No Time to Die production thread



  • Posts: 1,314
    @DarthDimi yep I would agree with a lot of that. Good reply! 👍🏻
  • mtmmtm United Kingdom
    Posts: 17,315
    Oh I think Bond is doing fine since Casino Royale. He flirts with and beds women with the best of them in Quantum of Solace, Skyfall, and Spectre. Ocean Sky Receptionist. Fields. A Turkish beauty. Moneypenny. Sévérine. Estrella. Lucia Sciarra. Madeleine.

    The PC world can dance around him, it just plays up the Bond character.

    QOS, It was only Fields. I wouldn't call the receptionist scene flirting. Olga and him were never a good match and he just wanted info from her. They had a quick peck at the end but in an old Bond film they would've had sex in the cave scene.

    Since Craig has been married he seems pretty uncomfortable being around women in scenes. No wonder they had a sex/chemistry coach for him and Ana..

    Nah, he flirts with the airline woman, perhaps more; I can’t recall.
  • Posts: 5,767
    Why do some people act as if James Bond was a role model? Where´s the fun in that?

  • WalecsWalecs On Her Majesty's Secret Service
    Posts: 3,157
    boldfinger wrote: »
    Why do some people act as if James Bond was a role model? Where´s the fun in that?

  • M_BaljeM_Balje Amsterdam, Netherlands
    edited October 2019 Posts: 4,577
    I am happy that Bond and Camile not did something, because i have liked to see Camile making a comeback and we will see. Bond only should done something with her if she take first step if he lissen to her. No Solace no Camile.
  • jake24jake24 Sitting at your desk, kissing your lover, eating supper with your familyModerator
    Posts: 10,592
    Just a reminder that this is the NTTD filming thread.
  • ResurrectionResurrection Kolkata, India
    edited October 2019 Posts: 2,541
    Since when eye candy has become a bad thing. Isn't bond an eye candy for women when he came out from his swimming trunks. What's the shame in that.

    I don't consider myself a feminist or any other groups to identify nor do I think it benefit anyone in the long run. If I have a daughter and son and I classify myself a feminist won't I be ignoring my son. How exactly is that equality when you are focusing on one gender and ignoring the other. If I want my daughter or son to have same treatment or rights I will teach them to take responsibility for their actions not hide behind feminist propaganda and use reservation as means to get the somewhere.

    About Bond being rapist or misogynist. Bond is assertive sometimes extreme but he was never a rapist. If he tries to force her after she refused to be with him then I would consider it a rape. I laugh whenever feminist try to claim bond a rapist but forget they enjoyed when a character like Christian Grey spanked a college teen in a horrific piece of literature (if you call that a literature) called Fifty shades Trilogy. It's strange majority of feminist never raised a finger when a pretty boy with lots of money tries to rape a virgin girl.
    Men and women who tends to like those novels and films are what I call borderline. They have a daddy Issues or absent or weak father during their adolescence which tends to make them go after that kind of people. Only a fool would conjure up with something like that because it opens an unbelievable possibilities of manipulation. Majority of feminist don't like bond because he isn't going to bow down to their whims and wishes. It seems to me a lot guys are agreeing with feminist just to be with them.

    Feminists blabber about male dominance in our society and equality but forget that
    -Most of the victims of alimony and child support cases which are biased towards are men.
    -Most prisoner are men
    -Most homeless are men
    -Most victims of violent crimes are men
    -Most people who commit suicide are men
    -Most people who dies in wars are men.
    85% men have been denied 50/50 custody of children when they divorce and have young children. Family courts are hugely biased towards Men. What feminist are doing is taking a tiny proportion of successful men and using it to represent the entire society to prove the male dominance. There are huge proportion of people in general affected which aren't at the higher position of authority. Most of all It's not the Dominance but competence that maintain the basic structure of our society.

