007 Legends Announced



  • GoldenGunGoldenGun Per ora e per il momento che verrà
    Posts: 7,369
    Question for the gamers among us. I read nothing but bad things about 007 Legends but if I look it up on Youtube it doesn't look all that terrible. I'm not a die hard gamer mind you, I only ever bought the Bond and FIFA games when I was younger.

    However, I have the feeling this will be my only chance to ever play two of my favourite Bond films, LTK and OHMSS.

    Is this available on PC and is it worthwhile for a non-gamer Bond fan?
  • 00Agent00Agent Any man who drinks Dom Perignon '52 can't be all bad.
    Posts: 5,186
    Yes Legends is available on PC,
  • Posts: 2,201

    Looks can be deceptive...
  • BMW_with_missilesBMW_with_missiles All the usual refinements.
    Posts: 3,000
    GoldenGun wrote: »
    Question for the gamers among us. I read nothing Yes bad things about 007 Legends but if I look it up on Youtube it doesn't look all that terrible. I'm not a die hard gamer mind you, I only ever bought the Bond and FIFA games when I was younger.

    However, I have the feeling this will be my only chance to ever play two of my favourite Bond films, LTK and OHMSS.

    Is this available on PC and is it worthwhile for a non-gamer Bond fan?

    Yes, it is available on PC, but your probably going to have to look around on eBay for it as it's a llittle tough to find. It's not all that bad, just not great. I don't rank it at the bottom of the Bond games. LTK and OHMSS are the best sections in my opinion. You may want to think about getting it for the Wii U, since that's the only way to still get the Skyfall levels (With all other versions, the Skyfall levels were DLC which are no longer available. The Wii U disc includes them).
  • GoldenGunGoldenGun Per ora e per il momento che verrà
    Posts: 7,369
    Thanks for the advice guys, but I don't have any console except my old PS2 :)).

    Ah yes, is there a multiplayer with bots (of classic characters) and classic maps?
  • GagReathleGagReathle France
    Posts: 38
    You may want to think about getting it for the Wii U, since that's the only way to still get the Skyfall levels (With all other versions, the Skyfall levels were DLC which are no longer available. The Wii U disc includes them).

    You're wrong :) Just bought 007 Legends on PS3, Skyfall's dlc was downloaded as un update. Therefore, you have to download the (free) key on PS Store to access it.
    I guess it's all the same on 360!

    Well, I just finished the Moonraker level. And I have to say that the game is far to be as bad as I imagined it would be. I imagined one of the worst game ever.

    It's not great AT ALL, it's ugly, the AI sucks, driving levels are the worst (still better than 007 Racing haha), QTE are absolutely ridiculous...
    ... buuuuuuuuut it's still fun to play it. I guess I like playing it the stealth way. Gadgets are back, they weren't really here since Everything or Nothing. I love to use the watch or the pen to distract enemies for instance.
    Moonraker level is really good (better than the movie IMO), LTK would have been cool if it hadn't had this awful driving sequence at the end.
    I liked Fort Knox in Goldfinger but hated the beginning of the level, OHMSS is cool but it gets boring since there is only shoot in there, DAD is not a good level IMO, and Skyfall is really bad :(

    But still. There are cool things in it. It's not a good game but it's not "the worst ever".
  • Posts: 12,837
    OHMSS was the only half decent section. There are two levels, the ski chase (the second part, when he's met up with Tracy, it didn't include the initial escape which is a shame) and the battle at Piz Gloria, then you get a brief cutscene showing Tracy's death. It was a reasonably faithful modernisation and the ski chase was short but definitely, from what I can remember, the highlight of the game.

    The LTK section is an abomination that contains almost nothing that made the film my favourite. A video game adaptation of either Dalton film is the stuff of dreams for me but they dropped the ball there in every way possible. I don't think I've ever hated a game more than when I played through that level. I ranted about it in this thread a while back I think, I'll try to find it.
  • GagReathleGagReathle France
    edited July 2016 Posts: 38
    I didn't like the ski chase in this game, haha. I mean, it's not bad, but we have to go fast and we can only do it by pressing L1 (which is not intuitive at all), and by that it's hard to aim and shoot at the same time (pressing L1 + L2 + R1).
    I guess it's okay but I find it to be less interesting than the N64 TWINE's section.

