Project 007 - IO Interactive - The New James Bond Video Game



  • RyanRyan Canada
    Posts: 692
    I probably said this already, but I think if you combined the action/adventure and gunplay of Hitman: Absolution with the sandbox environments and stealth mechanics of the recent games you'd have the perfect Bond game. Add some driving in too, of course.
  • ImpertinentGoonImpertinentGoon Everybody needs a hobby.
    Posts: 1,364
    So what is everyone thinking on the amount of fighting they want to see in the game?

    Should a Bond game be primarily focused on open fights/gun-battles or would you rather see stealth combat or are you not that interested in combat at all and would prefer mostly story and f.e. some types of puzzle/deduction elements?
  • edited December 2020 Posts: 9,915
    I would love a stealth based game as strange as it sounds... personally I want choice if you want to go in guns blazing so be it or if you want to do the stealth approach that is fine too

    In a perfect world I have said multiple times that picture this being the second level (first as 007) you have to infiltrate a meeting at the top floor of a casino and you can do it 4 different ways

    1. Guns a blazing
    2. Stealth: sneaking up through the back
    3. You use your card playing skills to get enough money to spend on bribing a guard
    4. You seduce the hot bar tender to get up to the meeting

    That would be the perfect game for me each level allowing you to choose between action stealth or the 007 way
  • QBranchQBranch Always have an escape plan. Mine is watching James Bond films.
    Posts: 14,905
    A bit of shooting, driving, stealth and other spycraft, like using tech to survey, gathering information from people and contacts; trading (you do a lot of the latter two in JB007 for Gameboy).

    I want to do everything Bond does. I want to get chauffeured to the airport, receive my boarding pass at the check-in desk and drink martinis on the plane between locations. Naturally, you'd have the option to press a button to skip the flight scene and move straight to the next mission.

    I'd like to have M give you a dossier, which you can examine all the documents/photos on your menu screen, and add to the dossier as you go along. Rather than receive a long list of objectives, you have to use your brain a bit more to piece everything together. In the films, M would only give Bond one or two mission objectives, and he would choose how he goes about completing the entire mission.

    To make the game more difficult, you would only have access to your dossier when you're either at MI6, your flat in London, or the hotel you stay at. Everywhere else you go, you have to rely on your memory of what's in the dossier.
  • edited December 2020 Posts: 872
    QBranch wrote: »
    A bit of shooting, driving, stealth and other spycraft, like using tech to survey, gathering information from people and contacts; trading (you do a lot of the latter two in JB007 for Gameboy).

    I'd like to have M give you a dossier, which you can examine all the documents/photos on your menu screen, and add to the dossier as you go along. Rather than receive a long list of objectives, you have to use your brain a bit more to piece everything together. In the films, M would only give Bond one or two mission objectives, and he would choose how he goes about completing the entire mission.

    To make the game more difficult, you would only have access to your dossier when you're either at MI6, your flat in London, or the hotel you stay at. Everywhere else you go, you have to rely on your memory of what's in the dossier.

    That's what I want too, multiple missions with almost between each one you go to MI6 building where you receive your mission from M, can consult the MI6 archives/dossiers about element you may encounter in missions (information about people, compagnies, report from police or other agency, photo, video of an interrogation of a suspect). You can also go to the shooting range of the Q-lab to practice and choose your default handgun (players should have the possibility to choose between at least between a PPK, a P99, and a Beretta (the last one since a origin story).

    I would like that you could explore more in MI6 with a bonus/hidden mission inside the QG where you have to lead investigate inside the mi6 (discuss, pirating mail, place micro) to discover which colleague of your is a mole. You could discover new clue each time you go back to the HQ, it will be like a "red string" during all the game. You would have to find who is the mole (select the good suspect) at the end of the game (which may unlock a bonus mission in a locolation which is not the MI6 HQ where you have to arrest/kill the mole who try to escape ; or you could interrogate the mole after have arrested him and he tell you something that unlock a new mission where you need to use what he said for arrest/kill his boss). Maybe this mole can even blow your cover in a mission of the game by informing the ennemy of you real identity (it would be more personal for the player to discover who is it when he return to the HQ).