    Is feminist protesting against profession where they are paid more than men take primary school teachers for example which are only 15% btw. I have been working in a female dominating profession(Being a psychology student and hopefully to gain more in that profession) and never felt marginalized within it. Feminist never go into details of these things. The devil lies in the detail you Know.
    Women today Haven't got strong but imo men got weaker. Tell me again who needs more reservation and empowerment in the current scenario.

    Not intended to go off topic but please ignore the long post and continue.
  • DenbighDenbigh UK
    Posts: 5,975
    So anyone else have any theories about who Eliot Sumner will be in the film? :)
  • Denbigh wrote: »
    So anyone else have any theories about who Eliot Sumner will be in the film? :)

    Spectre bodyguard. Confirms it on her ID badge
  • DenbighDenbigh UK
    Posts: 5,975
    kultschar wrote: »
    Denbigh wrote: »
    So anyone else have any theories about who Eliot Sumner will be in the film? :)

    Spectre bodyguard. Confirms it on her ID badge
    Oh I know but I just wondered if anyone thought her role would be slightly larger than a background henchman? :)
  • RC7RC7
    Posts: 10,512
    Denbigh wrote: »
    kultschar wrote: »
    Denbigh wrote: »
    So anyone else have any theories about who Eliot Sumner will be in the film? :)

    Spectre bodyguard. Confirms it on her ID badge
    Oh I know but I just wondered if anyone thought her role would be slightly larger than a background henchman? :)

    I doubt that. If she were, the press, in their lust for drumming up non-stories, would already be singling her out as being ‘the first non-binary Bond girl’.
  • 00Agent00Agent Any man who drinks Dom Perignon '52 can't be all bad.
    Posts: 5,186
    RC7 wrote: »
    Denbigh wrote: »
    kultschar wrote: »
    Denbigh wrote: »
    So anyone else have any theories about who Eliot Sumner will be in the film? :)

    Spectre bodyguard. Confirms it on her ID badge
    Oh I know but I just wondered if anyone thought her role would be slightly larger than a background henchman? :)

    I doubt that. If she were, the press, in their lust for drumming up non-stories, would already be singling her out as being ‘the first non-binary Bond girl’.

    Don't give them ideas.
  • edited October 2019 Posts: 12,837
    @Resurrection The barn scene in GF? She's literally trying to force him off her but he's having none of it.

    I think fans can get a little defensive about this sort of stuff personally. Bond isn't a particularly modern or nice character and some of his behaviour has been over the line. And that's fine imo. He's an anti hero. We can still root for him despite his flaws and we don't have to defend him as some heroic perfect role model who's never mistreated women or anything like that when people on the internet make a fuss. Because it's an argument we'd always lose anyway. He is sexist. He isn't PC. Some of the stuff in the books and older films is pretty uncomfortable and definitely wouldn't fly today. Instead of trying to make excuses and defend all as fine that we should just say yeah, that's true, but it's not real is it. And enjoy Bond for the ridiculously outdated guilty pleasure fantasy that it is.
    I will say this..

    I grew up on Bond films. I always thought it was fantasy on how easy it was to get girls like that and the constant flirting in the workplace.Now that I am in my mid-twenties and in a professional work environment and do go to bars, wow was I wrong.

    Women want sex just as much as guys do. They can be raunchy and flaunt themselves like the girls in the films. Now is every woman like that? Absolutely not.

    If you watch CR you'll notice it was right before the era where everyone got offended and me too'ed. Bond flirts with the ocean club girl, the tennis girls check him out, him and solange get it on and him and Vesper are establishing a relationship.

    After "CR", things changed. Notice how he doesn't flirt with every girl in sight? It seems like they have drastically toned the sex stuff down also. Women don't wear low cut tops and are covered. Watch "SF" and "SP" for example. Even "QOS".

    I think people forget that this is a fantasy series aimed towards boys and our stupid fantasies. I really hope they don't go too PC.

