NO TIME TO DIE (2021) - Members' Reviews and Discussions (SPOILERS)



  • Univex wrote: »
    mtm wrote: »
    ‘Disastrous’ because James Bond dies. This invincible, indomitable character actually dies. There is no coming back from that.

    I bet there is :)
    They came back from Bond ice surfing and fighting Iron Man. They can come back from this.

    By Bond 26 and with the new Bond presentation, nobody will remember Bond dying as that big of a deal. Can't, for the life of me, understand the confusion many people seem to have with it. And it deters from criticising the truly criticisable points of the film, IMO, which aren't many, but they sure are "big".

    Whilst I accept one has frequently to suspend disbelief during the Bond films, I can't agree with you that Bond's death in NTTD is not "that big a deal". And to suggest that "By Bond 26 [...] nobody will remember Bond dying", rides roughshod over the one event NO Bond fan can ever forget, namely the death of 007's wife Tracy in OHMSS. I honestly believe that the writers and producers of NTTD have written themselves into a corner from which, going forward with the series, prequels are the only solution.

    I meant to add in my last posting that I side with those voicing huge disappointment with Billie Eilish's NTTD theme tune. It would have been better as a purely orchestral number, since the young chanteuse's indecipherable words rendered them irrelevant.
  • edited October 2021 Posts: 36
    Here's my take on the film after seeing it twice now. Major spoilers so beware.
    "I want to tell you a story of a man. His name was Bond, James Bond."


    This is my perspective of the film but want to mention that no one's perspective is wrong and the nature of the film may not be for everyone's taste. We all bring expectations or other baggage to a Bond movie that maybe hard to overcome or perhaps the film doesn't deliver on what we perceive to be a good film

    My first theater experience was with CASINO ROYALE with my twin brother and I can remember feeling the same challenging feelings when it came to the newness of certain elements. We discovered Bond on various holiday marathons on US television and brought certain expectations that were challenged with certain aspects of CASIN ROYALE but with time it became a new normal for the Craig Bond films. Despite this we came out of it loving that film. We ended up seeing No Time to Die at the same theater as CASINO ROYALE so things came full circle. My life has dramatically changed since then. Getting married, getting in more of a career, losing a parent, and becoming a father. We sat there at the end of No Time to Die and knew we just experienced something special...


    From the opening gunbarrel, which I love the concept of, we know straight way that this is going to something different. A thriller opening that hooks you in and never let's you go. Once things switch from the flash back something really different occurs. The film seems to look more inward compared to just keeping things on the surface. Bond and Madeline feel like a real couple here trying to get to know each other better and bringing their "armor" down to really commit to each other to a level of trust that would lead to a lasting relationship. Side note I really feel that this one really captures Matera to great effect. This really hardens back to the earlier films where you feel like your in the location with all its beauty and culture which is quite astonishing as the film doesn't stay in this location very long. The opening sets the tone straight away. A villian who is almost like a ghost who's presence is always felt in the background haunting Madeleine ever since coming in the form of a masked invader. We get some levity in the form of the romantic interplay then emotional honesty followed by dramatic intensity. While long I wouldn't change a thing, and have a feeling this might be a new favorite opening for the reasons mentioned above.


    Who is he really? What makes him tick? These I believe are the main questions Daniel Craig's enterpretation of the character sets to answer. We get an impulsive young version in CASINO ROYALE who is a survivor then has the opportunity to regain his humanity via Vesper but as soon as he gets this glimmer it's gone....yes he learned his lesson. Don't trust anyone, don't let anyone in. Shut of all emotions. In QUANTUM OF SOLACE we get a Bond that close to the one we know but like any human it takes time if ever to let go of past trauma. By the end I now feel he was ready to move on past it but this trauma is still there in the back of his psquie. SKYFALL gives us a Bond who needs to confront emotional and physical trauma to fully reserct himself. To rebuild himself to become the best version of himself. Conversely in SPECTRE Bond feels more confident and comfortable in his skin than ever but by the end he sees hope that he could once again find normalcy in the form of Madeleine Swann. In NO TIME TO DIE we find him in a struggle to let go of the past in order to fulfill this glimmer of hope to love again and trust someone else like never before. Of course things don't go to the way he thinks they will and he starts to lose this struggle. He is in a different place than we've seen him before, no longer a 00 and retired for most of the beggining. He no longer needs to keep things close to the vest anymore and slowly he opens up more. You don't need to be emotionally shut off if surviving doesn't require it anymore. Feeling more and more human as the film progresses. Even when presented in a situation where he has to take care of a child it seems just as awkward as any bachelor who all of sudden suspects he may be a father now. Your priorities in life immediately change. As one myself I can relate to this on a deeper level that I don't think I would ever see in a Bond film. Should he have a child? I believe it's appropriate as an orphan I can seem him wanting to finally have a family that he could never of had before. Likewise if he were to ride off in the sunset he would more than likely have kids. Like mentioned elsewhere Bond in ON HER MAJESTY'S SECRET SERVICE mentions kids when planning his and Tracy's future. Daniel Craig delivers his best performance as Bond here. He goes from being witty, bad ass, emotional, and very human so well in this one. It really shows off his range. His realization that he can't have his dream of this new family is so similar to when Vesper dies as we see fear, regret, and sadness just by his facial reactions just brilliant!


    Much like Bond she keeps her trauma and emotions to herself. This is clear in SPECTRE and NO TIME TO DIE serves at peeling her layers back. As she says she has lost everyone she has ever loved which naturally leads to being more emotionally shut off. In this film we see her confront her inner demons and past trauma. We see more of her human/emotional side and her character really is fleshed out here. I feel like I know her way better now and feel for her loss in this but her love for Bond will continue on via her daughter.


    From the Ken Adam inspired production design to the John Barry like score this film feels the closest to the films of the 60's albeit with Daniel Craig's more human edge. There were moments that brought me back to discovering the older Bonds way back when. Once we see Safins lair we hear what seems to be a monorail, hear what seems to be a intercom, and it being fully operational. I could never imagine this ever happening in a Bond film in this era so I'm ever so grateful that they were able to bring back elements that I love from the past.


    I believe this where the Fleming influences are at it's strongest. I truly believe Bond would live like this once he enters full retirement mode. Sailing on his boat, driving through the city, fishing, or just enjoying the relaxing views. Much like Matera you really feel like you're there and get a good grasp on the culture. I love his secret drawer where he keeps his weapon amongst other things.


    I really enjoy the commradery between Bond and Felix here. It furthers the relationship that was established in CASINO ROYALE and QUANTUM OF SOLACE. We feel as though they really have each other's back however even Felix can't convince Bond to go against MI6 to work for them. Leiter's demise makes sense to me as he and Bond are put in a untenable situation where he knows Bond's only chance is to let him go. This sort of foreshadows Bond's eventual fate. His loss ripples through the rest of the film including a very Bond like death of the double agent Ash.


    One of my favorite noir films, Rififi, ends with the tough guy rescuing his friends kidnapped son from gangster villians. Of course he dies just as he gets to the friends house. Some noirs the anti hero is put in complex situations that our hero more times or not doesn't get what he wants or doesn't survive. I've read that French Noir may have been an influence here and really is reflected in how it ends. CASINO ROYALE has hints to noir during the black and white opening to the car chase/torture scene to the backstabbing Vesper who eventually dies. Our hero becomes stronger but doesn't get what he truly wanted. In many ways noir seems to have a great influence in these films which is totally different from what we've seen before but works very well at giving us a more Fleming inspired tone.


    It's been mentioned how M in this one is more combative than he's been in the last film and this might be out of character. Is it though? I'm not that sure. Bond even calls him Mallory a few times which maybe shows a return of mistrust with him due to Bond's point of view on who is to blame for the nano bot virus. I believe M is willing to do anything to protect his agents and protect his country so developing a weapon that would reduce the threat against his agents in a world where villans are harder and harder to find makes total sense. Of course once it goes to shit he becomes protective of it and wants to find a way to fix it on his own. Any of us would act the same if we made what we thought was good judgment but down the line ended up potentially hurt others. We would like to fix it on our own terms. M doesn't want hurt his country and doesn't want to confront this decision that could do very that. Of course he eventually comes to his senses and takes responsibility like most of us would. Q is really well developed here. We see more of his personal life as well as his technological skills. We of course get classical moments like him equipping Bond in the field ala Thunderball. The interplay between him and Bond in the finally is such an old school way of doing the final mission. Monneypenny/Tanner get enough screentime for what's required here. Newcomer Nomi has all the wit and bad assery you would come to expect for someone who is his replacement. The back and forth with Bond is a highlight for me. She is young impressionable but she learns some things from Bond that she probably never thought she would This is Bond's family. He has very specific relationships with each of them and while he may not be on good terms with them all the time they eventually understand each other like most families do. The drink scene is a perfectly understated scene that shows their sorrows toward Bond's memory and M's poetic passage is very true to who Bond is. This time Bond's presence will be forever remembered even with those who may have been challenged by his presence.


