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James Bond News • James Bond Articles • James Bond Magazine
Havent seen that poster before for it, excellent from a brilliant thriller!
TX Chainsaw ita 4sh (sgd Hansen/Hooper) 1975
B Lee FoF leb 1sh , vhtf (1st issue ?) 1973 ?
Lee BB ita 2sh (rejected style , FoF already released as "Chinese fury" so BB was renamed to "Chinese fury strikes again" instead) , super rare 1973
Lee WoD ger #A 1sh , htf 1975
R80 Lee WoD ita 4sh (3rd or later issue , same art as 1st) , vhtf
Loren Houseboat spa 1sh , htf 1960
Loren "The millers beautiful wife" turk 1sh , 50s
Monroe R60s SYI ita 1sh (2nd issue)
Batman egypt 1sh , htf 1989
TSWLM fre door panel (signed Munro)
Jaws czech/pol 1shs (sgd Dreyfuss) , 1976/78
Rocky pol 1sh (sgd Weathers , sadly usps tore it :( ) , 1978
Bandits from Shangtung HK 1sh , vhtf (real factory folded) , 1972
Chinese Boxer 2sh , vhtf (it turned 50 last yr) , 1973
King Boxer 2sh , vhtf (the fist was not as red on the re issue)
Chan WoM thai 1sh , vhtf 1984
Golden Harvest info :
-white GH logo 1971-73
-wheat straw GH logo 1973-78
-G logo 1979-well into 90s
Loren "Lucky to be woman" fre 2sh (has some was literary coming apart prior to backing) 1956
Loren GIS ita 4sh , htf 1967
Chinese Hercules ita 2sh , vhtf (italian title : "3 strikes is enough") 1975
Chinese Boxer ita 4sh , vhtf ( looks like Pat Johnson - the ref in Karate Kid , lol) 1973
He-Man fre 2sh (signed Dolph , Foster , Tolkan....met all cept Tolkan) 1987
Batman '66 US 3sh , incomplete (signed West/Ward/Meriwether , sadly the fakes were sloppy painted over , shouldve used airbrush or something , sigh)
Strike a blow for freedom aka Kid in pier aka Chinese Hercules aka Gozakko.....weird
Gozakko sounds like a wrestler , ha ha
(Green Hornet poster is Japan , not Chinese)
Ive got Rigg Avengers ger 1sh , this movie seems to have disappeared , only poster/lobbys to proof it was ever shown in cinema , France also released such a movie but prolly different episodes edit together.....West claims Batman Londinium trilogy released overseas , never seen such a poster , terrible trilogy imo
Again, some really nice Bruce Lee posters, @Gerard! The American one is hard not to notice, just because how colourful and different it is. My favourite of these is perhaps the Chinese one though.
I watched The Parallax View only a couple of months ago, @Fire_and_Ice_Returns. It's a great film. There are several great poster for that movie (the one above included!)
The Criterion Collection Blu-ray cover artwork for the film is also great!
Cover art by Adam Maida
No surprise posters can be that expensive! Wouldn't know if I could justify paying $150 for a poster, though. It would have to be something really special, that's for sure!
Italian :
Also italian :
And french :
Those Japanese posters are so different in style from the ones in, say, the US and the UK. I find they look quite modern even today. They're very cool.
The first French poster of Fist of Fury looks cheaper than the others, but it also hints at the future trend of more photo-like illustrations in posters.
Love it.
I may get a print of the poster I do like the imagery, the falling man reminds me of a great Brosnan moment from the TWINE title sequence when it shows Bond falling from hot air ballon and tumbling down the Millennium Dome then falls in silhouette.
I especially like the Criterion poster, the blacked out area around the eyes looking like a blind fold and the American bullet going straight through the head to the brain. Great imagery.
American (?) poster :
German poster :
And french :
These 3 beauties hang proudly at home and if money and space were no object, a couple more would have adorned my walls.
Goldfinger by Todd Slater (Mondo)
Taxi Driver by Martin Ansin (Mondo)
Citizen Kane wood variant by Martin Ansin (Mad Duck Posters)
Same here. The cityscape on that poster made me think of this one:
Besides, these are not an investment but rather works of art that I enjoy looking at every day.
Really love the Chinese and the French poster! Interesting choice to have a text masking effect of his name, using imagery from the film.
Wouldn't mind owning a few Mondo poster myself, @R1s1ngs0n! These are really great; the Taxi Driver one in particular is just incredible.
Here are a few Mondo posters I really like:
There's another variant of the same poster as well, but I prefer the red monochrome one above.
All right : his name was Jean Mascii (1926-2003), and he was (very) active from the fifties to the eighties. Amon his works, here's one for a little spy movie you might have heard about :
Thanks for the update, @Gerard! I've just browsed through some posters by Jean Mascii on, and it looks like he made posters for a lot of well-known titles throughout his career. Here are a few posters from the same site:
This one seems vaguely familiar, but googling the film, I don't think I've seen it before. Maybe there's another horror film that has used similar imagery. Anyway, it's a cool poster!
Haven t seen it myself, but clever posters make me curious about the film as well. Mission accomplished.
I first watched this mere days from watching The Devil Rides Out. One of my parents friends had a large collection of Hammer Horror/Horror films on VHS back in the 80's.
The best part of this poster is the reflection on the table.