  • RyanRyan Canada
    Posts: 692
    In Blood Money you could walk around 47's hideout and see various collectibles you had obtained throughout the missions, so something to that effect but in the MI6 building would indeed be very cool as a central hub you can return to.
  • ImpertinentGoonImpertinentGoon Everybody needs a hobby.
    Posts: 1,364
    Yea, I'm really into the idea of having a easter-egg laden MI6-HQ (heh) as a base of operations. And I like the idea of having varying levels of information accessible depending on your chosen level of difficulty and the way you want to play the game. My impression from Hitman so far has been that IOI are quite good at building things into the game to allow players to regulate their own difficulty. I'm not saying I want it done this exact way in P007, but in Hitman, just finishing the levels isn't the hardest thing in the world, but getting the highest possible mission ranking (basically, nobody sees you, you only kill your intended targets, nobody finds the bodies and you do all of that while dressed in a business suit) requires you to really get to know the intricate ins and outs of the level. And there are loads of options in between.
    Just from writing that, I realized that a major part of Hitman that I don't really want in P007 is the disguise mechanic. Apart from trying Suit-Only runs, Agent 47 will usually don loads of different disguises, often times as serving staff or security. While 007 has used a disguise now and again and I definitely want the option of dressing in different ways (including a clown suit) I don't think I would want that as a major mechanic. Impersonating people, usually some well-off gambler, sure. But not really servers or maintanence staff.

    As for combat: I can never decide on what I want, so having the option of different approaches sounds great and you would of course want some variety in the level design, I feel like "You can approach combat any way you want" has been a tag line for every second game in the last 15 years and usually, the balance is way off. Either it's way to easy to just shoot everything or way to punishing to try to engage in combat.
  • RyanRyan Canada
    Posts: 692
    I think the disguise mechanic could be reworked into an "impersonation mechanic" as you put it. Less of an emphasis, but still there in some respect. Perhaps it could even be as simple as Bond changing from covert ops to a tux if he sneaks into a casino. The disguise could be placed somewhere around the stealth entry points, just like Hitman will sometimes have disguises laying around in bathrooms, lockers, etc... Something to that effect could probably work. I don't think I'd want Bond dressed as Helmet Kruger by any means!
  • ImpertinentGoonImpertinentGoon Everybody needs a hobby.
    Posts: 1,364
    Ryan wrote: »
    I think the disguise mechanic could be reworked into an "impersonation mechanic" as you put it. Less of an emphasis, but still there in some respect. Perhaps it could even be as simple as Bond changing from covert ops to a tux if he sneaks into a casino. The disguise could be placed somewhere around the stealth entry points, just like Hitman will sometimes have disguises laying around in bathrooms, lockers, etc... Something to that effect could probably work. I don't think I'd want Bond dressed as Helmet Kruger by any means!

    Mmh, working something around the switch between tactical gear and more social/formal clothes could be fun. The old dinner jacket under the frogman suit.
  • Posts: 9,915
    Ryan wrote: »
    I think the disguise mechanic could be reworked into an "impersonation mechanic" as you put it. Less of an emphasis, but still there in some respect. Perhaps it could even be as simple as Bond changing from covert ops to a tux if he sneaks into a casino. The disguise could be placed somewhere around the stealth entry points, just like Hitman will sometimes have disguises laying around in bathrooms, lockers, etc... Something to that effect could probably work. I don't think I'd want Bond dressed as Helmet Kruger by any means!

