How would you rank the actors in sex appeal or attractiveness



  • SzonanaSzonana Mexico
    Posts: 1,130
    bondjames wrote: »

    I've seen both and enjoyed them immensely. I get your point about the sex scenes....a bit much sometimes but I'll never complain...

    The 2nd season finale of the Tudors (off with her head!) was incredibly tense and very well scored as well. I remember that being a show where it went downhill for me after Anne was killed. Natalie Dormer was outstanding in it.

    Well it was expected it would go downhill after the second season since Anne is the most interetsing wife of Henry VIII.
    It picked up again with catherine Howard and Anne of Cleves bit went downhill again with Catherine Parr.

    When the wifes were interesting the series was its best but at the second the wife was a boring one the show went down

  • edited November 2015 Posts: 2,081
    Szonana wrote: »
    Yes i was speaking for Both on and off screen and agree diefernt types of humor appeall to different woman and wow Christian Bale has sense of Humor?

    I would have never guessed so.
    I find him pretty sexy and i said many times if he wasn't batman he could have been a great Bond in the Timothy Dalton type but wow never guessed he had sense of humor.

    Ive never checked his interviews since for the parts he picks he gives the Impression of taking himself a bitt too seriously but now you made me want to check Bale on interviews.

    Never confuse the roles with the actor's personal characteristics. :) Yes, Bale's roles tend to be more on the serious side, though certainly not exclusively, and the same could be said about Craig, for instance. Hmm, actually most actors I like, come to think of it... Anyway... No, Bale certainly doesn't take himself seriously, directors often point that out, actors comment on his humor all the time, and I think it's obvious in a lot of interviews. I could offer proof, but of course this isn't the place for that.
    bondjames wrote: »
    Tuulia wrote: »
    bondjames wrote: »
    I won't make the effort to go and see a film in the theatre or on dvd/blu just because the actress in it is attractive if she's also a lousy actress though. If she's a half decent, then I will. So looks on its own is not enough.

    Tilda Swinton or Helena Bonham Carter may be better examples of excellent talent who I don't find attractive (although they are not unattractive either imho), I won't make the effort to go and see one of their films just because they're in it, while I'll definitely do it for Chastain/Blanchett/Green. So once again, I'm proving that female beauty (in my eye) is a major influence on me (in terms of whether I make the effort to watch a film).

    Well, it's not like physical beauty is a bad thing, and it's perfectly healthy to enjoy looking at beauty. Everyone likes looking at people they find attractive. You said yourself that "looks on it's own is not enough", so there you go, it's more than looks.

    It's unfortunate though if it's a requirement that actors look good. Which I suppose there is in the movie industry in general. Especially for women, but very much for men, too. I don't know if it's because that's what people want to see or because the movie industry assumes that's what people want to see.

    It's a requirement for men too, at least in Hollywood. I think DC's success with Bond threw a lot of people there off, because Hollywood generally either goes for the slightly effete look (particularly for the younger actors) or what Arnie used to call 'girly men'. Alternatively, they go for the real tough guy look (Vin Diesel).

    So DC doesn't fit that mold one bit and yet has been highly successful at the box office with Bond. The closest Hollywood has got to a DC look with one of their actors is probably Chris Pine (also somewhat rugged blue collar).

    Having said that, the pressure on women is far more in remain youthful and to remain wonder so many of them get cosmetic surgery later in life.

    But is it a requirement set by the audience?

    I agree about Craig's success as Bond throwing many people off - they weren't expecting it, since he didn't fit their preconceived ideas about "Bond looks".

    Chris Pine? Umm... well, looks like a regular good-looking guy based on google picture search... I've only seen him in the horrible This Means War, so I needed to check if I was even thinking of the correct person... and since I've only seen him in that I can't even give any fair opinion on him as an actor or otherwise. (If I had only seen Tom Hardy in that I wouldn't be looking forward to seeing his new movies...)

