Dynamite's Bond comics and graphic novels



  • Posts: 698
    My Dynamite-Bond wishlist-
    - Felix Leiter vol. 2
    - Andy Diggle vol. 3
    - Ibrahim Moustafa full series
    - Warren Ellis vol.3/Benjamin Percy vol.2
    Not in any specific order, I would like for at least one of these things to come true even if it isn't likely. I just really miss Dynamite's earlier Bond work.
  • MaxCasinoMaxCasino United States
    Posts: 4,855
    2Wint2Kidd wrote: »
    My Dynamite-Bond wishlist-
    - Felix Leiter vol. 2
    - Andy Diggle vol. 3
    - Ibrahim Moustafa full series
    - Warren Ellis vol.3/Benjamin Percy vol.2
    Not in any specific order, I would like for at least one of these things to come true even if it isn't likely. I just really miss Dynamite's earlier Bond work.

    I would like a Moonraker adaptation as well. Otherwise, I agree with you!
  • 00Agent00Agent Any man who drinks Dom Perignon '52 can't be all bad.
    Posts: 5,186
    Gerard wrote: »
    Diamond Comics has updated their solicitation pages, and... Bad news, I'm afraid, no Bond comics planned for june. And according to what I've read, no Bond comics for july either :


    How convenient for Dynamite, now they can blame their usual month-long delays on the pandemic :D
  • Posts: 698
    MaxCasino wrote: »
    2Wint2Kidd wrote: »
    My Dynamite-Bond wishlist-
    - Felix Leiter vol. 2
    - Andy Diggle vol. 3
    - Ibrahim Moustafa full series
    - Warren Ellis vol.3/Benjamin Percy vol.2
    Not in any specific order, I would like for at least one of these things to come true even if it isn't likely. I just really miss Dynamite's earlier Bond work.

    I would like a Moonraker adaptation as well. Otherwise, I agree with you!
    Oh yes of course! Can't believe I missed that.
  • 00Agent00Agent Any man who drinks Dom Perignon '52 can't be all bad.
    Posts: 5,186

    He's solid. I like what i'm seeing so far.
  • I agree that issue #004 of the Dynamite floppy Bond comic was the best individual issue of any we've seen so far -- but I credit the writers, Vita Ayala & Danny Lore, for much of the improvement. The major problem with the Bond title so far has been the need to get all the elements of a proper Bond story into a 20 page snippet of what will eventually be a 120+ page collection. Then one needs to have an original take on the property -- but not overly original, or you come up with something on the order of "The Body." This is not an easy project to write, folks -- and Ayala & Lore are doing a very good job with it. I hope we'll eventually get to see the completion of this storyline, as comics distribution is about to come to a screeching halt in reaction to COVID-19.
  • 00Heaven00Heaven Home
    Posts: 576
    If you are looking to own some of the Bond comics digitally then Humble Bundle have a collection up right now.

    Here is the link:

  • PropertyOfALadyPropertyOfALady Colders Federation CEO
    edited March 2020 Posts: 3,675
    Beat to it by @00Heaven.
  • Posts: 698
    Just re-read Felix Leiter. What a great story! Would really like a sequel to it, which I'm not sure we're ever going to get. I find Alena a very interesting character and would like to see more of her. I think this might be in my top 5 of Dynamite's Bond work.
  • Posts: 128
    Random topic of discussion: If the Oddjob/Goldfinger storyline were adapted as a movie, what would you title it?
  • MaxCasinoMaxCasino United States
    Posts: 4,855
    coco1997 wrote: »
    Random topic of discussion: If the Oddjob/Goldfinger storyline were adapted as a movie, what would you title it?

    Lethal Weapon, just kidding. Oddjob. That's what I can the whole story, as it's both a unique job, and named after a character.
  • 00Agent00Agent Any man who drinks Dom Perignon '52 can't be all bad.
    edited April 2020 Posts: 5,186
    coco1997 wrote: »
    Random topic of discussion: If the Oddjob/Goldfinger storyline were adapted as a movie, what would you title it?

