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They're not going to do anything that Amazon doesn't want them to do.
No. Of course they did. She worked on CR! You'd have to be daft not to see all the Fleming while making that film.
I doubt they do at this point. If they ever get final say it’ll be AFTER they have success with Bond 26, and even more so if we see a string of successes as things go. That’s how it always works. Think of how filmmakers make a hit film the first time and then they come into the sequel with the clout they earned from the success of the first. WB wasn’t gonna tell Nolan how to make THE DARK KNIGHT, and so on. More often than not, the executives will step back and let filmmakers do their magic. It’s when we see a major dip in the box office that the studios become more assertive, as we saw with John Calley not giving Bond 17 the green light unless Dalton was let go.
This move, and the hiring of Pascal, surely will please Barbara Broccoli. But why now?
I am speculating but it is possible this is all connected. "I'll sell but I want her gone and you to hire someone I trust."
It's only been a month since the sale was announced, and a lot has happened.
Likely jumping the gun here, but I predict that B26 will easily be the biggest global Bond event since the 1960s or at least since Skyfall. For better or worse, Amazon launching new actor and wanting to absolutely crush their investment... the marketing/promotion reach will be unimaginable. Amazon's got some deep tentacles (and pockets)!
She's the one that, by name, Barbara Broccoli reportedly did not like and did not trust.
That would make a lot of sense of Barbara turned out to be the one to hand pick the new producers, and demanding that Amazon appoint someone who’s more experienced than Salke when it comes to running a studio. One of main gripes about Amazon was that the folks in charge like Salke didn’t have what it took to run a big operation like Bond when it comes to production and distribution.
I'll wait until Bond is cast!! 😁
Lol. I get. But let's not worry. Hopefully, Bond 7 would resonate with us.
Here's hoping too, but again, many people backlashed Craig, but at the end of the day, he have resonated with us.
I'll wait until Bond 26 is out, let's see if how good they could get.
Yeah, sure.
"Salke reportedly started pushing for “Marvel-style” ideas to expand Bond, including several spinoff shows and movies. Broccoli, being the purist that she is, seemingly had zero interest in adhering to Salke’s Marvel-esque demands."
Salke was tasked with dealing with Broccoli, and her description of the franchise as “content” reportedly infuriated Broccoli, who reportedly stormed out of a meeting and later told friends that the people at Amazon are, “f***ing idiots.”
What can be said about Salke? She's the same person who gave the greenlight on Amazon’s $500M-costing “The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power,” not to mention a $300M Russos Bros bomb (“Citadel”), and that $80M partnership deal with Phoebe Waller-Bridge, which has so far yielded a total of zero hit shows.
Yet, what did her in might have been Bond, James Bond. What an absolute coincidence Salke’s exit occurred right as Amazon’s $1 billion James Bond deal was being finalized. If you ask me, this is Hopkins/Bezos making sure that Salke doesn't go anywhere near 007. There’s too much at stake, too much to lose, and Salke has already f*cked up enough.
Back in December, a Wall Street Journal report revealed the behind-the-scenes friction between Salke and Barbara Broccoli regarding the creative direction and future of the Bond franchise. Salke reportedly started pushing for “Marvel-style” ideas to expand Bond, including several spinoff shows and movies. Broccoli, being the purist that she is, seemingly had zero interest in adhering to Salke’s Marvel-esque demands.
Salke was tasked with dealing with Broccoli, and her description of the franchise as “content” reportedly infuriated Broccoli, who reportedly stormed out of a meeting and later told friends that the people at Amazon are, “f***ing idiots.”
A former Amazon bigwig told Hollywood Elsewhere that Salke’s knowledge of Bond history was very limited and that she had never actually seen any Bond movies before the Daniel Craig era.
The source went on to state that Salke considers anything made before the ’80s to be an “old movie.” She’s not interested in the classics and never reads scripts.
You can ask people from her NBC days about this, but agents and managers [will tell you] she never read scripts. She just makes deals with name talents like the Russo brothers and greenlights crap like “Red One.” She’s not material-driven.
A seasoned writer-director additionally told HE that two years ago, Salke squashed a “Conan the Barbarian” remake from “Game of Thrones” producers, calling the project ‘toxic masculinity.”
The Bond impasse is all on her. She’s an inexperienced idiot with limited experience and unlimited resources.
How does such a person, with limited cinematic knowledge, end up overseeing a major studio like MGM/Amazon? Salke’s previous gig was as NBC Entertainment president. Under her presidency, several significant NBC shows were developed like “The Good Place,” “Master of None,” and “Brooklyn Nine-Nine.” Her contributions as a Fox executive include “Glee,” “Modern Family,” and “Bones.” The Amazon/MGM gig was her first significant movie-related position.
Yeah. Plus, as a filmmaker, one is supposed to love the classics...and she doesn't, Lol. That's so odd. Thank less thing to worry about.
Well, maybe not love all of them. I don’t even expect filmmakers to constantly be watching films all the time, but if you’re working in an industry it makes sense to have more knowledge about what you work in than implied there, agreed.
Yeah, true.