 Caustic misanthrope reporting for duty.
    Posts: 4,423
    Ah, tricky one. I like @CommanderRoss idea of eliminating the shoddy production values of DAF. (Perevanlt on all the Hamilton directed 70's film.) And people have mentioned removing the Bondola.

    But, yes, I'll go for @4Ever ideas. At least we'd get a decent farewell to Brosnan.
  • A decent farewell to Brosnan is certainly a noble idea. Okay then!
  • edited December 2014 Posts: 3,566
    Since we've gone several days without any further input, either on the question of the movie fixes you'd like to suggest, or regarding your favorite suggested fixes from others, I think it's time to declare this game over. The winner, with five fixes, is DAF... followed by AVTAK, DAD, and TMWTGG with 4 each... then we have FYEO, GE, LTK and TB with 2 votes each... and finally, MR, TND and YOLT bring up the rear with 1 vote apiece.

    Regarding the question of "Best fixes," we have 1 vote apiece for 4EverBonded, CommanderRoss, MayDay, and it gives me great pleasure to announce a 4 way tie on this topic. Congratulations, all!

    Coming up soon in this topic thread, as @4EverBonded resumes her moderatorship of SirHenry's Originals...we will be discussing the popular and timely topic of SPECTRE as viewed by the Original fans of the 007 franchise. We just might have some surprising opinions on view don't go away!
  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    Posts: 17,989
    We just might have some surprising opinions on view don't go away!
    I am So Preciously Expecting Conversational Tidbits Regarding Extortionists.
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    Posts: 12,501
    I am So Profoundly Excited to Continue this Thread Regarding Evildoevers!

    Especially one mastermind ... coming soon, folks!

    AND thank you, @BeatlesSansEarmuffs for that nice wrap up and for all your great work helming our last round. Cheers!
  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    Posts: 17,989
    I am So Profoundly Excited to Continue this Thread Regarding Evildoevers!
    That was Severely Perfectly & Expertly Contemplated Tactical Reply Excellence!

  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    edited December 2014 Posts: 12,501

    With the hot news about SPECTRE being the name of Bond 24 and cast revealed, I think it is the perfect time for us to revisit this ourselves. Therefore, I am going to look at the news we have in a special light here on this thread. Originals' views will be summed up separately from others. But please do join us, nonOriginals!

    NOTE - PLEASE READ THIS: I really want to clarify. "Originals" are by definition anyone who saw a Bond film with Connery or Lazenby in its original theater run. That is SirHenry's definition. As always, per SirHenry's original wishes and also mine, everyone (of any age) is welcome to participate here in discussions, reviews, rankings, all chat - but only Originals' rankings will count for the ranking of the Originals group reviews or special polls. And the only other caveat is that this thread is not for spam, bashing, or giddy incessant off topic chat.

    Truly, all you need do is look at previous posts throughout the past 2+ years - pick any page - and you will see the quality of discussion we want to uphold. That doesn't mean we don't get silly at times, and we do certainly have our humor. So please - all are very welcome to contribute, for sure. :) Just keep our standards the same, but I do want more folks to join us here. :-bd

    And for this special topic, I am looking to poll our Originals. So their thoughts are the only ones that will count in our summary of what the Originals take on the news about Bond24 being SPECTRE. But I would greatly enjoy many other members, seasoned agents (in my mind, these are folks who grew up with Moore as Bond, but I am rather flexible) or new recruits, to join us in this discussion, too.

    Why am I really asking for Originals to participate here? Because we have, over the past two years, lost the participation of a few Originals, for various reasons (whatever those reasons may be) ... and of course we sadly lost SirHenry permanently. But we know he would want this thread to thrive. And he would have been bursting with excitement with the news we have just received. And also because, Original Fans, after all, this is your special thread, a place SirHenry wanted you to feel comfortable and at home, hanging out and discussing all things Bond right here.

    After our discussion and opinions expressed this week, I will be summarizing what the Originals thoughts are concerning this Bond news.

    For this present topic, we are pondering how we feel about SPECTRE returning as an organization and the possible return of Blofeld. Yay! or Nay! I have listed at the end of this post 3 set questions. Please let us hear from you, Originals. And others, please chime in, also! Here we are now, looking at the news we now have on ...

