SPECTRE Production Timeline



  • aaron819aaron819 Switzerland
    Posts: 1,208
    Nothing from the videoblog :(

    Does anyone have any idea when we could see the Rome Production Videoblog?
  • DannyBoy1994DannyBoy1994 Wales
    Posts: 21
    I posted this in the spoilers thread as I think I have a general idea as to what it would have been used for, but I thought the rest of you might like to have a read! Spoiler free of course!
  • SkyfallCraigSkyfallCraig Rome, Italy
    Posts: 637
    I think around next Tuesday, possibly featuring Witt or some second-unit-cast.
  • SkyfallCraigSkyfallCraig Rome, Italy
    Posts: 637
    I posted this in the spoilers thread as I think I have a general idea as to what it would have been used for, but I thought the rest of you might like to have a read! Spoiler free of course!
    So this doesn't happen only in Rome
  • DannyBoy1994DannyBoy1994 Wales
    Posts: 21
    Bloody Bureaucrats!
    The Welsh Assembly can be a kill joy sometimes. I speak from experience as an inhabitant of Wales!
  • chipstickschipsticks NOT on TheDanielCraigForum where they think know Daniel Craig personally and Léa and Monica are ugly
    Posts: 560
    about Mexico(tiny spoiler) (better translation is most welcome please)

    The Senate gave the nod to Bond; not affect filming inside

    Roberto Figueroa, Secretary General of Administrative Services, reported that the Board was the one who authorized the use of the roof of the house of Xicoténcatl for shooting Spectre





    Secretary General of Administrative Services of the Senate, Roberto Figueroa, Excelsior informed that the Board was headed by Luis Miguel Barbosa PRD which authorized the use of the roof of the old house of James Bond Xicoténcatl to perform one of their spectacular escapes in his new film Spectre.

    "No disrupts inside the Senate, in case there was some event, but we have nothing scheduled. No upsets nothing inside. This is part of the roof, because as I understand, James Bond runs roofs City Centre, I think it comes from a restaurant next, cross the street Donceles and passes the Senate building ", announced the official Senate.

    Excelsior revealed yesterday that the Senate authorized the use of the roof of the historic building and Roberto Figueroa said it was the Ministry of Tourism who asked the Senate to pay Xicoténcatl roof because they seek the promotion of Historic center of Mexico City in this film.

    It will be from 20 to 24 March when a series of loopholes 007 overhead in different emblematic buildings of the Historic Center film, but made clear that this will never shoot inside the enclosure.

    "It took a Board the power to authorize logically with the recommendations made by the National Institute of Fine Arts and the INAH, which already have permits, because they put scaffolding to climb to the roof and not use what the interior.

    "Then authorized the Federal District Government put scaffolding, and has made this part for filming, that is not the only building that has for the film, are a number of buildings Jan. I do not know how many are in downtown Mexico City for this film. There is an agreement Board, "said the head of the Senate money management.

    Roberto Figueroa said the Senate will not receive any financial reward for letting the roof Xicoténcatl 9 days 21, 22, 23, 14 and March 25 is used, when the actor Daniel Craig leave the imprint of the famous Agent 007, James Bond for this building that already was hospital and is guarded by the image of Sebastian Lerdo de Tejada

    The agreement allows the producer to use the old Senate seat was signed on February 5, and makes clear that it is only your roof, according to the Secretary General of Administrative Services of the Senate.

    A few years ago, the Senate was also involved in the filming of a movie, but it was because his then vice president of the board, Francisco Arroyo Vieyra, now congressman, acted as priest in a Mexican film production.

    INAH gave permission

    The dependence cared integrity of the listings that are used to build a set for Spectre

    The National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH) authorized the production of the Spectre tape, placing a set, they will simulate a hotel, on the roofs of three historic buildings that are located in the Perimeter A Historical City Centre of Mexico, including Xicoténcatl old house, where was the seat of the Senate.

    The National Coordination of Historical Monuments, through media management of the agency, said yesterday that permission to place the structure made of scaffolding and wood, "is the only authorization" that corresponded grant and said it has a "structural study to ensure the integrity of the property" to be submitted to the weight of film, personal, actors and film set equipment.

    Excelsior yesterday unveiled the new 007 tape recording set used as the roofs of the three buildings that border Xicoténcatl from street Donceles to Tacuba. According to the Office of Social Communication of the Senate, the application of international production by the film was made from the federal government.

