What kind of Bond fan are you?



  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    Posts: 17,989
    When Della tosses him the bouquet and Felix tells her he was once married, it is hard to fight a lump in your throat.

    And here I thought it was just me...
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    chrisisall wrote:
    When Della tosses him the bouquet and Felix tells her he was once married, it is hard to fight a lump in your throat.

    And here I thought it was just me...
    Such a powerful scene that is skillfully owned by Tim, and shows that 007 isn't a codename once again. One of my favorite Bond moments, especially on the emotion scale.
  • brinkeguthriebrinkeguthrie Piz Gloria
    Posts: 1,400
    1 and 4.
  • Posts: 414
    I'd say I'm in Group 3 or Group 5, with one issue. I am a Dalton fan, putting him second only to Connery. Moore, Craig, and Brosnan are so neck-in-neck it's practically a tie, with Lazenby being my least favorite (and OHMSS being "too slow, long and emotional.")
  • Posts: 183
    If I HAD to choose i'd say 3 as it most closely describes my thoughts but in reality I don't belong to any of these groups as, against the premise of being in group 3, I love Dalton's Bond and think that even now we are in a golden age of Bond (Casino Royale and Skyfall are both in my top 10 Bond films of all time). My least favourite Bond is Lazenby but I still don't think he was bad and the film itself I think is a classic. Despite not liking Moore's portrayal of Bond as much now I am older (he was my favourite as a kid) I still think he was brilliant for the time and you could argue his "different" portrayal of Bond was essential to the long term longevity of the franchise.
  • SuperheroSithSuperheroSith SE London
    Posts: 578
    1 & 2
  • Posts: 147
    WVPoef wrote:
    Mostly group 2

    And a bit of group 4 and 9.
  • edited July 2013 Posts: 6,396
    I was reminded of an incident earlier on (after reading a post from a fellow member) about a time I was in a pub in Bath, having a cold beverage with some friends of mine. It was the summer of 1999 and we happened upon the subject of a small Indie film, which had recently been released (without any kind of fanfare and seemingly had passed most people by).

    The film was called "The Phantom Menace".

    Fortunately, my friends and I had each given up six English pounds, thank you very much, to partake in a viewing at our local multiplex.

    So what was our verdict? Was it a masterpiece? Was it the film everyone hoped, nay demanded, it would be? Had George Lucas sprinkled a little bit more of that magic fairy dust, just as he had all those years ago in 1977?

    The answer was overwhelmingly unanimous: NO, NO and HELL NO. It stank. It stank big-time. In fact it stank more than Mr Stinky McStank of Stankville.

    So whilst the six of us were sat around, what can only be described as a 'child size coffee table', trying not to elbow each other in the face as we lifted our drinks to our mouths, having a frank and full on discussion about why we despised the film so much, a chap at the next table decided he could no longer just sit by and listen to us rip his beloved Star Wars - Epidode 1 to shreads.

    He spun round on his stool and launched into an absolute tirade of abuse as to why we were talking, and forgive me here as I may be paraphrasing, "complete and utter bollocks". It was unbelievable. Honestly, the way he was going on at us you'd have thought we'd gone to his grandmother's grave in the middle of the night and done a massive pooh (which looking back on, he probably wouldn't have cared half as much if we had).

    I mean, how dare we! Who did we think we were? We should have been more than honoured to have given Mr Lucas our hard earned Sterling (six of our finest English pounds remember) in return for his genius. We were not worthy. We didn't deserve to breathe the same air. We didn't appreciate that it was the first part of a lovingly and meticulously crafted trilogy. That the story had to be given time to develop. That Jar Jar Binks was misunderstood and unfairly criticised. That Ewan McGregor's accent wasn't "laughably crap". That the pod race didn't resemble a poor live action version of Mario Kart. We had absolutely no right as paying customers to form out own opinions as to whether or not we liked the film.

    Anyway after 20 minutes or so of said abuse, he got up and left and we were able to snap out of believing we were a group of very naughty schoolboys who had just been told off by the headmaster for putting a drawing pin on Mr Packer's chair.

