Rank the differing Gunbarrel Sequences (from best to worst)



  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    I am not head over heels about the Skyfall gunbarrel. I just don't like the look of it and it doesn't have the Bond style.
  • edited April 2013 Posts: 2,015
    The author of the James Bond memes website ( http://jamesbondmemes.blogspot.fr ) has bothered to make a chart from the GB durations (from first music cues to the real end of it - like in the video above that compiles all of them but SF). The trend looks clear, Craig may never benefit from the 20 seconds of viewers' brain shutting the other fellows had :)
  • samainsysamainsy Suspended
    Posts: 199
    I have no idea what this means so worst OHMSS best DAD,SF,CR,QOS
  • samainsysamainsy Suspended
    Posts: 199
    I have no idea what this means so worst OHMSS best DAD,SF,CR,QOS
  • TheWizardOfIceTheWizardOfIce 'One of the Internet's more toxic individuals'
    Posts: 9,117
    The author of the James Bond memes website ( http://jamesbondmemes.blogspot.fr ) has bothered to make a chart from the GB durations (from first music cues to the real end of it - like in the video above that compiles all of them but SF). The trend looks clear, Craig may never benefit from the 20 seconds of viewers' brain shutting the other fellows had :)

    What are we to make of this graph except that over the 50 years the GB has been in steady decline with a marked increase in the rate of decline over the last 25 years and an alarming drop during the Craig era (and that's without even starting on the appalling execution of the QOS and SF GBs).

    If things are allowed to continue at this rate our grandchildren may have to get used to 2 second GBs like CR as the norm - if the GB survives at all.

    What can be done to arrest this state of affairs?

    Is there a political party that campaigns on a pro GB ticket?

    Those slagging Maggie off should take note that she managed to arrest the alarming decline of the Callaghan government and there was even a 5% or so increase in her first term although by the end of her reign things were on the slide again.

    Blair managed to stabilise things again (didn't he admit he modelled himself on Thatcher?) but the Brown and Cameron eras have been nothing short of disastrous.

    Someone around in the 60s could expect to have a GB of over double what today's audiences can expect which is nothing short of scandalous.

    If the same decline had occurred to property prices the country would be in civil war.

    Mind you it could be worse - the average Greek GB runs for only 0.0023 seconds these days and in Cyprus they are about to have a vote to abolish it altogether.

  • edited April 2013 Posts: 553
    1. Brosnan - really stylish, always liked the way he moved.
    2. Lazenby - the hat, the walk, the drop to one knee..love it.
    3. Dalton - lacks Brosnan's swagger and grace, but I like it.
    4 & 5. Moore 1 and 2 (or 2 and 1) - perfectly functional though the two hands on the gun looks awkward.
    6. Craig (QoS) - for some reason I don't count CR, if I did it would be third as I like the turn. QoS was okay, just far too fast.
    7. Connery - wobbly back leg...really don't like it..though it was a rare misstep from a great Bond.
    8. Craig (SF) - really don't like the pose..he looks like he's about to break into The Robot..reminds me of Ross dancing in Friends.
    9. Simmons - well, he went first with no frame of reference, but there is nothing smooth and natural about any of it, and the turn looks odd.
  • QBranchQBranch Always have an escape plan. Mine is watching James Bond films.
    Posts: 14,884
    1. Brosnan's GB design and walk/pose is perfection. I hope we see that classic pattern inside the GB return during Craig's run. GE's music is awesome, and unlike the majority here, I actually like the DAD bullet *as a one-off*.
    2. CR's GB design is unique and classy, like the film itself. Incorporating it into the PTS was a good call.
    3. Lazenby's 'treadmill walk'/kneel is pretty epic. I love the music and overall vibe in this one.
    4. Dalton's casual walk and pose is fine. Nothing fancy, nothing awkward. No reason to complain here.
    5. Connery's had it's faults, with the pose looking like Bond had shocking balance from one too many martinis, but it's still a classic.
    6. Moore (take 2) I actually like Moore's take 2 better. Slower turn, yes- but better pose than take 1.
    7. Moore (take 1) Not bad, but the pose is off, as others have mentioned.
    8. I don't mind QoS' sterile/polished barrel design, but needless to say the main problem is the speed of Craig's walk. I like how he walks out of the scene, though.
    9. Bob Simmons- I can handle the slow walk- but boy, that little hop is so not what a spy would do. (In villain's voice) "Bad move, Mr. Bond!"
    10. SF- I'm not too keen on the SF GB design/pose. Someone here once mentioned the barrel looked like cheap vinyl car seat covering, and I agree. This 50th anniversary film should've been the one to return to a classic GB design- regardless of whether it's at the start or end of the film. Also, the pose seems too forced. I think it has something to do with how his left arm is positioned. Maybe it could have more of a bend at the elbow.
  • LicencedToKilt69007LicencedToKilt69007 Belgium, Wallonia
    Posts: 523
    1. Pierce Brosnan

