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James Bond News • James Bond Articles • James Bond Magazine
A line taken from the LALD Daily Express Comic Strip.
Wherever You Go, There You Bond
Spy The Future.
Zero Regrets.
The Sound of Silencer.
(Adaptation of G.K. Chesterton's poem about the Irish).
Like it lots ! Are you a writer ? Even if not a Bond story, encouraging you to write whatever you like and use that title !
Lol, thanks. But I'm not a writer, though. I think there are other clever guys than me here, that could conjure up better magic.
Just because (you think) someone else could do it better, does not mean you could not produce something terrific. Hemingway read Fitzgerald's writing, yet Hemingway still wrote, thankfully. Just an example.
Haha! Right.
(...with 'Forever in your tights' the obvious parody 12 years later...)
When Forever Ends
Where Forever Begins
Probably not good enough though :-w
...stylised that way
In the womanly way.
From the GoldenEye comic:
Countdown to Death
Title of an incomplete comic:
Silent Armageddon
This last story is from 1993 and sees Bond pitted against a computer virus that has reached consciousness.
Other Bond comic titles worth mentioning:
The Golden Triangle - there's a character called 'Greene' in this one
Codename: Nemesis
The White Death
Death in Tahiti
Oh, you did? Apologies. I didn't know. Thanks, though.
Oh no, I didn't post it- I wasn't complaining! Great minds! :)
Haha! Yeah. Thanks :)
Death Leaves an Echo
The Dame from Casablanca
Espionage can be Beautiful
Echoes of Death
Yes please! 👍