    I agree with you about LTK, there is nothing in here of what makes that movie so good. But it's a decent stealth/action level. I liked to infiltrate that facility. And I found it nice to be in constent touch with M, she's giving us the order, we have to wait to find proof before blowing everything up. I believed in it, I found it credible, I felt like a spy!
    But it isn't a good adaptation AT ALL.
    I'm a huge fan of Dalton too, and I understand why you hated it. I focused on the gameplay which was okay (but still, far from the best stealth game around... I mean, Dishonored launched at the same time for god sake!!). But the adaptation itself is bad. Really bad.

    But I really liked Moonraker though. It is so cloooose to Nighfire's ending haha, but it was cool. We investigate, then we have to get into the space traveller quickly, etc... I found it to be the best section of the game. The only part that has nothing really bad. OHMSS is not bad either but it's quite short and a little boring at the end.
  • BMW_with_missilesBMW_with_missiles All the usual refinements.
    Posts: 3,000
    GagReathle wrote: »
    You may want to think about getting it for the Wii U, since that's the only way to still get the Skyfall levels (With all other versions, the Skyfall levels were DLC which are no longer available. The Wii U disc includes them).

    You're wrong :) Just bought 007 Legends on PS3, Skyfall's dlc was downloaded as un update. Therefore, you have to download the (free) key on PS Store to access it.
    I guess it's all the same on 360!

    Well, I just finished the Moonraker level. And I have to say that the game is far to be as bad as I imagined it would be. I imagined one of the worst game ever.

    It's not great AT ALL, it's ugly, the AI sucks, driving levels are the worst (still better than 007 Racing haha), QTE are absolutely ridiculous...
    ... buuuuuuuuut it's still fun to play it. I guess I like playing it the stealth way. Gadgets are back, they weren't really here since Everything or Nothing. I love to use the watch or the pen to distract enemies for instance.
    Moonraker level is really good (better than the movie IMO), LTK would have been cool if it hadn't had this awful driving sequence at the end.
    I liked Fort Knox in Goldfinger but hated the beginning of the level, OHMSS is cool but it gets boring since there is only shoot in there, DAD is not a good level IMO, and Skyfall is really bad :(

    But still. There are cool things in it. It's not a good game but it's not "the worst ever".

    Really? I'll have to give it a shot later on.
  • GagReathleGagReathle France
    edited July 2016 Posts: 38
    I wouldn't recommend it. Just finished that Skyfall dlc, and it's really the worst of that game. Awful graphism, awful level design, the driving sequence is... omagad, I have no word, just couldn't stop laughing.
    Aaaaand the boss battle at shangaï is boring as hell.

    The whole section lasts 30mins at most, and is actually a lot more difficult that the rest of the game (which make no sense), so you die a lot and it's annoying.

    But at least we have the ending of the game. But I won't lie, it's bad.

    I guess Activision tried to made us believe that it was a dlc to avoid any spoilers before the launch of the movie. But I think they just started developping that chapter when the game was released. It has to be because it's just so bad, it's a lot worst that the rest of the game.
  • BMW_with_missilesBMW_with_missiles All the usual refinements.
    edited July 2016 Posts: 3,000
    GagReathle wrote: »
    I wouldn't recommend it. Just finished that Skyfall dlc, and it's really the worst of that game. Awful graphism, awful level design, the driving sequence is... omagad, I have no word, just couldn't stop laughing.
    Aaaaand the boss battle at shangaï is boring as hell.

    The whole section lasts 30mins at most, and is actually a lot more difficult that the rest of the game (which make no sense), so you die a lot and it's annoying.

    But at least we have the ending of the game. But I won't lie, it's bad.

    I guess Activision tried to made us believe that it was a dlc to avoid any spoilers before the launch of the movie. But I think they just started developping that chapter when the game was released. It has to be because it's just so bad, it's a lot worst that the rest of the game.

    I've actually already played the Skyfall levels on the Wii U version (I've since acquired a Wii U). The motorcycle section was pretty bad, but I actually liked the final boss fight. It was tough, but in an enjoyable way (at least for me), and I was happy to have an actual fight instead of a quick time event.