    Mmh, working something around the switch between tactical gear and more social/formal clothes could be fun. The old dinner jacket under the frogman suit.

    similar to From Russia with love the video game whwere you could choose Bond's outfit
  • jake24jake24 Sitting at your desk, kissing your lover, eating supper with your familyModerator
    Posts: 10,592
    If the game is third person and features shooter, stealth, and driving segments as well as a proper cinematic story - you will not hear any complaints from me. They have the opportunity to build an entirely new Bond universe separate from the films which means the casting of Bond, M and the regulars is crucial.
  • Posts: 9,915
    jake24 wrote: »
    If the game is third person and features shooter, stealth, and driving segments as well as a proper cinematic story - you will not hear any complaints from me. They have the opportunity to build an entirely new Bond universe separate from the films which means the casting of Bond, M and the regulars is crucial.

    agreed i think this might beat goldeneye for the best bond game ever... I am hoping its gritty and dark
  • DeerAtTheGatesDeerAtTheGates Belgium
    Posts: 524
    jake24 wrote: »
    If the game is third person and features shooter, stealth, and driving segments as well as a proper cinematic story - you will not hear any complaints from me. They have the opportunity to build an entirely new Bond universe separate from the films which means the casting of Bond, M and the regulars is crucial.

    I'm still curious what part of Bond's life we'll see. If it is truly an origin story, then all we might see of the regular cast is a cameo from M at the final level. It fully depends when Bond gets his 00 licence - if that's what the whole game is about, they might keep that for the final level, and all the people we meet are Bond's former bosses, colleagues and foes specifically designed for the game. If they go by the Craig backstory, Bond won't have an Aston Martin, won't have the catchphrases...
    As I said before, I don't think they'll completely strip it back so the game is practically 'Bond in name only', but at the same time I don't expect to get all the iconic elements in the game, at least not from the start.
  • DenbighDenbigh UK
    edited December 2020 Posts: 5,975
    Although this idea of earning his 00 status doesn't have to necessarily mean the origin of his most infamous elements, although I personally agree and think they might go with what you say and have him earn his 00 status by the end, in my eyes, turning the concept of his "first two kills" into a full-scale James Bond adventure with narrative and shootouts, stealth, and driving.

    I'd prefer this as opposed to a sequenced approach like the current Hitman games, where each mission is something different entirely, even though they do have a narrative thread. I like my James Bond video games to feel like one big movie. I love the way Hitman approaches it, but that's because it's Hitman. We don't need that same structure with Project 007.
  • jake24jake24 Sitting at your desk, kissing your lover, eating supper with your familyModerator
    Posts: 10,592
    jake24 wrote: »
    If the game is third person and features shooter, stealth, and driving segments as well as a proper cinematic story - you will not hear any complaints from me. They have the opportunity to build an entirely new Bond universe separate from the films which means the casting of Bond, M and the regulars is crucial.

    I'm still curious what part of Bond's life we'll see. If it is truly an origin story, then all we might see of the regular cast is a cameo from M at the final level. It fully depends when Bond gets his 00 licence - if that's what the whole game is about, they might keep that for the final level, and all the people we meet are Bond's former bosses, colleagues and foes specifically designed for the game. If they go by the Craig backstory, Bond won't have an Aston Martin, won't have the catchphrases...
    As I said before, I don't think they'll completely strip it back so the game is practically 'Bond in name only', but at the same time I don't expect to get all the iconic elements in the game, at least not from the start.
    Good point. Guess we’ll see.
  • Posts: 9,915
    jake24 wrote: »
    If the game is third person and features shooter, stealth, and driving segments as well as a proper cinematic story - you will not hear any complaints from me. They have the opportunity to build an entirely new Bond universe separate from the films which means the casting of Bond, M and the regulars is crucial.

    I'm still curious what part of Bond's life we'll see. If it is truly an origin story, then all we might see of the regular cast is a cameo from M at the final level. It fully depends when Bond gets his 00 licence - if that's what the whole game is about, they might keep that for the final level, and all the people we meet are Bond's former bosses, colleagues and foes specifically designed for the game. If they go by the Craig backstory, Bond won't have an Aston Martin, won't have the catchphrases...
    As I said before, I don't think they'll completely strip it back so the game is practically 'Bond in name only', but at the same time I don't expect to get all the iconic elements in the game, at least not from the start.

    i think the first two kills will be the first level
  • StarkStark France
    edited December 2020 Posts: 177
    Very interesting post of "Happy_Squirrel" on a Hitman forum, I share it here :

    "I wanted to compile some of the most interesting info from the Project 007 job adverts in one place, especially because they could be removed at any moment as people are hired.