    The obsession with "thin and youthful" is ridiculous. A lot of people would actually look much better with a bit of meat on them instead of looking overly gaunt, and normal aging shouldn't be considered a sin - plus "plastic" face isn't appealing.
    bondjames wrote: »
    Tuulia wrote: »
    bondjames wrote: »
    Yes, there is a lack of good roles for women in film, but much meatier roles on tv it seems (for both women and men). Game of Thrones, Penny Dreadful & Homeland have super roles. In particular Green (in Penny Dreadful) & Danes (in Homeland) really do excellent work, downplaying their beauty to deliver awe inducing performances.

    I watch very little tv. I have concluded that the format of tv series isn't really my cup of tea, I much rather watch movies. I manage mini-series sometimes, and can dabble with longer ones, but, well... I made an effort with GoT, but never felt I liked it enough and gave up eventually, only watched one episode of Penny Dreadful (first one I think) and didn't bother after that, and have never seen Homeland at all, which is kinda pity since I like Claire Danes. Btw, she almost didn't get her role in Little Women (1994), because she wasn't considered beautiful enough... that crap starts at an early age. (Naturally she was great in the role.)

    Btw, I'm not sure what you mean by "downplaying their beauty"? The characters still look good, right? If so, how do they downplay it?

    I mean that in both Penny Dreadful and in Homeland, Eva Green and Claire Danes respectively really look relatively Plain Jane. They don't wear a lot of visible makeup, dress very conservatively, and some of the dramatic acting they have to do makes them look pretty scary or quite crazy actually.......and that is refreshing to see.

    They are both playing deeply disturbed & unhinged but extremely interesting characters. A real rarity. I am totally engrossed with their acting rather than their physicality.

    Sounds good. That's how it should be. Good actors and good roles in good stuff make for interesting viewing, regardless of if the actors look good or not (in the roles specifically, or naturally anyway). I don't really care if even good looking actors look good or not in the roles they play as long as the roles are good and the important thing is that the look suits the role.

    And while I got what you meant about the length of tv series episodes vs. movies, it's actually the length in a different way that I have a problem with. A tv series goes on and on, and I don't really want that, I rather watch a contained story of a movie, and not keep watching the story evolve (or not really as the case may be like @Szonana pointed out) for hours and hours and hours. Even if watched one hour at a time, it takes an effort to get through a season, never mind several. For me that is, obviously. I could watch lots of movies in that time, and I rather do that.
  • Dalton. Always Dalton. I will let the pictures speak for themselves.




    Bonus pirate picture:
  • SzonanaSzonana Mexico
    edited November 2015 Posts: 1,130
    to give this thread a boost i want to say that i now find Craig much more attractive than i used to thanks to Spectre.
    He doesn't steal Pierce and Connery's first place in my attractivness department but he got lots of extra points now ;)
  • bondjamesbondjames You were expecting someone else?
    edited November 2015 Posts: 23,883
    Szonana wrote: »
    to give this thread a boost i want to say that i now find Craig much more attractive than i used to thanks to Spectre.
    He doesn't steal Pierce and Connery's first place in my attractivness department but he got lots of extra points now ;)
    May I ask what is accounting for this reappraisal?

    Is it something physical (like his hair) or is it something about his manner (the way he had his way with Lucia perhaps, or the way he appeared to show some caring for Swann's feelings by asking her to look away from the monitor)? Or could it be something as simple as his more carefree manner and humour in this film (rather than his usual brooding moodiness)? Or could it be his clothes?

    I'm just curious to hear a woman's perspective on these things.

    As a man, to me he's just the same now (attractiveness wise) as he was before, apart from being 3 yrs older with a better haircut.
  • suavejmfsuavejmf Harrogate, North Yorkshire, England
    Posts: 5,131
    I would guess Brosnan would be voted the best looking Bond. However, his films make him the worst Bond.
  • SzonanaSzonana Mexico
    edited November 2015 Posts: 1,130
    bondjames wrote: »
    Szonana wrote: »
    to give this thread a boost i want to say that i now find Craig much more attractive than i used to thanks to Spectre.
    He doesn't steal Pierce and Connery's first place in my attractivness department but he got lots of extra points now ;)
    May I ask what is accounting for this reappraisal?

