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Criterion - still rules when it comes to overall film selection and extra features.
Arrow - their upcoming Dollar trilogy is probably one of my most anticipated releases this year.
Second Sight - their limited boxsets are truly beautiful and probably the most Premium among all boutique labels.
Imprint - Australian label specializing in cult classics.
Cronos (1992)
Drugstore Cowboy (1989)
The Fisher King (1991)
McCabe & Mrs. Miller (1971)
Paper Moon (1973)
Punch-Drunk Love (2002)
There are still 20+ films left on my 4K Criterion wishlist, but I’m strategically crossing off things that “complete” certain categories, namely directors (ex: Have all available Robert Altman, Paul Thomas-Anderson, Peter Bogdanovich, & Gus Van Sant-directed films on 4K). Right now I’m up to 42 Criterions total, and currently 27 more on the wishlist. Of course, more gets announced every month, so the journey is a long way yet to go!
As for me, my eagerly awaited copy of Criterion’s Godzilla vs. Biollante just arrived and my weekend plans are now set! Long unavailable outside of Japan, this film did get a blu-ray release by Miramx back in 2012 before going out of print.
Some time ago Criterion acquired the rights to the first four of the seven Heisei era (1984-1995) Godzilla movies and hopefully, they will get the rights to the remaining three titles and treat us with a box set to go along with their best-selling Showa era set (1954-1975) which they released back in 2019.
For those (@j_w_pepper !) that aren’t versed in Godzilla history, the Heisei era represented the second wave of “G” films and it ignored all of the previous Showa era films except for the initial 1954’s film – Gojira. Specifically, this set of films have a rough continuity that place it apart from earlier films made in the 1960s and 1970s. And with a new timeline, one could say that this era does for Godzilla, what the Daniel Craig run of films did for Bond – even down to a similar NTTD type ending. Generally darker in tone than the first wave of films, these new films also featured better special effects.
“Godzilla vs. Biollante” (1989) was the second movie in this new era and was a follow-up to the events of the first film (1984’s “The Return of Godzilla”) and has him (it?) matched against a genetically engineered monster.
Great pickup yourself with Godzilla vs. Biollante! So far I’ve only seen that one, the original, and Minus One, but I’ve highly enjoyed all of them. Don’t own any yet, but I plan on it someday!