The MI6 Community Religion and Faith Discussion Space (for members of all faiths - and none!)



  • Posts: 15,434
    Risico007 wrote: »
    Ludovico wrote: »
    So the most fantastical, extraordinary and supernatural explanation is the most plausible for you?

    Whatever your college drug dealer is selling you, that's heavy stuff.

    When you remove the impossible whatever remains no matter how improbable must be right

    Quoting Holmes now? That doesn't make it true. That's an argument from ignorance for one. And by definition a supernatural explanation is impossible. Unlike rational explanations that are not only possible but far more plausible.
  • Posts: 9,916
    Ludovico wrote: »
    Risico007 wrote: »
    Ludovico wrote: »
    So the most fantastical, extraordinary and supernatural explanation is the most plausible for you?

    Whatever your college drug dealer is selling you, that's heavy stuff.

    When you remove the impossible whatever remains no matter how improbable must be right

    Quoting Holmes now? That doesn't make it true. That's an argument from ignorance for one. And by definition a supernatural explanation is impossible. Unlike rational explanations that are not only possible but far more plausible.

    Well then spontaneous growth and Darwin’s theory goes out the window as that is a miracle as well (one that goes against the second law of thermodynamics but I digress)

    Then explain to me how a religion that should of never become popular and was against everything the Jewish and Gentle leaders liked or wanted became to this day the dominant religion (even surpassing atheism)

    Seems weird right
  • RC7RC7
    edited June 2018 Posts: 10,512
    Risico007 wrote: »
    Ludovico wrote: »
    Risico007 wrote: »
    Ludovico wrote: »
    So the most fantastical, extraordinary and supernatural explanation is the most plausible for you?

    Whatever your college drug dealer is selling you, that's heavy stuff.

    When you remove the impossible whatever remains no matter how improbable must be right

    Quoting Holmes now? That doesn't make it true. That's an argument from ignorance for one. And by definition a supernatural explanation is impossible. Unlike rational explanations that are not only possible but far more plausible.

    Well then spontaneous growth and Darwin’s theory goes out the window as that is a miracle as well (one that goes against the second law of thermodynamics but I digress)

    Then explain to me how a religion that should of never become popular and was against everything the Jewish and Gentle leaders liked or wanted became to this day the dominant religion (even surpassing atheism)

    Seems weird right

    Islam will surpass Christianity this century. How do you square that?

    Oh, and, just to get it into that impregnable skull of yours. Atheism isn’t a religion.
  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    edited June 2018 Posts: 17,995
    Risico007 wrote: »
    Then explain to me how a religion that should of never become popular and was against everything the Jewish and Gentle leaders liked or wanted became to this day the dominant religion (even surpassing atheism)
    There are more unstable people than stable people in the world-? ;)

    Here's one- grab any ten Christians off the street and ask them where Gethsemane is. Most won't be able to tell you. Calling one's self a member of a faith is all too easy.
    BTW, I know where it is because I own Jesus Christ Superstar on DVD.
  • Posts: 15,434
    You're not merely digressing: you're non sequitur. What's the second law of thermodynamics has to do with the theory of Evolution, Jesus or indeed anything we're talking about right now?

    And to top up your rambling you put one appeal to popularity. That Christianity became popular does not make it true. I've explained some reasons for its appeal a couple of pages ago in any case: good PR, promises of eternal bliss, giving a sense of belonging and common identity in an Empire that was heavily fragmented in ethnic groups and social classes, etc.

    By the same criteria Islam must be true also, as it's the fastest growing religion now, in spite of the very bad press it has received (and deservedly so).

    And by the way: 1)atheism is not a religion, and 2)unless you count Buddhism that can be technically considered atheistic, in what civilization atheism was the majority?
  • RC7RC7
    Posts: 10,512
    Risico007 wrote: »
    Dragonpol wrote: »
    patb wrote: »
    Re the seven days thing, its the perfect example of moving the goal posts. Before the tricky scientific evidence came up, believers were very happy to take the seven days at face value. It was never questioned. It's God after all. Why shouldn't he create everything in seven days?

    So what do you do? The evidence is so overwhelming. Well, you could realise that it's clearly untrue. That possibly, it's all garbage. That would be a reasonable option. But what if you were so deluded that you can't handle it being untrue? It must be true. It's in the Bible, it's the word of God.