    I'll admit, on my first play-through of the game, I disliked it about as much as you do. However, on my second play-through, my opinion of this game actually improved greatly.
  • GagReathleGagReathle France
    edited July 2016 Posts: 38
    Like you I was first really happy to see finally a real boss fight. But I really disliked the fact that we only have one little pistol while the boss has a sniper which can kill us in only two bullets.
    It's really frustrating actually. We have to keep it distant, hide behind a pillar, and it's not fun because it takes a loooooooong time to hurt him. Although I really liked the arena, all those glasses to break, it's cool and dynamic! ... and yet we have to stand and hide if we don't wanna be killed in less than 5 seconds.
  • RareJamesBondFanRareJamesBondFan Touch it. You can touch it if you want.
    Posts: 132
    Can't wait for this,
  • Posts: 1,296
    I have never played this game but the cutscenes of youtube make me feel like I am inside the films and it's breathtaking and lovely and amazing and beautiful.
  • BMW_with_missilesBMW_with_missiles All the usual refinements.
    Posts: 3,000
    IGUANNA wrote: »
    I have never played this game but the cutscenes of youtube make me feel like I am inside the films and it's breathtaking and lovely and amazing and beautiful.

    My appreciation for the game has grown over time. This game is some of the greatest fan-service ever, and I have to commend it for that.
  • Posts: 872

    Hey, as you maybe know, when Activision withdraw all his 007 games of stores, they withdraw all updates as well. So today, it is impossible for download the Skyall DLC of 007 Legends. One of the few thing we can appriciate in this game is the carracters biographies. So I wondered is someone who own the Skyfall DLC can post a screen/photo of the carracters of the DLC ? Could be interresing to read the 2012's Moneypenny biography...
  • BMW_with_missilesBMW_with_missiles All the usual refinements.
    Posts: 3,000
    @moneyofpropre2 The WiiU version of the games is complete, with all of the Skyfall levels on the disc. It is the only complete edition of the game released; no DLC needed. I'd suggest giving it a try if you want the full 007 Legends experience.
  • ClarkDevlinClarkDevlin Martinis, Girls and Guns
    Posts: 15,423

    Here's the link to download the DLC:

    Follow the instructions on the page carefully, though.
  • GoldenGunGoldenGun Per ora e per il momento che verrà
    Posts: 7,369
    @moneyofpropre2 They withdrew it from the stores? Is it that bad?
  • ClarkDevlinClarkDevlin Martinis, Girls and Guns
    Posts: 15,423
    They withdrew all of the Activision Bond games from Activision’s and Steam’s online stores.
  • Posts: 872
    Thanks for the infos. Unfortunally I have the Xbox 360 version. So if you have the PC verssion installed on you computer, I will be happy if you can share the screen with the 95% save.
  • ClarkDevlinClarkDevlin Martinis, Girls and Guns
    Posts: 15,423
    I’ve taken a few screenshots back in the day. I’ll see to posting them tomorrow.
  • Posts: 872
    Thanks, and if in the production still (in the bonus section), you see rare Skyfall picture of a deleted scene, please post it there too (it will complete the french dossier).
  • edited March 2023 Posts: 2,201
    All the talk of IO’s upcoming game have made me want to dive back into some of the old games. I am on a bit of a hiatus with the films so decided to dig out the PS3, fire it up and play some Goldeneye Reloaded.

    Turns out I dont have that anymore so elected for 007 Legends instead. As my previous posts on this thread will show I was not a fan. Has time healed all wounds?

    Well, no. In 2023 I still really dislike the core concept of this game and how it both butchers classic films and tries to update and “retcon” them into DC’s era.

    I played through the entire Goldfinger level. Already I was annoyed from the start. Sent to investigate Goldfinger, Bond stealthily infiltrates his facility by blowing up several parked fighter jets (??) and machine gunning dozens of Goldfinger’s goons.

    They also completely butcher the “Bond, James Bond” moment in a way that is almost comically incompetent.

    The graphics are ok, not the best even for the time but they hold up fine, and the 60fps framerate helps a great deal. The gameplay is super basic but it is playable. No major bugs. The cast look well recreated but the voice acting is very inconsistent. David Arnold and Kevin Kiner do a great job though of using the Barry score motif’s in the music, so credit where its due.

    But it is on the whole pretty poor.
  • GoldenGunGoldenGun Per ora e per il momento che verrà
    Posts: 7,369
    This is one I always wanted to play, just because it let’s you play in films that weren’t touched before by the games, especially OHMSS and LTK. And I’ve also always been a fan of the production design of GF, MR and DAD, so it remains on my bucket list. Afraid chances are slim though, given its terrible reputation and the many years that have passed.
  • Posts: 9,913
    GoldenGun wrote: »
    This is one I always wanted to play, just because it let’s you play in films that weren’t touched before by the games, especially OHMSS and LTK. And I’ve also always been a fan of the production design of GF, MR and DAD, so it remains on my bucket list. Afraid chances are slim though, given its terrible reputation and the many years that have passed.

