Oddest moments that make you laugh



  • GettlerGettler USA
    Posts: 328
    SF: After the drinking game everyone is cheering at Bond then cuts to him sitting moodily at the bar. I always laugh.
  • edited December 2015 Posts: 613
    When Necrosis falls of the plane with a boot in his hand,and that scream he let's out.Me and my brother laughed so hard at that part for a good 10 minutes. We just kept watching it over and over.
  • Posts: 12,604
    When Necrosis falls of the plane with a boot in his hand,and that scream he let's out.Me and my brother laughed so hard at that part for a good 10 minutes. We just kept watching it over and over.

    The cut-off scream near the end of the PTS when the guy explodes in the truck makes me laugh...
  • edited December 2015 Posts: 1,009
    Another one for me is OHMSS when Bond is discovered and finds Irma Bunt in bed, "Fancy meeting you here fräulein" *Whack*, a laugh out loud moment.

    Yes! :) The Castilian-Spanish voice actor (Edit: Arseni Corsellas - who later on dubbed Connery in almost all his films from DAF on - at the start of his career) did a fantastic work in that scene. He sounds like a cartoon character, which emphasizes the "oh, crap" moment.
  • Then, here are some random others:

    FRWL: Two involuntary ones: peopla noticing the camera during the explosion of the Soviet Embassy and the crew guy trying to hide at the end of the helicopter scene.
    GF: M trying to sniff the brandy
    TB: The dog at the Junkanoo
    DAF: Connery's face of utter dissapointment when M says he's going to The Netherlands instead of South Africa.
    CR'67: The stuffed tiger sticking out its tongue!!! So random!!! Best scene on all the film!
    AVTAK: That Frisco cop's response to Bond when he presents himself in my local dubbed version: he says he is Inspector Gadget!!! (In Spain, Dick Tracy was only known to huge comic book buffs, and only got mainstream fame when Warren Beatty made his movie).
    TLD: In Tangiers, Dalton hits a passerby, who looks a bit pissed. Always gets me.
    LTK: Milton Krest's head exploding