    Quick, think, what can we do.

    Ah! Yes, God's days are not our day's. When he said seven day's , he was referring to God days (and, even knowing the book was being read by humans, forget to explain this). God can define a day as any length he likes. He's God, he can do that. So everything's all right.

    And also, God's seven is not our seven. His seven is actually billions. He has his own numbering system. Did you not know that? C'mon, keep up.

    Apart from the fact that, by doing so, you undermine the whole "word of God" because, if God's set of defintions is different from ours, then the whole book has no meaning to us. Black can be God's white. Good can be God's bad etc etc One of our minutes can be God's million years. Sounds stupid because it is. Sound's childish because it is.

    (remember how some kids convince themselves the Father Xmas can slow down time in order to vist all of the houses? how else do you fit a fairy tale into the rigid framework of reality?)

    But you either move the goal posts or concede defeat. And you can't concede defeat because the whole World comes crashing down and you relasie that we are actually on our own, a tiny, tiny spec in the vastness of space with nobody else apart from ourselves who cares and death means death.

    It's speaks volumes regarding how terrifying reality is for so many that they have to go to such remarkable lengths to avoid it.
    Cracking post. That did give me a chortle!

    But hang on I'm sure I read that a year is actually 1000 years somwhere:
    Dragonpol wrote: »
    A day is like a thousand years to the Lord.
    (no source cited obviously) Does that clear things up? 6000 years from the Big Bang to the emergence of man adds up doesn't it?

    The source is the Bible. Not that that would mean much to you of course.
    Oops I didn’t realise you’d got it from such a cast iron and reliable document. I feel rather foolish now.

    But I’m any case why not just write it at the start instead of confusing people and then having to issue a retraction later on? Just say it took him 6000 years instead of 6 days? It’s still an impressive feat. I don’t think even I could create the universe in less than about 6729 years so fair play to the bloke, he’s done well. But I don’t get why he felt the need to bullshit people that he nailed it in less than a week?

    Also given time now passes according to these new biblical rules does that mean Jesus hasn’t actually risen yet as the three days haven’t passed? I guess we should actually expect to see the empty tomb circa 3032 so Christ, quite literally, alone knows what empty tomb @Risico007 has been banging on about all these months?

    And with these revelations about God being a bit lackadaisical with his maths can we trust other things in the bible anymore?

    Feeding the 5000 with five loaves and two fish - wahay it’s a miracle! Well actually it was 5000 loaves and 2000 fish so not quite as impressive as if the fish were say tuna then that’s a lot for 2.5 people to get through.

    I’m beginning to think you might not be able to trust a word God says!
    Risico007 wrote: »
    But again I want a plausible explanation for its creation and since none of you have come up with one I guess I am gonna have to stick with the resurrection
    That would certainly be one, highly improbable, explanation. Another, more plausible one, might be that they were a bunch of simple minded fishermen swayed by a charismatic leader and genuinely believed he was telling the truth.

    I doubt the People’s Temple followers would have drank and fed to their kids what they knew to be cyanide laced Kool Aid if they didn’t genuinely believe Jim Jones was speaking the word of the Lord would they?

    Does the fact they all still did it thus mean Jim Jones was telling the truth? Why else would they kill themselves if he wasn’t God? There can be no other rational explanation can there? QED Jim Jones was the messiah.

    Again the cult theory only works if fbi working with Jim Jones

    Why’s that? Apple, for example, has hundreds of millions of acolytes, some who would camp on the street for days just to get a piece of them. You don’t need divinity to engage, exploit and even inspire vast swathes of people.
  • Posts: 9,916
    RC7 wrote: »
    Risico007 wrote: »
    Dragonpol wrote: »
    patb wrote: »
    Re the seven days thing, its the perfect example of moving the goal posts. Before the tricky scientific evidence came up, believers were very happy to take the seven days at face value. It was never questioned. It's God after all. Why shouldn't he create everything in seven days?

    So what do you do? The evidence is so overwhelming. Well, you could realise that it's clearly untrue. That possibly, it's all garbage. That would be a reasonable option. But what if you were so deluded that you can't handle it being untrue? It must be true. It's in the Bible, it's the word of God.