    What you will do :

    - Define, plan, establish, track and run milestones and goals for specific missions in line with the project’s overall milestone and release schedule.
    - You are proactive, can independently come up with initiatives, decisions, and an extra push for the mission teams, without needing close guidance by the EP or senior producers.
    - Control and report progress on the project mission you are responsible for.

    These references to “missions” with different “mission teams” seems to have echos of the way Hitman levels are designed, each with their own team. I don’t want to read too much into this, but it seems to signal - as we expect - that Project 007 won’t just be a standard, linear cover-based shooter (or perhaps I’m wrong and “missions” means something else entirely).

    Lead Cinematic Animator
    What you will do :

    - Focus on character performance, and cinematics that reflect the personality of the character, and show their motivation, emotions, and fully immerse the player into the game narrative.
    - You will make sure that the animations can play well in a level and connect with the rest of the gameplay experience, making the transition between cinematic and gameplay moments feel seamless.
    - Create cutscenes and performances, emphasizing weight, timing & silhouette to create visually stunning cinematics for in-game integration.
    - Work closely with directors, producers, artists, designers and programmers to set a standard of excellence for animation that will define the future of IOI’s titles.

    Intriguing to see talk of “seamless transitions” between gameplay and in-game cinematics to “immerse” the player in the game narrative. I think this illustrates how Project 007 will definitely be more story focused and cinematic in style than Hitman.

    However, also interesting to read the comment about a “standard of excellence” which will “define the future of IOI’s titles”. It will be interesting to see the impact of Project 007 on future Hitman games.

    Senior Concept Artist
    If you are interested in visual storytelling, visual drama, lighting, timeless style and aesthetics, we should have a conversation about unleashing your creativity into the iconic James Bond universe.

    You will be constantly striving for the highest possible standards of style and looks that are suitable for the James Bond universe.

    Some early indications of the style they will be striving for in Project 007. I think we can expect to see them play into the established iconography of the Bond series, rather than trying to create an original style. This is good. They should appeal to Bond fans with the aesthetics, but introduce better mechanics to create more interesting gameplay than Bond games of the recent past (i.e. bad Call of Duty clones).

    AI Programmer
    You will be part of the team implementing our very own cutting-edge AI tech. Few AAA companies rely on their own AI technology, but at IO interactive we have created a brand-new AI framework ready to be implemented across multiple projects.
    - You will take part in the design and implementation of our new AI system
    - You will develop additional features and bug-fixes for AI running in our current AI system

    They mention both the “current AI system” and “our new AI system”. So I assume this means they are going to build upon the AI tech used for HITMAN, but also make changes and develop something new.
    We would love it if you had :

    - Experience working with 3rd person action games.

    Not exactly surprising, but just further supports the idea that Project 007 will be 3rd person.

    Gameplay Animator
    What you will do :

    - Working efficiently and effectively within technical setup of animations in our proprietary engine Glacier 2

    There are various references to Glacier 2 across these job adverts. I’m assuming they are currently planning to stick with Glacier 2 for the development of Project 007.