    The INAH said was "necessary recommendations to ensure the protection of property" and that from the moment the mounting set started recording, maintaining technical supervision on site, which will also verify removal. The makers of the film have planned to use the area, located in the heart of the country, from 14 to 24 March, although they also recorded elsewhere in the Old Town, a World Heritage Site by UNESCO

    The National Institute of Fine Arts (INBA) distanced himself, meanwhile, any intervention in granting permissions to use properties and Plaza Manuel Tolsá. The Senate had said that the use of historical spaces will be made by "an agreement with the federal government. It is recording an international film and with the permission of the property to the Senate INBA requested ". However protection area corresponds to INAH because it is above assets to 1900.

    What does correspond to the INBA will indicate whether the National Art Museum (Munal) operate regularly during filming. The office communication agency said yesterday that have already been notified that filming take place on 19, 20 and 24 March, but have not yet received the order to close the property.

    The shooting of the film of the British agent, take virtually the area, including streets and buildings. "We need authorization from the Ministry of Finance to close the museum, we are anticipating that we should close, but we need authorization," the dependency.

    Mining and catering

    The Palace of Mines will be occupied by 500 thousand people working on filming the Spectre tape.

    According precinct workers, employees of the UNAM will badges to prevent anyone other than the work of building log during filming.

    Workers Mining Palace assured that the property, designed by Manuel Tolsá be used for makeup and wardrobe section, starting next Saturday.

    Yesterday, during a tour of the Palace of Mines it was found that the central courtyard and monumental staircase were cleaned with pressurized water. Shop Palace, Tolsá display at the Hall and the library of UNAM functioning normally.

    Workers in this university interviewed during the course emphasized that the inner courtyards of the palace and central courtyard will be used for makeup, and costumes, to serve food to the workers of the sets of the film and the team that works directly on the filming.

    If Daniel Craig, star of Spectre and who embody the fourth time James Bond, go to Mexico City during the next week could also use the palace.

    Mining workers ensured that Guided visits continue at least this weekend.

    Meanwhile, across the street Tacuba, in the alley Xicoténcatl, activity is intense to build a set on the roofs of the buildings of the former restaurant Sunflowers, the former seat of the Senate, and building departments.

    The production workers have built a new floor to all three buildings and began settling simulated wood doors in order to create a uniform front properties.

    In the two museums in the square, who serve visitors know that filming will be done.

    "We will visit James Bond weekend", "there will be explosions and chases.See if there is a manifestation! "Said the dependents of the National Art Museum and the Palace of Mining.

    Sigman is excited

    Evasive, reluctant, fun and happy. So Stephanie Sigman, who just days ago was announced as the new member of Spectre, the next installment in the saga of James Bond, which will accompany Daniel Craig and will be directed by Sam Mendes British showed.

    The Sonoran will also be the first Mexican woman to join the franchise based on the novels of Ian Fleming.

    - Will you be the new Bond Girl? Will that be your character from Star Excelsior ?, asked the star of Miss Bala, on the 19th floor of one of the venues of the Festival of Guadalajara hotels where the Sonoran introduced the film Alice in Mary, Jesus Magana . There was no answer, only an irrepressible smile that accompanied a charming 360-degree turn that seemed to say with irony: what do you think?

    During the press conference for the film, which featured alongside Barbara Mori, Angelica Aragon and Claudio Lafarga, Sigman avoided talking about his work alongside the 007, but a little later, in an exclusive interview, said what he meant this lease on life.

    "I feel very happy, very excited. I feel that the universe is giving me what I asked for and that's very nice, "said the interpreter, and then say that" everything comes from something and at the right time. "

    La actriz reaccionó en las redes sociales con un posteo en su cuenta de Instagram, donde escribió: “Los sueños sí se hacen realidad”, al lado de una captura de pantalla del sitio oficial Inside the World of James Bond.

    “Nunca me pongo a pensar si estoy preparada o qué va a pasar. Yo no funciono así, a mí me gusta más el proceso creativo y humano más que el resultado. Disfruto mucho esa parte de hacer cine, quizá sí soy un animal del cine, como dice Chucho (Magaña).”