    It is a fantasy but it's also a fantasy set in today's world. Bond himself should be a throwback, as unPC as they get. But the world around him has always moved with the times. That should keep happening and that means that characters should call him out on how ridiculously old school he is.
    And in the end, he still always gets the job done, gets the girl, wins the respect of those who wrote him off. That's what matters imo. Too PC, for me, would be something like Bond realising what a dick he's been and resolving to change. But characters telling him he should change, women not responding to his advances at first (or at all). All that's fine. I don't see that as being too PC. That's just them moving with the times as they always have.

    Put it this way: Bond is a dinasour, and that's the way it should be. But the films aren't set in the 60s anymore. So he's bound to be challenged and questioned for that sort of behaviour.
  • Posts: 1,314

    You undermine people taking you seriously by using phrases like “feminist propaganda” and “feminsts blabber”. You are grouping together you particularly gripes under your description of feminism.

    I actually agree that courts are biased against men, and think it unfair that men aren’t entitled to the state pension st the same age as women. But that’s a different kind of inequality, though equally important. Don’t lay the blame for that at the feet of women.

    I’ve literally no idea what point you are trying to make using your facts and figures about homelessness etc to undermine aiming for equality and losing unwanted stereotypes.

  • ThunderfingerThunderfinger Das Boot Hill
    Posts: 45,489
    Matt007 wrote: »
    Matt007 wrote: »

    Both good points.
  • Posts: 1,314
    Matt007 wrote: »
    Matt007 wrote: »

    Both good points.

    Ha ha I can’t work out how to delete comments

    Anyway. NTTD filming ......
  • jake24jake24 Sitting at your desk, kissing your lover, eating supper with your familyModerator
    edited October 2019 Posts: 10,592
    Once more, there are existing threads in which this conversation can take place. This is the NTTD Filming Thread. Any more comments relating to those above will be removed. Thanks.
  • RC7RC7
    edited October 2019 Posts: 10,512
    @Resurrection The barn scene in GF? She's literally trying to force him off her but he's having none of it.

    I think fans can get a little defensive about this sort of stuff personally. Bond isn't a particularly modern or nice character and some of his behaviour has been over the line. And that's fine imo. He's an anti hero. We can still root for him despite his flaws and we don't have to defend him as some heroic perfect role model who's never mistreated women or anything like that when people on the internet make a fuss. Because it's an argument we'd always lose anyway. He is sexist. He isn't PC. Some of the stuff in the books and older films is pretty uncomfortable and definitely wouldn't fly today. Instead of trying to make excuses and defend all as fine that we should just say yeah, that's true, but it's not real is it. And enjoy Bond for the ridiculously outdated guilty pleasure fantasy that it is.
    I will say this..

    I grew up on Bond films. I always thought it was fantasy on how easy it was to get girls like that and the constant flirting in the workplace.Now that I am in my mid-twenties and in a professional work environment and do go to bars, wow was I wrong.

    Women want sex just as much as guys do. They can be raunchy and flaunt themselves like the girls in the films. Now is every woman like that? Absolutely not.

    If you watch CR you'll notice it was right before the era where everyone got offended and me too'ed. Bond flirts with the ocean club girl, the tennis girls check him out, him and solange get it on and him and Vesper are establishing a relationship.

    After "CR", things changed. Notice how he doesn't flirt with every girl in sight? It seems like they have drastically toned the sex stuff down also. Women don't wear low cut tops and are covered. Watch "SF" and "SP" for example. Even "QOS".

    I think people forget that this is a fantasy series aimed towards boys and our stupid fantasies. I really hope they don't go too PC.

    It is a fantasy but it's also a fantasy set in today's world. Bond himself should be a throwback, as unPC as they get. But the world around him has always moved with the times. That should keep happening and that means that characters should call him out on how ridiculously old school he is.
    And in the end, he still always gets the job done, gets the girl, wins the respect of those who wrote him off. That's what matters imo. Too PC, for me, would be something like Bond realising what a dick he's been and resolving to change. But characters telling him he should change, women not responding to his advances at first (or at all). All that's fine. I don't see that as being too PC. That's just them moving with the times as they always have.

    Put it this way: Bond is a dinasour, and that's the way it should be. But the films aren't set in the 60s anymore. So he's bound to be challenged and questioned for that sort of behaviour.