    Is it something physical (like his hair) or is it something about his manner (the way he had his way with Lucia perhaps, or the way he appeared to show some caring for Swann's feelings by asking her to look away from the monitor)? Or could it be something as simple as his more carefree manner and humour in this film (rather than his usual brooding moodiness)? Or could it be his clothes?

    I'm just curious to hear a woman's perspective on these things.

    As a man, to me he's just the same now (attractiveness wise) as he was before, apart from being 3 yrs older with a better haircut.

    Well he surprised me he can do humor very well and being able to lighten up And more attitude

    Also his costumes were better suited this time which definitely helped to make him more attractive

  • bondjamesbondjames You were expecting someone else?
    edited November 2015 Posts: 23,883
    Szonana wrote: »
    bondjames wrote: »
    Szonana wrote: »
    to give this thread a boost i want to say that i now find Craig much more attractive than i used to thanks to Spectre.
    He doesn't steal Pierce and Connery's first place in my attractivness department but he got lots of extra points now ;)
    May I ask what is accounting for this reappraisal?

    Is it something physical (like his hair) or is it something about his manner (the way he had his way with Lucia perhaps, or the way he appeared to show some caring for Swann's feelings by asking her to look away from the monitor)? Or could it be something as simple as his more carefree manner and humour in this film (rather than his usual brooding moodiness)? Or could it be his clothes?

    I'm just curious to hear a woman's perspective on these things.

    As a man, to me he's just the same now (attractiveness wise) as he was before, apart from being 3 yrs older with a better haircut.

    Well he surprised me he can do humor very well and being able to lighten up And more attitude

    Also his costumes were better suited this time which definitely helped to make him more attractive
    Thanks. Sorry to pry. I just wanted to know what factors were causing you to deem him more attractive now. Humour is a winner with the ladies it seems..... as we know, and a sharp, well fitting suit never hurts either.
  • SzonanaSzonana Mexico
    edited November 2015 Posts: 1,130
    bondjames wrote: »
    Szonana wrote: »
    bondjames wrote: »
    Szonana wrote: »
    to give this thread a boost i want to say that i now find Craig much more attractive than i used to thanks to Spectre.
    He doesn't steal Pierce and Connery's first place in my attractivness department but he got lots of extra points now ;)
    May I ask what is accounting for this reappraisal?

    Is it something physical (like his hair) or is it something about his manner (the way he had his way with Lucia perhaps, or the way he appeared to show some caring for Swann's feelings by asking her to look away from the monitor)? Or could it be something as simple as his more carefree manner and humour in this film (rather than his usual brooding moodiness)? Or could it be his clothes?

    I'm just curious to hear a woman's perspective on these things.

    As a man, to me he's just the same now (attractiveness wise) as he was before, apart from being 3 yrs older with a better haircut.

    Well he surprised me he can do humor very well and being able to lighten up And more attitude

    Also his costumes were better suited this time which definitely helped to make him more attractive
    Thanks. Sorry to pry. I just wanted to know what factors were causing you to deem him more attractive now. Humour is a winner with the ladies it seems..... as we know, and a sharp, well fitting suit never hurts either.

    Its fine that you asked. I don't mind at all, we are all curious and its a very resonable question if I didn't answer before it's because i was buisy with other things. But you can ask all you want.

    yes, sense of humor its a great thing and a good looking guy in a nice fitted Taux is big winner.
    Like Brosnan said to halley a magnificent view.

  • Posts: 22
    Sean Connery comes across as very virile in the role but for me it would be Timothy Dalton as sexiest. Daniel Craig does nothing for me; he's not good-looking and being buff doesn't compensate for that in my view. It feels like they have to try and actively sell him as being sexy whereas Connery and Dalton didn't need that.
  • SzonanaSzonana Mexico
    Posts: 1,130
    lady_xanax wrote: »
    Sean Connery comes across as very virile in the role but for me it would be Timothy Dalton as sexiest. Daniel Craig does nothing for me; he's not good-looking and being buff doesn't compensate for that in my view. It feels like they have to try and actively sell him as being sexy whereas Connery and Dalton didn't need that.