    John Lee as Ian Fleming's Oddjob in "The Man with the Bowler Hat" (even though he's not even wearing that outside of the first issue if i remember correctly).
  • According to BleedingCool.com, Diamond Comics Distributors is currently making plans to resume distribution of new comics product to retail stores sometime in May. https://bleedingcool.com/comics/diamond-comics-plan-return-distribution-may/ No promises...but if you're concerned about upcoming releases of Dynamite's Bond titles, this could be good news.
  • Posts: 872
    All Kindle version of the next Bond comics got delayed to June: shameful!
  • 00Agent00Agent Any man who drinks Dom Perignon '52 can't be all bad.
    Posts: 5,186
  • All Kindle version of the next Bond comics got delayed to June: shameful!

    Ummmm... you may have heard something about a quarantine & a pandemic. People dying, stuff like that? And as a consequence, comics distribution has been taking a bit of a hiatus? Well believe it or not, many comics publishers have also instructed their writers & artists to take a little time off while the whole shelter-in-place thing gets sorted out. Which means no new comics to publish, or for that matter put on Kindle, for a little while. Are you just trying (unsuccessfully) to be funny & people like me really ought to lighten up? Because if not, let me assure you: there are plenty more shameful things going on in this world right now than whether or not Dynamite puts a new James Bond comic on Kindle soon enough for your liking.
  • edited April 2020 Posts: 872
    Do you believe that comics artist go to an office in a Dynamite building each morning to work? No they work at home. So what the "quarantine & a pandemic" change to it? They still can work as usual (and that's probably what they do).

    I can understand why they not publish physical comics : cause people can't go to store to buy it or thay want limit the movement/contact between people ; but we are talking of digital versions : no human contact at all.

    Beside, let's recall that Reflection of death was due tu february and was not here at time before the quarantine things etc... (you can think that after the dozen of delay that CR, LALD had back in old days, they had learn the lesson, but no).

    (Beside yeah there is people that dying (still way less than 0,01% of the word population, much to say an insignifiant grain of dust), and even if it's bad for people who know them, let not forget that one of the big problem of the planet is overcrowding, that lead to overconsumption (that lead to overpolution), problem of unemployment, retirement to pay, traffic jam with polluant vehicules. So the world shouldn't stop turning for this and the world economy shouldn't be cripple for 30 years. (Saving) Life is not the ultimate goal/valor, it's live happy. Let's face it, yes it's not ethic at all : but quarantine/lockdown made major damage to the world and impact more people, more than the death that are very very very few on the scale the number of total inhabitans of the Earth).

  • @moneyofpropre2: I am well aware of the conditions in which comics artists work. I know it better than you do; I have worked in the comics business professionally. Please believe me when I tell you: most (if not all) comics publishers have instructed their creators to just stop working on their assigned projects until the distribution chain is back up & running. It's a matter of simple economics. Most of Dynamite's income is from comics that are sold in stores. If the material is available online before it can be sold in the stores, not only does Dynamite lose money on that particular item, but it will probably lose money on stuff coming out after the quarantine is lifted because the retailers will be upset at Dynamite for making the earlier item(s) available online while the stores were out of commission. Again, please take my word for this because comics distribution WAS my main stock in trade a few decades back: retailers take this sort of thing very seriously. Dynamite would be slitting their own throats to make their books available online before the stores have a chance to sell them.

    Regarding their (lack of) timely releases prior to the quarantine: you're absolutely right. Dynamite has a very poor track record in this regard. Or to put it a little more kindly: Dynamite seems to be very, very optimistic when announcing their release dates. So what do I advise in this regard? Be aware of their track record and plan accordingly. If their initial solicitation states that they intend to release a title in April, expect it in September and if it shows up in August you can be pleasantly surprised.

    Finally, regarding your concluding paragraph on the entire topic of the virus & its' associated impact... um, I suspect you have no loved ones infected with or dying from this scourge. Yet. Congratulations to you, I hope your luck continues. But when you state, "(Saving) Life is not the ultimate goal/valor, it's live happy," I can only conclude that you've lived a pretty sheltered life so far. Experience is the best teacher I suppose...
  • Posts: 872
    Sorry for yesterday, and thanks for your explaination. Yeah I think for the future that I will add some months in my head.