    2. Timothy Dalton
    3. George Lazenby
    4. Roger Moore (take 2)
    5. Sean Connery/ Daniel Craig's Skyfall
    6. Daniel Craig's CR
    7. Roger Moore (take 1)
    8. Bob Simmons
    9. Daniel Craig's QoS
  • ThunderballThunderball playing Chemin de Fer in a casino, downing Vespers
    edited August 2013 Posts: 871
    1. Sean Connery
    2. Pierce Brosnan, in GE, TND and TWINE.
    3. Daniel Craig Casino Royale
    4. George Lazenby
    5. Timothy Dalton
    6. Bob Simmons
    7. Daniel Craig Skyfall
    8. Daniel Craig QoS
    9. Roger Moore 1
    10. Roger Moore 2
  • Posts: 14
    My favourite gunbarrel by a long way is Goldeneye. It's wonderful (why has Serra not composed more?).

    My favourite pose is the second Roger Moore one. Although I do love Dalton's disused 'jump' pose.

    The worst I think is either Dalton's or Casino Royale (the blood spill sucks).
  • Posts: 14
    1. Pierce Brosnon - Goldeneye is the best ever gunbarrel and TND and TWINE are pretty damn good too. Both simple but very good. DAD not so good, the bullet is silly.

    2. Roger Moore (2) - For Your Eyes Only is the best of his second phase.

    3. Daniel Craig (Skyfall) - Daniel Craig's best by far, although the CGI could have been better.

    4. Bob Simmons (Dr. No) - I really like this one, eerie and fun at the same time.

    5. Sean Connery - Very classic looking, although the gunshot pose isn't great.

    6. Bob Simmons - I quite like the spooky walk, but the swinging arm is silly.

    7. Timothy Dalton - The most boring of them, but the gunshot sound is very very good.

    8. Roger Moore (1) - Not particularly good.

    9. Daniel Craig - Casino Royale is bad, the blood spill sucks. Quantum is like a corporate advertisement. Very bad.
  • I recently got the Bond blu-rays and looking at Bond's second GB from TSWLM onwards it seems so obvious to me that Moore blinks after he fired the gun. It looks kinda wrong.
  • Posts: 4,762
    1. Pierce Brosnan- too cool!
    2. Bob Simmons- the walk leading to the shot is legendary, and the jump is well timed!
    3. Roger Moore (LALD, TMWTGG)- slick!
    4. George Lazenby- one of the only good things about Lazenby!
    5. Timothy Dalton- straightforward yet stylish
    6. Daniel Craig (SkyFall)- a vast improvement over QoS!