    S P E C T R E

    I just have to start us off with this great clip somebody made. I love it! ;)
    I am giving full credit to @PropertyOfALady who posted it first in its own thread and also @dominicgreene for posting it on another thread.

    AND NOW ... Let's look at what several Originals thought about the possible return of SPECTRE and/or Blofeld last year ... SirHenry's question is listed first, then his summary of what the Originals thought.
    SirHenry's November 2013 post (bolding below is mine, not SirHenry's)
    Thesis question #2 regarding QOS was all about Spectre, Quantum, and Blofeld.
    This was the summary, given by SirHenry, after participation by members:

    # 2. During the past few days, we have learned that EON Productions have settled a long standing feud with the late Kevin McClory and have obtained the rights to bring back/resurrect the Ernst Stavro Blofeld character as well as his SPECTRE organization. As it relates to the newly introduced and unfinished QUANTUM, there are three camps. Some want to see QUANTUM immediately abandoned for the bald guy and his pals, others want to first see closure of the QUANTUM story before anything else, and others feel the bald guy and his pals should forever remain as a part of the past. Where do you stand?

    The overwhelming view expressed by the originals, by a score of 10 to 1, was that Blofeld and SPECTRE should remain in the past, and that QUANTUM should either continue or be properly ended rather that simply abandoned just as it was getting started. I agree with this view.
    I don't want SPECTRE back as an organizational name and I'm getting the impression via lack of official mention that this isn't on the table. Blofeld on the other hand, I do get the feeling based on statements from writer John Logan, is in favor for a reintroduction. How this affects QUANTUM remains to be seen, as the producers nor Logan have never made a statement to date indicating that QUANTUM is finished.

    Wow! Look at that consensus! :-O And here today, a little over a year later, during the past few days, we have learned that oh my yes, SPECTRE is back indeed - with Blofeld only part of rumours at this point, not confirmed. And Quantum not mentioned officially, of course, but everything is again ripe for speculation because of Bond 24 now being officially SPECTRE. The new logo - which I think is very fine - leaves no doubt:

    Question #1: Are you happy that the title is SPECTRE? Why or why not.

    Question #2: How do you feel about SPECTRE returning in this film?

    Question #3: Do you want Blofeld in this film, or perhaps only hinted at towards the end of this one, in full glory in Bond 25? Or never again?

    I will post my own opinion later today. Cheers! :>
  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    edited December 2014 Posts: 17,989
    Question #1: Are you happy that the title is SPECTRE?
    Happy, yes. It indicates a welcome return to a familiar past, one that has been lacking in the recent reboot.
    Question #2: How do you feel about SPECTRE returning in this film?
    I am enthusiastic- an update on this could prove amazing, especially with White making an appearance to tie up Quantum loose ends. And it also might be a popular film version awakening to the real problem of actual World Domination schemes enacted by corporations today.
    Question #3: Do you want Blofeld in this film, or perhaps only hinted at towards the end of this one, in full glory in Bond 25?
    Hint/partially show now, kill later.
  • KerimKerim Istanbul Not Constantinople
    edited December 2014 Posts: 2,629
    1. Mixed feelings, but if it plays out right, I'm OK with it.
    2. If they do the Blofeld character justice, I'll be happy. Plus I suspect that Quantum merges with SPECTRE.
    3. I would like to see Christoph Waltz phase into Blofeld (give him a back story like they did with Bond and Moneypenny) move forward in future films and that Dan vs. Christoph becomes the greatest rivalry of the franchise.
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    edited December 2014 Posts: 12,501
    Back home now - and an excellent beginning to this poll and discussion!

    Thanks very much to you three Originals - @Birdleson, @chrisisall, and @Kerim - for getting us off to a cracking good start. :-bd

    I'm a little tied up for a bit (yes, metaphorically), and will post my answers to these questions later today.

