Realistic & Serious Story Ideas for Bond 25 ( be used by EON Productions Ltd.??)



  • jake24jake24 Sitting at your desk, kissing your lover, eating supper with your familyModerator
    Posts: 10,592
    Bump. Anyone take a look?
  • ThunderpussyThunderpussy My Secret Lair
    Posts: 13,385
    I enjoyed reading it :) nicely weaving in some of the story of YOLT. Perhaps it
    would need a little work, or final polish. But tnere are some good ideas there. =D>
  • jake24jake24 Sitting at your desk, kissing your lover, eating supper with your familyModerator
    Posts: 10,592
    Thanks, @Thunderpussy.
  • ThunderpussyThunderpussy My Secret Lair
    Posts: 13,385
    With Blofeld would members prefer a returning actor to play him, or
    like the older films have a different actor every time ? I can see both
    arguments, one obviously gives continuity while the other gives
    great publicity potential, whith " Who's the next Blofeld " ? :)
  • jake24jake24 Sitting at your desk, kissing your lover, eating supper with your familyModerator
    Posts: 10,592
    With Blofeld would members prefer a returning actor to play him, or
    like the older films have a different actor every time ? I can see both
    arguments, one obviously gives continuity while the other gives
    great publicity potential, whith " Who's the next Blofeld " ? :)
    I wrote the treatment with Waltz in mind. He should definitely return being given a better script.
  • RC7RC7
    Posts: 10,512
    With Blofeld would members prefer a returning actor to play him, or
    like the older films have a different actor every time ? I can see both
    arguments, one obviously gives continuity while the other gives
    great publicity potential, whith " Who's the next Blofeld " ? :)

    The only reason we have three different Blofeld's across three films is because the franchise was going through severe turbulence. I'm not sure they'd actively court hiring different Blofelds. Unless Craig returns I'd ditch Blofeld for the forseeable.
  • Posts: 9,913
    Fantastic story
  • jake24jake24 Sitting at your desk, kissing your lover, eating supper with your familyModerator
    edited May 2016 Posts: 10,592
  • BondJasonBond006BondJasonBond006 on fb and ajb
    edited May 2016 Posts: 9,020

    You should replace P+W, seriously.

    The only thing that I would not like is Felix's demise. I already had the greatest difficulties accepting M's useless death in SF.

    I like happy-ends :))

    As for Bond having an uncertain fate at the end, it's an unusual approach and why not. I mean we know he can't be dead, don't we?

    Very nice providing those beautiful pictures. It really is easy to read and you got talent.
    By far the better story than that nonsense they dished us up in SF (pssst...I shouldn't criticise SF anymore, so don't tell anybody) ;)
  • jake24jake24 Sitting at your desk, kissing your lover, eating supper with your familyModerator
    edited May 2016 Posts: 10,592
    Thanks, @Jason.
  • MrcogginsMrcoggins Following in the footsteps of Quentin Quigley.
    Posts: 3,144
    Jake my friend that is really quite something keep it up .
  • CommanderRossCommanderRoss The bottom of a pitch lake in Eastern Trinidad, place called La Brea
    Posts: 8,591
    @Jake24 quite interesting indeed. I'm not too fond of Felix beeing killed, that's perhaps a bit much after another lover gone. And the torturing method you use depends on duration, it only works if it's done by days (weeks) on end. Perhaps you could use something in the Garden instead? All in all it's a pretty cool script!
  • edited May 2016 Posts: 12,837
    @jake24 Really good, I liked your use of YOLT without retreading anything that'd already been used up (I've read some fan drafts suggesting a return for Tanaka, etc, which I think is pointless, the recurring allies and villains are fair game but I don't want them to start recycling one off characters). I don't think killing off Felix is a bad idea but I'd give him more to do first. Maybe rather than just chatting about catching him they actually put a plan into action, finding themselves in Japan and realizing it's a set up?

    Anyway there have been a lot of ideas for a continuation of the Craig era so instead I'm gonna post my outline for the introduction of a new actor.

    Gunbarrel with slower blood and no quote or anything like that. It opens in Baghdad, Iraq, in 2007. A group of Al Queda militants are discussing their plans inside a safehouse. Over the course of the meeting it's revealed that one of them is a British intelligence agent. He's badly beaten, then leader orders him to be held down and is about to execute him when a bullet fired from outside hits him in the hand, causing him to drop his weapon, then another flesh wound to the leg sends him to the ground. The rest are taken down with headshots as the leader flees in the chaos. Via radio, the injured undercover agent tells the unidentified gunman that he's heading out the back. At this point soldiers have surrounded the building and more men from upper floors have begun to fight them off. The leader uses the firefight as an opportunity to escape, dashing through alleyways and buildings straight into a waiting 4x4, driving off as part of a convoy. When he thinks he's safe however, a man clad in combat attire, face obscured leaps off a rooftop on top of one of the cars. This kicks off an intense chase scene involving jumping from car to car, hijacking one, etc. Eventually the man is revealed to be Bond and after he apprehends the terrorist leader, the title sequence begins.