    Sigman peleará por el amor de Bond contra hermosas mujeres como Monica Bellucci y Léa Seydoux, quienes iluminarán la pantalla grande a partir del 25 de noviembre, fecha del estreno.

    Generan molestias

    Vendedores de las calles de Tacuba, Allende y Bolívar ya fueron notificados del cierre de vialidades para la filmación de la película Spectre, además de estar citados con el productor para llegar a un acuerdo monetario por las pérdidas que pueda representarles.

    Gabriela Manrique, vendedora de una zapatería ubicada en Allende y Tacuba informó que en varios negocios se les avisó que el rodaje iniciará a partir del viernes, y que en la mayoría de los negocios tendrá que laborar el personal aunque no se registren ventas.

    Los comerciantes no se entusiasmaron por la idea de estar cerca de los actores Daniel Craig y Monica Bellucci, aunque su visita no esté confirmada. “Ni para ver a Daniel Craig, porque todo va estar cercado. Lejos de emocionarnos nos representa una pérdida de ventas”, confesó la vendedora.

    Autoridades capitalinas confirmaron el cierre de la calle Tacuba hasta la Plaza Manuel Tolsá, que servirá como set. Los vendedores señalaron que los cierres serán los días 20, 21 y 24 de marzo.

    Los locatarios de la estación del Metro Allende informaron que aunque no les han avisado por parte del Sistema de Transporte Colectivo Metro (STC), están preparados para el cierre de la estación de último momento.

  • marketto007marketto007 Brazil
    Posts: 3,277
    @chipsticks, your help and support here is deeply appreciated. But, please only post the links to the articles, not the entire text. Hope you understand. Thanks. :)
  • aaron819aaron819 Switzerland
    Posts: 1,208
    Preperations in Mexico

  • Posts: 11,119
    I posted this in the spoilers thread as I think I have a general idea as to what it would have been used for, but I thought the rest of you might like to have a read! Spoiler free of course!

    Hmmm, could S.P.E.C.T.R.E. have their own kind of Assembly or "Senate" these days ;-)? Similar to the board room in "Thunderball"??
  • SkyfallCraigSkyfallCraig Rome, Italy
    Posts: 637
    So are they yet in mexico?
  • Posts: 188

    Is this the inside of
    Bond's flat
    ? Looks like it could be, judging from the window and comparing it to the pics we got of the London filming with Naomi and Daniel.

  • chipstickschipsticks NOT on TheDanielCraigForum where they think know Daniel Craig personally and Léa and Monica are ugly
    Posts: 560
    @chipsticks, your help and support here is deeply appreciated. But, please only post the links to the articles, not the entire text. Hope you understand. Thanks. :)

    sorry about that :\">
  • SkyfallCraigSkyfallCraig Rome, Italy
    Posts: 637
    roko wrote: »

    Is this the inside of
    Bond's flat
    ? Looks like it could be, judging from the window and comparing it to the pics we got of the London filming with Naomi and Daniel.
    Yes it is
  • Posts: 1,314

    *whispers.... pssst. its 'by golly', not 'by jolly'"....*
  • Posts: 1,314
    James Bond, Birds of the West Indies.
    Page 1 - Honey Rider
  • What a nice clapperboard! That is so absolutely awesome!!! *fangirlish jumping around*
  • dominicgreenedominicgreene The Eternal QOS Defender
    Posts: 1,756
    Let's recap on the past hundred posts:
    but what if
    It cant be if
    But Bond
  • Posts: 1,552
    Let's recap on the past hundred posts:
    but what if
    It cant be if
    But Bond

    Exactly, but you have to take
    into account too though.
  • Pajan005Pajan005 Stockholm, Sweden
    edited March 2015 Posts: 432
    I've seen some people posting articles about the mexican government paying Sony to do some adjustments.

    From what I have seen, the reaction has been a bit negative. I get that that people feel that they should not waste millions for a few changes in a film.