    "00's have a short life expectancy."

    Obviously this is probably the most devisve element of the film but feel this is a fitting end for this Bond's story. As Daniel Craig's Bond's were never pre-planned I do believe his death is foreshadowed as early as CASINO ROYALE but even this film foreshadows this. Blofeld even says when her secret finds it's way out it would be the death of you. Bond gets a glimmer of a normal life in the past and he does so at the beggining of this film as well as other parts of it. Presented with the complex situation of being poisoned and to the threat hurting those who loved he knows it just not going to work. He has become a doomsday weapon for his world and knows he must sacrifice his own dreams so that his family can live on.. This is such a tragic story point but his life has been full of them. Would he ever be at peace when a new threat would present itself to the world? I seriously doubt it. Bond accepts his fate then something amazing happens. In the brief moment before the missiles land we see Bond in a glimmer of peace.....better to have a glimmer than non at all. He knows Madeleine and his daughter will be safe now and that he will live on in spirit to those who love him the most. It's kinda of poetic to have his first and last films to end with the famous line albeit uttered by different people.

    This film fulfills all the promise that CASINO ROYALE set up and glad EON allowed Danel Craig to go out with a bang vs. a whimper!
  • They came back from Bond ice surfing and fighting Iron Man. They can come back from this.

  • Posts: 1,913
    Only Craig's version of Bond died. His version is certainly not Connery's Bond, Dalton's Bond, Lazenby's Bond, Moore's Bond or Brosnan's Bond. None of these Bond's inhabit the same universe. Impossible. After OHMSS, in which Blofeld does not recognize Bond, I knew back then that the character of Bond defined the term Multiverse.
  • Posts: 36
    Univex wrote: »
    mtm wrote: »
    ‘Disastrous’ because James Bond dies. This invincible, indomitable character actually dies. There is no coming back from that.

    I bet there is :)
    They came back from Bond ice surfing and fighting Iron Man. They can come back from this.

    By Bond 26 and with the new Bond presentation, nobody will remember Bond dying as that big of a deal. Can't, for the life of me, understand the confusion many people seem to have with it. And it deters from criticising the truly criticisable points of the film, IMO, which aren't many, but they sure are "big".

    Yes isn't Craig's Bond different from the rest so him dying shouldn't matter in the grand scheme of things. The can reboot a new actor and distance itself from the Craig era. I do believe people would forget ie the general public who doesn't watch these films as much as we do.
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    edited October 2021 Posts: 12,501
    @JoeBond I really appreciate your thoughts on NTTD. So very well laid out, and I happen to agree with you. I love this film. It is appropriate for Craig's Bond (and only his Bond). The craftmanship throughout is stellar from all departments. What a splendid, memorable Bond movie. Understandably divisive, but I value this one a lot. The next Bond era will be different, but I am glad to have Craig's era giving us such a complete story, with his final film superbly acted by all and brilliantly directed & filmed.

    I appreciate the spoiler tag you used. I'd like to suggest editing and adding one more sentence at the top of your post saying that major spoilers are inside. The thread's title only says "possible spoilers." Thanks if you can add that. And thank you very much for such a thorough, thoughtful, excellent review. I concur with all your points. B-)
  • Posts: 36
    @JoeBond I really appreciate your thoughts on NTTD. So very well laid out, and I happen to agree with you. I love this film. It is appropriate for Craig's Bond (and only his Bond). The craftmanship throughout is stellar from all departments. What a splendid, memorable Bond movie. Understandably divisive, but I value this one a lot. The next Bond era will be different, but I am glad to have Craig's era giving us such a complete story, with his final film superbly acted by all and brilliantly directed & filmed.

    I appreciate the spoiler tag you used. I'd like to suggest editing and adding one more sentence at the top of your post saying that major spoilers are inside. The thread's title only says "possible spoilers." Thanks if you can add that. And thank you very much for such a thorough, thoughtful, excellent review. I concur with all your points. B-)

    Added that warning. Yes this one is going to very memorable for me!
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    Posts: 12,501
    Thanks. :)
  • ShardlakeShardlake Leeds, West Yorkshire, England
    Posts: 4,043
    My third and final time at the cinema yesterday and the experience wasn't diluted one bit.

    This film is a real experience, you feel it, a real roller coaster of emotions throughout. Cary really delivered here, after the last lacklustre effort I witnessed nearly 6 years ago.

    I must admit I was thinking I'd have to keep my enthusiasm in check and not get so excited. Although from the moment it was decided that rather run away from the train wreck of the last film.

    Instead they'd actually build off what that film established but rather than be lazy in making it link all the previous 3 films up to it. No Time To Die actually managed to bring it all together and cap off the whole era, emotionally, poignantly and most of important entertainingly.

    After being utterly underwhelmed with Sam Mendes second shot at helming a Bond film, the utter night and day of his first attempt, I loved Skyfall unlike some but this one is contending for the top spot in the Craig era for me.

    Absolutely blown away, it has some issues but after some of the crimes of the previous film it's minuscule in comparison, this film you feel the threat, the danger and Daniel is possibly the best he's ever been, such a performance of many emotions, the man is a powerhouse.

    I can only put it down to Cary's direction and the power of the script but Lea this time totally sold their relationship and it felt real, well it did to me, considering my distaste of SPECTRE.

    I'm glad they didn't try and course correct Blofeld, I did think at the time it was revealed that Waltz was returning that he'd have more of a chance to sell a more formidable version. Though in context of the petulant child reading that Waltz gave in SPECTRE, it seemed to fit better, even down to the fact he used that bloody "cuckoo" line again.

    Though that line about "her secret finding it's way out" proves that Ernst wasn't wrong.

    It would have felt jarring to see a totally different version of Blofeld.

    They'll have a chance to get Blofeld right next time hopefully and he'll be introduced properly.

    Also while on this subject, no I didn't see a different Daniel Craig, I saw an evolution of that character that arrived in 2006. Craig for me has been pretty consistent throughout, SPECTRE was the one where I though maybe a different actor had turned up but this was the bruised and battered Bond from Casino Royale, just older, wiser with more swagger, like I said an evolution.

    We'll all see what we will see and if others see an uneven performance that doesn't match with previous ones, what can I do about that.

    No Time To Die if there is a negative, it is I wish they could have got SPECTRE right so these all came together without a dud but then again if that film had been a satisfying one, Daniel would likely not have returned, so I'm glad he got the chance to give us this, his swansong.

    If any other Bond deserved the musical cues from OHMSS and having WHATTITW on the credits it is his Bond, the only other one that can claim to have gone down the same journey that George did in that film, if anything Craig went through so much more.

    Yes each time I welled up, I don't do waterworks for any old emotional manipulation, it has to have earned it. Though with the culmination of watching this man since 2006 in the role, have championed his appointment and been vindicated by his efforts, one dud is a good average in 5 films.

    The film might be proving controversial and sacrilege for some but that ending feels right and because I was invested so much in this Bond, those tears were genuine and gladly shed.

    I love the poetic, tragic symmetry of it all, Bond says the famous line to Mr White at the end of CR and then White's daughter ends the film saying it to her and Bond's daughter and also White's granddaughter, brilliant just brilliant.

    Thank you Daniel you were the man and so much more.
  • DCisaredDCisared Liverpool
    Posts: 1,329
    Birdleson wrote: »
    JamesCraig wrote: »
    Birdleson wrote: »
    Second viewing, I feel pretty much the same. A Lotta good stuff, my favorite part is in Cuba with Paloma, that is excellent. But I still feel it is too long. In fact even more so. This time I went to an earlier show I wasn’t as tired, and I still felt bored in some protracted scenes, and I was still fighting to keep my eyes open at times. I wouldn’t take out any specific scene, but most of them could have been significantly pared down. My friend who went with me this time, who has been to every US opening night of every Bond film since DN, had no idea the death was coming. I’m thinking it really soured the whole film for him, like I thought it would for me. It didn’t because I knew it was coming and had over a week to get my head around it. I won’t to say he was emotionally devastated, but he was angry and irritated and sad that they went that direction. We both agreed that if it had been any of the other six guys we would have been much more upset. I’m not itching to see this one again anytime soon, though I like it much more than SP, which I saw eight times in the theater. I actually think it’s going to stay in the middle of my rankings, it’s just seems to fit there already.