    After the title sequence Bond is at a military base. We learn he's masterminded the whole op and that the man they captured is the right hand man of one of the most senior members in Al Queda. Using some sketchy methods of torture they've obtained the location of a compound. The next scene is Bond laying out his plan for a raid on the compound intercut with an SAS team actually carrying it out. At the end of it the terrorist is killed and a hostage is recovered.

    Bond is given some sort of medal for the operation and the camera lingers on the medal. Cut to the same shot of the medal eleven years later (2018, or whenever Bond 25 will be out). We discover this whole opening act has been a bored Bond staring at the medal in his office, reminiscing about past missions because he's bored of paperwork. After doing brilliantly on the firing range he's called into M's office.

    M has a personal favour for Bond, a member of the Blades club has been cheating at bridge and he wants to know why. This would be a faithful adaptation of the bridge game from Fleming's MR but instead of his cigarette case (smoking ban and all that) the villain will have some other reflective object to help him cheat.

    Anyway the man in question is a former paratrooper from a very well off family, although his parents mysteriously died in a car accident making him the sole heir. He's used his fortune to become a private defense contractor and is developing a sophisticated new drone fleet for Britain with a high tech new targeting sysyem at his compound in Kent. He's also the hostage who was rescued in Iraq thanks to Bond's operation.

    Anyway Bond defeats him and then soon after is called to M's office when the MOD official overseeing the drone fleet project was found to have disappeared. Given the money that the government has invested in the fleet they don't want it sabotaged so Bond will be the one to replace him so he can keep an eye on things. Bond meets Q who gives him a new phone that acts as a retreiveable smoke grenade or as a frag or flash grenade, that can be remotely detonated at any time by his new watch which also has a grappling hook attached (ala TWINE). Q also has something of his own. MI6 have granted him an old decommissioned 1967 Aston Martin DBS as a thank you for his loyal service. Even Bond is impressed.

    What follows is more or less an adaptation of MR. With some minor changes. After the landslide scene Bond and Gala would sleep together right there on the beach (fuelled by adrenaline, etc). Because you can include all the sexual tension in the world but that means nothing without any payoff, you can't have a Bond film where he doesn't get laid.

    Bond's car would be the blower Bentley as in the novels. I thought at first driving such an old, rare car wouldn't fit in 2016 but Bond's family could afford to send him to Eton so it could easily be explained as a family heirloom or something.

    But anyway the basic plot would be the same as Fleming's MR but the villain's motives would be more hidden). Krebbs would be replaced in this film by an Asian (as in middle eastern) henchman and since there's no submarine involved, Bond would instead notice during his snooping around that the villain takes a suspicious phone call with a mysterious, otherwise unused mobile phone, during which he'd speak in Arabic. Gala would discover the existence of a secret lab which has been secretly running in conjuncture with the actual development of the project. Inside the lab, as well as all the tech stuff, are a number of drone simulations going on.

    When Bond and Gala are captured the villain reveals that he was "enlightened" when captured all those years ago and has been acting as a man on the inside, first for Al Queda but lately he's been answering to Daesh. The rich playboy persona is just a facade. The work being done in the secret lab is so his men can take control of the fleet and carry out a devastating terrorist attack across the UK, targeting major cities and also aiming to destroy the Trident submarines off the Scottish coast, while he himself will die in a suicide bombing using a suitcase nuke smuggled in during the unveiling of the fleet at a conference in London containing several government officials, including the prime minister. He leaves and Bond and Gala are to be beheaded, a video of the execution of the two will then be released. They're able to escape though using the phone Q gave Bond, and after a firefight, Bond is able to destroy the lab. They hijack a helicopter from the compound and head towards London.

    Bond bursts into the conference and is able to wound the villain with a gunshot, causing him to drop the nuke. Bond is immediately taken down but M is at the conference and Bond is quickly let go. Meanwhile the villain has escaped in the struggle. The villain drives off and Bond spots the car as he races outside. Q arrives late to the conference in the DBS he got earlier, which Bond commandeers (because we never really got a car chase out of the DBS, unlike the other Astons of the series). Bond pursues the villain through London and the villain eventually totals his car. The DBS is surprisingly left without a scratch after the chase, but due to Bond's hasty parking it's damaged by oncoming traffic almost as soon as he leaves it. The villain is armed and begins shooting at civillians, Bond fires back. The villain takes a couple of random hostages to get past guards and then finds himself fleeing up to the top of Big Ben. Bond, now out of ammo, follows. A short brutal fight takes place at the top of the clock tower, but the villain takes advantage of the injuries Bond sustained during the Bentley car crash when him and Gala were captured. He begins madly spouting about how this is just a minor setback for the Islamic State and how Bond and everything he stands for will fall, as he prepares to throw him off the clock tower. Bond fires a grappling hook from his watch and then hurls himself and the villain through the glass and over the railing. The villain falls to his death but Bond is left dangling. He laughs to himself with relief as the adrenaline begins to fade.

