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There is literally a very real world situation where the British and French are having to take the lead in a fight against our enemies, there's nothing wrong with pointing that out and echo is perfectly right to say it's a backdrop against which a little more relevance for the next film could be added, but only really alluded to in much the same way 911 was only nodded towards in DAD and CR, nothing explicit.
It's why I actually quite fancy seeing a film where the Double 0 section gets set up. Again, nothing explicit, but a nod towards 'a new world, with new enemies and new threats' would be a good backdrop for M to decide he wants to establish a new department for fighting them.
I doubt it, I'd have to see the guy; but it's a silly question. Who has scoffed at the idea of limits? There are obviously limitations to the casting, there always is to casting any role; it's why a lot of us have said we don't fancy seeing Dalton or Brosnan back because they're in their 70s.
It's a silly question because even finding a guy who's 5'4 is pretty tricky if you were actually looking for one, there's no real point in asking it. It's not a situation they're going to find themselves in. There seems to be an odd idea that because the casting thread has done an occasional bit of blue sky-ish thinking about who could be a Bond that that means that some of us are utterly bonkers and want literally anyone of any shape, length or thickness as long as they look nothing like Tim Dalton in the role, but that's just silly exaggeration, as with this 5'4/6'8 thing.
If the ideal candidate materialises out of nowhere, is the dead spit of Hoagy Carmichael and stands 6'2 in his socks then great, I doubt any of us would be saying we don't want him. But if the ideal candidate happens to not look exactly like Connery, his hair isn't jet black, and is a few inches shorter or taller -but still handsome and alpha male-ish- then I'm really not going to sweat about it. If you want to know exactly how many inches variance I'm happy to accept right down to the millimetre, I think it might be touch grass time.
Bond 26: False Equivalency.
Fake news
It would depend on the actor, but I think those extremes are highly unlikely. It’s not just about them being incredibly talented but how that Bondian potential is conveyed through the complete image of the actor and how they come across onscreen. As I said for certain actors they can come across as being 6 foot even if they’re 5’7 or whatever (average height rather than above average essentially). That’s more likely the sort of thing we’re looking at.
But to play devil’s advocate, if an extraordinarily good candidate came along for Bond and blew all his competitors out of the water/was the best pick, and was one of those extremes of height, I’d say cast them rather than go for a lesser actor and work around their height. Again, assuming part of this actor’s package was coming across as larger than life/naturally taller than they are onscreen if short, but not extraordinarily large in a way that doesn’t fit the character if they’re taller. But these hypothetical actors are just not likely to exist in practice
It’s unlikely an actor who is 5’4” or 6’8” would be considered. No matter how talented they are.
What talented actors fall within these parameters, that would actually be considered for the role of James Bond?
Oh really? Who has reported that?
Now we have a tall Jack Reacher and he's quite different.
He almost directed TWINE. I think he would have made it a little less family soap-opera like.
Given the amount of talk about them from reputable sources I’d be very surprised if the Pascal/Heyman thing didn’t turn out to be true; Cuáron I think is much less a certainty but there’s reason to be cautiously optimistic. I won’t get too attached to the idea of him though as lots can change.
Fortunately Cuaron is a name director that infused new energy and originality into an established franchise. Also, the word is the budget will be around 250 million.
Alfonso has been linked to Bond by two insiders now, not to mention hes shared spheres with Heyman and EON in the past. If he genuinely has met with executives at Amazon, then I think it's hopeful. If they want a film by 2027 they don't have a lot of time, they need to pick a director and go for it.
No blockbuster films only make a year to make now though, you must know it's not the same situation.
They can't until the deal closes. In May.
True, I do. Two years is doable though.
That aside. My number one choice for Bond is easily Dev Patel.