All Bond films: Unintentionally funny moments!



  • Posts: 169
    lechero wrote:
    YOLT really is a gold mine. I mean, Osato's men trying to shoot Bond in broad daylight in front of the Osato building. Way to keep a low profile.

    Then there are those cameras broadcasting the action for Bond's viewing pleasure: he can watch the bad guys' car being dropped into Tokyo Bay thanks to - what? - a live chopper cam used by Tiger Tanaka? Then there's the "you can watch it all on TV" Blofeld orbital camera to better see the SPECTRE spaceship self-destruct - a laugh in itself; gotta love those convenient destruct switches.
  • Posts: 5,634
    Dr No - The Connery assault on helpless tarantula and dramatic sound effects

    From Russia With Love - When Klebb gets shot by Romanova. It almost appears she's had a very long day (cleaning every address in Venice, for example) and slowly falls to the ground (just appears tired than dying ?) (even appears to yawn ?) Yes, it's actually amusing when you watch it

    Goldfinger - GF (Frobe) appears to have a tantrum and gets a bit animated during the Fort Knox assault demonstration. NO NO NO ! (mild hysterics), "It's just a bank, better protected perhaps - but still a bank" etc

    Thunderball - The rear projection as the Disco Volante nears the rocks

    You Only Live Twice - Connerys disdain at some of the Japanese 'wives' he gets to pick from, before finally going with Kissy Suzuki. Also - when Blofeld shoots Mr Osato - and the reaction of the cat

    Diamonds are Forever - When Bond and Tiffany are on the airplane, and Wint and Kidd are on the same flight, the camera suddenly zooms in on Kidd at close range. Always some value of humor in that

    The Man With The Golden Gun - Nick Nack hits one of the sumo wrestlers with some kind of weapon (a spear, or pitchfork ?), as if to suggest "stop messing around"

    For Your Eyes Only - When Bond gets discovered in Spain and Hector Gonzalez says "License to kill - or be killed. Take him away...." Just the manner it was spoken actually does generate some amusement

    A View to a Kill - could feasibly be here all night on this one release alone - but as a first pick, could well be when Zorin's airship creeps up on Sutton and she doesn't realize it's zooming in on her from above

    The Living Daylights - Milovy's reaction when Dalton 'reminds' her there's a great mountain coming up and they're only a few seconds away from oblivion

    License to Kill - When Bond wakes up at the Sanchez mansion and sees a great fish face sculpture. For such a violent (for Bond) release, it was good, there was some (unintentional) bits of humor to be had

    The World Is Not Enough - when Renard makes his appearance (The Devil's breath ?) and before he asks Davidov to hold the hot rock and the shooting of Arkov, this little piece of dramatic music or sound effect occurs. Sounds ridiculous when you hear it

    Die Another Day - when Bond is snooping outside the Ice Palace, a guard spots him, and says something in an unrecognized voice or language. Have to watch the bit in question, but just sounds amusing

    Casino Royale - When Bond shoots Dryden, and he appears to shoot back in his seat, as if being hit by a cannonball

    Skyfall - Silva's interrogation of Bond and all the 'rat talk'. The fight with Patrice also in Shanghai and the animated jellyfish in silhouette in the background. You couldn't help but laugh
  • All the build-up leading up to Largo's entrance to the Spectre meeting room in TB. But then, after a clanking of the door as it opens, he strolls into the room - but forgets to shut the door behind him!

    "Ten secunds - und counting!" from DAF.

    Moore's massacre of his chat-up in LALD: "I'm in no hurry..." sleaziest raised eyebrow ever. "Are you?"

    "Paint. Gold paint" in GF, said in same tone as "Bond. James Bond."
  • doubleoegodoubleoego #LightWork
    Posts: 11,139
    The way Connery's lips are almost flung from his face after the dirty slap Grant gives him whilst on the Orient in FRWL.

    The way Connery says in the most nonchalant way, "because I'm hungry" to Honey once theyve been escorted to their room on Dr.No's premises.

    Dalton switching on Saunders' NV goggles as Saunders struggles with it.

    Brosnan knocking on the door of the South African's hotel room, presenting the guy with a wheelchair and then knocking him out.

    Daniel Craig clearly frustrated, throwing his out of bullets ppk on to the floor of the train during the PTS of SF.