    But I will say this: Birdleson and chrisisall are both thoroughly happy with the title, and I am rapidly warming to it - but going with my first genuine feelings, I will be joining Kerim in the not overjoyed but not bad at all, mixed feelings about SPECTRE as the title. I do like it more and more ... especially as it seems so in-your-face by EON and Mendes. I like the sass in just coming out with it, in a very blunt way, like that. ;)

    So ... London calling - and Austria, Mexico, Morocco, Rome and more - for Originals to have their say this on this topic: SPECTRE. By the way, cast discussion will be coming along right after this first set of questions, in about 4 or 5 days.
  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    Posts: 17,989
    I'm a little tied up for a bit (yes, metaphorically)
    Nice to know you don't need an immediate rescue; Japan's a fair distance away from most of us...
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    Posts: 12,501
    Oh don't worry about me; I've had my ninja training. ;)
    But thanks for the kind thought.

  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    Posts: 17,989
    thanks for the kind thought.
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    edited December 2014 Posts: 12,501
    Just bumping this to the new page ...
    Previous page has responses from: Birdleson, chrisisall, and Kerim. Thanks!


    With the hot news about SPECTRE being the name of Bond 24 and cast revealed, I think it is the perfect time for us to revisit this ourselves. Therefore, I am going to look at the news we have in a special light here on this thread. Originals' views will be summed up separately from others. But please do join us, nonOriginals!

    NOTE - PLEASE READ THIS: I really want to clarify. "Originals" are by definition anyone who saw a Bond film with Connery or Lazenby in its original theater run. That is SirHenry's definition. As always, per SirHenry's original wishes and also mine, everyone (of any age) is welcome to participate here in discussions, reviews, rankings, all chat - but only Originals' rankings will count for the ranking of the Originals group reviews or special polls. And the only other caveat is that this thread is not for spam, bashing, or giddy incessant off topic chat.

    And for this special topic, I am looking to poll our Originals. So their thoughts are the only ones that will count in our summary of what the Originals take on the news about Bond24 being SPECTRE. But I would greatly enjoy many other members, seasoned agents (in my mind, these are folks who grew up with Moore as Bond, but I am rather flexible) or new recruits, to join us in this discussion, too.

    After our discussion and opinions expressed this week, I will be summarizing what the Originals thoughts are concerning this Bond news.

    For this present topic, we are pondering how we feel about SPECTRE returning as an organization and the possible return of Blofeld. Yay! or Nay! I have listed at the end of this post 3 set questions. Please let us hear from you, Originals. And others, please chime in, also! Here we are now, looking at the news we now have on ...

    S P E C T R E

    I just have to start us off with this great clip somebody made. I love it! ;)
    I am giving full credit to @PropertyOfALady who I think first posted it in its own thread, and @dominicgreene for posting it on another thread also.

    AND NOW ... Let's look at what several Originals thought about the possible return of SPECTRE and/or Blofeld last year ... SirHenry's question is listed first, then his summary of what the Originals thought.
    SirHenry's November 2013 post (bolding below is mine, not SirHenry's)
    Thesis question #2 regarding QOS was all about Spectre, Quantum, and Blofeld.
    This was the summary, given by SirHenry, after participation by members:

    # 2. During the past few days, we have learned that EON Productions have settled a long standing feud with the late Kevin McClory and have obtained the rights to bring back/resurrect the Ernst Stavro Blofeld character as well as his SPECTRE organization. As it relates to the newly introduced and unfinished QUANTUM, there are three camps. Some want to see QUANTUM immediately abandoned for the bald guy and his pals, others want to first see closure of the QUANTUM story before anything else, and others feel the bald guy and his pals should forever remain as a part of the past. Where do you stand?

    The overwhelming view expressed by the originals, by a score of 10 to 1, was that Blofeld and SPECTRE should remain in the past, and that QUANTUM should either continue or be properly ended rather that simply abandoned just as it was getting started. I agree with this view.
    I don't want SPECTRE back as an organizational name and I'm getting the impression via lack of official mention that this isn't on the table. Blofeld on the other hand, I do get the feeling based on statements from writer John Logan, is in favor for a reintroduction. How this affects QUANTUM remains to be seen, as the producers nor Logan have never made a statement to date indicating that QUANTUM is finished.

