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Failed attempt since loo in the Carribean and Mexico and Central and South America and elsewhere is better known as a toilet or bathroom. Rather than associated with winning.
@RichardTheBruce ever play the game Balderdash? Methinks you would rule at it. LOL!
In the film, the card brand is not 007, but O.O.7. - 'Oracle Of Seven'.
The number 7 is considered divine or mystical, and symbolizes completeness, inner wisdom, and spiritual awakening.
Okay, I'm out now.
Are Mr Big and his team not based in San Monique and kind of more visiting NYC?
Okay lets jump back 10 years to SP. A film that has it's fans and detractors.
This comes to us from @SIS_HQ as one they would like to see some theories for:
Why Bond didn't lose his memory after the brain torture surgery Blofeld done on him in SP?
Blofeld is being surgical with his needles and drills. He tells Swann that with the right spot and depth he can eliminate the memories that Bond has. He proceeds to drill in that spot and asks Swann if "those blue eyes still remember you". Which seems to indicate he did in fact wipe out some of Bond's memories and yet...Bond recognizes Swann. Watch for a refresher!
What are the theories of why Bond didn't get this memory erased? Was Blofeld bluffing? Did he not drill in the right place? What are your theories as to why Bond was unaffected by the drilling?
I guess because he's James Bond and slightly indestructible? Or maybe it actually worked and from here on in a really confused Bond is just bluffing his way his through his life without letting on that he has no idea who anyone is.
Or I guess more seriously: there are people who do have face blindness or 'prosopagnosia' which means they have trouble recognising faces. I think it varies in strength and people who have it can live normal lives I think: perhaps Bond has that from then on but it doesn't affect him too much.
It's a bit lazy and vague, and comes purely down to luck which isn't ideal, but oh well.
Scene could've done with Bond stumbling a bit next to the chair, followed by Madeleine supporting him, but it is what it is, and I still like this scene, minus the CGI watch dial effects.
That's my take on it too. He doesn't really knows what he's doing but at the very least he knows he won't be doing Bond any good.
That's one of the funniest things I've read on here in a while, @mtm! Very good! :))
Interestingly enough, Raymond Benson wrote a non-Bond thriller novel called Face Blind (2003) dealing with this very condition.