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Brilliant. Absolutely love this theory.
Bond then looks in the other room and returns. As Bond returns to Felicca he would have a peripheral view of the room and the corridor above. Maybe he got a location of the person above him.
It reminds me of the scene in TB, where after finding Dervals corpse Bond goes to make a phone call, only to use the phone to foil a would be assassin. Bond was aware of the assassin, but the audience isn't alerted to his knowledge.
The same thing could be true of TSWLM.
Who has a corridor above their living area like that? Allowing randoms to just peak down into your home. Weird!
Moore made no secret of his discomfort in kicking Loque's car off the cliff in FYEO, but some of these deaths were equally cold and I don't think he's ever commented on those.
Sorry, I didn't answer the question directly, but I'm guessing it's her or him and she's the shield. In many films, he shows a bit of remorse at a death he's caused and there's not even a second glance at her.
It's a good point. It is pretty identical to Sandor, really; although I guess that was a little jokier perhaps- maybe that's why he seemed more comfortable with it? Mind you, it's not as if he didn't toss a quip in after Loque too. Odd isn't it.
Because he's Mister Kiss Kiss Bang Bang.
I think she's bad but she liked Bond at the last second. Too late for her..
I think Sandor shot first to silence the secretary. Bond wasn’t at fault.
We’ll see whether I’m wrong or not, haha. I do wonder what a rewatch of the footage says.
Okay time for another spot in a film that requires a theory. Bond has battled many a foe. Most of these battles are straightforward and play out with some degree of believability. However one battle left me perplexed.
I am of course talking about Bond meeting Bambi and Thumper! These two women have their way with Bond on land and then the moment they hit the pool Bond is able to overpower both of them to the point where they quickly give up. Always bothered me how fierce women would meekly surrender. So I have to ask any theories to explain this away?
For your viewing pleasure here is the battle:
My Dad said because a man would weigh more in water than the women it would allow Bond to overpower. Not sure if I believe that, so I am open to other suggestions.
He works for the British secret service MI6.
Bond is British.
M is British.
Q is British.
So why is the original Moneypenny American? Her accent is clearly American. Lois Maxwell was Canadian.
Why did Eon cast a Canadian actress when you would assume Moneypenny would be British. She's British from TLD to NTTD.
Lois Maxwell was my favourite Moneypenny so I never noticed her incongruous accent when watching the films. 😉
Well, we know what he can do with his little finger.
Okay, I'll leave now.
Regarding Blofeld in OHMSS, in my head canon Bond was disguised as a Japanese in YOLT when he met Blofeld. As poorly disguised as he was, it was enough to conceal his real appearance. The Bray persona did the rest.
He kidnaps her and takes her out of London. But they head out in an Aston Martin DB-5. During the ride Bond shows the ejector seat button when M starts complaining about the comfort of the car.
We saw that he won a DB-5 at a poker game in CR but that was a civilian car. He is not seen with the car again until SF. So let the theories begin, was this the same car he won at poker but with optional extras installed by Q? Was this a different car that was outfitted with gadgets from Q branch? Q says they aren't into gadgets earlier in the film so one has to wonder how did this DB-5 get outfitted?
What is your theory on how Bond had an outfitted DB-5 in SF?
I believe its supposed to be an old "company car", not the Bahamas DB5. But I don't think Sam Mendes really cared too much about thinking this one out.
Personally that’s more or less the idea I’ve always got. Ask viewers who’ve only seen the Craig films and I think it’s the same.
But yeah, I guess at some point Q branch may have outfitted the car in case Bond wanted to spend the weekend at a lake. Geese can be aggressive animals.
Symbol of re-making or better say a symbol of making a new copy. This is why you see it destroyd in SF and how fast be buld up again in Spectre. Same is done twice with old Mi6 and new Mi6. And it don't stop with things, also count for humans and look further then Bond (Every new actor playing Bond is actualy new copy) , M, Q or Moneypenny.
I'd add to it: Bond paid with the money he won at the poker game in the Bahamas.
Jumping back in time, Bond crossed paths with a man named Kananga and Solitaire. Solitaire had a deck of cards a special deck. A deck that had 0-0-7 on the backs of them. Some call it an Easter egg and it certainly was, in fact you can purchase the deck for yourself.
But lets have some fun and wonder just how did Solitaire get double-o-7 branded cards?
Would love to hear your theories!