    Wow! Look at that consensus! :-O And here today, a little over a year later, during the past few days, we have learned that oh my yes, SPECTRE is back indeed - with Blofeld only part of rumours at this point, not confirmed. And Quantum not mentioned officially, of course, but everything is again ripe for speculation because of Bond 24 now being officially SPECTRE. The new logo - which I think is very fine - leaves no doubt:

    Question #1: Are you happy that the title is SPECTRE? Why or why not.

    Question #2: How do you feel about SPECTRE returning in this film?

    Question #3: Do you want Blofeld in this film, or perhaps only hinted at towards the end of this one, in full glory in Bond 25? Or never again?

    I will post my own opinion later today. Cheers! :>
  • KerimKerim Istanbul Not Constantinople
    Posts: 2,629
    Oh dear, I think I may have misinterpreted that.
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    edited December 2014 Posts: 12,501
    Which part, Kerim? You want to say you are much more in favor of the title? Or do you mean character discussion, which you can mention now ... we'll just go over that more in depth later. Or what? Just let me know what you feel you may have misinterpreted; I'm not clear on that. But no worries.
  • KerimKerim Istanbul Not Constantinople
    Posts: 2,629
    Um, the tied up part. :\">
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    Posts: 12,501
    Oh. :-$ :)
  • Lancaster007Lancaster007 Shrublands Health Clinic, England
    Posts: 1,874
    Question #1: Are you happy that the title is SPECTRE? Why or why not.

    Wow! Great title, it is very Bondian, and it 'does what it says on the tin'! Short, sharp and to the point - and I love the logo - a bullet hole in glass with fractures in the shape of the SPECTRE octopus. Simple and brilliant.

    Question #2: How do you feel about SPECTRE returning in this film?

    Hopefully this SPECTRE will closer resemble the SPECTRE of the books, maybe Quantum is part of SPECTRE… or maybe Quantum is an umbrella organisation with SPECTRE just one affiliated organisation within it.

    Question #3: Do you want Blofeld in this film, or perhaps only hinted at towards the end of this one, in full glory in Bond 25? Or never again?

    Ah, Blofeld? As long as he is portrayed as Fleming wrote him and not as the caricatures that infested YOLT and DAF then it could work. To put in a Blofeld with bald head and Nehru collar, stroking a pussy would not work in the Craig films, a grittier style of both SPECTRE and Blofled are needed…but with some of the humour that worked in Skyfall. And I would like his reveal toward the end, just as Craig became Bond in CR. Actually quite looking forward to next November now.
  • DarthDimiDarthDimi Behind you!Moderator
    Posts: 24,519
    I am very happy with the title. My initial reaction, within a second, was one of joy. I needed some time to get used to SF back in the day because, well, Skyfall is the name of a Transformer. ;-) But Spectre makes perfect Bondian sense. Furthermore, it's simple, easy to pronounce, somewhat mysterious, sexy and clean. It's also the first Bond title that doesn't have at least two words glued to each other (see: gold-finger, thunder-ball, moon-raker, octo-pussy, golden-eye, sky-fall). It can be used as both an acronym and a perfectly normal word. The associations with that word can be diverse, by the way. Spectre as in 'ghost' or spectre as in the spectrum of light.

    If Spectre "returns" - for it most likely won't be old Spectre - I'll be thrilled. Given the teaser poster they put out, I have little doubt that Spectre will indeed be featured.

    I'm all for Spectre featuring in this film. Some say Spectre belongs in the 60s, some say Spectre has been hijacked by a gazillion spoofs (GALAXY in the Flint films, Dr. Evil's organisation in Austin Powers, ...). Some say Spectre isn't fitting for the modern era. Well, I disagree. Spoofs aren't an argument since then we shouldn't even have new Bond films - period. And as for the modern age... all I see in the world is the quick rise of terrorism, whether the kind that drops bombs in the Middle-East or the kind that hacks your computer. Spectre is a perfect tool to bring terrorism into the Bonds without making new 9/11 wounds. At least some degree of fantasy can remain in order not to make us feel bad while watching the film. In other words, Spectre can still be 'cool' without having us feeling guilty for secretly wanting to be part of it.

    Of course all will depend on what type of Spectre they're going to deliver. Will it be this or this? I hope the first.