    It’s bad but not that bad I think had Craig done the voice the game would of been better in my opinion the voice actor was just so bad to be honest
  • NoTimeToLiveNoTimeToLive Jamaica
    Posts: 128
    Mallory wrote: »
    They also completely butcher the “Bond, James Bond” moment in a way that is almost comically incompetent.

    This pretty much sums up everything that's wrong with this game. It's so bad it feels like it was made bad on purpose. How do you set up a "Bond, James Bond" scene like that and then not pull it off?

    Also, why is Felix white if it's meant to take place in Craig's universe? I assume they couldn't get Jeffrey White's likeness, but at least get a black voice actor and use their likeness, for M's sake!

    OHMSS is probably the one they butchered the most. Mission starts with Bond proposing to Tracy even though we never met her... okay, I'll give this a pass because they couldn't make the game any longer (still, GoldenEye had 20 levels; sure they were shorter but at least they covered the whole movie and even expanded the story, whereas the missions in 007 Legends feel like they chose a single scene from each movie and padded it out).

    Then the mission ends with Blofeld seemingly dying as he falls off a cable car as they're hundreds or even thousands of feet high... yet he's later revealed to be alive as he shoots Tracy. How is this even possible?
    The music when Tracy is shot is hilariously terrible, it sounds like some stock action music which is totally out of place in what should be a tender, poignant moment.

    And to cap it off we hear M's line from Casino Royale "Sometimes we're so focused on our enemies we forget to watch our friends." Why? WHY??? This line is so random it's totally out of place! The line was used by M to describe Vesper's betrayal, why would they use it to describe Blofeld killing Tracy out of revenge? Blofeld was not Bond's friend and did not betray him, he was Bond's enemy from the beginning.

    But wait, there's more! The very next scene is a gritty Bond hitting Sanchez's goons looking for their boss... the way it's edited it almost makes you think Bond is actually going on a private vendetta against Blofeld to avenge Tracy... nope, he wants to avenge Felix like he did in the movie. But the way it's edited it's veeeeeeery confusing, it makes you think they sort of tied in OHMSS and LTK and used the latter's themes of private revenge to follow up the former's ending. Even if you know the movies by heart they're sooo confusing.

    Finally, the invisible car from Die Another Day was (imo) a very silly concept for a Bond movie as it was too over the top... but it would totally make sense in a videogame. But no, the car in this game is not invisible. Lame. So lame.
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    For anyone curious about 007 Legends, let the curiosity die. There isn't anything remotely enjoyable about whatever Frankenstein's monster that was supposed to be.

    It is a shame that the Bond license has been wasted for so long through so many poor and embarrassing games that were rushed out just to capitalize on a movie or other big Bond related announcement. It is a long time coming for a developer such as IO to get their hands on Bond, to make a game catered to his world and his audience that isn't connected to anything, isn't being made to promote anything else, and can just be its own wonderful beast. The potential of Bond finally escaping this revolving door of movie tie-in games and hamfisted remakes of better, older games is something to behold.
  • Posts: 9,913
    For anyone curious about 007 Legends, let the curiosity die. There isn't anything remotely enjoyable about whatever Frankenstein's monster that was supposed to be.

    It is a shame that the Bond license has been wasted for so long through so many poor and embarrassing games that were rushed out just to capitalize on a movie or other big Bond related announcement. It is a long time coming for a developer such as IO to get their hands on Bond, to make a game catered to his world and his audience that isn't connected to anything, isn't being made to promote anything else, and can just be its own wonderful beast. The potential of Bond finally escaping this revolving door of movie tie-in games and hamfisted remakes of better, older games is something to behold.

    I did. replay it a few times in the drought between it and Goldeneye for the Xbox/switch came out and while it’s better then the lack of bond games from 2013-2022 it’s still not great though I feel the same way about goldeneye and yet I play that game lol
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    You're a better man than I, @Risico007. If this was more ancient times your bravery and sacrifices would be sewn into tapestries decorating the grandest of halls.
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