SPECTRE--last Craig-era film?



  • mcdonbbmcdonbb deep in the Heart of Texas
    Posts: 4,116
    I just would one Craig Bond without Mendes. No offense to Mendes but I think with SP he's run his course.
  • Posts: 6,601
    DrGorner wrote: »
    So we'll be getting Bond's awkward late Teenage years, all pimples
    and getting nerve up to talk to girls. :D

    :)) For that, they could very well get some of the suggestions made.
  • Posts: 138
    There is one more obvious trauma story left I think (given where SP ends). Craig and Mended should do that about 2018 and then they should recast and reboot to stand alone missions again for the next era. Hopefully they will keep the current M and Q after the reboot
  • Mendes4LyfeMendes4Lyfe The long road ahead
    edited October 2015 Posts: 8,694
    Gus82 wrote: »
    There is one more obvious trauma story left I think (given where SP ends). Craig and Mended should do that about 2018 and then they should recast and reboot to stand alone missions again for the next era. Hopefully they will keep the current M and Q after the reboot

    Whishaw so dreamy. :x I honestly think he could play the role for the next 40 years. One of the things people are agreed on is that he is the greatest thing about SPECTRE. ;) :)
  • edited October 2015 Posts: 2,015
    Germanlady wrote: »
    Its probably done on purpose, because of how different can a Bond film be? We have had serious, now a bit lighter to go into a series of lighter ones. There ARE only these two ways.

    Well we had the "light" TSWLM (in which Bond kills Stromberg with cold blood), and we had the "serious" FYEO (in which Bond defeats a hockey team on ice). So there are quite many ways to proceed :)
  • edited October 2015 Posts: 3
    First time poster so a big hello to everyone.

    The biggest challenge for Craig is to get out while people would still miss him when he has gone and not celebrating his departure.

    Connery came back (twice, if we include NSNA) but had started to look old in the first and ancient in the second. Moore should have gone a film or two before VTK but he didn't and we were left with a man on the cusp of his pension. Brosnan's departure was also celebrated in some quarters but he, in my opinion, left at the right time and the celebrations were due to a decline in film standards that was wrongly attributed to him.

    Elsewhere, Lazenby and Dalton got out in time and neither really had much choice in the matter.

    Craig is now 47 years old and will be around 50 once B25 wraps up. Could he pull it off? Maybe, but he is starting to look his age, albeit not to the extent that Connery was in DAF, in my opinion, and 3 years may leave us with something that Bond shouldn't be, an old man.

    I will miss him once he does step aside but would rather miss him than have a James Bond who does not look like the way the character should.
  • doubleoegodoubleoego #LightWork
    Posts: 11,139
    Craig has aged the best in the role and because of his lived in looks, it hasn't made his aging jarring. The guy is 47 and yet is in better physical shape and condition than all his predecessors when they were in their prime.

    By 47 Moore was only his 2nd film. Brosnan started filming DAD at 49. Craig is in great shape and looks great and SP was him at his Bond best. He'll do 1 more at the very least.
  • Mendes4LyfeMendes4Lyfe The long road ahead
    Posts: 8,694
    Bondite wrote: »
    First time poster so a big hello to everyone.

    The biggest challenge for Craig is to get out while people would still miss him when he has gone and not celebrating his departure.

    Connery came back (twice, if we include NSNA) but had started to look old in the first and ancient in the second. Moore should have gone a film or two before VTK but he didn't and we were left with a man on the cusp of his pension. Brosnan's departure was also celebrated in some quarters but he, in my opinion, left at the right time and the celebrations were due to a decline in film standards that was wrongly attributed to him.

    Elsewhere, Lazenby and Dalton got out in time and neither really had much choice in the matter.

    Craig is now 47 years old and will be around 50 once B25 wraps up. Could he pull it off? Maybe, but he is starting to look his age, albeit not to the extent that Connery was in DAF, in my opinion, and 3 years may leave us with something that Bond shouldn't be, an old man.

    I will miss him once he does step aside but would rather miss him than have a James Bond who does not look like the way the character should.