    (Yeah, it's possible that I change my mind if loved ones was infected, but well it would be heart who will talk, not my brain. I need to stay logic, lockdown even if it's save lives, delay the collective immunity that is neccecary to get rid of corona and create a too much economy trouble that gonna last decades, with lot of of commerce closure, unemployement and povrety (and somes people will also dies from it). Live is good, but who want to live in bad conditions? I don't think the ruining the world economy is a good trade to save a little number of lifes, there is no good choice, but I think this on is the less bad). But I gess we go off topic.
  • Posts: 128
    Maybe I missed this but is it true REFLECTIONS OF DEATH has been postponed? The release date on Amazon now lists November 2020.
  • coco1997 wrote: »
    Maybe I missed this but is it true REFLECTIONS OF DEATH has been postponed? The release date on Amazon now lists November 2020.

    Please check the last half-dozen or so posts. Much of what was said then & there still applies, especially the stuff regarding Dynamite's track record for timely releases.
  • Posts: 1,165
    It makes sense to delay it until the movie comes out. My concern is that a Nov 2020 release would negate any need for a Moonraker adaptation this year.
  • Posts: 698
    TR007 wrote: »
    It makes sense to delay it until the movie comes out. My concern is that a Nov 2020 release would negate any need for a Moonraker adaptation this year.

    Dynamite would need a new series if they want to cash in on NTTD. By November the current series should be done, and Dynamite will want something to accompany Reflections of Death as the world goes crazy for Bond once again. So I wouldn't rule out a MR adaptation.
  • Posts: 128
    coco1997 wrote: »
    Maybe I missed this but is it true REFLECTIONS OF DEATH has been postponed? The release date on Amazon now lists November 2020.

    Please check the last half-dozen or so posts. Much of what was said then & there still applies, especially the stuff regarding Dynamite's track record for timely releases.

    Yeah...I went through the last few pages and saw no mention whatsoever of a new release date of November for REFLECTIONS.
  • coco1997 wrote: »
    coco1997 wrote: »
    Maybe I missed this but is it true REFLECTIONS OF DEATH has been postponed? The release date on Amazon now lists November 2020.

    Please check the last half-dozen or so posts. Much of what was said then & there still applies, especially the stuff regarding Dynamite's track record for timely releases.

    Yeah...I went through the last few pages and saw no mention whatsoever of a new release date of November for REFLECTIONS.

    No, but there was lots about release dates for Dynamite's Bond series in general. What was said there applies here. In general, the points being made are: (A) the pandemic you may have heard about is delaying the release of ALL comics, as comics stores have been pretty much closed for the last 2 months, and (B) Dynamite has been routinely late with their Bond releases anyway, so adjust your expectations accordingly.
  • edited May 2020 Posts: 128
    coco1997 wrote: »
    coco1997 wrote: »
    Maybe I missed this but is it true REFLECTIONS OF DEATH has been postponed? The release date on Amazon now lists November 2020.

    Please check the last half-dozen or so posts. Much of what was said then & there still applies, especially the stuff regarding Dynamite's track record for timely releases.

    Yeah...I went through the last few pages and saw no mention whatsoever of a new release date of November for REFLECTIONS.

    No, but there was lots about release dates for Dynamite's Bond series in general. What was said there applies here. In general, the points being made are: (A) the pandemic you may have heard about is delaying the release of ALL comics, as comics stores have been pretty much closed for the last 2 months, and (B) Dynamite has been routinely late with their Bond releases anyway, so adjust your expectations accordingly.

    Yes, and because it wasn't mentioned previously in this thread, I was sharing news that its new release date is November. Saying "It's delayed" is not the same information as "It's delayed until November."
  • Posts: 2,950
    I just acquired all three issues of Mike Grell's Permission to Die and will try reading them next week. I also have a couple of interviews Grell gave about the comic. I might post them if they're interesting enough--and if I like the comic.
  • Wow, there's a comic I haven't thought of in several decades! At the time, I thought the long delay between the release of #2 and #3 really took the wind out of that book's sails -- er, sales! I'd certainly be interested in hearing Grell's remarks on the title. Somehow, I suspect he was a bit unhappy working with Eclipse after his many years' experience at DC...
  • mtmmtm United Kingdom
    Posts: 17,328
    I recently bought the Humble Bundle collection, what would folks say is generally seen as the best of these Bond comics?
  • mtm wrote: »
    I recently bought the Humble Bundle collection, what would folks say is generally seen as the best of these Bond comics?

    Dunno, what's in it?
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