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At work someone called me a Bondie. If there is such a thing, I suppose I am one. Who else would wear Baron Samedi or Scaramanga socks :))
By the way, do you have holes in your socks?
I have vivid memories of the "craignotbond" website and its followers, some of whom briefly joined our community. I was particularly disappointed by some members who considered "craignotbond" a legitimate and objective argument against Daniel Craig's casting. Using awkward, heavily manipulated freeze-frames of an actor, altered with amateur photo editing, as proof that Craig's casting was a mistake, is utterly insane.
It's worth remembering that all of this criticism occurred before a single frame of Craig as Bond had been released. Even during the days of NTTD, similar behavior persisted. Some people actively engaged in discussions about the film without having seen it. Others confidently declared that NTTD would never be released; once it was, they insisted it would be a box office disaster. When NTTD succeeded at the box office, they then claimed that Bond dying had set a template for future Bond films. "Mark my words," the always-proven wrong prophets like to say.
My first experience with internet hysteria likely began with Craig's casting in 2005, and I’ve witnessed many similar instances since.
A Bondie, I’ve never heard or seen that expression before.
It sounds logical and makes sense. I kinda like it.
Haha no I don't. I take good care of my Bond socks. ;)
I think that co-worker invented it on the spot, because I also never heard of it. But doesn't sound too bad, maybe it'll become a thing :))
Why many people were complaining about a scene in NTTD where Bond was at the back while Nomi was the one riding the Scooter, have they not seen Bond at the passenger seat before? (Fiona Volpe, Tracy, Anya, Melina, and Camille)?
We even have Bond (almost looking uncool) in Tuk-Tuk while Vijay was the one driving it in OP.
I may not be much of a fan of NTTD, but it's just nonsense for the fans to complain about that particular thing, because it's no different from those scenes before where Bond took a passenger seat next to a Bond Girl driving, the only difference was, it's a Scooter, those that came before were cars.
If it's a car, would people still complain?
I don't understand the fans sometimes.
"The" fans are "some" fans, @SIS_HQ. Some fans believe that "Babs" and Craig were conspiring against us by emasculating Bond. Because that makes sense...? A bit of "ooh la la" during Silva's interrogation and a female 00 add to the strange idea that James Bond is no longer a "real man". Because that makes sense...? And a selective memory is never too far away when examples are thrown in our faces just to prove a point that, at least in my opinion, makes no sense.
Game, set and match ;)