    So to cut a very long story short, I am the polar opposite of Mr Phantom Menace. Oh and I am definitely in Group 7. Somebody come and join me, it's very cold and dark in here ;-)
  • Posts: 169
    Groups 4 & 9 are probably the closest to my opinions.
  • Posts: 2,408
    I'm between 1 and 2. I have some elements of both. I mean, I have eight films that I think are terrible in the series and Goldfinger is quite low amongst the remaining 15, but I'm not 100% against the escapism of the series.
  • Posts: 686
    I am between 1 & 2.
  • Posts: 68
    Well, I'm more group 2 than the others, with a bit of 9 in me ...
  • DragonpolDragonpol https://thebondologistblog.blogspot.com
    edited April 2014 Posts: 18,487
    Group 1: The Fleming (only) fans, though I do like Roger Moore. Get your head around that one!
  • edited September 2014 Posts: 368
    Hard to say...
  • ThunderfingerThunderfinger Das Boot Hill
    Posts: 45,489
    Neither of those.
  • MayDayDiVicenzoMayDayDiVicenzo Here and there
    Posts: 5,082
    Neither of those.

    Same here.

    I like Moore best, but Sean and Tim draw for second place.

    I enjoy both the gritty and the light-hearted films.

    I've read the Flemings.

    I dislike Brosnan's tenure.

    I like Laz and OHMSS is my favourite film.

    I'm so messed up...
  • ThunderfingerThunderfinger Das Boot Hill
    Posts: 45,489
    Like me. Not sure who I like best, but I can sign the other points you Mayde.
  • I'm a majority 2, with some small dashes of 1 and 3.

    I've read all of Fleming's novels, once (after seeing all the films up to DAD), except for TMWTGG (still have to get around to reading that last one). I love the first 6 films + Craig's CR; respect the Daltons, QOS and SF; enjoy TSWLM, FYEO and GE for what they are (despite their occasional lapses); tolerate DAF and the other Brosnans (each further one less than the former); and eschew the other Moore films (though they all have some good moments/elements) --that is, I'll watch them once in a blue moon on TV/streaming or as a rental, but balk at owning them on home video.

    I also actually enjoy the '67 CR, but in an IT'S A MAD, MAD, MAD, MAD WORLD sort of way... the spectacle, the music, some scattered laughs, the fact that seemingly everybody's in it, and the fact that it goes completely, disastrously off the rails in the climax (sooner, actually).
  • Posts: 115
    I'd say I was a 1, but a fairly liberal 1. Not liberal enough to be a 2, but I do like Craig, and there are a few films mentioned which I do like. While TLD, OHMSS, FRWL and LTK are up high on the list, DN isn't, and the former four are joined by films such as Casino Royale.

    Aside from that, there may be a small ammount of 9 in there. But I'm mainly 1, leaning slightly towards 2.
  • It's hard to say. I have something of 2, 5 and 8... :)
  • Difficult as I feel part of a few, but mostly number 5.....
  • Posts: 4,325
    I guess I'm group 2.
  • BondJasonBond006BondJasonBond006 on fb and ajb
    edited May 2017 Posts: 9,020
    I belong to group 10:

    Unconditional love for James Bond

    Group 4: C/Cs are the worst kind and unfortunately the loudest on fan forums as well.
  • Last_Rat_StandingLast_Rat_Standing Long Neck Ice Cold Beer Never Broke My Heart
    Posts: 4,660
    I literally belong to none of those
  • 00Agent00Agent Any man who drinks Dom Perignon '52 can't be all bad.
    Posts: 5,186
    I belong to group 10:

    Unconditional love for James Bond

    Same here
  • GoldenGunGoldenGun Per ora e per il momento che verrà
    Posts: 7,367
    I don't really think you can divide such a varied group of fans into strict categories.

    Of course some find Fleming more important than others, but that doesn't say they dislike everything else.

    Just have a look at the top 10's. Speaking for myself, I'm fond of the novels and a big Dalton fan but TMWTGG and GE are in my current top 10.
  • BMW_with_missilesBMW_with_missiles All the usual refinements.
    Posts: 3,000
    I'd say I'm group 5.
  • peterpeter Toronto
    Posts: 9,523
    I came across this thread this morning-- interesting categories. It'd be interesting to read if opinions have changed.

    I suppose I'm more inclined to be in groups 2 and 4.
  • edited December 2018 Posts: 17,878
    Can't really find a group to belong to completely. The closest is group 2.

    It feels like there's a group missing; the one for us who are not ashamed to say that Moore is best, but at the same time don't feel Moore could have kept playing Bond for longer than he did.
  • stagstag In the thick of it!
    Posts: 1,053
    I've never been one for pigeonholing myself. I’m just a Bond fan. That said, I like the Ian Fleming books more than the films and the earlier films more than the later efforts.
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