    Really respect your reviews. I remember your initial review of SP, which stood pretty well - not liking it from the start. Can’t believe you saw it 8 times though. I thought it was great initially, but came to realize it was dud-ish.

    Like SP, I thought NTTD was amazing on initial viewing last night. Hope it doesn’t drop in everyone’s esteem like SP did.

    I think that SP was seen as quite mediocre by most from the first viewing. I don't hate it as much as some of us here do, but it's just so bland.

    Go back and look. It was universally praised, except for me and one other.

    Can't believe the twaddle I wrote. Enjoyed it more than Skyfall!? :)) Amazing what a first viewing can do to cloud judgement! Incidentally I've already come around to loving the ending of NTTD after hating it first time.
  • 9IW9IW
    Posts: 59
    Birdleson wrote: »
    What a horrible experience the modern drive-in theatre is. Never again. I’d hardly even call this a third viewing.
    We went to the drive-in Friday night for our first viewing. Nice brand new drive-in. Tasty $33 worth of snacks. Good parking spot. Sound was clear and crisp. Here we go. Made it to Jamaica, cranked the car and drove off. Couldnt see the dark scenes, couldnt read the captions…Mrs 9IW hanging her head out of the window and saying “well, its a little better without the windshield” decided it.

    We go home and she, who is not a huge fan, knew I was disappointed. Brings over her phone and has bought tickets for the 10 pm showing at the closest theater. We and six other patrons thoroughly enjoyed it. Got home at 1:30.

    We started dating as children and think Apocalypse Now is the last film we saw at the drive-in. It will remain the last movie we have watched to completion at the drive in.
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    Posts: 12,501
    Shardlake wrote: »
    My third and final time at the cinema yesterday and the experience wasn't diluted one bit.

    This film is a real experience, you feel it, a real roller coaster of emotions throughout. Cary really delivered here, after the last lacklustre effort I witnessed nearly 6 years ago.

    I must admit I was thinking I'd have to keep my enthusiasm in check and not get so excited. Although from the moment it was decided that rather run away from the train wreck of the last film.

    Instead they'd actually build off what that film established but rather than be lazy in making it link all the previous 3 films up to it. No Time To Die actually managed to bring it all together and cap off the whole era, emotionally, poignantly and most of important entertainingly.

    After being utterly underwhelmed with Sam Mendes second shot at helming a Bond film, the utter night and day of his first attempt, I loved Skyfall unlike some but this one is contending for the top spot in the Craig era for me.

    Absolutely blown away, it has some issues but after some of the crimes of the previous film it's minuscule in comparison, this film you feel the threat, the danger and Daniel is possibly the best he's ever been, such a performance of many emotions, the man is a powerhouse.

    I can only put it down to Cary's direction and the power of the script but Lea this time totally sold their relationship and it felt real, well it did to me, considering my distaste of SPECTRE.

    I'm glad they didn't try and course correct Blofeld, I did think at the time it was revealed that Waltz was returning that he'd have more of a chance to sell a more formidable version. Though in context of the petulant child reading that Waltz gave in SPECTRE, it seemed to fit better, even down to the fact he used that bloody "cuckoo" line again.

    Though that line about "her secret finding it's way out" proves that Ernst wasn't wrong.

    It would have felt jarring to see a totally different version of Blofeld.

    They'll have a chance to get Blofeld right next time hopefully and he'll be introduced properly.

    Also while on this subject, no I didn't see a different Daniel Craig, I saw an evolution of that character that arrived in 2006. Craig for me has been pretty consistent throughout, SPECTRE was the one where I though maybe a different actor had turned up but this was the bruised and battered Bond from Casino Royale, just older, wiser with more swagger, like I said an evolution.

    We'll all see what we will see and if others see an uneven performance that doesn't match with previous ones, what can I do about that.

    No Time To Die if there is a negative, it is I wish they could have got SPECTRE right so these all came together without a dud but then again if that film had been a satisfying one, Daniel would likely not have returned, so I'm glad he got the chance to give us this, his swansong.

    If any other Bond deserved the musical cues from OHMSS and having WHATTITW on the credits it is his Bond, the only other one that can claim to have gone down the same journey that George did in that film, if anything Craig went through so much more.

    Yes each time I welled up, I don't do waterworks for any old emotional manipulation, it has to have earned it. Though with the culmination of watching this man since 2006 in the role, have championed his appointment and been vindicated by his efforts, one dud is a good average in 5 films.

    The film might be proving controversial and sacrilege for some but that ending feels right and because I was invested so much in this Bond, those tears were genuine and gladly shed.

    I love the poetic, tragic symmetry of it all, Bond says the famous line to Mr White at the end of CR and then White's daughter ends the film saying it to her and Bond's daughter and also White's granddaughter, brilliant just brilliant.

    Thank you Daniel you were the man and so much more.

    Man, do I agree with you. Everything you wrote, actually. Thanks for your thoughts here.
  • I absolutely loved it and am still gathering thoughts and will have a review soon! Quick note I’m not hearing a lot of comments about Primo and I think he was a real highlight! Just as good if not better than Batista. Again more thoughts to come!
  • Posts: 7,507
    Nothing in the US is cool if it doesn't involve driving a car... ;) :P
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    Posts: 12,501
    Oh I liked Primo better than Batista. Primo was a good henchman.
  • mtmmtm United Kingdom
    Posts: 17,321
    I thought he was okay but it was a bit confusing as to which he worked for, and the eye didn’t really do anything.
  • edited October 2021 Posts: 627
    I'm not good with thorough movie reviews, but I thought I'd log back on here to give a few thoughts.

    I saw it twice over this weekend. I got out of my first showing and I couldn't stop thinking about it. It was a fantastic movie, but man did it feel melancholy. It was a cathartic experience and it really ended my last 15 years with something I would have never expected. I wish we got this good of an ending for Brosnan (my childhood Bond.) I'd be happy if Brosnan got half of what Craig got in SPECTRE (another good ending.)

    Matera is possibly the best PTS we've ever had. I'm a sucker for the DB5 and seeing the old girl still in action was just... wow. I loved that it got a good little update too, instead of being the same as in GF and SF.

    Felix was underused throughout these 5 films. His death was a tearjerker, but we barely know him! We haven't seen him since 2008 and now he's supposed to have this big, meaningful death after 2 minutes of use in this movie? This just makes me realize how much we needed a "normal" Craig film in 2010, with Felix. I don't think Felix had to die, but I get why he did. Bond needed to lose EVERYONE he cared about (except Madeleine and Mathilde) for him to make the sacrifice at the end.

    That's really my only complaint. Long story short, I have no further complaints. I loved this movie.

    I am so glad I abstained from any and all plot spoilers for this movie, for the first time ever for a Bond film. The ending simply had to be unforeseen until you unwound it all for the first time watching it for it to have the full impact it had. I had a feeling Bond would die from the second that he was shot in the gunbarrel. (Hence, no blood and fade to white.)

    People who complain about the ending (especially after spoiling it online for themselves) simply ruined the symbolism and impact it was supposed to have. Listening to Hans Zimmer's Final Ascent after seeing the film now gives me chills, knowing what accompanies it on screen.

    Damn what a movie. It left me speechless. The second viewing really reinforced my love for it.

    I have hard time ranking Craig's films because I like them all, almost equally, so I'll just say that this is so close to being better than Casino Royale for me.

    Thanks for reading my mindless wanderings.
  • Primo had a good amount of screen time but he never really *did* anything. Batista at least had a memorable entrance and a terrific fight scene, whereas Primo got his ass beat immediately by Bond twice and couldn’t even keep Madeline locked down. He was a jobber henchman like Vargas.
  • mtmmtm United Kingdom
    Posts: 17,321
    Primo had a good amount of screen time but he never really *did* anything. Batista at least had a memorable entrance and a terrific fight scene, whereas Primo got his ass beat immediately by Bond twice and couldn’t even keep Madeline locked down. He was a jobber henchman like Vargas.

    Plus his eye actually meant they could find Ash... or did it? Did that actually lead anywhere apart from getting Nomi nearby to give Bond a lift?