    Quick, think, what can we do.

    Ah! Yes, God's days are not our day's. When he said seven day's , he was referring to God days (and, even knowing the book was being read by humans, forget to explain this). God can define a day as any length he likes. He's God, he can do that. So everything's all right.

    And also, God's seven is not our seven. His seven is actually billions. He has his own numbering system. Did you not know that? C'mon, keep up.

    Apart from the fact that, by doing so, you undermine the whole "word of God" because, if God's set of defintions is different from ours, then the whole book has no meaning to us. Black can be God's white. Good can be God's bad etc etc One of our minutes can be God's million years. Sounds stupid because it is. Sound's childish because it is.

    (remember how some kids convince themselves the Father Xmas can slow down time in order to vist all of the houses? how else do you fit a fairy tale into the rigid framework of reality?)

    But you either move the goal posts or concede defeat. And you can't concede defeat because the whole World comes crashing down and you relasie that we are actually on our own, a tiny, tiny spec in the vastness of space with nobody else apart from ourselves who cares and death means death.

    It's speaks volumes regarding how terrifying reality is for so many that they have to go to such remarkable lengths to avoid it.
    Cracking post. That did give me a chortle!

    But hang on I'm sure I read that a year is actually 1000 years somwhere:
    Dragonpol wrote: »
    A day is like a thousand years to the Lord.
    (no source cited obviously) Does that clear things up? 6000 years from the Big Bang to the emergence of man adds up doesn't it?

    The source is the Bible. Not that that would mean much to you of course.
    Oops I didn’t realise you’d got it from such a cast iron and reliable document. I feel rather foolish now.

    But I’m any case why not just write it at the start instead of confusing people and then having to issue a retraction later on? Just say it took him 6000 years instead of 6 days? It’s still an impressive feat. I don’t think even I could create the universe in less than about 6729 years so fair play to the bloke, he’s done well. But I don’t get why he felt the need to bullshit people that he nailed it in less than a week?

    Also given time now passes according to these new biblical rules does that mean Jesus hasn’t actually risen yet as the three days haven’t passed? I guess we should actually expect to see the empty tomb circa 3032 so Christ, quite literally, alone knows what empty tomb @Risico007 has been banging on about all these months?

    And with these revelations about God being a bit lackadaisical with his maths can we trust other things in the bible anymore?

    Feeding the 5000 with five loaves and two fish - wahay it’s a miracle! Well actually it was 5000 loaves and 2000 fish so not quite as impressive as if the fish were say tuna then that’s a lot for 2.5 people to get through.

    I’m beginning to think you might not be able to trust a word God says!
    Risico007 wrote: »
    But again I want a plausible explanation for its creation and since none of you have come up with one I guess I am gonna have to stick with the resurrection
    That would certainly be one, highly improbable, explanation. Another, more plausible one, might be that they were a bunch of simple minded fishermen swayed by a charismatic leader and genuinely believed he was telling the truth.

    I doubt the People’s Temple followers would have drank and fed to their kids what they knew to be cyanide laced Kool Aid if they didn’t genuinely believe Jim Jones was speaking the word of the Lord would they?

    Does the fact they all still did it thus mean Jim Jones was telling the truth? Why else would they kill themselves if he wasn’t God? There can be no other rational explanation can there? QED Jim Jones was the messiah.

    Again the cult theory only works if fbi working with Jim Jones

    Why’s that? Apple, for example, has hundreds of millions of acolytes, some who would camp on the street for days just to get a piece of them. You don’t need divinity to engage, exploit and even inspire vast swathes of people.

    You really don’t get who Paul was before he became a Christian do you
  • TheWizardOfIceTheWizardOfIce 'One of the Internet's more toxic individuals'
    Posts: 9,117
    Risico007 wrote: »
    Then explain to me how a religion that should of never become popular and was against everything the Jewish and Gentle leaders liked or wanted became to this day the dominant religion (even surpassing atheism)
    Then explain to me how the Nazis, Brexit and Trump that should of (sic) never become popular and are against everything the German, British and US leaders liked or wanted happened?

    Were Hitler, Farage and Trump sent by God?