    Welcome :)

    Rememeber that Connery was only about 40 in DAF, so the fact that Craig looks younger now than he did then is a testament to how well Craig has aged in the role. I think it is understandable that Craig is starting to show his age, and I think it could become alot more noticeable in another 3 years. Moore looks 10 years older in AVTAK than he did in OP but there was only 2 years between them :-O
  • TripAcesTripAces Universal Exports
    Posts: 4,627
    Craig will be back if the following occur...

    1. He feels physically able to play the part the way he wants to (which is to do a lot of his own stuntwork...for which, btw, few people seem to applaud him);
    2. The script is good;
    3. The director is good (and maybe even Mendes coming back); and
    4. There's a lot of money on the table.

    Take any one of these out of the equation, and DC is gone. My sense: All four will be in place by 2017.

  • AceHoleAceHole Belgium, via Britain
    Posts: 1,732
    TripAces wrote: »
    Craig will be back if the following occur...

    1. He feels physically able to play the part the way he wants to (which is to do a lot of his own stuntwork...for which, btw, few people seem to applaud him);
    2. The script is good;
    3. The director is good (and maybe even Mendes coming back); and
    4. There's a lot of money on the table.

    Take any one of these out of the equation, and DC is gone. My sense: All four will be in place by 2017.

    I'm not so certain. Craig looks to me like a guy who is done with the role... just a sense I get having seen his tv appearances of late. These 2 films with Mendes is what he wanted to do with the role, that seems pretty clear.
  • Mendes4LyfeMendes4Lyfe The long road ahead
    Posts: 8,694
    AceHole wrote: »
    TripAces wrote: »
    Craig will be back if the following occur...

    1. He feels physically able to play the part the way he wants to (which is to do a lot of his own stuntwork...for which, btw, few people seem to applaud him);
    2. The script is good;
    3. The director is good (and maybe even Mendes coming back); and
    4. There's a lot of money on the table.

    Take any one of these out of the equation, and DC is gone. My sense: All four will be in place by 2017.

    I'm not so certain. Craig looks to me like a guy who is done with the role... just a sense I get having seen his tv appearances of late. These 2 films with Mendes is what he wanted to do with the role, that seems pretty clear.

    And mark my words, Craig or not, the wheels are in motion on B25 as we speak. ;)
  • Posts: 582
    Moneypenny: I think you're just getting started.
  • Posts: 1,068
    MP: 'it's called "having a life" / you should try it some time...'
  • bondjamesbondjames You were expecting someone else?
    edited October 2015 Posts: 23,883
    AceHole wrote: »
    TripAces wrote: »
    Craig will be back if the following occur...

    1. He feels physically able to play the part the way he wants to (which is to do a lot of his own stuntwork...for which, btw, few people seem to applaud him);
    2. The script is good;
    3. The director is good (and maybe even Mendes coming back); and
    4. There's a lot of money on the table.

    Take any one of these out of the equation, and DC is gone. My sense: All four will be in place by 2017.

    I'm not so certain. Craig looks to me like a guy who is done with the role... just a sense I get having seen his tv appearances of late. These 2 films with Mendes is what he wanted to do with the role, that seems pretty clear.

    There is a certain cynicism that wasn't there before and it's somewhat pervasive and underlying. I can feel it too. There is no more enthusiasm left. He seems like an honest chap, so I don't think this is just a negotiating ploy.....he just seems to have had enough.

    Some time away may cause him to rethink (and no doubt EON will do whatever he wants) but I think there needs to a compelling creative vision (I really don't think money is all that important at this point.....it wont' be the motivator but rather the clincher) to get him back. I just don't know what that could be in a Bond universe.
  • @bondjames
    Yeah, I agree with you there. He seems a bit worn out.
  • Posts: 1,068
    Bear in mind, it's the job he decided to do and acting in another film or stage play going to be any less work. It's all about his state of mind and whether he feels creatively energised by Bond still. It's pretty obvious he doesn't want to be part of the whole charade of meet and greet at press junkets - they're a necessary but unwelcome part of the whole package. I believe DC is being totally 100% genuine where he says he doesn't know how he feels about continuing with more Bond. He doesn't know in his heart even if his head tells him to. It's always going to be a creative and instinctive from the heart decision as creative people rule their head this way. Believe me, I know! ;)
  • JNOJNO Finland
    Posts: 137
    Haven´t seen SPECTRE yet but I have a strong sense that Craig is coming back... isn´t he contracted for a fifth?