    I don't think we should be blaming anyone yet. I don't really know exactly what these changes were. But, I hope it was done so the film will be better, and at the end of the day I really want a great film. I'm really excited, having family in Mexico and all.
  • Posts: 12,553
    Nice to see some more pics from Mexico. A shame their is no video blog as of yet, but still we did get a clapperboard though!
  • aaron819aaron819 Switzerland
    Posts: 1,208
  • jake24jake24 Sitting at your desk, kissing your lover, eating supper with your familyModerator
    Posts: 10,592
    I thought those were snipers on the roof ;)
  • Posts: 1,552
    jake24 wrote: »
    I thought those were snipers on the roof ;)
    These guys do look, at first glance, like they may be holding rifles


  • chipstickschipsticks NOT on TheDanielCraigForum where they think know Daniel Craig personally and Léa and Monica are ugly
    edited March 2015 Posts: 560
    video from Rome:




    elizgeoroma Roma ready, as always, for her screen test, but no sign of James Bond. Film crew eating pizza (certo) before the next take. #spectre #007 3h





  • chipstickschipsticks NOT on TheDanielCraigForum where they think know Daniel Craig personally and Léa and Monica are ugly
    Posts: 560
    Preparan set de Bond en el Senado; personal de construcción dice que no
    Aunque ya el mismo Gobierno del Distrito Federal y el INAH aceptaron que se está cocinando la nueva película del 007 en la Ciudad de México, el personal de producción y montaje dijo que sólo se estaban remodelando los edificios.



  • aaron819aaron819 Switzerland
    Posts: 1,208
    chipsticks wrote: »
    Preparan set de Bond en el Senado; personal de construcción dice que no
    Aunque ya el mismo Gobierno del Distrito Federal y el INAH aceptaron que se está cocinando la nueva película del 007 en la Ciudad de México, el personal de producción y montaje dijo que sólo se estaban remodelando los edificios.



    Thanks @chipsticks !
  • Posts: 6,601

    Bond set prepared in the Senate ; Construction crews says no. Although the same government of the Federal District and the INAH 's cooking accepted the new 007 film in Mexico City , the production and assembly staff said they were just remodeled buildings. The preparation for the filming of the new film 007 which will be filmed in Mexico in the coming weeks is being handled with absolute discretion. Seven of the six people who were asked about mounting replied that they were renovating the buildings , including the former headquarters of the Senate.

    Although it was apparent that they were building a set, the staff was mounting it said it was just a touch to buildings. Even after several questions and photographs were upset and one of them shouted : "We will not answer anything better and get out of here " . Only one person revealed that , in fact, was riding " a stage ". However, he did not elaborate and retracted. He said he had unauthorized people talk and Hollywood production was not yet in the country. A man claiming to belong to area locations revealed on condition of anonymity that the shooting of the film will take place " in mid-April ," not to late March, as previously disseminated in the media"I can not talk more because people are watching us ," the subject and , seconds later , he joined a small group of ten people who were watching air planes from downtown. A few yards away , a man from North America saw while smoking a cigarette. Yesterday, the controversy erupted in social networks for alleged payment made by the Government of the Federal District to film executives to amend certain aspects of the script. This information was released by an American website called Tax Analysts. Among the modifications allegedly ordered three stand out: in the aerial shots only " modern areas of the city " will be shown ; the villain of the story was not Mexican, and the clerk will receive a James Bond is played by a famous Mexican actress. The three petitions the government, according Tax Analysts were granted

    The National Institute of Anthropology and History ( INAH ) today reported that authorized the production itself mounted structures on these buildings dating from the seventeenth century. The head of city government, Miguel Angel Mancera said this week that the Interior Ministry DF has had several approaches with the producers of the film, in which they have refined some details of the shooting. "They will use technology because the city can not support a shooting time so extensive . They make some shots , but the rest is going to improve with technology," said the official. The works on the house of Xicoténcatl have little way. Can barely be seen as a construction house on the roof. Presumably this will be the hotel where you will stay and meet James Bond star , who will be played by Mexican actress Stephanie Sigman.

    A restaurant worker said Villamelon cranes arrived on the scene last week. However, he said that " since about a month ago " already felt much movement in the area. In recent days, information that the Spectre cost could exceed $ 300 million , which would make it one of the most expensive in history tapes filtered.

  • DrShatterhandDrShatterhand Garden of Death, near Belfast
    Posts: 805
    "Seven of the six people who were asked..." that takes some doing lol
  • Posts: 1,552
    "Seven of the six people who were asked..." that takes some doing lol

    :)) =))
  • edited March 2015 Posts: 6,601
    The seventh was the spirit of Bond, James Bond 8-X

    Interesting is the start date metioned. I hope, its wrong.
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