    As for the inevitable Quantum question... I sincerely hope, especially with the return of White, that Quantum isn't left out of the equation. We could close the book on Quantum, making that film's ending more satisfying, and segue into a new adventure. Also, there's something pretty fascinating about one organisation working as a front for an even more exclusive and secret organisation.

    Give us the Fleming Blofeld this time and I'll applaud them for it. How? I don't know. I'd be happy if they kept Blofeld like this. Unless they re-enact one of the great table discussions from the novel TB. That would surely be impressive! But I don't think Bond needs to meet with Blofeld in person... yet.
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    Posts: 12,501
    Excellent thoughts, @Lancaster007 and @DarthDimi! Yes, the title is very Fleming, very Bondian. I also love the shattered glass logo; I think it's brilliant, so succinct and tantalizing. =D>

    I realize we have lots of big "ifs" in order for our fondest wishes for this film to be fulfilled. But I am really hopeful now that this will be a great Bond film, not just a good one. Very excited indeed.

    So, let me chime in with my own perspective and thoughts regarding these first 3 SPECTRE questions: :-B

    Question #1: Are you happy that the title is SPECTRE? Why or why not.
    Honestly, I had to warm to it. And I did warm to it quickly. But my gut reaction was ... what? For the title? I felt that just by itself it was lacking something. Excited by what it meant, but not sure it felt right as the title, and it felt too obvious. But I like it more now because it is so blunt and in your face, and as I have mentioned that carries a kind of sass; I like the attitude of it more now. I think EON faced the inevitable flood of Blofeld speculation and just said: Here ya go, take that as the title! Yeah, deal with it. We are not hiding this part: It's SPECTRE, baby! Get ready for a very exciting, ultra Bondian film.

    Question #2: How do you feel about SPECTRE returning in this film?
    I am thrilled that this great creation of Fleming's is returning now, and I want very much for it to be nothing like any parody we have seen in other films and shows. Give it a modern twist, real menace, but with the fantastical element that removes it from the true reality of terrorism we face today. I think DarthDimi had a very good point about that. By the way, does anyone remember some of those very cool, amazing buildings we have photos of in the Location, Location thread? Some of those would be perfect for the main HQ or private lair of Blofeld. Quantum already started us on the right track; just look at the great Tosco opera house scene. I loved that - meeting in the open yet evil secrets being discussed and terrible things being planned at the same time, in that lovely setting. Brilliant. I do think that Quantum will be a part of this for sure now that we know Jesper is on board. Will they do a quick wrap up of it or make it more fully integrated into SPECTRE? I don't know, and I think I do not want to know too many details. I rather hope that Quantum is a part of SPECTRE. As Bond "peels back" those layers (the film's tag) I want SPECTRE to be discovered to be already established, just further hidden than Quantum. Like finding ugly things under a rock. I am trusting them to get this right, and it does feel like the right time to have SPECTRE in this Bond's world, yes.

    Question #3: Do you want Blofeld in this film, or perhaps only hinted at towards the end of this one, in full glory in Bond 25? Or never again? For me, it really makes sense for Blofeld to be more slowly revealed and perhaps not until halfway through or even at the end of this film. I think closer to the end, for me. Then complete all out in Bond 25. I also think why would EON put all of Blofeld and SPECTRE in only one film? I think SirHenryLeeCHACHING would agree with me here, that from a box office and monetary point of view it should take at least 2 films to fully explore SPECTRE. EON fought hard for these rights; I cannot see them giving it all to us only in one film. Where is the excitement if we know who Blofeld is right off the bat? No, they can do better, I feel sure. So from the perspective of being a lifelong Bond fan - EON please do it right, at least 2 films, give us SPECTRE and a Blofeld that is truly memorable, close enough to Fleming, unique, truly evil, strong enough to be a worthy foe of Bond, and nothing like what has become parody.

    So those are my answers. Looking forward to hearing from more of you, including more Originals, over the next few days. Off to a really great start - thanks! B-)
  • Lancaster007Lancaster007 Shrublands Health Clinic, England
    Posts: 1,874
    And what if Mr White is actually Blofled?
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