    It was quite odd that Bond beat him in pretty much the same way both times.
  • They scanned Blofeld’s eye which showed Primo meeting Ash, but I’m not sure how? Didn’t Primo have his eye in his head in that meeting, so whose eye was watching them? Or maybe I’m mistaken. And yeah the Ash thing lead nowhere except to give Bond and Madeline a head start in Norway and then allow Nomi to give him a ride.
  • zebrafishzebrafish <°)))< in Octopussy's garden in the shade
    Posts: 4,384
    I'm not good with thorough movie reviews, but I thought I'd log back on here to give a few thoughts.
    I had a feeling Bond would die from the second that he was shot in the gunbarrel. (Hence, no blood and fade to white.)

    Thanks for reading my mindless wanderings.

    Thanks for your insightful wanderings, @TopGearJB007 ! I agree with you wholeheartedly.
    That's an interesting observation regarding the gunbarrel opening. Yes, it could be that this was intentional - for once the bullet comes for Bond. Excellent find!
  • zebrafish wrote: »
    I'm not good with thorough movie reviews, but I thought I'd log back on here to give a few thoughts.
    I had a feeling Bond would die from the second that he was shot in the gunbarrel. (Hence, no blood and fade to white.)

    Thanks for reading my mindless wanderings.

    Thanks for your insightful wanderings, @TopGearJB007 ! I agree with you wholeheartedly.
    That's an interesting observation regarding the gunbarrel opening. Yes, it could be that this was intentional - for once the bullet comes for Bond. Excellent find!

    Thanks! Yes, I was initially a bit upset they messed with the gunbarrel yet again, but once I realized why I was like oh.

    But what is the Daniel Craig era without a gunbarrel sequence straight up with a twist?
  • mtmmtm United Kingdom
    edited October 2021 Posts: 17,321
    zebrafish wrote: »
    I'm not good with thorough movie reviews, but I thought I'd log back on here to give a few thoughts.
    I had a feeling Bond would die from the second that he was shot in the gunbarrel. (Hence, no blood and fade to white.)

    Thanks for reading my mindless wanderings.

    Thanks for your insightful wanderings, @TopGearJB007 ! I agree with you wholeheartedly.
    That's an interesting observation regarding the gunbarrel opening. Yes, it could be that this was intentional - for once the bullet comes for Bond. Excellent find!

    Ooh that is an interesting thought, I wonder. I did watch a dodgy YouTube version and I thought the gunshot sound effect was out of time -slightly before Bond had his gun in position- and I thought that was a YT thing, but maybe that was intentional, yeah. I hope someone asks Mr Kleinman!
    They scanned Blofeld’s eye which showed Primo meeting Ash, but I’m not sure how? Didn’t Primo have his eye in his head in that meeting, so whose eye was watching them? Or maybe I’m mistaken. And yeah the Ash thing lead nowhere except to give Bond and Madeline a head start in Norway and then allow Nomi to give him a ride.

    I guess Blofeld's eye was on the same network..? I did think it was weird that the eyeball was on a cushion when you have a guy with another bionic eye there- why not have his eye be the only bionic eye that Blofeld is seeing through? And how is he seeing? Who put the screen in his cell?
  • edited October 2021 Posts: 68
    Let me start by saying I was so pumped to see this movie that I did read some spoilers going in and knew the ending and I’m happy I did because I was able to process it beforehand and be okay with it once I actually saw it. In any Bond movie there is always some slight plot holes and strange motivations etc. (Blofeld being able to see the meetings from his cell etc) I just chalk that up to Mr White’s line from QOS….”We have people everywhere, they could be in the same room with you” or something like that. Spectre has ways of infiltrating and making things happen ESPECIALLY for their leader. So that doesn’t bother me. Also, people here have asked what Safin’s motivations were etc. It’s a Bond movie! They explain enough for me. He wants revenge on Spectre for murdering his family and disfiguring him. Once he achieves that it is explained albeit briefly that he wants to be an Invisible God to the people, they unknowingly want to be controlled and he can control who lives and dies now. He also has buyers coming that I’m sure he has okayed and approved to sell them the bioweapon (they too believe in some new world order agenda etc). Again it’s a Bond movie. TSWLM had Stromberg’s water world paradise, Moonraker had Drax’s Adam and Eve Utopia. It’s along the same lines as those. Also I’ve read a lot about the screen time of Safin. Hell he’s in it a lot more than Dr. No, Stromberg, Green (QOS), Whittaker (TLD), Blofeld in YOLT). He’s in it in the beginning in an awesome horror fashion, he’s in the middle at Madeleine’s office (again creepy) and of course at the end. So after saying all of that and rambling I will now give a condensed review:
    Gunbarrel: Had no issue except Craig walking a tad too fast (not as good as Spectre’s but I liked the foreshadowing of him incinerating into the background and I really liked going thru the gunbarrel and seeing the reflection from the snow.
    PTS- One of it not the best PTS in the series. The horror opening (really well done and creepy as Hell) my wife was clenching my hand thru it all. The Bond and Madeleine connection felt genuine and sweet. The touching moment at Vesper’s grave the explosion and chaos that followed was excellent and you could really feel Bond’s betrayal and his past demons coming back to haunt him. The scene where Primo is shooting at the DB5 and Madeleine is imploring Bond is one of the highlights of the entire series you could feel the tension like you were really there and then he says “Okay” and opens fire!! Classic and epic!!
    The Title Sequence: loved the Dr No dots in the beginning and the ladies hands on the ice and yes I loved the reference to Britannia but after that it was a real muddled mess. It looked like plaster casts of Bond was used and the falling DB5 made no sense. Too bad because I loved the song but didn’t know why they cut out the very end of the song when Eilish goes back to the line “fool me once fool me twice” part. I guess they preferred to end it with her belting out the No Time to Die line. Anyway not a horrible Title sequence but in my opinion Kleinmann’s weakest effort.
    The opening: Loved the GE Boris feel of Valdo and the brutality of the Spectre agents breaking in. You could really feel the tension.
    Bond in Jamaica: Absolutely loved this part and wish they showed more of his home there. Just a couple more shots. The meeting with Felix and Ash was great too and the meeting with Nomi was done very well. Liked the exchange between the new and the old guard. It’s really what spurs him to take the job with Felix. Seeing if he can beat out Nomi and maybe put her in her place.
    Cuba: Now don’t get me wrong I loved Paloma and get her character came across cute and a little timid (needing liquid courage etc) then she kicks complete ass, but I didn’t understand or maybe I missed it but how was it so easy to infiltrate the Spectre party? Seems like they just walked in! Did she have contacts or something? The whole eyeball on the pillow was horrific and awesome and gave me an Eyes Wide Shut feel with the party/orgy going on. Loved the smoke coming down and all of Spectre surrounding Bond. Again creepy and cool! The shootout on the street didn’t really work for me, seemed like it was a set (which of course it was) but it didn’t feel authentic still it was good enough. Bond meeting back up with Felix and Ash with Valdo was great and I loved the tension when Valdo kicks the gun over to Ash. Hate that Felix died. Felt a little unnecessary especially with all of the other deaths to come in this move but oh well it was a touching moment between comrades. Bond going back and getting the Vantage and going to MI6 was fantastic and I loved that he was giving it to M. He’s not his boss anymore so good for him to put him in his place a little. Loved him flinging the guest pass into the trash! Meeting up with Q was fantastic as well and them getting to understand what they are dealing with was a little hard to understand but I feel an additional viewing with subtitles might clear this up for me. Safin and Madeleines meeting again was done very well and you can see he’s infatuated with her and feels a sense of ownership towards her.
    The meeting with Blofeld: I feel this had a lot of Silence of the Lambs feel to it which I loved. Felt Waltz was his usual creepy self here and it was going well until Bond kind of broke character and went with the YOLT line of Die Blofeld Die! It seemed clunky but at least they were trying something Fleming-ish.
    Norway: I personally loved this portion of the film! You could see the regret of the couple after having lost time together. The introduction of Mathilde was touching and sweet as well. Bond trying to figure out if the child was his was done very well too. The chase in the woods was gripping and tension filled because now Bond is not just trying to save himself he has something to lose now. He’s pissed and that shot from the trailer where the truck flips and he still fires at it is a classic scene now! The FYEO reference in killing Ash was a favorite of mine too!
    The final act: that Q-plane or whatever it is called was done a lot better than it looked on the trailers. I know it was CGI but it was very good CGI! Seeing more of Safin here was great too and seeing him walking around the poison garden was again creepy. I also mentioned in an earlier post that Primo was a great henchman in this movie! I loved how he was in Matera, Jamaica (to grab the toothbrush used to get Bond’s DNA) in Cuba and now here on Safin/Spectre Island. I for one totally caught what Safin’s endgame was. He was planning on making this island his new home with Madeleine and Mathilde and be an Invisible God while the earth culled itself into a more peaceful utopia. He will also make a load of money selling the bio weapon to the people he deems worthy of it. The staircase fight with Bond and the henchmen including Primo was epic and another highlight! “It blew his mind” 👏🏼!
    The finale: Even though I knew it was coming I didn’t know how and to see Bond get shot 4-5 times and then when we realize he has been injected with the “insurance” he had mentioned earlier in the form of Madeleine’s DNA makes for a heart wrenching ending. You can see him trying to work out the details in his mind and also with Q. Trying to see if their is a way this ends well and knowing it’s not going to. The conversation with Madeline was beyond heartbreaking but it gives Craig’s Bond a definite peace at the end knowing he finally did achieve real love with someone who did not betray him and he has a daughter to carry his legacy. Plus he died a hero because he HAD to reopen the silo doors again or the missiles would “bounce off like a trampoline” The ending afterwards was a tad rushed but I love the Jack London quote by M! The mother daughter moment was touching as well and ended in an unconventional “Bond. James Bond.” Overall I give it a 9/10 and it will probably always be a top 10 Bond movie! Too early to see how far up in the top 10 but more toward top 5 I would say at this point! Looking forward to the next version of James Bond because as always, some version of Bond will return!!
  • mtmmtm United Kingdom
    Posts: 17,321
    JazzyBond wrote: »
    The Title Sequence: loved the Dr No dots in the beginning and the ladies hands on the ice and yes I loved the reference to Britannia but after that it was a real muddled mess. It looked like plaster casts of Bond was used and the falling DB5 made no sense.