    I wish he comes back because I just can´t see any potential candidates for the role right now. And Daniel Craig has defined the modern Bond just like Sir Sean defined the original cinematic Bond. It will be a huge task to follow Craig. I already feel sorry for Craig´s successor...

    But all in all, it all depends on the man himself, the story, the director, the timeline...

    I´ve always wanted him to do six films like Sir Sean did (NSNA doesn´t count in my universe). Hope he does!
  • Posts: 1,092
    I am dumbfounded. Why should it take 4-5 films to set up the Bond character?

    I think the worst aspect of the Craig era was the decision to make it one big story. I think after quantum the bond origin was finished. He had 'learnt his lesson' of being unemotional and cold about his job rather than making brash decisions on the fly and his ego getting in the way. They should have gone back to making bond films stand alone missions. I personally hate how everything has to connect up, and also how each film it seems there has to be a fresh trauma for Bond to deal with. Killing of characters as a means of emotional manipulation is getting really old at this point. It seems like having a fun, formulaic Bond film with of the trimmings isn't enough anymore. Each new film we need to strip away another layer of Bonds mystery. Did no one think that the mystery of the Bond character was what MADE him so appealing?

    It seems like SPECTRE could a step in the right direction for the series, but perhaps too little to late for the Craig era.

    I think it's brilliant what they have done. I would assume you are a huge Brosnan fan because his run was the king of formula and safe film making. Blah. I like certain aspects to Bond films and it's great when we get them but it's also boring, predictable, and lame. This series survives on variety and doing what they've done with Craig's era is exactly they needed to do. Churning out episodic stuff over and over got very stale when Brosnan walked away. You can't keep doing that forever. It must change and be rejuvenated with a fresh look. Taking 4 films to lay down the foundation of a character that has lasted over a half century is not too many considering the longevity the series has enjoyed and hopefully will enjoy for another 50+ years.

    You gotta think long term here.
  • Posts: 202
    The_Reaper wrote: »
    I am dumbfounded. Why should it take 4-5 films to set up the Bond character?

    I think the worst aspect of the Craig era was the decision to make it one big story. I think after quantum the bond origin was finished. He had 'learnt his lesson' of being unemotional and cold about his job rather than making brash decisions on the fly and his ego getting in the way. They should have gone back to making bond films stand alone missions. I personally hate how everything has to connect up, and also how each film it seems there has to be a fresh trauma for Bond to deal with. Killing of characters as a means of emotional manipulation is getting really old at this point. It seems like having a fun, formulaic Bond film with of the trimmings isn't enough anymore. Each new film we need to strip away another layer of Bonds mystery. Did no one think that the mystery of the Bond character was what MADE him so appealing?

    It seems like SPECTRE could a step in the right direction for the series, but perhaps too little to late for the Craig era.

    I think it's brilliant what they have done. I would assume you are a huge Brosnan fan because his run was the king of formula and safe film making. Blah. I like certain aspects to Bond films and it's great when we get them but it's also boring, predictable, and lame. This series survives on variety and doing what they've done with Craig's era is exactly they needed to do. Churning out episodic stuff over and over got very stale when Brosnan walked away. You can't keep doing that forever. It must change and be rejuvenated with a fresh look. Taking 4 films to lay down the foundation of a character that has lasted over a half century is not too many considering the longevity the series has enjoyed and hopefully will enjoy for another 50+ years.

    You gotta think long term here.

    I'm afraid walking out of Spectre last night, formulaic and safe was exactly how I described this latest Bond film. We are right back to where Peirce Bronsan left the series, so we've come full circle.

