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James Bond News • James Bond Articles • James Bond Magazine
Does Amy Pascal have anything to do with Sony's Spiderman spin-offs?
It wouldn’t surprise me if Broccoli suggested to Amazon to pick Pascal as the newly appointed producer. She was Eon’s biggest ally in Sony.
I never took that quote seriously, and anyone that did, or got offended by it in any way, needs to get a life.
I think the "007" theme suited the old Bond films fine and was quite thrilling but after this length of time (1979) it's probably best to keep it in the past.
Which hurts even more as EON was before this bit of a news in my opinion on an up swing
We had
Goldeneye back for the modern consoles in 2022
The first Adult Bond book in the modern era with On his majesties secret service (first time since 2011’s carte blanche)
And we got the first new Bond video game (though a mobile one) with 007 Cypher
And even film wise rumors of Denis coming in rumors that babs may have found someone she liked with Paul Mescal (not my first choice by a long shot)
Now to quote dylan its all over now baby blue
I thought it was great in FRWL. It feels like a train somehow.
After that, not so much.
In Thundberball, I can't help but associate the 007 theme with the horrendously edited climax.
Moonraker makes it sound grand and I think it's in great shape there.
I think the 007 theme isn't one that carries intrigue and suspense with it like the Bond Theme. You can't play a 007 theme during a stealthy infiltration, while a Bond theme has that sort of universality.
Amazon don't even know what the 007 theme; if you asked them, they'd probably believe you'd be referring to the Monty Norman theme. Even the average Bond fan doesn't know about it.
100% agree mate. I love YKMN and that opening riff gives me chills every time, something about it just feels Bondian
(The Observer):
If they did I would agree, there’s no edge to it. Also it seems more sort of 50s styled than Barry’s usual stuff with the airy strings. It doesn’t feel very Bondy or dangerous.
If they used a slower reference to the main melody as a sort of London/MI6 theme I could see that working, it has a sort of stately feel.
Aaah! Yes! "He's Dangerous" very good action theme. Funnily enough, it sounds like an alternate version of OHMSS.