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I suppose this film was meant to be Spielberg's Bond film; I didn't really like it.
I like Redmayne, but it would be like Waltz light. I'd like a more brutish Blofeld, intimidating on a physical and intellectual level. Jeroen Krabbe back I'm the 80s-90s would have made a brilliant Blofeld, or a crypto Blofeld. A shame his Koskov was so poorly written.
P.S.: Gerard Butler was great too in that Tomb Raider movie. First big role I've seen him in, I'd only seen him in TND before.
I kind of hope they use a bit of the background info they did not use in SP, about him bring in the French Legion. I wished they had keep that instead of the stepbrother angle. And of course as much Fleming as possible.
Not necessarily the big bad to beat, but in OHMSS there's definitely a sense that Blofeld is Bond's 'white whale', and ultimately even defeating him leads to the death of Tracy. It's not a dynamic we see with any other Bond villain. He's also the only villain in the novels that gets a character arc, going from this ambitious villain to a half mad recluse with a God complex. Partly because Bond thwarts his plans.
I mean, Fleming's later Bond novels had a lot of preoccupation with stuff like fate and death, and the idea of Bond and this man getting caught in each other's roads, with both losing what they care about along the way, is there for sure. It's not something I thought SP really got about the relationship between these two characters, even with the Oberhauser twist and Blofeld's weird 'author of all your pain' lines.
It always been obvious to me that Blofeld was Bond's Moriarty. Fittingly, they meet for the first time in Switzerland.
As much as his choices were unique, he’s right: Bond should always fight Blofeld. The threat of Blofeld should always be there. It’s the equivalent of Lex Luthor for Superman, James Moriarty for Sherlock Holmes or SPECTRE itself being a Green Goblin for Spider-Man. It does feel right to me. EON (or a continuation novel author) should just better plan it out better.
My suggestion: they take the approach of the early Connery (1-4) and Lazenby. Blofeld is subtly introduced, but he is not seen. They might not even need to do the hands stroking cat thing. Just have him mentioned by his henchmen. And take a cue from the Sherlock Holmes series with Jeremy Brett, I think they introduced Moriarty really well. For a while, Bond must be a nuisance for Blofeld and Blofeld an almost imperceptible presence for Bond and MI6. A ghost, so to speak.
In the Moore era, they couldn't use SPECTRE for obvious reasons, and there was a sameness to the megalomaniacal villain du jour.
With CR and QoS, there started to be a continuity with Mr. White, and it was exciting and fresh. This is not to say that SP/NTTD expanded upon that continuity with complete success...but the continuity *did* feel good at the beginning of Craig's run.
Oscar Isaac. He's 44 now. Close enough.
His portrayal of Nathan in Ex Machina was very Bond-villain-esque (if there isn't such a word, maybe I just created it). I think Isaac could play Blofeld or any villain you would want to create. He's exceptional.
If nothing else he's got the right face to be a Bond villain. Physically he could look like OHMSS Blofeld (I'm always referring to the novels).
Also to all future versions of Blofeld: no name changes, personal connections to Bond or any MI6 characters, or hidden pasts. As for connection to other villains, make them SPECTRE villains, only. We don't need to see certain other villains, like Goldfinger or Scaramanga be members, though. Other than building SPECTRE for a business purpose, there shouldn't be much personal vendettas other than more or less for business. Basically, don't do what EON did with Spectre in the last 2 films. Charlie Higson had some unique opinions on both movies. He should write a modern day Blofeld novel! If he writes his new backstory, don't make it too personal!
With the Blofeld and SPECTRE legal rights being fully settled a thought came to me. Could this be the sign (along with Dynamite Comics' Agent of Spectre) that they will be used more often now? It seems that they are honoring Bond's villain history. Why not use his archenemy, on a regular basis as a constant threat? It's time that they got fixed up, and proved that they can be a modern threat, in any media.
Any number of actors could play Blofeld. But it's finding that right balance. For me, a good villain is one you're oddly attracted to and want to see more of. I didn't miss CW when he wasn't on screen. He simply was not interesting to watch.
I'm in no hurry for Blofeld to return. I like the idea of Bond taking on an enemy he defeats, instead of just destroying his lair and waiting to meet his nemesis again.
As for who to play him, I love the Werner Herzog suggestion. And I think Stellan Skarsgård would have been great. But I agree they are too old now. And Blofeld needs to be portrayed by a younger actor. Definitely menancing. But just as physical as Bond.
Awesome ideas! We need a physical Blofeld again. Some interesting names, but as you said, they are a bit old to start now. Same with my earlier suggestion of Peter Sarsgaard. However, it’ll be just as hard to cast Blofeld as much as Bond the next time around. Just no code names or family relationships, EON!
I agree, I actually like Waltz. I just didn't like the backstory. But I do think Blofeld needs to be physically able to match Bond. They obviously have time, especially if he is mentioned and not seen. But the casting is key. I do think Blofeld and SPECTRE are important to Bond. So even if they aren't the main antagonist, it would be nice to sprinkle them into the background so we know at any time a mission could feature them.
Yes I agree with all of your statements. I think that Alec Trevelyan could be a similar character arc for the future as well.
A day late, but worth mentioning. Hopefully, EON can better plan Blofeld out for next time. IFP should use him in a book again as well.
The Blofeld Files – The Making of the Iconic Alpine Sequence in the James Bond Movie “On Her Majesty’s Secret Service”
by Steffen Appel and Peter Waelty, the team of authors that brought us The Goldfinger Files a few years ago.
There’s not much to be found on the net until now, but there’ll be a (invitational) launch event in Zurich on March 15th, so I’m assuming the book will be available from the usual sources after that date.
Oh, brother! 😱