    Goldfinger's dismissive attitude towards Bond as Bond compliments GF on his car after their golf match.
  • edited July 2013 Posts: 11,216
    I'm not sure whether he was meant to be funny but the guy who plays Kelifer in LTK always makes me laugh. He's SOOO hammy/terrible its hilarious:

    Goddamit!! You think you're in some banana republic? All that scumbag money won't do you a bit of good here

    why you!! (lunges at Sanchez), we've got a nice private cell waiting for your ass at Quanico...and I'm gonna personally see you get there



    Even his reaction when he sees the eaten piece of meat raising out of the water is OTT
  • X3MSonicXX3MSonicX
    Posts: 2,635
    I don't know if it was really intended, but i consider Elliot Carver's kung-fu little dance at his stealth ship while takling with Wai Lin, as a hilarious moment.

  • edited July 2013 Posts: 11,216
    What about when Connery's getting roughed up by the goons in Dr No. His grunts sound funny.

    Also there's the overacting henchman who Bond throws the scalpels at in the DAF pre credit sequence :)) :))

    When Bond is being strangled by Mr Kil :))
  • Posts: 12,837
    I saw a bit of DAF on telly the other day, I think the entire PTS is hilarious (mainly because of how bad it is).

    First we get some terrible dubbing while a fake Connery interrogates a Japanese man, then there's the "hit me" bit, where one punch sends him flying across the room onto the roulette table.

    The next bit with the girl in the bikini is quite cool, then we get to Blofelds lair. Bond takes off his disguise for no apparent reason but it's fine, because Bond takes out one henchmen with a mousetrap then throws scalpels into the other, who stands there overacting.

    Then he throws Blofeld onto the table and bonks him on the head with the light scanner thingy. It doesn't even look like it hurts but it manages to not only take him out, but crack his head open. Then Bond decides the most logical way of killing him would be attaching him to the table and sending him into the mud bath (despite still having his gun).

    Pure crap.
  • Posts: 2,408
    In the parkour chase from CR, when Bond jumps from the crane and has a bit of a rough landing. Getting back up, he shakes his head and grunts. Completely no humour at all to it, right? I never found it even remotely funny.

    But then, this happened...

    Go to 2:20 and watch for about 10 seconds.



    Now, thanks to that, I can't watch that scene without half pissing myself in laughter, reminded of Calvin's imitation, while my family watch on with no clue as to what provoked the laughter.
  • RecipeRecipe Banned
    Posts: 56
    LOL when Rosie and Bond get off the boat on the island and Bond says she's staging a remarkable comeback she looks at the film crew.
  • edited July 2013 Posts: 11,216
    I keep thinking of new ones:

    -The cheesey dialogue/Casablanca-esque music when Bond and Paris first meet in TND.
    -Holly Goodhead's overly dramatic gasp when Bond (vocally) grabs her hand in the darkened hotel room.
    -Jaws overacting when he realises his cablecar is about to crash in MR.
    -The bad back projection during the car chase in Dr No
    -The bad back projection in the speedboat scene from LTK

    Bloody hell there's a lot of bad stuff in this series.
  • Posts: 1,052
    The first shot of Skyfall always makes me laugh, Craigs Silhouette, the way he walks up to the camera like a rugby player wearing high heels and the way it makes his jug ears stick out! always raises a girly giggle in my household.
  • edited July 2013 Posts: 11,216
    The first shot of Skyfall always makes me laugh, Craigs Silhouette, the way he walks up to the camera like a rugby player wearing high heels and the way it makes his jug ears stick out! always raises a girly giggle in my household.

    I'm glad I'm not the only one that noticed Craig's walk in that first shot (and I love SF). Its like Robert Patrick in Terminator 2.

    But it didn't make me laugh
  • Posts: 1,052
    BAIN123 wrote:
    The first shot of Skyfall always makes me laugh, Craigs Silhouette, the way he walks up to the camera like a rugby player wearing high heels and the way it makes his jug ears stick out! always raises a girly giggle in my household.

    I'm glad I'm not the only one that noticed Craig's walk in that first shot (and I love SF). Its like Robert Patrick in Terminator 2.

    But it didn't make me laugh

    I know it's not actually funny and there's no need to laugh it's just become of those things, everytime I see it, I just can't help it.
  • MurdockMurdock The minus world
    Posts: 16,381
    In TSWLM after Stromburg kills his secretary he grins and says "Once Again Gentlemen, my most profound thanks." Makes me laugh every time.
  • Creasy47Creasy47 In Cuba with Natalya.Moderator
    Posts: 41,111
    @BAIN123, I think your comparison of Bond's walk in the opening of SF and Patrick in T2 is spot on.
  • Posts: 169
    YOLT again: that scene in which Bond battles the sumo henchman in Osato's office. I love that bit where the henchman grabs the samurai sword, pulls the blade from the scabbard, and gets this look on his face like a little kid who got just what he'd always wanted for Christmas, as if he's thrilled that the sword is real!
  • MurdockMurdock The minus world
    Posts: 16,381
    Dr_Yes wrote:
    YOLT again: that scene in which Bond battles the sumo henchman in Osato's office. I love that bit where the henchman grabs the samurai sword, pulls the blade from the scabbard, and gets this look on his face like a little kid who got just what he'd always wanted for Christmas, as if he's thrilled that the sword is real!

