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Pascal was involved in CR-SF. So she knows something.
We had better candidates 20 years ago. Even ridiculous candidates like Ewan McGregor seem better than the current ones.
Yeah, he’s basically a variation of tall, dark and handsome. It’s been pointed out to death by now but his big ears don’t seem to have stalled his career in film, and of course it’s about as useful as pointing out any other ‘flaw’ with the other Bonds (Moore’s mole, Craig’s ears, Connery’s duck mouth etc).
I’ll admit I’m more on the fence about him, but I think he has flashes of Bond potential. It’s tricky to say what exactly he’d bring to it though, but I’d be interested if he were cast.
Was Dalton ever considered rugged? Might just be me but I always got the intensity off of him but not quite the ruggedness. Connery and Craig I’d say more fit that description (insofar as that also comes down to screen presence in large part - again, Dalton brought something more intense and even broody to Bond). Also worth saying not everyone was thrilled with Dalton as Bind in his day - much as I love his performances and films - so there’s always hindsight with Bond which actors we feel we ‘need’ in the current time.
Yes, rugged isn't really a word I'd use to describe Dalton. Romantic, I think, would be the best way to describe his looks. In that way, he was very suited to playing characters like Heathcliff and Rochester.
Yes, a kind of dark, handsome but broody and mysterious type. Nothing wrong with that incidentally and that's absolutely fine for his Bond, but it's a slightly different impression than the other Bonds gave off.
Yes I want someone with a stronger presence than him. The guy needs to be a star in the role.
I do agree with that (again, as much as I like Dalton's Bond and respect him as an actor). I do think it's possible to have a mysterious, intense Bond played by an actor with more star quality at any rate.
I’m wondering if PasHey will go with a bigger name than EON probably would.
It’s a massive turning point for the series, and the casting of Bond needs to be right.
They might follow the Superman (1978) formula. Lots of stars except Bond.
No matter how much we discuss and comment on an actor’s past roles, looks, or perceived suitability, we’re only seeing a fraction of what they might bring to the character. Bond isn’t just about an actor’s existing qualities, it’s about how they rise to the role when given the chance...
Exactly. I keep saying this. The actor can't be James Bond, until he's James Bond.
If it has to be a Spider-Man, let it be Andrew Garfield.
I like Tom Holland as an actor, but as Bond I really don’t see it.
If people have an issue with Nicholas Hoult due to his boyish looks, then they would surely have a similar issue with Holland.
But who knows, maybe there is something Bondian about Holland and he could play a younger version of the character. But I don’t see it personally.
Good shout. Richard Donner was apparently insistent that Superman had to be 'a clean slate', an actor unassociated with any other roles, for the verisimilitude (a term Donner used on several occasions...)
I genuinely think Spiderman will become an Avenger proper and maybe the next major overarching character for the franchise. They already have schedule issues with Holland for Avengers and Homecoming 4, they won't make him Bond if it kills Spiderman.
And there are far, far better candidates.
This for example is bad:
They’ll be looking at everyone, they don’t just cast the same people over and over again.
Or Robert Pattinson... that'd be nice.
As he's Batman he obviously won't be considered. But in a parallel world Robert Pattinson would be a somewhat unusual, but potentially really interesting and unique choice for Bond (which is how I'd describe him as Batman anyway!) I don't know how it'd go in practice, but he's got the good looks and that enigmatic, dark, but confident vibe to him onscreen (a bit like how we were describing Dalton's Bond, but I'd say Pattinson has more star power, and is much more a leading man). He can do the fighting/physicality too going from Batman and he can handle humour.
Again, won't happen, and it's all hypothetical. I think he's better off playing Batman anyway. But a very good, unique actor. If someone like him was picked as Bond I'd be interested.
If you're referring to Battinson... have you seen Mickey 17?
Yeah absolutely, someone like him would be ideal for me. Talented, ticks the handsome box for those who need it, is an interesting actor who'd bring something new to it. Basically I want someone who is good and who I don't quite know how they would play it. A Cavill or someone, well I know exactly how he'd play it, and it would be fine, but it's not very exciting for me. As you say, it won't be him, but he would have been a great choice.
Yep, absolutely. This is a very important bit of casting that I think everyone from the producers to the senior folk at Amazon will be involved with, but what you say here is right because the producers will have more of a relationship with the director than they will the star, or indeed any of the actors they've had in their films previously.