    Then we get the MR ending, Gala reveals she's engaged, leaves Bond, etc. This took a lot longer to type out than I expected. Thoughts? I thought I did a decent job of modernising MR.
  • MrcogginsMrcoggins Following in the footsteps of Quentin Quigley.
    Posts: 3,144
    That is a brilliant take on MR and well worth all the time that it took you to type it .
  • Posts: 12,837
    Thank you @Mrcoggins I'm really glad you enjoyed it. The only thing I'm unsure about is and might change is the finale in London. I liked the idea of a fight on top of Big Ben but after a large portion of Skyfall being set there, and Spectre's finale taking place there, it might feel a bit played out.
  • ThunderpussyThunderpussy My Secret Lair
    Posts: 13,385
    Yes Nicely done @thelivingroyale =D> great updating of Moonraker.
  • edited May 2016 Posts: 12,837
    Thank you @Thunderpussy. Despite how quickly it dated (wasn't that one of the reasons they chose to abandon most of the story when they did the film?), I think MR would be one of the easiest books to modernize now. Because the post WW2, Cold War environment is a big part of the story but the war really could be any conflict (so in my version I used the Iraq invasion), the main theme is the whole enemy within deal, and I think that's especially relevant today with all the paranoia related to terrorist attacks.

    I don't think EON would ever go as far to feature Islamic terrorists as the main villains though, that's the issue. Even when terrorism is featured it's always described as just that, terrorism (who were Spectre pinning their attacks on for example?), they seem to want to avoid mentioning groups directly. Which sadly is probably a wise move. No point risking peoples safety by using groups such as ISIS as the villains, no matter how satisfying it'd be to see Bond stop them, when they can just come up with their own fictional antagonists.
  • Posts: 8
    Bond needs to back in the U.S. For Special Services novel . 007 in New York. original
    Kevin McCLory tie-in.
  • Hopefully Daniel Craig will return, with some time off for now. If he doesn't wish to return to the role, at least he can "try something new" that's never been done in the movies and was an actual idea in the 60's when Connery left the role; have Bond surgically change his looks and have the new actor proceed from there. If DC leaves, he puts other people like Waltz, Harris, and Ralph Fiennes' careers on a lower beat since they likely won't return.

    The next film could really be a redemption for fans of OHMSS. An updated and perfected OHMSS can be the focus of the plot with Bond getting married, a tragic ending, and the back-to-back filming of Bond 26 so as not to let him get too old and possibly "change looks" as was the idea among GL and Telly Savalas (or at least his earlobes).
  • WalecsWalecs On Her Majesty's Secret Service
    Posts: 3,157
    OHMSS is already perfect as it is.
  • Posts: 4,424
    I feel that if Craig returns the next film should be a cross of Fleming's OHMSS and YOLT. It would be a fitting end to his era, plus the end of SP opens up the possibility of making a true YOLT adaptation (something the fans have been anticipating for a long time).

    However......with all the rumours circulating, it looks like Craig is indeed out. So how can you deal with the story threads left by SP and introduce a new Bond? I've had some thoughts.

    I reckon you introduce the new Bond in a big pre-title action sequence. Craig's intro was fantastic in CR but a tad low-key. I think the new Bond should be introduced with a little bombast.

    So.....why did Bond return to Mi6? Because it's in his blood; he's a spy and an assassin. He attempted to have a normal life with Madeleine but that instinct of death couldn't be subdued. Inevitably the relationship crumbled as a result. The one thing Bond wanted more than anything was for it to work out, however, his more feral and animalistic side could not be silenced. There was no other choice but return.

    This should be a story point that lingers over the new Bond. As Fleming said in the novels, Bond longs for a normal life but knows he will never have one. He has chosen the life of a secret agent and, therefore must always be a silhouette lurking in the shadows. This is a Bond who is punishing himself.

    Who should play this Bond? I'm open to suggestions. But I feel that Michael Fassbender could nail it.


    I'm also not a huge fan of 'rebooting' again. The series is in a healthy position with Fiennes, Whishaw and Harris. I reckon they should stay for the next Bond's duration. So maybe in another 10 years when Bond #7 is done they too can depart.