  • ThunderpussyThunderpussy My Secret Lair
    Posts: 13,385
    I had a similar thought, that this is the first Craig Bond film in which
    Bond could have been played by Moore and Brosnan. :)
  • TheWizardOfIceTheWizardOfIce 'One of the Internet's more toxic individuals'
    Posts: 9,117
    It did strike me that although the Hinx fight on the train was bloody good and seemed pretty brutal Craig basically ended up like Rog after his fights - not a scratch. Compare this to the fabulous stairwell fight in CR where he is covered in blood and have we already left the gritty era behind?
  • ThunderpussyThunderpussy My Secret Lair
    Posts: 13,385
    Agreed, moving away from the grittier edge. Which is a Pity,in
    My opinion.
  • Posts: 4,687
    Yes, a friend I went with who is not a massive fan made exactly the same point. If you want Hinx to be scary, you have to see the impact he can have on Bond
  • Posts: 9,913
    I am hoping they move back to the grittier stuff in Bond 25 One of the things I loved about Rogue nation was it was a great mix of gritty and fun... Again I haven't seen spectre yet but I am slightly nervous considering the reviews tend to say this is "classic Bond" and I kind of like the sort of experimental bond of Casino Royale and Quantum of solace... Again I am going in with low expectations so hopefully I will be pleasantly surprised, I also read the script notes which it seems I will like some of it.. it definitely reads better then Skyfall was.

    But this is about whether Craig will stay and honestly I hope he does
  • RC7RC7
    Posts: 10,512
    patb wrote: »
    Yes, a friend I went with who is not a massive fan made exactly the same point. If you want Hinx to be scary, you have to see the impact he can have on Bond

    He beats the living shit out of him.
  • Posts: 6,396
    I wonder if at this moment DC's head is telling him to walk away and his heart is saying to do one more.

    If he did decide to quit now, he would at least have the distinction for a long term Bond actor of going out on a high (as opposed to doing a DAF, AVTAK, or DAD).
  • SirHilaryBraySirHilaryBray Scotland
    edited October 2015 Posts: 2,138
    Both Craig and Mendes have softned the tone on doing another. Craig going as far to say that seeing opening reaction and constructive and positive reviews relieves the pressure. Mendes pretty much says he will decide in 6 months. Barbs says "we don't want Daniel to go anywhere, well sort something out". It's all pointing towards another and a Mendes/Craig trilogy. I just hope if they do they look at the dialog and serious elements of Skyfall and combine it with the qaulity of action from the 1st hour of Spectre. One is to far one way and one is to far in the other direction if they do another and get that balance right it could be the best ever.
  • RC7RC7
    Posts: 10,512
    Both Craig and Mendes have softned the tone on doing another. Craig going as far to say that seeing opening reaction and constructive and positive reviews relieves the pressure. Mendes pretty much says he will decide in 6 months. Barbs says "we don't want Daniel to go anywhere, well sort something out". It's all pointing towards another and a Mendes/Craig trilogy. I just hope if they do they look at the dialog and serious elements of Skyfall and combine it with the qaulity of action from the 1st hour of Spectre. One is to far one way and one is to far in the other direction if they do another and get that balance right it could be the best ever.

    I thought SP struck a much better balance than SF. The humour in SF is stunted and jarring, it's pretty much seamless in SP and there's enough character and action beats to keep it flowing.
  • bondjamesbondjames You were expecting someone else?
    Posts: 23,883
    I wonder if at this moment DC's head is telling him to walk away and his heart is saying to do one more.

    If he did decide to quit now, he would at least have the distinction for a long term Bond actor of going out on a high (as opposed to doing a DAF, AVTAK, or DAD).

    His legacy is intact and secure if he leaves now. If he does one more in a few yrs time, anything can happen. Even now some are saying this film is a little beneath his considerable talents.

    It's difficult for an actor/performer/perfectionist like him.........just like a boxer.......you've got to know when to hang it up.

    Hopefully he makes the right call for him, whatever that is.
  • Posts: 202
    The ending of Spectre does sort of liberate Craig from the role. He's clearly leaving or taking a well earned break, either way it would be a good way to bow out of the role. Craig has done a good job and I really don't see what more he can do with the role. He's 47 now so we'd be looking at a 50 year old Bond if he does a 5th. Spectre would make a fitting swan song imho.
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