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Okay, well that's something at least. Some of the other stuff looked interesting anyway, so I'll keep an eye on it.
The trailer hasn't pleased the palaeontologists. :))
on another note, Prat really looks like Nathan Drake.
And "Jurassic World" is another potential 1 Billion Dollar film ;-). Anyway, I think I will see this one as well in cinema.
Love this poster!
This is definitely a must see.
Yeah, apparently he's the only returning character from the first movies.
As much as I'd loved to see Sam Neill and Jeff Goldblum again, I think their presence in the movie would feel rather forced, so I'm glad they brought back someone to keep continuity and yet without making it contrived fan service.
Now that is a trailer AND a visit to the cinema! :-bd
I happened to really enjoy Jurassic World. Could have used stronger characters and story, but the thrills were all there, the dinosaurs looked great, and that climax with the T-Rex delighted the 7 year-old boy in me to no end.
With Jeff Goldblum and a promising director onboard and an overall darker approach, I expect only good things from JW: Fallen Kingdom.
Their was a dead shark that huge sea beast ate though if that helps? Lol!