    I agree with most of that, but there’s no reason they can’t toss in a few easy shags. Women are just as up for it as men. Unless they’re feminists. Joke.
  • edited October 2019 Posts: 12,837
    RC7 wrote: »
    @Resurrection The barn scene in GF? She's literally trying to force him off her but he's having none of it.

    I think fans can get a little defensive about this sort of stuff personally. Bond isn't a particularly modern or nice character and some of his behaviour has been over the line. And that's fine imo. He's an anti hero. We can still root for him despite his flaws and we don't have to defend him as some heroic perfect role model who's never mistreated women or anything like that when people on the internet make a fuss. Because it's an argument we'd always lose anyway. He is sexist. He isn't PC. Some of the stuff in the books and older films is pretty uncomfortable and definitely wouldn't fly today. Instead of trying to make excuses and defend all as fine that we should just say yeah, that's true, but it's not real is it. And enjoy Bond for the ridiculously outdated guilty pleasure fantasy that it is.
    I will say this..

    I grew up on Bond films. I always thought it was fantasy on how easy it was to get girls like that and the constant flirting in the workplace.Now that I am in my mid-twenties and in a professional work environment and do go to bars, wow was I wrong.

    Women want sex just as much as guys do. They can be raunchy and flaunt themselves like the girls in the films. Now is every woman like that? Absolutely not.

    If you watch CR you'll notice it was right before the era where everyone got offended and me too'ed. Bond flirts with the ocean club girl, the tennis girls check him out, him and solange get it on and him and Vesper are establishing a relationship.

    After "CR", things changed. Notice how he doesn't flirt with every girl in sight? It seems like they have drastically toned the sex stuff down also. Women don't wear low cut tops and are covered. Watch "SF" and "SP" for example. Even "QOS".

    I think people forget that this is a fantasy series aimed towards boys and our stupid fantasies. I really hope they don't go too PC.

    It is a fantasy but it's also a fantasy set in today's world. Bond himself should be a throwback, as unPC as they get. But the world around him has always moved with the times. That should keep happening and that means that characters should call him out on how ridiculously old school he is.
    And in the end, he still always gets the job done, gets the girl, wins the respect of those who wrote him off. That's what matters imo. Too PC, for me, would be something like Bond realising what a dick he's been and resolving to change. But characters telling him he should change, women not responding to his advances at first (or at all). All that's fine. I don't see that as being too PC. That's just them moving with the times as they always have.

    Put it this way: Bond is a dinasour, and that's the way it should be. But the films aren't set in the 60s anymore. So he's bound to be challenged and questioned for that sort of behaviour.

    I agree with most of that, but there’s no reason they can’t toss in a few easy shags. Women are just as up for it as men. Unless they’re feminists. Joke.

    Oh I know. He should always get at least one shag per film even if he doesn't get the girl in the end. But I don't see it as an issue that not every female character instantly (edit, or eventually, plenty of times in the older films where they didn't want him at first but of course cave by the end) falls for him anymore. It's not so much being PC as it is making the films a bit more true to life imo.
  • RC7RC7
    Posts: 10,512
    RC7 wrote: »
    @Resurrection The barn scene in GF? She's literally trying to force him off her but he's having none of it.

    I think fans can get a little defensive about this sort of stuff personally. Bond isn't a particularly modern or nice character and some of his behaviour has been over the line. And that's fine imo. He's an anti hero. We can still root for him despite his flaws and we don't have to defend him as some heroic perfect role model who's never mistreated women or anything like that when people on the internet make a fuss. Because it's an argument we'd always lose anyway. He is sexist. He isn't PC. Some of the stuff in the books and older films is pretty uncomfortable and definitely wouldn't fly today. Instead of trying to make excuses and defend all as fine that we should just say yeah, that's true, but it's not real is it. And enjoy Bond for the ridiculously outdated guilty pleasure fantasy that it is.
    I will say this..