    I’ve seen repeated use of terms like “fun” and “enjoyable” across these adverts in relation to the gameplay experience they want to create. Perhaps I’m reading too much into this, but it seems like stating the obvious to say that a video game should be fun. So maybe this signals a desire to make Project 007 more accessible to mainstream players than Hitman. More of a cinematic action-adventure game rather than a sandbox puzzle game. To be clear, I would fully agree with going in that direction for a Bond game."
  • Denbigh wrote: »
    Although this idea of earning his 00 status doesn't have to necessarily mean the origin of his most infamous elements, although I personally agree and think they might go with what you say and have him earn his 00 status by the end, in my eyes, turning the concept of his "first two kills" into a full-scale James Bond adventure with narrative and shootouts, stealth, and driving.
    I think developers would be more inclined to follow the story structure of the cancelled Bond reboot from the 80s written by Maibaum and Wilson: Bond is offered to join the Double O section and immediately leaves on a mission, without having received his number yet, with a seasoned agent who dies in the field, forcing Bond to complete his mission alone and finally officially becomes 007 when returning to London at the end. We can imagine some adjustments taking inspiration from Horowitz's Forever and a Day with Bond investigates the killing of the previous 007 and resumes his final mission, while the seasoned agent could be close to the character of Sixtine. At the end, the story could still be an origin tale, while still remaining a more or less classic mission.
  • JamesBondKenyaJamesBondKenya Danny Boyle laughs to himself
    Posts: 2,730
    I wonder if it will be rated M or Teen. Hitman games are all M, but all the previous Activision Bond games were Teen I think.
  • edited December 2020 Posts: 9,915
    3rd person is a nice change of pace after 2 first person games (goldeneye and 007 legeneds)
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,111
    I'm very happy to see that cutscenes and cinematics will play a big part of the game. That's refreshing news after the lackluster, corner-cutting ones they instituted in Hitman 2.
  • Posts: 9,915
    Creasy47 wrote: »
    I'm very happy to see that cutscenes and cinematics will play a big part of the game. That's refreshing news after the lackluster, corner-cutting ones they instituted in Hitman 2.

    well the cinematics in the last few bond games weren't the best either
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,111
    Risico007 wrote: »
    Creasy47 wrote: »
    I'm very happy to see that cutscenes and cinematics will play a big part of the game. That's refreshing news after the lackluster, corner-cutting ones they instituted in Hitman 2.

    well the cinematics in the last few bond games weren't the best either

    I haven't played them in ages so I can't recall them exactly but I'm sure they were better than those freeze-frame painting-type images they'd use with ham-fisted voiceovers in Hitman 2. One of many weaker aspects from the sequel compared to its predecessor that left me feeling cold.
  • RyanRyan Canada
    Posts: 692
    Creasy47 wrote: »
    I'm very happy to see that cutscenes and cinematics will play a big part of the game. That's refreshing news after the lackluster, corner-cutting ones they instituted in Hitman 2.

    I believe they had outsourced the cinematics in the first game but due to the budgeting constraints around the management buyout they took the shortcut route for the second. Hitman 3's are being rendered within the engine but at least they will be full motion again!
  • ImpertinentGoonImpertinentGoon Everybody needs a hobby.
    Posts: 1,364
    Stark wrote: »
    Very interesting post of "Happy_Squirrel" on a Hitman forum, I share it here :

    "I wanted to compile some of the most interesting info from the Project 007 job adverts in one place, especially because they could be removed at any moment as people are hired.

    What you will do :

    - Define, plan, establish, track and run milestones and goals for specific missions in line with the project’s overall milestone and release schedule.
    - You are proactive, can independently come up with initiatives, decisions, and an extra push for the mission teams, without needing close guidance by the EP or senior producers.
    - Control and report progress on the project mission you are responsible for.

    These references to “missions” with different “mission teams” seems to have echos of the way Hitman levels are designed, each with their own team. I don’t want to read too much into this, but it seems to signal - as we expect - that Project 007 won’t just be a standard, linear cover-based shooter (or perhaps I’m wrong and “missions” means something else entirely).

    Lead Cinematic Animator
    What you will do :

    - Focus on character performance, and cinematics that reflect the personality of the character, and show their motivation, emotions, and fully immerse the player into the game narrative.
    - You will make sure that the animations can play well in a level and connect with the rest of the gameplay experience, making the transition between cinematic and gameplay moments feel seamless.
    - Create cutscenes and performances, emphasizing weight, timing & silhouette to create visually stunning cinematics for in-game integration.
    - Work closely with directors, producers, artists, designers and programmers to set a standard of excellence for animation that will define the future of IOI’s titles.

    Intriguing to see talk of “seamless transitions” between gameplay and in-game cinematics to “immerse” the player in the game narrative. I think this illustrates how Project 007 will definitely be more story focused and cinematic in style than Hitman.

    However, also interesting to read the comment about a “standard of excellence” which will “define the future of IOI’s titles”. It will be interesting to see the impact of Project 007 on future Hitman games.

