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I don’t think it was silly at all. It was a bold move. Craig wouldn’t have made the film otherwise
To be honest, I think a lot of people overthink the whole age thing with SF. It's Bond in his early 40s (so mid-career as 007) after a really bad mission. It's pretty much Brosnan's Bond in GE (albeit with the injuries etc). He overcomes his injury and proves the new guard wrong/continues. I'm not sure why a Bond film wouldn't want Bond to overcome the fact that he's lost a step.
Even NTTD gave us a Bond in his 50s. He wasn't young, but he was still physically capable. A Bond in his 70s is a completely different thing. I think it would have to touch upon something melancholic to work. Or be a sort of 'old man Bond' type thing, which I don't think many people really want to see in practice. I don't think it would work or get a good enough development.
You just have to make a lot of "I'm too old for this sh*t" jokes.
I feel like killing off Bond, if it had to happen, would only be acceptable if it was known if the movie was the series finale, which it doesn’t look like it was.
The only somewhat loose end was Koskov surviving at the end of TLD. Could he return or cause an issue that requires Bond to return?
I like the idea of EON at least acknowledging the actor as he ages in the role. To ignore it or take it nowhere seems odd to me. If we do bring back Dalton or Brosnan please no "de-aging". I haven't seen a good one yet in film.
It's really hard to imagine a version which wouldn't be a NTTD retread though. Maybe you go Bourne Supremacy route and have Bond being framed for something so he has to return to sort it out.
In advance of selecting the next Bond actor, that's also the case for Brosnan or Dalton, both could have their due. A clever story told with flashes of action, something that doesn't extend to a full movie or fit into one. It also wouldn't be a spinoff or extension of the Bondiverse. It would be Bond.
Now a Reunion With Death videogame taking place in 1991, that would be different matter entirely.
As for Brosnan coming back. No, because he had his four goes. Bond needs new blood.
1. We've already had three movies in a row about Bond being old and outdated.
2. Dalton is 79, Brosnan is 71. That's simply too old to convincingly do action. By comparison, Old Connery was 52 in NSNA.
3. I prefer to remember Dalton's and Brosnan's Bonds when they were in their prime, not as has-beens coming back for one last romp.
I think that the only option would be Brosnan; he has a broader appeal.
And of course, you'd run the risk of the codename theory gaining more traction if you do this concurrently with the new Bond actor's run. Probably a bad idea all around, as others have said, but I can't claim that I wouldn't be watching.
A CGI Connery is more likely than Dalton's return.
Koskov is up to something... and the film is called "Death To Spies."
If Tim was even five years younger, I'd be all over that.