    I grew up on Bond films. I always thought it was fantasy on how easy it was to get girls like that and the constant flirting in the workplace.Now that I am in my mid-twenties and in a professional work environment and do go to bars, wow was I wrong.

    Women want sex just as much as guys do. They can be raunchy and flaunt themselves like the girls in the films. Now is every woman like that? Absolutely not.

    If you watch CR you'll notice it was right before the era where everyone got offended and me too'ed. Bond flirts with the ocean club girl, the tennis girls check him out, him and solange get it on and him and Vesper are establishing a relationship.

    After "CR", things changed. Notice how he doesn't flirt with every girl in sight? It seems like they have drastically toned the sex stuff down also. Women don't wear low cut tops and are covered. Watch "SF" and "SP" for example. Even "QOS".

    I think people forget that this is a fantasy series aimed towards boys and our stupid fantasies. I really hope they don't go too PC.

    It is a fantasy but it's also a fantasy set in today's world. Bond himself should be a throwback, as unPC as they get. But the world around him has always moved with the times. That should keep happening and that means that characters should call him out on how ridiculously old school he is.
    And in the end, he still always gets the job done, gets the girl, wins the respect of those who wrote him off. That's what matters imo. Too PC, for me, would be something like Bond realising what a dick he's been and resolving to change. But characters telling him he should change, women not responding to his advances at first (or at all). All that's fine. I don't see that as being too PC. That's just them moving with the times as they always have.

    Put it this way: Bond is a dinasour, and that's the way it should be. But the films aren't set in the 60s anymore. So he's bound to be challenged and questioned for that sort of behaviour.

    I agree with most of that, but there’s no reason they can’t toss in a few easy shags. Women are just as up for it as men. Unless they’re feminists. Joke.

    Oh I know. He should always get at least one shag per film even if he doesn't get the girl in the end. But I don't see it as an issue that not every female character instantly falls for him anymore. It's not so much being PC as it is making the films a bit more true to life imo.

    I agree, it’s certainly not PC.
  • jake24jake24 Sitting at your desk, kissing your lover, eating supper with your familyModerator
    Posts: 10,592
    We done now?
  • DarthDimiDarthDimi Behind you!Moderator
    Posts: 24,529
    How long does it usually take for a Bond film to go through post-production?
  • RC7RC7
    Posts: 10,512
    jake24 wrote: »
    We done now?

  • Posts: 1,680
    DarthDimi wrote: »
    How long does it usually take for a Bond film to go through post-production?

    3-4 months
  • mtmmtm United Kingdom
    Posts: 17,315
    boldfinger wrote: »
    Why do some people act as if James Bond was a role model? Where´s the fun in that?

    Yeah; no one ever buys the same clothes, watches or cars that he does! :D
  • jake24jake24 Sitting at your desk, kissing your lover, eating supper with your familyModerator
    Posts: 10,592
    DarthDimi wrote: »
    How long does it usually take for a Bond film to go through post-production?
    Depends on individual production schedules. SP completed PP in 3 months, but a lot was done beforehand to ensure it was possible. SF took around 5 months I believe.
  • DarthDimiDarthDimi Behind you!Moderator
    Posts: 24,529
    Interesting. They still have a few weeks then to wrap up filming.
  • ResurrectionResurrection Kolkata, India
    Posts: 2,541
    @thelivingroyale I don't agree with any of that at all but can't respond to that as mods will remove the comments. If you want to have a conversation in detail then pm me.

    @Matt007 Propaganda and Blabber are bad words for you, all right. You are either ignoring and nitpicking my words or you are confused about what I wrote above. In any case if you want to have a detail discussion on it pm me.
    Posts: 1,003
    Since filming finishes within the next two weeks, can the mods change the title to “No Time To Die Spoiler Thread”?

    It will make things much easier. This thread was intended to discuss set photos. Everything is finishing up at Pinewood currently.

    At this point it’s more of a speculation thread involving known spoilers. I really don’t see us getting more pictures unless they are officially released or leaked.

  • Posts: 12,560
    Hope we get something new and official soon?
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