    So.....the story. I think they should plug into the current political climate. The film should play on the refugee crisis, the main Bond girl should be a refugee who has information on the villian. I think she be played by Nazanin Boniadi.


    One of the villains should be a Trump-like radical. Maybe someone without such a large platform as The Donald. But someone from big business who is corrupt. This figure should serve as a minor villain for the real enemy pulling the strings. This person should be played by Charlize Theron. I don't know what her scheme would be (this is a Bond film so it hardly matters).


    Finally, Bond should come unstuck halfway through the film and the trail should go cold. M forces him to liaise with Blofeld who is locked underground in Belmarsh. Bond and Blofeld trade barbs in his cell (think Clarice and Dr. Lector). Blofeld should take immense pride that Bond returned to Mi6 and his relationship with Madeleine ended. He knows that Bond couldn't make it last. The information he gives is helpful but furthers Blofeld's secret agenda.....Christoph Waltz's role should be a cameo.


    Also, time for a new Felix Leiter. The one thing I've loved about the Leiter casting is how the continuty is never maintained. He can be sleek and hadsome in one film, then middle-aged and tubby in the next. Let's acknowledge this and make Leiter a woman. The actress for the job is Sarah Paulson.


    Finally.........whatever happened to Madeline? Well that's for Bond 26. In this film, Blofeld escapes custody and Bond seeks out Madeleine for help. She's now an aid-worker and Bond's reunion with her should be akin to Indiana Jones seeking Marion's help in 'Raiders of the Lost Ark'.


  • Posts: 12,837
    I like a lot of your ideas @Pierce2Daniel, particuarly the idea of a plot involving the refugee crisis. It's interesting how you went for a loose continuation of the Craig era too rather than a full on reboot. I think this approach could be done well as long as they did what you said, make sure to use it as character development, Bond accepting who he is, instead of just a throw away line. I love the idea of the Blofeld cameo in prison too.

    The one issue I think is Leiter being a woman. I'm not actually opposed to the idea but since you're proposing a continuation of the Craig era (where continuity was more important than before), and the events of CR and QoS were referenced by Blofeld only a film ago, I feel like it has to be Jeffery Wright. Or at least someone who resembles him. In a good few years when the Craig era story arc has been entirely left behind, then they can give us a new take on the character.
  • ThunderfingerThunderfinger Das Boot Hill
    Posts: 45,489
    How about Bond gets arrested and ends up in the same jail as Blofeld? Most of the film takes place in the prison.
  • MyNameIsMyBondRnMyNameIsMyBondRn WhereYouLeastExpectMeToBe
    Posts: 221
    ..Life Is A Prison, and So Is Blofeld..-and Bond..!
  • ClarkDevlinClarkDevlin Martinis, Girls and Guns
    Posts: 15,423
    How about Bond gets arrested and ends up in the same jail as Blofeld? Most of the film takes place in the prison.
    Going down together?
  • ThunderpussyThunderpussy My Secret Lair
    Posts: 13,385
    Have Oscar Pistorious in the shower block, then we could have a shoot out.
  • ThunderfingerThunderfinger Das Boot Hill
    Posts: 45,489
    Bond to Blofeld: "That is not the soap"
  • WalecsWalecs On Her Majesty's Secret Service
    Posts: 3,157
    Don't give EON ideas :)) =))
  • SzonanaSzonana Mexico
    edited June 2016 Posts: 1,130
    Ok here is mine
    Lets go back to the other timeline the one before the reboot that means we bring back Judi Dench as M but she will be the M she was with Brosnan who got mad at Bond once in a while like in The World is not enough when Bond disapeared leaving Elektra Alone and the one who listened more to her agent in the last part of Die Another day than that guy from the Cia.

    That means we also bring back Charles( Colin Salomon), John Cleese as Q , the other Tanner ( the actor who was with Brosnan) and just a new MoneyPenny so Bond csn flirth with.

    That way we go back to the much more trusting M who does believe in Bond's instincts after sometime working together.
    and we get back our standalone missions with a great looking Bond and staying within the formula without worrying about Madeline.
  • Posts: 9,913
    While I am sure this will be looked down upon by many I have the loose fittings of an idea from Fleming of course that could indeed work

    007 In New York
    PTS: Bond and Madeline Swann are swimming in a coral reef when a great white tries to have them for lunch
    titles: Instrumental theme
    Main Plot Bond is given his last mission as 007 to simply inform a contact in New York City Rhoda Masters that her husband UN Head Secretary Phillip Masters is really a Spectre Agent.

    Add a few action sequnces and Swann somehow dieing and there you go a classic race againts the clock bond film complete with fleming title :D
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