    7. Daniel Craig (QoS)- way too rushed
    8. Roger Moore (TSWLM-AVTAK)- very boring and unstylish; the one from the TSWLM teaser trailer is far better- I have no idea why they didn't just use that one
    9. Sean Connery (TB, YOLT, DAF)- what in the world is that stance after the shot? It's like he's trying to balance on a beam while constipated
  • Posts: 2,408
    11: Pierce Brosnan #2 (DAD) - The CGI bullet is a disgrace. Right off the bat you know you're in for a bad movie.
    10: Daniel Craig #2 (QOS) - Rushed, at the end of the film for no explicable reason, bad.
    8: Roger Moore #2 (TSWLM, MR, FYEO, OP, AVTAK) - Well, by the time he shoots, the movie's almost over...
    7: Sean Connery - Iconic but man is he ever wobbly. Not great.
    6: Daniel Craig #3 (SF) - It was good if a little unnatural. At least it was at the end of the film for a reason.
    5: George Lazenby - The treadmill effect is a disappointment but Lazenby's actual mannerisms here are great. I love the drop to one knee.
    4: Bob Simmons - The one that started it all. Admittedly the jump is a little bit silly, campy action stuff that wouldn't happen, but I still love it.
    3: Pierce Brosnan #1 (GE, TND, TWINE) - The one thing Brosnan did right. Great walk, great pose.
    2: Daniel Craig #1 (CR) - I LOVE how it's part of the story. I love how it was incorporated. I love the pose and the shot.
    1: Timothy Dalton - The walk, the pose, the shot, the smoothness... all in line with how perfectly Tim portrayed Bond.
  • Samuel001Samuel001 Moderator
    Posts: 13,369
    10: Daniel Craig #2 (QOS) - Rushed, at the end of the film for no explicable reason, bad.

    I shalln't repeat myself but there was a given reason for it being at the end of the film and if anything it's more logical than the reason for Skyfall's.
  • edited December 2013 Posts: 12,837
    Yeah I think QOS had a much better reason.

    In QOS it was at the end because it symbolised the end of the "Bond begins" arc. It was shoved in at the end of SF because of the opening shot, which isn't even that good, a proper old school GB for the first time in years would've gotten me much more excited than Bond standing in a bloody corridor. Actually speaking of QOS, I think the opening of that was much better and it actually DID benefit from not having the GB, unlike SF.

    I think DAD is better than the QOS/SF gunbarrels. The CGI bullet was a naff idea but Brosnan still looks cool in it and the design is quite good.

    I think the GB's for QOS and SF were just crap on every level. They're both way too quick, they both have a crap design, Craig looks awkward in both of them. I hate them and I hate how the gunbarrel, an iconic part of Bond's history (which EON were all too happy to use for the marketing, just not for the actual film), has become an afterthought.
  • TheWizardOfIceTheWizardOfIce 'One of the Internet's more toxic individuals'
    Posts: 9,117
    Samuel001 wrote:
    10: Daniel Craig #2 (QOS) - Rushed, at the end of the film for no explicable reason, bad.

    I shalln't repeat myself but there was a given reason for it being at the end of the film and if anything it's more logical than the reason for Skyfall's.

    Any chance you could furnish us with that reason? If it's the old 'it's the end of the Vesper arc and Bond is now Bond' then I can only ever recall seeing that on here which is mere fan speculation - but I'm prepared to stand corrected if you can quote me a source where EON or Forster state it.
    Yeah I think QOS had a much better reason.

    In QOS it was at the end because it symbolised the end of the "Bond begins" arc. It was shoved in at the end of SF because of the opening shot, which isn't even that good, a proper old school GB for the first time in years would've gotten me much more excited than Bond standing in a bloody corridor. Actually speaking of QOS, I think the opening of that was much better and it actually DID benefit from not having the GB, unlike SF.

    I think DAD is better than the QOS/SF gunbarrels. The CGI bullet was a naff idea but Brosnan still looks cool in it and the design is quite good.

    I think the GB's for QOS and SF were just crap on every level. They're both way too quick, they both have a crap design, Craig looks awkward in both of them. I hate them and I hate how the gunbarrel, an iconic part of Bond's history (which EON were all too happy to use for the marketing, just not for the actual film), has become an afterthought.

    I really cannot argue with a single word of that. Very well put Sir.
  • Samuel001Samuel001 Moderator
    Posts: 13,369
    Samuel001 wrote:
    10: Daniel Craig #2 (QOS) - Rushed, at the end of the film for no explicable reason, bad.

    I shalln't repeat myself but there was a given reason for it being at the end of the film and if anything it's more logical than the reason for Skyfall's.

    Any chance you could furnish us with that reason? If it's the old 'it's the end of the Vesper arc and Bond is now Bond' then I can only ever recall seeing that on here which is mere fan speculation - but I'm prepared to stand corrected if you can quote me a source where EON or Forster state it.