    Senior Concept Artist
    If you are interested in visual storytelling, visual drama, lighting, timeless style and aesthetics, we should have a conversation about unleashing your creativity into the iconic James Bond universe.

    You will be constantly striving for the highest possible standards of style and looks that are suitable for the James Bond universe.

    Some early indications of the style they will be striving for in Project 007. I think we can expect to see them play into the established iconography of the Bond series, rather than trying to create an original style. This is good. They should appeal to Bond fans with the aesthetics, but introduce better mechanics to create more interesting gameplay than Bond games of the recent past (i.e. bad Call of Duty clones).

    AI Programmer
    You will be part of the team implementing our very own cutting-edge AI tech. Few AAA companies rely on their own AI technology, but at IO interactive we have created a brand-new AI framework ready to be implemented across multiple projects.
    - You will take part in the design and implementation of our new AI system
    - You will develop additional features and bug-fixes for AI running in our current AI system

    They mention both the “current AI system” and “our new AI system”. So I assume this means they are going to build upon the AI tech used for HITMAN, but also make changes and develop something new.
    We would love it if you had :

    - Experience working with 3rd person action games.

    Not exactly surprising, but just further supports the idea that Project 007 will be 3rd person.

    Gameplay Animator
    What you will do :

    - Working efficiently and effectively within technical setup of animations in our proprietary engine Glacier 2

    There are various references to Glacier 2 across these job adverts. I’m assuming they are currently planning to stick with Glacier 2 for the development of Project 007.


    I’ve seen repeated use of terms like “fun” and “enjoyable” across these adverts in relation to the gameplay experience they want to create. Perhaps I’m reading too much into this, but it seems like stating the obvious to say that a video game should be fun. So maybe this signals a desire to make Project 007 more accessible to mainstream players than Hitman. More of a cinematic action-adventure game rather than a sandbox puzzle game. To be clear, I would fully agree with going in that direction for a Bond game."

    Interesting, @Stark thank you for posting that.

    I'm happy they want the game to be cinematic and for cut scenes to integrate well.
    I'm also satisfied that my prediction seems to be coming true that IOI sees this as the first chapter of the future and not just Hitman 4: Bond.
    No mention of vehicles though 🤔
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,111
    Ryan wrote: »
    Creasy47 wrote: »
    I'm very happy to see that cutscenes and cinematics will play a big part of the game. That's refreshing news after the lackluster, corner-cutting ones they instituted in Hitman 2.

    I believe they had outsourced the cinematics in the first game but due to the budgeting constraints around the management buyout they took the shortcut route for the second. Hitman 3's are being rendered within the engine but at least they will be full motion again!

    Haven't followed along too closely on the development of Hitman 3 but that's great to hear.
  • Posts: 9,915 new article on the game nothing new just an opinion peice its getting a tonm of traction this might beat Goldeneye if done right
  • NickTwentyTwoNickTwentyTwo Vancouver, BC, Canada
    Posts: 7,606
    Risico007 wrote: » new article on the game nothing new just an opinion peice its getting a tonm of traction this might beat Goldeneye if done right

    I’d sort of feel like it should beat GoldenEye. It was a great game for its time, but I think one of the reasons that it’s continually loved is because everything after it has been junk, for the most part. GoldenEye was a great game but it’s a low bar.
  • Posts: 9,915
    Risico007 wrote: » new article on the game nothing new just an opinion peice its getting a tonm of traction this might beat Goldeneye if done right

    I’d sort of feel like it should beat GoldenEye. It was a great game for its time, but I think one of the reasons that it’s continually loved is because everything after it has been junk, for the most part. GoldenEye was a great game but it’s a low bar.

    its not even in my top 5 bond games heck I prefer the world is not enough on n64 to Goldeneye sorry.
  • edited December 2020 Posts: 872
    BTW, wonder why they decided (and announced) that the game will be a origin story telling how Bond had his 007 before even had a Lead Game Designer, Producer and a Gameplay Director (since they search them)! I mean who decided that it will be a origin story since the peoples who should normaly decid it are not even already recruited? It's like doing thing in backward...
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