    Fun fact! Peter Maivia the actor who played that henchmen was Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson's grandfather! :)
  • Posts: 4,762
    Lazenby's seduction speech to Ruby and the other woman at Piz Gloria: "You're a picture, and twice as lovely in the firelight; you may call me, Hilly!" (paraphrase)
  • RecipeRecipe Banned
    Posts: 56
    00Beast wrote:
    Lazenby's seduction speech to Ruby and the other woman at Piz Gloria: "You're a picture, and twice as lovely in the firelight; you may call me, Hilly!" (paraphrase)

    This part is clearly meant to be funny. Off-topic.

    Some of my biggest laughs...

    1) Goldfinger. When Bond wining and dining fine wine with M and Colonel Smithers. The scene ends, fades out... and M just sit there nodding and smiling during the fade, waiting for director to yell CUT, because the scene is over but he need to continue doing stuff for the fade

    2). Thunderball. Bond and his friends enter Pinder's hut. Everyone is minding their own business in silence. Then radio comes on. And Bond yell QUIET SHHHHH at them! How rude...

    3) Thunderball again you guessed it. When Largo has Daminu tied up. And says "You have given me. Much pleasure Daminu" I call my cat Daminu for this reason IRL...

    4) Thunderball again you name it. When the black man stops Fiona's car. He face glisten with sweat and moisture and booze. He comes from Junakoo, betting and boozing off course. His face just so wet. "Have a sip... can harm you man..." No wonder Bond kick him ultimately!!

    More for now guys. Loving the thread.
  • Posts: 169
    Murdock wrote:
    Dr_Yes wrote:
    YOLT again: that scene in which Bond battles the sumo henchman in Osato's office. I love that bit where the henchman grabs the samurai sword, pulls the blade from the scabbard, and gets this look on his face like a little kid who got just what he'd always wanted for Christmas, as if he's thrilled that the sword is real!

    Fun fact! Peter Maivia the actor who played that henchmen was Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson's grandfather! :)

    Wonderful trivia, thanks! I guess I should say that one moment isn't really something I laugh at. It's pleasantly amusing to see his reaction, and not something I expect in a fight scene: "Wow! I'm gonna enjoy using this thing!"
  • Posts: 1,052
    Dr_Yes wrote:
    YOLT again: that scene in which Bond battles the sumo henchman in Osato's office. I love that bit where the henchman grabs the samurai sword, pulls the blade from the scabbard, and gets this look on his face like a little kid who got just what he'd always wanted for Christmas, as if he's thrilled that the sword is real!

    This fight scene always makes me laugh. Connery seems to have forgotten to turn up leaving the entire fight to be handled by Bob Simmons.
  • edited July 2013 Posts: 11,216
    Another one from DAF:

    The overacting soldier who's on fire when the missles blow up =))


    "Phone call from Washington...urgent!"
    "I'll catch it in the john"

    Nice to see they are taking this threat to the world seriously ;)
  • edited July 2013 Posts: 1,310

    "Fetch my shoes!"
  • saunderssaunders Living in a world of avarice and deceit
    Posts: 987
    I do smile in MR when, despite it being impossible to do without causing the 747 to catastrophically explode, there is still a button on the pilot's display to indicate shuttle ignition!
  • hullcityfanhullcityfan Banned
    Posts: 496
    BAIN123 wrote:
    Another one from DAF:

    The overacting soldier who's on fire when the missles blow up =))


    "Phone call from Washington...urgent!"
    "I'll catch it in the john"

    Nice to see they are taking this threat to the world seriously ;)

    Well wouldn't you be like that if your on fire?
  • Posts: 11,216
    My point was that his reaction wasn't very convincing.
  • hullcityfanhullcityfan Banned
    Posts: 496
    BAIN123 wrote:
    My point was that his reaction wasn't very convincing.

    Oh right maybe he didn't know (the guy he was playing in the film) or he was just a bad actor.
  • Posts: 11,216
    BAIN123 wrote:
    My point was that his reaction wasn't very convincing.

    Oh right maybe he didn't know (the guy he was playing in the film) or he was just a bad actor.

    He was a bad actor. Pretty obvious.
  • MayDayDiVicenzoMayDayDiVicenzo Here and there
    Posts: 5,082
    FRWL- Big enough for me, that is...'nuf said.
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