    Just because something appears strange doesn’t automatically mean divine intervention.
  • RC7RC7
    Posts: 10,512
    Risico007 wrote: »
    RC7 wrote: »
    Risico007 wrote: »
    Dragonpol wrote: »
    patb wrote: »
    Re the seven days thing, its the perfect example of moving the goal posts. Before the tricky scientific evidence came up, believers were very happy to take the seven days at face value. It was never questioned. It's God after all. Why shouldn't he create everything in seven days?

    So what do you do? The evidence is so overwhelming. Well, you could realise that it's clearly untrue. That possibly, it's all garbage. That would be a reasonable option. But what if you were so deluded that you can't handle it being untrue? It must be true. It's in the Bible, it's the word of God.

    Quick, think, what can we do.

    Ah! Yes, God's days are not our day's. When he said seven day's , he was referring to God days (and, even knowing the book was being read by humans, forget to explain this). God can define a day as any length he likes. He's God, he can do that. So everything's all right.

    And also, God's seven is not our seven. His seven is actually billions. He has his own numbering system. Did you not know that? C'mon, keep up.

    Apart from the fact that, by doing so, you undermine the whole "word of God" because, if God's set of defintions is different from ours, then the whole book has no meaning to us. Black can be God's white. Good can be God's bad etc etc One of our minutes can be God's million years. Sounds stupid because it is. Sound's childish because it is.

    (remember how some kids convince themselves the Father Xmas can slow down time in order to vist all of the houses? how else do you fit a fairy tale into the rigid framework of reality?)

    But you either move the goal posts or concede defeat. And you can't concede defeat because the whole World comes crashing down and you relasie that we are actually on our own, a tiny, tiny spec in the vastness of space with nobody else apart from ourselves who cares and death means death.

    It's speaks volumes regarding how terrifying reality is for so many that they have to go to such remarkable lengths to avoid it.
    Cracking post. That did give me a chortle!

    But hang on I'm sure I read that a year is actually 1000 years somwhere:
    Dragonpol wrote: »
    A day is like a thousand years to the Lord.
    (no source cited obviously) Does that clear things up? 6000 years from the Big Bang to the emergence of man adds up doesn't it?

    The source is the Bible. Not that that would mean much to you of course.
    Oops I didn’t realise you’d got it from such a cast iron and reliable document. I feel rather foolish now.

    But I’m any case why not just write it at the start instead of confusing people and then having to issue a retraction later on? Just say it took him 6000 years instead of 6 days? It’s still an impressive feat. I don’t think even I could create the universe in less than about 6729 years so fair play to the bloke, he’s done well. But I don’t get why he felt the need to bullshit people that he nailed it in less than a week?

    Also given time now passes according to these new biblical rules does that mean Jesus hasn’t actually risen yet as the three days haven’t passed? I guess we should actually expect to see the empty tomb circa 3032 so Christ, quite literally, alone knows what empty tomb @Risico007 has been banging on about all these months?

    And with these revelations about God being a bit lackadaisical with his maths can we trust other things in the bible anymore?

    Feeding the 5000 with five loaves and two fish - wahay it’s a miracle! Well actually it was 5000 loaves and 2000 fish so not quite as impressive as if the fish were say tuna then that’s a lot for 2.5 people to get through.

    I’m beginning to think you might not be able to trust a word God says!
    Risico007 wrote: »
    But again I want a plausible explanation for its creation and since none of you have come up with one I guess I am gonna have to stick with the resurrection
    That would certainly be one, highly improbable, explanation. Another, more plausible one, might be that they were a bunch of simple minded fishermen swayed by a charismatic leader and genuinely believed he was telling the truth.

    I doubt the People’s Temple followers would have drank and fed to their kids what they knew to be cyanide laced Kool Aid if they didn’t genuinely believe Jim Jones was speaking the word of the Lord would they?

    Does the fact they all still did it thus mean Jim Jones was telling the truth? Why else would they kill themselves if he wasn’t God? There can be no other rational explanation can there? QED Jim Jones was the messiah.

    Again the cult theory only works if fbi working with Jim Jones

    Why’s that? Apple, for example, has hundreds of millions of acolytes, some who would camp on the street for days just to get a piece of them. You don’t need divinity to engage, exploit and even inspire vast swathes of people.

    You really don’t get who Paul was before he became a Christian do you

    He was fiercely against Christianity. What’s your point? