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The only Elder Scrolls game I have is Tampriel Unlimited? Only played it briefly years ago think it is a online game.
I know of Elder Scrolls Online, is that the one? I played a bit of the Morrowind expansion, but I didn't like the online mechanics (draw an enemy too far from their spawn point, and they run back to their place, complete with a full health bar. And also enemies being able to shoot me through walls).
Skyblivion, right? As a fan made game, i'm not sure how big of a release it will get. But if it comes to console, I might have a look at it.
"I'm going to make you an offer that you can't refuse."
My main base is ridiculously fortified wiped out two deathclaws in seconds. Really enjoying the building aspect of this game.
My Hangman alley build is awesome.
Now started God of War Ragnarok as that is on PS Plus as well.
I never devoted much time to the base building, but now I want to jump back in to F4, and properly have a go at it.
The Inquisitor (PS5)
Eurojank, eurojank everywhere. Imagine if Christ, following his crucifixion, decided to not forgive those whom betrayed him, and instead went full Charles Bronson, sending the catholic church down a different path.
In 1533, Inquisitor Mordimer Madderdin, arrives at the German town of Koenigstein to investigate rumours of a vampire.