    Not related: I LOVE Chewbacca's Tarzan Yell on Return Of The Jedi!!! Seriously!
  • GettlerGettler USA
    Posts: 328
    GF: when Bond ejects Goldfinger's minion from the Aston Martin.
  • Thunderball007Thunderball007 United States
    Posts: 306
    Wow, great ones! =))
  • HASEROTHASEROT has returned like the tedious inevitability of an unloved season---
    edited December 2015 Posts: 4,399
  • edited December 2015 Posts: 4
    My odd moments that gives me the chuckles include: -
    - DN: The dramatic music queues when the 'DOCTOR NO' file is revealed at the beginning of the film and when Bond kills the henchman in the swamp scene. Also Dent's spasm with the second gunshot to his back.
    - GF: Oddjob's music queues when his silhouette is revealed and when he appears at the Golf Club. Also the OTT reactions of the mob when they are gassed in Goldfinger's briefing room with dramatic blue flash lighting!
    - OHMSS: The henchman always going 'Mmm!' with Lazenby. The obvious dummy that falls down the abyss during the ski chase and the long camera shot of it falling then bouncing off the ground.
    - DAF: The smile of the coal worker in the Dentist scene. Definitely the scene when Blofeld's lazer destroys the bases when the trooper burns alive screaming, falls down off screen and there is a huge explosion. Always cracks me up! Tiffany's expert shooting ability too.
    TMWTGG: The bellboy going 'Oh, a surprise!' when Bond let's himself into Anders' apartment. The entrance of the guitar riff at the Bottoms Up with the dancers' bottom right near the lens! The way Nick Nack holds the champagne bottles on the boat when he fights Bond like they are nunchucks.
    TSWLM: The big music finish when Bond first meets Anya at the Pyramids. The dancer spinning her hair wildly when Max dies by Jaws. Anya's terrible karate chop pose when Bond bumps into her at the ruins when they are looking for Jaws.
    MR: The recycled scream (Used in the John Glen era) when Bond kicks the henchman in the face in the free fall sequence.
    FYEO: The jump cut when Bibi says 'You can go to hell' and then the slap in the face.
    OP: The gorilla watch-checking scene that was mentioned before. The dummy head that is lunged into the water tank.
    AVTAK: The delivery of Walken's line 'You amuse me, Mr Bond.' The jump cut of the punch with the worker after Bond says 'On your rear end.' Mortiner's rambling before the blimp blows up.
    LTK: The way the crowd can see Felix cheering before he parachutes down to the Church being so high up.
    GE: The odd way Bond hits the ejector button with his head and does that cliché look to the sky. The delivery of when Cumming says 'Access' in the finale to Natalya.
    TND: Carver - Karate pee take. Nuff said.
    TWINE: Electra's sly look when she looks at M during the tunnel sequence with Bond/Jones; I love the music cue when she does that. M's delivery of 'BOND!' before he shoots her cell padlock. The way Brosnan says 'You meant nothing...to me.' when Electra interrogates him; I think it is his mouth when he says 'to me'.
    DAD: Toby's sneer when he says 'I prefer the term adventurer' to the press.
    CR: The sound of the Police car as it overturns on the runway after the plane takes off.
    QOS: Greene's girly screams when he attacks Bond in the finale. Seeing Martin from Friday Night Dinner in the Tosca sequence as I love that show!
    SF: Most of Bardem's scenes as he made me smile with his line deliveries. When Finney says 'Emma.'
    SP: Not in the film, but I imagined Hinx appearing out of nowhere AFTER Bond throws him off the train and the romantic music starts when Swann/Bond embrace; The music scratches and Hinx beats up Bond some more. It made me laugh in the Cinema as I wish they did something like that as Hinx seemed so indestructible.
  • zerozerozerozero The far far east
    Posts: 58
    Licence to Kill pre-titles: Timothy Dalton's hair when the chopper is lowering him.

    You Only Live Twice: Connery's obvious embarrassment at being done up to "look Japanese". One of the books on Bond put it rather well: "...slouching around Japan in a Beatles fright wig."

    OHMSS: Lazenby's collar-up, furtive peeping around and then, "maybe he didn't see me!" after the banger race.

    Octopussy: Roger Moore's head nearly filling the cockpit bubble of that tiny jet during the pre-titles.

    Casino Royale: something about the way Daniel Craig is chomping down caviar whilst attempting to talk.

    Skyfall: Daniel Craig done up in a pullover and tie, then later in a silly hat and dark glasses as he poses as a chauffeur at the airport.

  • ThunderfingerThunderfinger Das Boot Hill
    Posts: 45,489
    HASEROT wrote: »
    Zorin laughing while shooting the mine workers...

    it's the not him killing innocent people that makes me laugh, it's the way he laughs while doing it - he just relishes in the fact that he is a murderous psychopath... he laughs about people dying the way we would laugh about watching people trip and fall... i don't think it would have the same impact if it were anyone else in the role of Zorin - Walken just chews the f'n scenery in this..

    Worst boss of the year.
  • HASEROTHASEROT has returned like the tedious inevitability of an unloved season---
    edited December 2015 Posts: 4,399
  • Thunderball007Thunderball007 United States
    Posts: 306
    LOL @ Zorin's laughter! =))
  • Posts: 613
    Odd Job talking in GF.AhAh
  • Posts: 11,216
    AceHole wrote: »
    Just rewatched LTK and noticed this - the way Dalton is bending over holding onto the table whilst being searched from behind before going in to meet Sanchez after the casino scene is just.... weird :|

    His expression during the moment in the Q scene when Desmond says "nobody can use the gun but you" is an odd one.
  • ThunderfingerThunderfinger Das Boot Hill
    Posts: 45,489
    In Spectre, when Bond says "Get on with it, then. Nothing is worse than listening to you talk." I had to laugh both times I watched it, but I was the only one.
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