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I'll be upset if they kill off Kittridge or Luther. That "I have no regrets" line from Luther gave me "I have to die to save others" vibes.
Which is why he shouldn’t be…
For me, the car chase was by far the best thing in Dead Reckoning. But yes, it wouldn't need another car chase.
I think Cruise should call it a day when he's 65? I dunno, you don't wanna get too old! If Final Reckoning underperforms Paramount may cancel the franchise. No Time To Die did significantly better box office than MI Dead Reckoning.
Tom Cruise is extremely energetic for his age but no-one can defeat time. Indiana Jones 4 and 5, were, imho, unnecessary. Ford's mature age didn't add anything to those films. Arguably, his age was to the films' detriment. It would be a shame to see Cruise running and hanging off stuff when he looks too old. It's also far more risky when you get older.
I like a good car chase. Just felt like it was too long. NTTD had the perfect chase length
Trailer looks like it’s the usual MI fun, with Cruise running and dangling from crazy places.
I think it’s setup to intrigue us, after all it is called a teaser trailer.
I can’t imagine they’re going to kill off Ethan Hunt, it would feel too cliched after Bond did it in NTTD.
There’s still more life in Cruise and the franchise.
On a recent viewing of MI:DR I found I enjoyed it far more, and in particular the car chase. It was beautifully orchestrated and choreographed. Especially after the disappointing chase through Rome in SP.
I did note that this trailer doesn’t have any shots of Gabriel or Paris from the previous film. The entity is obviously the focus, but zero main villain is unusual.
Looking forward to lighting the fuse in 2025.
I agree. I doubt Ethan Hunt dies in FR. If he dies then it would be mission impossible to come back to life! ;))
Again, probably won’t happen, and it would be a very silly ending, but if it does remember this post ☺
If someone like Solomon Lane had killed Ilsa, it would have been more convincing. Also, Ilsa should have died a more heroic death.
Agreed. An illogical misstep that immediately took away from the previous film for me. It was already on shaky ground with a poor villain, but hopefully Gabriel will have a bigger impact in this upcoming entry.
PPS at 54 you see three guys in a small,basic boat rowing in the frozen waters (top view), at 28, you see three guys (same hats,same guys, not agents? local fishermen?) out on the ice holding the key with fascination as if it has been newly found, at 55 you see the key frozen just below the surface of the ice, around the neck of a girl (no girls on the original sub?), a hand brushes over loose snow, indicating that the key has been found by someone on the ice, so, stay with me, either there is a second key? or they lose the original key to someone who, again, drowns and is frozen? thoughts? or not a girl in the ice and a flash back to how the key was found? weird
I would have preferred him to become the new IMF Secretary at the end of the movie.
Yeah, true. I hope Gabriel's stamp would be more this time. Also, I'm really looking forward to Lorne Balfe's score.
I also wonder how much they're purposefully not showing, considering Luther went off at the end of DR to hide away and do his own work to help the team.
Yeah I'm quite surprised that Paris and Degas seem to be part of the team, not least as I could have sworn Paris died.
I guess the clue was her name though, Leonard Nimoy played Paris in the TV show. But Briggs (same name as the TV show team leader) from Dead Reckoning didn't appear in the trailer that I could see.
I guess you can see me!