    Maybe Connery's very masculine macho attitude is a little threatening to women. Sure he is very charming and cool with great sense of humor but maybe it scares some woman that we have truly never seen his softer side as Bond meanwhile we have seen that softer side with all the other Bond actors.

    Still i do like very much his sexy bad boy portrayal of the character and I find his Bond extremely attractive.

    Now i disagree with you about Daniel Craig. Yes I know maybe being buffed won't make up for the lack of the obvious good looks but personality does make up for it.

    anyway here is my ranking of The Bond actors in the sex appeal department
    1 Pierce Brosnan
    2 Sean Connery
    3 Daniel Craig
    4 Timothy Dalton

    5 George Lazenby
    6 Roger Moore

  • ForYourEyesOnlyForYourEyesOnly In the untained cradle of the heavens
    Posts: 1,984
    Well, certainly AVTAK Moore comes in last on this list.
  • SzonanaSzonana Mexico
    edited May 2016 Posts: 1,130
    Well, certainly AVTAK Moore comes in last on this list.
    Well, certainly AVTAK Moore comes in last on this list.

    Sorry, He( Moore) just doesn't do anything for me.
    I just can't buy him as sexy not even in his early days as Bond and not even in pics I've seen from The Saint.
  • NicNacNicNac Administrator, Moderator
    Posts: 7,587
    I got my wife to answer this one.

    She has a romantic nature, and loves the Bond/Tracey relationship. She loves Lazenby's swagger as well, so he is her sexiest Bond.

    Followed by Connery and Craig (in his first 2 films only).

    Her vote for most handsome, Brosnan hands down, followed by Lazenby and Connery.

    She doesn't like Moore apart from some moments in his first 3 films where she admitted he looked 'rather nice'.
  • Posts: 2,081
    lady_xanax wrote: »
    Sean Connery comes across as very virile in the role but for me it would be Timothy Dalton as sexiest. Daniel Craig does nothing for me; he's not good-looking and being buff doesn't compensate for that in my view. It feels like they have to try and actively sell him as being sexy whereas Connery and Dalton didn't need that.

    I agree that "being buff" doesn't "compensate" for anything, and doesn't make anyone sexy if they aren't otherwise (and can have the opposite effect as well). But then, I think that being "good looking" (whatever that is for any individual) doesn't make anyone sexy, either.

    As for trying to sell someone as being sexy... how would that work? I just don't think it does. Either one finds someone sexy or they don't, and no amount of selling or explaining will make them change their mind.
  • suavejmfsuavejmf Harrogate, North Yorkshire, England
    Posts: 5,131
    Connery hands down.
  • Posts: 2,341
    As a man's man I would say Connery...then Dalton

    The women loved Pierce Brosnan

    Cubby once was quoted when asked who was the sexiest Bond: "When Lazenby walked into the offices, the secretaries would fall off their chairs"
    Lois Maxwell even said how women seemed to fall all over Laz. It had to be the way he carried himself: extreme confidence and arrogance. Some women find this appealing.
  • bondjamesbondjames You were expecting someone else?
    edited June 2016 Posts: 23,883
    Laz was indeed supremely confident. No matter what one thinks of his performance, one can't fail to be impressed by it. Watch that hat throwing scene in MP's office for instance.
  • ThunderpussyThunderpussy My Secret Lair
    Posts: 13,385
    Given how Lazenby basically blagged the role, he has loads of confidence. :)
  • SzonanaSzonana Mexico
    edited June 2016 Posts: 1,130
    Tuulia wrote: »
    lady_xanax wrote: »
    Sean Connery comes across as very virile in the role but for me it would be Timothy Dalton as sexiest. Daniel Craig does nothing for me; he's not good-looking and being buff doesn't compensate for that in my view. It feels like they have to try and actively sell him as being sexy whereas Connery and Dalton didn't need that.

