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Well said. TB's the anniversary I'm looking forward to most this year.
However, I think SP is just a few details away from a top 10 entry for me. The locations, the atmosphere, Léa, Monica, and Dan Craig's Bond only entry where he isn't either a rookie or "too old for this s...". If only, if only they would have kept that fosterbrother plot out, and if only they would have restrained themselves from retroactively connecting all the previous entries.
After the first three Craigs, out of which I did like most of them, I was (and still am tbh) hoping for a more traditional kind of Bond film and this is the closest we ever got in his era. For that, I really appreciate it. And it took Bond to Rome, which is my single most favourite place on the planet.
Agree mate, I do love that whole section in Rome, and its got Monica in there too, which is always a bonus!!😁
BTW, the missus and I got married in Rome, we were back there last March for our anniversary!
Wow, that's absolutely amazing my friend!
I did my studies abroad there back in 2014-2015 (that's right, SP was being shot there too around that time :p ), and I return regularly :)
Edit: sorry to go off-topic fellas, I'll leave myself out ;)
Between AVTAK and Spectre, I'll take Spectre please.
AVTAK has its charming points. But while SP's story may be overstuffed, AVTAK's is just silly and, at times, without focus. Also, I love Rog, but Craig rocks in SP. In fact, the only thing I'll give AVTAK over SP is its delicious score and theme song.
The only correct answer.
Oh yes please, I did go and see it in ‘22 and surprised myself by really enjoying it.
That is a future one! I like your thought.
Roger Moore films are...not generally among my favourites, but they are the BEST to see with a cinema audience. I've seldom had as much fun as I did at MR when the BFI screened it a few years ago.
You must give me the name of your sockulist.
Lets pit the remaining two films who are celebrating anniversaries this year and see what transpires.
Would you rather watch TB celebrating it's 60 anniversary OR GE which is celebrating it's 30th anniversary?
One hand a Bond actor at his peak or close to it. Sean oozes cool and confidence in this film. We have a well cast film of beautiful women, including the first truly femme fatale who battles Bond quite well. Fiona Volpe is quite a character and played perfectly by Lucianna Paluzzi, Claudine Auger is a striking beauty as Domino. We have SPECTRE fully involved and engaged in mayhem. Ken Adam creates wonderful underwater vehicles that to this day hold up.
A Bond actor taking the role after a 6 year absence of films. Brosnan hits the ground running in this epic adventure that signalled Bond was indeed back. A wonderful stunt in the opening sequence, a return of the Aston Martin and another female villainess. Famke Jannsen lights up the screen as Onnatopp! We have a creative tank chase. Robbie Coltrane as a lovable ally, and Sean Bean as the double-crossing double-o-6. All in all a fully stocked Bond film that went on to inspire an amazing video game.
So which one is likely on your screen?
GE annoys me, for too many reasons to mention!
... I do tend to get a bit misty eyed when I remember watching BOND on the ABC SUNDAY NIGHT movie when I was younger (so much younger than today) as it made me into a fan.