    I took it to mean that Bond had dumped the car in the sea.
  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    Posts: 12,501
    JazzyBond wrote: »
    Let me start by saying I was so pumped to see this movie that I did read some spoilers going in and knew the ending and I’m happy I did because I was able to process it beforehand and be okay with it once I actually saw it. In any Bond movie there is always some slight plot holes and strange motivations etc. (Blofeld being able to see the meetings from his cell etc) I just chalk that up to Mr White’s line from QOS….”We have people everywhere, they could be in the same room with you” or something like that. Spectre has ways of infiltrating and making things happen ESPECIALLY for their leader. So that doesn’t bother me. Also, people here have asked what Safin’s motivations were etc. It’s a Bond movie! They explain enough for me. He wants revenge on Spectre for murdering his family and disfiguring him. Once he achieves that it is explained albeit briefly that he wants to be an Invisible God to the people, they unknowingly want to be controlled and he can control who lives and dies now. He also has buyers coming that I’m sure he has okayed and approved to sell them the bioweapon (they too believe in some new world order agenda etc). Again it’s a Bond movie. TSWLM had Stromberg’s water world paradise, Moonraker had Drax’s Adam and Eve Utopia. It’s along the same lines as those. Also I’ve read a lot about the screen time of Safin. Hell he’s in it a lot more than Dr. No, Stromberg, Green (QOS), Whittaker (TLD), Blofeld in YOLT). He’s in it in the beginning in an awesome horror fashion, he’s in the middle at Madeleine’s office (again creepy) and of course at the end. So after saying all of that and rambling I will now give a condensed review:
    Gunbarrel: Had no issue except Craig walking a tad too fast (not as good as Spectre’s but I liked the foreshadowing of him incinerating into the background and I really liked going thru the gunbarrel and seeing the reflection from the snow.
    PTS- One of it not the best PTS in the series. The horror opening (really well done and creepy as Hell) my wife was clenching my hand thru it all. The Bond and Madeleine connection felt genuine and sweet. The touching moment at Vesper’s grave the explosion and chaos that followed was excellent and you could really feel Bond’s betrayal and his past demons coming back to haunt him. The scene where Primo is shooting at the DB5 and Madeleine is imploring Bond is one of the highlights of the entire series you could feel the tension like you were really there and then he says “Okay” and opens fire!! Classic and epic!!
    The Title Sequence: loved the Dr No dots in the beginning and the ladies hands on the ice and yes I loved the reference to Britannia but after that it was a real muddled mess. It looked like plaster casts of Bond was used and the falling DB5 made no sense. Too bad because I loved the song but didn’t know why they cut out the very end of the song when Eilish goes back to the line “fool me once fool me twice” part. I guess they preferred to end it with her belting out the No Time to Die line. Anyway not a horrible Title sequence but in my opinion Kleinmann’s weakest effort.
    The opening: Loved the GE Boris feel of Valdo and the brutality of the Spectre agents breaking in. You could really feel the tension.
    Bond in Jamaica: Absolutely loved this part and wish they showed more of his home there. Just a couple more shots. The meeting with Felix and Ash was great too and the meeting with Nomi was done very well. Liked the exchange between the new and the old guard. It’s really what spurs him to take the job with Felix. Seeing if he can beat out Nomi and maybe put her in her place.
    Cuba: Now don’t get me wrong I loved Paloma and get her character came across cute and a little timid (needing liquid courage etc) then she kicks complete ass, but I didn’t understand or maybe I missed it but how was it so easy to infiltrate the Spectre party? Seems like they just walked in! Did she have contacts or something? The whole eyeball on the pillow was horrific and awesome and gave me an Eyes Wide Shut feel with the party/orgy going on. Loved the smoke coming down and all of Spectre surrounding Bond. Again creepy and cool! The shootout on the street didn’t really work for me, seemed like it was a set (which of course it was) but it didn’t feel authentic still it was good enough. Bond meeting back up with Felix and Ash with Valdo was great and I loved the tension when Valdo kicks the gun over to Ash. Hate that Felix died. Felt a little unnecessary especially with all of the other deaths to come in this move but oh well it was a touching moment between comrades. Bond going back and getting the Vantage and going to MI6 was fantastic and I loved that he was giving it to M. He’s not his boss anymore so good for him to put him in his place a little. Loved him flinging the guest pass into the trash! Meeting up with Q was fantastic as well and them getting to understand what they are dealing with was a little hard to understand but I feel an additional viewing with subtitles might clear this up for me. Safin and Madeleines meeting again was done very well and you can see he’s infatuated with her and feels a sense of ownership towards her.
    The meeting with Blofeld: I feel this had a lot of Silence of the Lambs feel to it which I loved. Felt Waltz was his usual creepy self here and it was going well until Bond kind of broke character and went with the YOLT line of Die Blofeld Die! It seemed clunky but at least they were trying something Fleming-ish.
    Norway: I personally loved this portion of the film! You could see the regret of the couple after having lost time together. The introduction of Mathilde was touching and sweet as well. Bond trying to figure out if the child was his was done very well too. The chase in the woods was gripping and tension filled because now Bond is not just trying to save himself he has something to lose now. He’s pissed and that shot from the trailer where the truck flips and he still fires at it is a classic scene now! The FYEO reference in killing Ash was a favorite of mine too!
    The final act: that Q-plane or whatever it is called was done a lot better than it looked on the trailers. I know it was CGI but it was very good CGI! Seeing more of Safin here was great too and seeing him walking around the poison garden was again creepy. I also mentioned in an earlier post that Primo was a great henchman in this movie! I loved how he was in Matera, Jamaica (to grab the toothbrush used to get Bond’s DNA) in Cuba and now here on Safin/Spectre Island. I for one totally caught what Safin’s endgame was. He was planning on making this island his new home with Madeleine and Mathilde and be an Invisible God while the earth culled itself into a more peaceful utopia. He will also make a load of money selling the bio weapon to the people he deems worthy of it. The staircase fight with Bond and the henchmen including Primo was epic and another highlight! “It blew his mind” 👏🏼!
    The finale: Even though I knew it was coming I didn’t know how and to see Bond get shot 4-5 times and then when we realize he has been injected with the “insurance” he had mentioned earlier in the form of Madeleine’s DNA makes for a heart wrenching ending. You can see him trying to work out the details in his mind and also with Q. Trying to see if their is a way this ends well and knowing it’s not going to. The conversation with Madeline was beyond heartbreaking but it gives Craig’s Bond a definite peace at the end knowing he finally did achieve real love with someone who did not betray him and he has a daughter to carry his legacy. Plus he died a hero because he HAD to reopen the silo doors again or the missiles would “bounce off like a trampoline” The ending afterwards was a tad rushed but I love the Jack London quote by M! The mother daughter moment was touching as well and ended in an unconventional “Bond. James Bond.” Overall I give it a 9/10 and it will probably always be a top 10 Bond movie! Too early to see how far up in the top 10 but more toward top 5 I would say at this point! Looking forward to the next version of James Bond because as always, some version of Bond will return!!