    It was said by Forster and co. around that time, I'll have a look for you, though as you said "I really cannot argue with a single word of that. Very well put Sir." to @thelivingroyale making the same point there shouldn't be a problem.
  • TheWizardOfIceTheWizardOfIce 'One of the Internet's more toxic individuals'
    Posts: 9,117
    Samuel001 wrote:
    Samuel001 wrote:
    10: Daniel Craig #2 (QOS) - Rushed, at the end of the film for no explicable reason, bad.

    I shalln't repeat myself but there was a given reason for it being at the end of the film and if anything it's more logical than the reason for Skyfall's.

    Any chance you could furnish us with that reason? If it's the old 'it's the end of the Vesper arc and Bond is now Bond' then I can only ever recall seeing that on here which is mere fan speculation - but I'm prepared to stand corrected if you can quote me a source where EON or Forster state it.

    It was said by Forster and co. around that time, I'll have a look for you, though as you said "I really cannot argue with a single word of that. Very well put Sir." to @thelivingroyale making the same point there shouldn't be a problem.

    Fair point. Perhaps I should have said 'I can't argue with most of that'?

    Not saying you're wrong just wondering where this theory stems from. I remember plenty of quotes from Mendes re the opening shot and putting the GB at the end but despite the 'it's the end of Bond begins' reasoning seemingly having now passed into fact I don't ever recall hearing it from the horse's mouth as it were.
  • Samuel001Samuel001 Moderator
    Posts: 13,369
    It was also done according to Wilson as a surprise by Forster:

    'Wilson said Forster made that call as a way to do something unexpected: "Just when you think, 'Oh, gee, they didn't do it,' up it pops."'

  • Samuel001 wrote:
    It was also done according to Wilson as a surprise by Forster:

    'Wilson said Forster made that call as a way to do something unexpected: "Just when you think, 'Oh, gee, they didn't do it,' up it pops."'


    "And then after that you think 'Why the hell didn't they just put it at the start where it belongs?'"
  • edited December 2013 Posts: 825
    <b>1.) George Lazenby</b> - despite the gunbarrel starting so far into frame, that George looks like he's on a treadmill, i love the drop down to one knee - it's quick, it's sudden, and it's different..

    I was even not happy with George Lazenby gunbarrel performance when he drop the knee he could heard himself.

    <b>1.) Bob Simmons</b> - I really cannot stand how slow he walks, and his bunny hop... what kind of marksman hops and fires at the same time?? - this isn't a videogame..
    For Bob Simmons in first place doubling Sean Connery well that was terrible. He was in Crochet. Sean Connery did better when he did in from Thunderball to Diamonds are forever.
    Roger Moore, Timothy Dalton & Pirece Bronsnan was good. Daniel Craig also did good too. It alright to double in the movie, when come to gun barrel no doubles at all, should be done, Only by the current James Bond. No doubles on Gun barrel again please.

  • QBranchQBranch Always have an escape plan. Mine is watching James Bond films.
    edited December 2013 Posts: 14,884
    For the SF gun barrel, I wish they had've used the first turn/pose just before 0:06 of this video.

    The turn is cool, and his left arm goes behind him. The pose we got looks awkward. His left arm is too straight, and don't get me started on that cheap vinyl look of the barrel itself.
  • 10.- OHMSS
    Bad, very bad. Treadmill, gunbarrel design, even the actor... Nothing left to write.

    9.- QOS
    Design is getting better, but i hate the CGI. Like the speed of the blood and the walk.

    8.- CS
    Very nice how they brought it into the story, but the final pose is week. Gunbarrel design is almost good.

    007.- TLD, LTK
    Quick turn, cool walk, nice pose. It isn't the actor, it's the gunbarrel design. Little bit better than CS but still not good.

    6.- GE, TND
    Here, i do like the CGI effect. Don't care about the music.

    5.- TWINE
    The place where the gunbarrel opens is better than GE, TND and DAD.

    4.- DAD
    The bullet is quite cool, but just for once.

    3.- TB, YOLT
    From now on, the gunbarrel design in excellent. Good job Maurice Binder!

    2.- DAF
    Lightning is cool...