    I agree that "being buff" doesn't "compensate" for anything, and doesn't make anyone sexy if they aren't otherwise (and can have the opposite effect as well). But then, I think that being "good looking" (whatever that is for any individual) doesn't make anyone sexy, either.

    As for trying to sell someone as being sexy... how would that work? I just don't think it does. Either one finds someone sexy or they don't, and no amount of selling or explaining will make them change their mind.

    Sex appeal is a special something that someone has and i agree it can't be forced though it's easier to hide it in woman and make them appear sexy even if they are not.

    i think Someone can be good looking and sexy or just sexy but not that good looking or viceversa incredibly good looking but not sexy and sex appeal can be as subjective as good looks.

    Pierce Brosnan was both to me incredibly good looking and sexy
    While Sean Connery and Daniel weren't that good looking but definitely sexy
    Timothy Dalton, George Lazenby and Roger Moore were good looking but not sexy

  • 4EverBonded4EverBonded the Ballrooms of Mars
    edited June 2016 Posts: 12,501
    Laz did get the role based primarily on his confidence, I think. Honestly, I am not at all attracted to him, though I do like strong self confidence in a man. Laz does nothing for me. He was more than adequate in the final scene as Tracy was killed, but that was it for me.

    Moore was sexy, by the way; so I disagree on that note with some. Very attractive, and sexy as the Saint and in TSWLM & FYEO, especially.

    Sexy is so personal, isn't it? Well, Ok - for me, I guess "sexy/most attractive" would be - in priority order basically (#1 at top), and only 5 rate:

    And the top 2 are definitely the strongest in this category ...

    Dalton/Craig (very dif. in looks, but a tie for me)

  • suavejmfsuavejmf Harrogate, North Yorkshire, England
    Posts: 5,131
    OHMSS69 wrote: »
    As a man's man I would say Connery...then Dalton

    The women loved Pierce Brosnan

    Cubby once was quoted when asked who was the sexiest Bond: "When Lazenby walked into the offices, the secretaries would fall off their chairs"
    Lois Maxwell even said how women seemed to fall all over Laz. It had to be the way he carried himself: extreme confidence and arrogance. Some women find this appealing.

    Agreed. But with regards to Laz, Angela Scoular said in an interview that Laz tried it on with all the 'angels of death' who each turned him down!
  • ThunderpussyThunderpussy My Secret Lair
    Posts: 13,385
    Obviously lesbians ! :P :D
  • bondjamesbondjames You were expecting someone else?
    edited June 2016 Posts: 23,883
    Sour grapes most likely. He may have made a play on others, and not her.
  • suavejmfsuavejmf Harrogate, North Yorkshire, England
    Posts: 5,131
    Maybe so. Telly got one of them.
  • ThunderpussyThunderpussy My Secret Lair
    Posts: 13,385
    Bald head = solar panel for a love machine....... you go Telly. ;)
  • suavejmfsuavejmf Harrogate, North Yorkshire, England
    Posts: 5,131
  • SzonanaSzonana Mexico
    edited June 2016 Posts: 1,130
    Mehhh with Laz yes very good looking but i don't get his appeal and his confidence well sure he had it otherwise he wouldn't have convinced the producers he was an actor but he didn't show it to me in the film.

    The scenes at the clinic where he was seducing all the girls didn't convince me at all. Sure he was very sweet and romantic on screen and believed his relationship with Tracy but I didn't believe him as the guy every girl would be swooning over.

  • Posts: 2,341
    @suavejmf Angela Scoular suffered from mental illness later and eventually took her own life. I agree with @bondjames : that maybe he never tried her and the others all put out and she was jealous.
  • DragonpolDragonpol
    Posts: 18,509
    They're all sexy in their own respective ways - that's at least part of the reason why they were cast as Bond in the first place!

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