    What a great review! I enjoyed reading this so much. I'll have to read it again, but I think I agree with everything you said. B-)
  • ShardlakeShardlake Leeds, West Yorkshire, England
    Posts: 4,043
    Shardlake wrote: »
    My third and final time at the cinema yesterday and the experience wasn't diluted one bit.

    This film is a real experience, you feel it, a real roller coaster of emotions throughout. Cary really delivered here, after the last lacklustre effort I witnessed nearly 6 years ago.

    I must admit I was thinking I'd have to keep my enthusiasm in check and not get so excited. Although from the moment it was decided that rather run away from the train wreck of the last film.

    Instead they'd actually build off what that film established but rather than be lazy in making it link all the previous 3 films up to it. No Time To Die actually managed to bring it all together and cap off the whole era, emotionally, poignantly and most of important entertainingly.

    After being utterly underwhelmed with Sam Mendes second shot at helming a Bond film, the utter night and day of his first attempt, I loved Skyfall unlike some but this one is contending for the top spot in the Craig era for me.

    Absolutely blown away, it has some issues but after some of the crimes of the previous film it's minuscule in comparison, this film you feel the threat, the danger and Daniel is possibly the best he's ever been, such a performance of many emotions, the man is a powerhouse.

    I can only put it down to Cary's direction and the power of the script but Lea this time totally sold their relationship and it felt real, well it did to me, considering my distaste of SPECTRE.

    I'm glad they didn't try and course correct Blofeld, I did think at the time it was revealed that Waltz was returning that he'd have more of a chance to sell a more formidable version. Though in context of the petulant child reading that Waltz gave in SPECTRE, it seemed to fit better, even down to the fact he used that bloody "cuckoo" line again.

    Though that line about "her secret finding it's way out" proves that Ernst wasn't wrong.

    It would have felt jarring to see a totally different version of Blofeld.

    They'll have a chance to get Blofeld right next time hopefully and he'll be introduced properly.

    Also while on this subject, no I didn't see a different Daniel Craig, I saw an evolution of that character that arrived in 2006. Craig for me has been pretty consistent throughout, SPECTRE was the one where I though maybe a different actor had turned up but this was the bruised and battered Bond from Casino Royale, just older, wiser with more swagger, like I said an evolution.

    We'll all see what we will see and if others see an uneven performance that doesn't match with previous ones, what can I do about that.

    No Time To Die if there is a negative, it is I wish they could have got SPECTRE right so these all came together without a dud but then again if that film had been a satisfying one, Daniel would likely not have returned, so I'm glad he got the chance to give us this, his swansong.

    If any other Bond deserved the musical cues from OHMSS and having WHATTITW on the credits it is his Bond, the only other one that can claim to have gone down the same journey that George did in that film, if anything Craig went through so much more.

    Yes each time I welled up, I don't do waterworks for any old emotional manipulation, it has to have earned it. Though with the culmination of watching this man since 2006 in the role, have championed his appointment and been vindicated by his efforts, one dud is a good average in 5 films.

    The film might be proving controversial and sacrilege for some but that ending feels right and because I was invested so much in this Bond, those tears were genuine and gladly shed.

    I love the poetic, tragic symmetry of it all, Bond says the famous line to Mr White at the end of CR and then White's daughter ends the film saying it to her and Bond's daughter and also White's granddaughter, brilliant just brilliant.

    Thank you Daniel you were the man and so much more.

    Man, do I agree with you. Everything you wrote, actually. Thanks for your thoughts here.

    Thank you my friend, I'm still just in awe of what they gave us, couldn't really of asked for better, utterly fulfilled.

    I'll be waiting now till when the 4K UHD is released before I see it again, so it will be a good few more months before I feast my eyes on it again.
  • Posts: 36
    JazzyBond wrote: »
    Let me start by saying I was so pumped to see this movie that I did read some spoilers going in and knew the ending and I’m happy I did because I was able to process it beforehand and be okay with it once I actually saw it. In any Bond movie there is always some slight plot holes and strange motivations etc. (Blofeld being able to see the meetings from his cell etc) I just chalk that up to Mr White’s line from QOS….”We have people everywhere, they could be in the same room with you” or something like that. Spectre has ways of infiltrating and making things happen ESPECIALLY for their leader. So that doesn’t bother me. Also, people here have asked what Safin’s motivations were etc. It’s a Bond movie! They explain enough for me. He wants revenge on Spectre for murdering his family and disfiguring him. Once he achieves that it is explained albeit briefly that he wants to be an Invisible God to the people, they unknowingly want to be controlled and he can control who lives and dies now. He also has buyers coming that I’m sure he has okayed and approved to sell them the bioweapon (they too believe in some new world order agenda etc). Again it’s a Bond movie. TSWLM had Stromberg’s water world paradise, Moonraker had Drax’s Adam and Eve Utopia. It’s along the same lines as those. Also I’ve read a lot about the screen time of Safin. Hell he’s in it a lot more than Dr. No, Stromberg, Green (QOS), Whittaker (TLD), Blofeld in YOLT). He’s in it in the beginning in an awesome horror fashion, he’s in the middle at Madeleine’s office (again creepy) and of course at the end. So after saying all of that and rambling I will now give a condensed review:
    Gunbarrel: Had no issue except Craig walking a tad too fast (not as good as Spectre’s but I liked the foreshadowing of him incinerating into the background and I really liked going thru the gunbarrel and seeing the reflection from the snow.
    PTS- One of it not the best PTS in the series. The horror opening (really well done and creepy as Hell) my wife was clenching my hand thru it all. The Bond and Madeleine connection felt genuine and sweet. The touching moment at Vesper’s grave the explosion and chaos that followed was excellent and you could really feel Bond’s betrayal and his past demons coming back to haunt him. The scene where Primo is shooting at the DB5 and Madeleine is imploring Bond is one of the highlights of the entire series you could feel the tension like you were really there and then he says “Okay” and opens fire!! Classic and epic!!
    The Title Sequence: loved the Dr No dots in the beginning and the ladies hands on the ice and yes I loved the reference to Britannia but after that it was a real muddled mess. It looked like plaster casts of Bond was used and the falling DB5 made no sense. Too bad because I loved the song but didn’t know why they cut out the very end of the song when Eilish goes back to the line “fool me once fool me twice” part. I guess they preferred to end it with her belting out the No Time to Die line. Anyway not a horrible Title sequence but in my opinion Kleinmann’s weakest effort.
    The opening: Loved the GE Boris feel of Valdo and the brutality of the Spectre agents breaking in. You could really feel the tension.
    Bond in Jamaica: Absolutely loved this part and wish they showed more of his home there. Just a couple more shots. The meeting with Felix and Ash was great too and the meeting with Nomi was done very well. Liked the exchange between the new and the old guard. It’s really what spurs him to take the job with Felix. Seeing if he can beat out Nomi and maybe put her in her place.
    Cuba: Now don’t get me wrong I loved Paloma and get her character came across cute and a little timid (needing liquid courage etc) then she kicks complete ass, but I didn’t understand or maybe I missed it but how was it so easy to infiltrate the Spectre party? Seems like they just walked in! Did she have contacts or something? The whole eyeball on the pillow was horrific and awesome and gave me an Eyes Wide Shut feel with the party/orgy going on. Loved the smoke coming down and all of Spectre surrounding Bond. Again creepy and cool! The shootout on the street didn’t really work for me, seemed like it was a set (which of course it was) but it didn’t feel authentic still it was good enough. Bond meeting back up with Felix and Ash with Valdo was great and I loved the tension when Valdo kicks the gun over to Ash. Hate that Felix died. Felt a little unnecessary especially with all of the other deaths to come in this move but oh well it was a touching moment between comrades. Bond going back and getting the Vantage and going to MI6 was fantastic and I loved that he was giving it to M. He’s not his boss anymore so good for him to put him in his place a little. Loved him flinging the guest pass into the trash! Meeting up with Q was fantastic as well and them getting to understand what they are dealing with was a little hard to understand but I feel an additional viewing with subtitles might clear this up for me. Safin and Madeleines meeting again was done very well and you can see he’s infatuated with her and feels a sense of ownership towards her.
    The meeting with Blofeld: I feel this had a lot of Silence of the Lambs feel to it which I loved. Felt Waltz was his usual creepy self here and it was going well until Bond kind of broke character and went with the YOLT line of Die Blofeld Die! It seemed clunky but at least they were trying something Fleming-ish.
    Norway: I personally loved this portion of the film! You could see the regret of the couple after having lost time together. The introduction of Mathilde was touching and sweet as well. Bond trying to figure out if the child was his was done very well too. The chase in the woods was gripping and tension filled because now Bond is not just trying to save himself he has something to lose now. He’s pissed and that shot from the trailer where the truck flips and he still fires at it is a classic scene now! The FYEO reference in killing Ash was a favorite of mine too!
    The final act: that Q-plane or whatever it is called was done a lot better than it looked on the trailers. I know it was CGI but it was very good CGI! Seeing more of Safin here was great too and seeing him walking around the poison garden was again creepy. I also mentioned in an earlier post that Primo was a great henchman in this movie! I loved how he was in Matera, Jamaica (to grab the toothbrush used to get Bond’s DNA) in Cuba and now here on Safin/Spectre Island. I for one totally caught what Safin’s endgame was. He was planning on making this island his new home with Madeleine and Mathilde and be an Invisible God while the earth culled itself into a more peaceful utopia. He will also make a load of money selling the bio weapon to the people he deems worthy of it. The staircase fight with Bond and the henchmen including Primo was epic and another highlight! “It blew his mind” 👏🏼!
    The finale: Even though I knew it was coming I didn’t know how and to see Bond get shot 4-5 times and then when we realize he has been injected with the “insurance” he had mentioned earlier in the form of Madeleine’s DNA makes for a heart wrenching ending. You can see him trying to work out the details in his mind and also with Q. Trying to see if their is a way this ends well and knowing it’s not going to. The conversation with Madeline was beyond heartbreaking but it gives Craig’s Bond a definite peace at the end knowing he finally did achieve real love with someone who did not betray him and he has a daughter to carry his legacy. Plus he died a hero because he HAD to reopen the silo doors again or the missiles would “bounce off like a trampoline” The ending afterwards was a tad rushed but I love the Jack London quote by M! The mother daughter moment was touching as well and ended in an unconventional “Bond. James Bond.” Overall I give it a 9/10 and it will probably always be a top 10 Bond movie! Too early to see how far up in the top 10 but more toward top 5 I would say at this point! Looking forward to the next version of James Bond because as always, some version of Bond will return!!

