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AvP: Requiem
Alien Resurrection
Covenant is not last because technically it is good, Covenant gets a bit weird later on which puts me off. Resurrection may be bottom of the list though it does have its moments and is fun in a goofy way.
Despite owning the AVP films I don't watch them, the first one is not great but i do remember thinking it was far better than the second.
I rate the Alien franchise above the likes of Terminator and Predator, each series has two great films, Alien just has more average to good films.
I think Predator has 3 great entries: Predator, Predators and Pray. Terminators has 2, definitely no more. Alien has several.
Alien³ is a difficult one for me. I love Fincher's direction, but am saddened by most of Weaver's stipulations. The music is great but it also sets a mood that I find pretty depressing; and while that is kind of the point, I don't have to like it. The Assembly Cut is a whole lot better than the theatrical, in my opinion, but I still struggle with the tone of the film. The elevated horror of Alien and the exciting action of Aliens are both missing from Alien³. Lastly, like so many others, I am trapped in a bit of an angry place considering how easily the ending of Aliens was thrown in the bin by this movie. I am aware of how silly that is, but I can't help it.
I only ever watch the of Alien3 now (I watched the theatrical cut in the cinema), assembly cut has far more depth and character motivations are more explicit, there is potentially a truly amazing film there and very different from the first two which is what you want.
I should probably give the first AVP film another go, cinema has be pretty poor in the fantasy genre in recent years it may stand up well.
One thing I did like about the first AVP film was the return of Lance.
The same premise, in the hands of Cameron would have been awesome.; as is it’s entertaining
I have the HD AVP boxset I will watch the first film again, unlikely I will last long with the second film.
Cameron has his critics but he is a very accomplished film maker on a technical level.
If Cameron made another Alien movie tomorrow it would be very good no doubt.
I recently re watched all the Resident Evil films which are a guilty pleasure. I may enjoy the first AVP film next time.
My beef with the first AvP is that, like Prometheus, it's a lot of walking around, looking, no, nothing here, let's go to the next room, repeat. By the time the "action" begins, I'm zoned out. The character of Alexa spends the first half of the film lecturing us every step of the way, and the second half of the film having it a bit too easy. The film is horrendously human-centric too, whereas other parts of the AvP franchise (comics and games) manage to tell amusing stories with most of the work done by the xenomorphs and the predators. Lastly, the way the film opens -- let's round up the meat for later and give every human his meaningless story -- feels too much like Roland Emmerich doing another one of those disaster movies. Lastly, boredom. The horror element is pretty weak and the action nothing to boast of. Even the music feels assembled from leftovers from other film scores.
The universally hated AvP 2 has an exciting score, is dark (literally), dares to be very brutal, has some pretty good action, and sends the humans running from the monsters a lot faster than in AvP. While its flaws are evident, the film is much less boring IMO, and that is, without a doubt, a positive thing.
I don't mind wandering as long as there is story and character development, I will really have to watch AVP again as I can't remember much from the film other than the finale.
With very few exceptions Vs film rarely work well for me.
I will give it another go, time may be kind, I am not sure I have even watched it since I bought the AVP boxset.
It might have its share of fervent fans but don't worry, I think the usual consensus is that it's average at best.
Freddy vs Jason is the only one for me. Sadako vs Kayako was... okay-ish. A few Universal Monsters team-ups were lovely. But yes, it's a difficult concept to pull off in films.
BvS is probably my favorite of the Vs films for obvious reasons lol I bought Godzilla Vs Kong only watched it once the visuals were pretty good.
I have been doing a Freddy rewatch which has been mixed some, only one film to go which is Freddy Vs Jason I have not watched for well over a decade, I recall it was schlocky fun from memory (I won't bother watching the remake),
The definition of teaser trailer, watching frame by frame there are some interesting images.
2120 set 2 years before Aliens good time to set it.
Love the spooky music on the teaser. Scary stuff!
I will give the show a go, the teasers have not given much away which I am happy about.
I never thought they should have crossed the two franchises over? I love both of them dearly. But they could have developed them separately to create a much wider individual universe.
Just the studio taking the easier option.
Good to see you back @RogueAgent hopefully the new Alien show will be good.
Thank you, it is great to be back and have so much to discuss! I hope you have all been playing nice whilst i have been away? :))
Not been as active recently though the Amazon news caused a stir, at least we will get another Bond film this decade 😂 that's me being positive.
Crikey! I certainly hope so?!! :))