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Brilliant stuff, @mattjoes. Good to see the lieutenant teaming up with the main man. :)
Date is subject to change. Especially since it is RockStar.
Yes, I know for better or worse, Rockstar will truly take its time. They don’t want a rushed product.
I'm right there with you! GTA IV is still my favorite game ever, whereas GTA V really didn't impress me. I moved on after I got the Platinum and scarcely ever returned to it.
GTA IV was/is a masterpiece! I started replaying it recently, so good.
Yes, I agree with you both. I'm disappointed that Rockstar never released on a modern day platform (PS4, PS5, Xbox One, etc). Niko is a better character than Michael, Trevor or Franklin.
I read they're looking to flesh out their GTA+ subscription service to make it more worthwhile for gamers, and the likes of a current-gen RDR2 upgrade or even a GTA IV port finally on the PS4/5 could be in the works.
I'm assuming that we won't be getting Project 007 next year.
I wasn't expecting a 2025 release anyway, let alone with GTA VI coming out. Then again, if they're still releasing another Mafia installment next year, anything is possible. I simply don't think Project 007 is that close to being finished is all.
'Grand Theft'? No... i think it's more of a...