    Glad you enjoyed it! Pretty similar to how I feel about it.
  • 9IW9IW
    edited October 2021 Posts: 59
    JazzyBond wrote: »
    Let me start by saying I was so pumped to see this movie that I did read some spoilers going in and knew the ending and I’m happy I did because I was able to process it beforehand and be okay with it once I actually saw it. In any Bond movie there is always some slight plot holes and strange motivations etc. (Blofeld being able to see the meetings from his cell etc) I just chalk that up to Mr White’s line from QOS….”We have people everywhere, they could be in the same room with you” or something like that. Spectre has ways of infiltrating and making things happen ESPECIALLY for their leader. So that doesn’t bother me. Also, people here have asked what Safin’s motivations were etc. It’s a Bond movie! They explain enough for me. He wants revenge on Spectre for murdering his family and disfiguring him. Once he achieves that it is explained albeit briefly that he wants to be an Invisible God to the people, they unknowingly want to be controlled and he can control who lives and dies now. He also has buyers coming that I’m sure he has okayed and approved to sell them the bioweapon (they too believe in some new world order agenda etc). Again it’s a Bond movie. TSWLM had Stromberg’s water world paradise, Moonraker had Drax’s Adam and Eve Utopia. It’s along the same lines as those. Also I’ve read a lot about the screen time of Safin. Hell he’s in it a lot more than Dr. No, Stromberg, Green (QOS), Whittaker (TLD), Blofeld in YOLT). He’s in it in the beginning in an awesome horror fashion, he’s in the middle at Madeleine’s office (again creepy) and of course at the end. So after saying all of that and rambling I will now give a condensed review:
    Gunbarrel: Had no issue except Craig walking a tad too fast (not as good as Spectre’s but I liked the foreshadowing of him incinerating into the background and I really liked going thru the gunbarrel and seeing the reflection from the snow.
    PTS- One of it not the best PTS in the series. The horror opening (really well done and creepy as Hell) my wife was clenching my hand thru it all. The Bond and Madeleine connection felt genuine and sweet. The touching moment at Vesper’s grave the explosion and chaos that followed was excellent and you could really feel Bond’s betrayal and his past demons coming back to haunt him. The scene where Primo is shooting at the DB5 and Madeleine is imploring Bond is one of the highlights of the entire series you could feel the tension like you were really there and then he says “Okay” and opens fire!! Classic and epic!!
    The Title Sequence: loved the Dr No dots in the beginning and the ladies hands on the ice and yes I loved the reference to Britannia but after that it was a real muddled mess. It looked like plaster casts of Bond was used and the falling DB5 made no sense. Too bad because I loved the song but didn’t know why they cut out the very end of the song when Eilish goes back to the line “fool me once fool me twice” part. I guess they preferred to end it with her belting out the No Time to Die line. Anyway not a horrible Title sequence but in my opinion Kleinmann’s weakest effort.
    The opening: Loved the GE Boris feel of Valdo and the brutality of the Spectre agents breaking in. You could really feel the tension.
    Bond in Jamaica: Absolutely loved this part and wish they showed more of his home there. Just a couple more shots. The meeting with Felix and Ash was great too and the meeting with Nomi was done very well. Liked the exchange between the new and the old guard. It’s really what spurs him to take the job with Felix. Seeing if he can beat out Nomi and maybe put her in her place.
    Cuba: Now don’t get me wrong I loved Paloma and get her character came across cute and a little timid (needing liquid courage etc) then she kicks complete ass, but I didn’t understand or maybe I missed it but how was it so easy to infiltrate the Spectre party? Seems like they just walked in! Did she have contacts or something? The whole eyeball on the pillow was horrific and awesome and gave me an Eyes Wide Shut feel with the party/orgy going on. Loved the smoke coming down and all of Spectre surrounding Bond. Again creepy and cool! The shootout on the street didn’t really work for me, seemed like it was a set (which of course it was) but it didn’t feel authentic still it was good enough. Bond meeting back up with Felix and Ash with Valdo was great and I loved the tension when Valdo kicks the gun over to Ash. Hate that Felix died. Felt a little unnecessary especially with all of the other deaths to come in this move but oh well it was a touching moment between comrades. Bond going back and getting the Vantage and going to MI6 was fantastic and I loved that he was giving it to M. He’s not his boss anymore so good for him to put him in his place a little. Loved him flinging the guest pass into the trash! Meeting up with Q was fantastic as well and them getting to understand what they are dealing with was a little hard to understand but I feel an additional viewing with subtitles might clear this up for me. Safin and Madeleines meeting again was done very well and you can see he’s infatuated with her and feels a sense of ownership towards her.
    The meeting with Blofeld: I feel this had a lot of Silence of the Lambs feel to it which I loved. Felt Waltz was his usual creepy self here and it was going well until Bond kind of broke character and went with the YOLT line of Die Blofeld Die! It seemed clunky but at least they were trying something Fleming-ish.
    Norway: I personally loved this portion of the film! You could see the regret of the couple after having lost time together. The introduction of Mathilde was touching and sweet as well. Bond trying to figure out if the child was his was done very well too. The chase in the woods was gripping and tension filled because now Bond is not just trying to save himself he has something to lose now. He’s pissed and that shot from the trailer where the truck flips and he still fires at it is a classic scene now! The FYEO reference in killing Ash was a favorite of mine too!
    The final act: that Q-plane or whatever it is called was done a lot better than it looked on the trailers. I know it was CGI but it was very good CGI! Seeing more of Safin here was great too and seeing him walking around the poison garden was again creepy. I also mentioned in an earlier post that Primo was a great henchman in this movie! I loved how he was in Matera, Jamaica (to grab the toothbrush used to get Bond’s DNA) in Cuba and now here on Safin/Spectre Island. I for one totally caught what Safin’s endgame was. He was planning on making this island his new home with Madeleine and Mathilde and be an Invisible God while the earth culled itself into a more peaceful utopia. He will also make a load of money selling the bio weapon to the people he deems worthy of it. The staircase fight with Bond and the henchmen including Primo was epic and another highlight! “It blew his mind” 👏🏼!
    The finale: Even though I knew it was coming I didn’t know how and to see Bond get shot 4-5 times and then when we realize he has been injected with the “insurance” he had mentioned earlier in the form of Madeleine’s DNA makes for a heart wrenching ending. You can see him trying to work out the details in his mind and also with Q. Trying to see if their is a way this ends well and knowing it’s not going to. The conversation with Madeline was beyond heartbreaking but it gives Craig’s Bond a definite peace at the end knowing he finally did achieve real love with someone who did not betray him and he has a daughter to carry his legacy. Plus he died a hero because he HAD to reopen the silo doors again or the missiles would “bounce off like a trampoline” The ending afterwards was a tad rushed but I love the Jack London quote by M! The mother daughter moment was touching as well and ended in an unconventional “Bond. James Bond.” Overall I give it a 9/10 and it will probably always be a top 10 Bond movie! Too early to see how far up in the top 10 but more toward top 5 I would say at this point! Looking forward to the next version of James Bond because as always, some version of Bond will return!!