    1.- LALD, TMWTGG
    Quick turn, cool walk, nice pose, cool gunbarrel design, place where it opens is cool...
    Nothing is bad about this one. TSWLM-AVTAK are bullsh*t
  • Posts: 1,601
    My favorite is Lazenby's (ironic as I don't care for him at all).

    Ultra smooth lazy and cool walk, probably my favorite Gunbarrel score (RIP John Barry) and that drop to the knee is killer. Pure testosterone that bit.

    I love Craig's gunbarrel walk for SF. Definitely harkens back. The pose just screams "old school"
  • MayDayDiVicenzoMayDayDiVicenzo Here and there
    edited May 2014 Posts: 5,082
    1. George Lazenby- the knee action is cool. He had one shot at it and it's still the best.

    2. Roger Moore (LALD/TMWTGG/FYEO)- the wrist action is great. FYEO gunbarrel has a great score by Bill Conti, and the same can be said of George Martin for LALD.

    3. Timothy Dalton- nice bit of leg action and a great score by Kamen for LTK.

    4. Daniel Craig (Casino Royale)- tradition thrown out of the window, but in this case, it's awesome.

    5. Pierce Brosnan (GoldenEye)- good score by Serra, and a good shot by Brozzer, but he puffs his chest out a little.

    6. Sean Connery- a bit wobbly, but OK nonetheless.

    7. Bob Simmons- too slow walking, but the jump is always fun.

    8. Daniel Craig (Skyfall)- so should have been used at the start, but oh well. His slow walking speed feels a bit forced, but his shot is OK.

    9. Pierce Brosnan (TND/TWINE)- don't like the score for either, and Pierce looks a little too smug when walking.

    10. Roger Moore (TSWLM/MR/OP/AVTAK)- too slow.

    11. Pierce Brosnan (DAD, finally, DAD isn't last on one of my rankings!)- CGI bullet and score. Bad...

    12. Daniel Craig (QOS)- too fast! Bloody hell, is he late for work or something?!
  • Posts: 2,408
    1. Lazenby - Smooth, unexpected, cool.
    2. Moore (1) - Great timing, I love the way he supports his upper arm when shooting.
    3. Craig (3) - Tough, fluid.
    4. Craig (1) - I don't know why I like this one so much.
    5. Connery - Very good.
    6. Dalton - Very good.
    7. Brosnan - Very good.
    8. Simmons - I hate that little hop.
    9. Craig (2) - Too fast, nervous.
    10.Moore (2) - Awkward.

    11: Brosnan #2 - I consider DAD to be a different gunbarrel because of the CGI bullet, and my god is it ever awful.
    10: Craig #2 - No.
    9: Moore #1 - He missed the bloody shot!
    8: Connery - Wobbly knees, wobbly knees. Bad pose, too.
    7: Moore #2 - Good walk, good pose. But I could empty a full clip into him in the time it takes him to turn.
    6: Simmons - The hop is silly but I think this one exudes the deadliness of the character.
    5: Craig #3 - Bad barrel design, and it's a bit too rigid, but I quite like how blunt it is. Suits Craig perfectly.
    4: Brosnan #1 - Must be the best thing about Brosnan's tenure. The walk, the shot, the pose, it's perfect. And that is not an overstatement. My only complaint is that it's ever-so-slightly robotic; the turn is literally a flash.
    3: Lazenby - Criticize the treadmill effect all you want, the drop to one knee is a brilliant pose.
    2: Craig #1 - I love how it's part of the story. The turn, the shot, the blood, the music... I stood up and applauded when I saw this in 2006.
    1: Dalton - Everything about The CR gunbarrel applies here. That lean and the confidence of the shot perfectly exude Ian Fleming's creation. Definitive gunbarrel.
  • w2bondw2bond is indeed a very rare breed
    Posts: 2,252
    My favourite by far is the one from TND. Brosnans walk and pose is the coolest and the finality of the gunbarrel theme is heartstopping
  • Posts: 1,146
    1) Lazenby

    2) Craig

    3) Dalton

    4) the Broz

    5) Connery ( IT does not even look like him in a few of them)

    6) Moore (who grabs their elbow when they fire a weapon?)
  • Posts: 12,604
    My favorite is Lazenby's. Others really just depends on my mood.
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