    Its kinda like Barbara called a production meeting and said “Okay, here is the film JazzyBond wants to see…now make it happen.”. And I dont mean that in a snarky way.
  • edited October 2021 Posts: 7,089
    9IW wrote: »
    JazzyBond wrote: »
    Let me start by saying I was so pumped to see this movie that I did read some spoilers going in and knew the ending and I’m happy I did because I was able to process it beforehand and be okay with it once I actually saw it. In any Bond movie there is always some slight plot holes and strange motivations etc. (Blofeld being able to see the meetings from his cell etc) I just chalk that up to Mr White’s line from QOS….”We have people everywhere, they could be in the same room with you” or something like that. Spectre has ways of infiltrating and making things happen ESPECIALLY for their leader. So that doesn’t bother me. Also, people here have asked what Safin’s motivations were etc. It’s a Bond movie! They explain enough for me. He wants revenge on Spectre for murdering his family and disfiguring him. Once he achieves that it is explained albeit briefly that he wants to be an Invisible God to the people, they unknowingly want to be controlled and he can control who lives and dies now. He also has buyers coming that I’m sure he has okayed and approved to sell them the bioweapon (they too believe in some new world order agenda etc). Again it’s a Bond movie. TSWLM had Stromberg’s water world paradise, Moonraker had Drax’s Adam and Eve Utopia. It’s along the same lines as those. Also I’ve read a lot about the screen time of Safin. Hell he’s in it a lot more than Dr. No, Stromberg, Green (QOS), Whittaker (TLD), Blofeld in YOLT). He’s in it in the beginning in an awesome horror fashion, he’s in the middle at Madeleine’s office (again creepy) and of course at the end. So after saying all of that and rambling I will now give a condensed review:
    Gunbarrel: Had no issue except Craig walking a tad too fast (not as good as Spectre’s but I liked the foreshadowing of him incinerating into the background and I really liked going thru the gunbarrel and seeing the reflection from the snow.
    PTS- One of it not the best PTS in the series. The horror opening (really well done and creepy as Hell) my wife was clenching my hand thru it all. The Bond and Madeleine connection felt genuine and sweet. The touching moment at Vesper’s grave the explosion and chaos that followed was excellent and you could really feel Bond’s betrayal and his past demons coming back to haunt him. The scene where Primo is shooting at the DB5 and Madeleine is imploring Bond is one of the highlights of the entire series you could feel the tension like you were really there and then he says “Okay” and opens fire!! Classic and epic!!
    The Title Sequence: loved the Dr No dots in the beginning and the ladies hands on the ice and yes I loved the reference to Britannia but after that it was a real muddled mess. It looked like plaster casts of Bond was used and the falling DB5 made no sense. Too bad because I loved the song but didn’t know why they cut out the very end of the song when Eilish goes back to the line “fool me once fool me twice” part. I guess they preferred to end it with her belting out the No Time to Die line. Anyway not a horrible Title sequence but in my opinion Kleinmann’s weakest effort.
    The opening: Loved the GE Boris feel of Valdo and the brutality of the Spectre agents breaking in. You could really feel the tension.
    Bond in Jamaica: Absolutely loved this part and wish they showed more of his home there. Just a couple more shots. The meeting with Felix and Ash was great too and the meeting with Nomi was done very well. Liked the exchange between the new and the old guard. It’s really what spurs him to take the job with Felix. Seeing if he can beat out Nomi and maybe put her in her place.
    Cuba: Now don’t get me wrong I loved Paloma and get her character came across cute and a little timid (needing liquid courage etc) then she kicks complete ass, but I didn’t understand or maybe I missed it but how was it so easy to infiltrate the Spectre party? Seems like they just walked in! Did she have contacts or something? The whole eyeball on the pillow was horrific and awesome and gave me an Eyes Wide Shut feel with the party/orgy going on. Loved the smoke coming down and all of Spectre surrounding Bond. Again creepy and cool! The shootout on the street didn’t really work for me, seemed like it was a set (which of course it was) but it didn’t feel authentic still it was good enough. Bond meeting back up with Felix and Ash with Valdo was great and I loved the tension when Valdo kicks the gun over to Ash. Hate that Felix died. Felt a little unnecessary especially with all of the other deaths to come in this move but oh well it was a touching moment between comrades. Bond going back and getting the Vantage and going to MI6 was fantastic and I loved that he was giving it to M. He’s not his boss anymore so good for him to put him in his place a little. Loved him flinging the guest pass into the trash! Meeting up with Q was fantastic as well and them getting to understand what they are dealing with was a little hard to understand but I feel an additional viewing with subtitles might clear this up for me. Safin and Madeleines meeting again was done very well and you can see he’s infatuated with her and feels a sense of ownership towards her.
    The meeting with Blofeld: I feel this had a lot of Silence of the Lambs feel to it which I loved. Felt Waltz was his usual creepy self here and it was going well until Bond kind of broke character and went with the YOLT line of Die Blofeld Die! It seemed clunky but at least they were trying something Fleming-ish.
    Norway: I personally loved this portion of the film! You could see the regret of the couple after having lost time together. The introduction of Mathilde was touching and sweet as well. Bond trying to figure out if the child was his was done very well too. The chase in the woods was gripping and tension filled because now Bond is not just trying to save himself he has something to lose now. He’s pissed and that shot from the trailer where the truck flips and he still fires at it is a classic scene now! The FYEO reference in killing Ash was a favorite of mine too!
    The final act: that Q-plane or whatever it is called was done a lot better than it looked on the trailers. I know it was CGI but it was very good CGI! Seeing more of Safin here was great too and seeing him walking around the poison garden was again creepy. I also mentioned in an earlier post that Primo was a great henchman in this movie! I loved how he was in Matera, Jamaica (to grab the toothbrush used to get Bond’s DNA) in Cuba and now here on Safin/Spectre Island. I for one totally caught what Safin’s endgame was. He was planning on making this island his new home with Madeleine and Mathilde and be an Invisible God while the earth culled itself into a more peaceful utopia. He will also make a load of money selling the bio weapon to the people he deems worthy of it. The staircase fight with Bond and the henchmen including Primo was epic and another highlight! “It blew his mind” 👏🏼!
    The finale: Even though I knew it was coming I didn’t know how and to see Bond get shot 4-5 times and then when we realize he has been injected with the “insurance” he had mentioned earlier in the form of Madeleine’s DNA makes for a heart wrenching ending. You can see him trying to work out the details in his mind and also with Q. Trying to see if their is a way this ends well and knowing it’s not going to. The conversation with Madeline was beyond heartbreaking but it gives Craig’s Bond a definite peace at the end knowing he finally did achieve real love with someone who did not betray him and he has a daughter to carry his legacy. Plus he died a hero because he HAD to reopen the silo doors again or the missiles would “bounce off like a trampoline” The ending afterwards was a tad rushed but I love the Jack London quote by M! The mother daughter moment was touching as well and ended in an unconventional “Bond. James Bond.” Overall I give it a 9/10 and it will probably always be a top 10 Bond movie! Too early to see how far up in the top 10 but more toward top 5 I would say at this point! Looking forward to the next version of James Bond because as always, some version of Bond will return!!

    Its kinda like Barbara called a production meeting and said “Okay, here is the film JazzyBond wants to see…now make it happen.”. And I dont mean that in a snarky way.

    I agree, I love the enthusiasm of the review. Great that he enjoyed it so much!

    One of my favorite parts of the film was Bond and Blofeld's meeting. Craig's acting there is superb. I had a little issue with one particular line delivery, but overall I love how he exchanges lines with Blofeld.

    "Cuba was quite the party-- and happy birthday by the way". I love that line, and how Bond ridicules Blofeld in such a nonchalant way. And how Blofeld doesn't give a damn about the comments of "my sweet James."

    I can't wait to see this scene again.
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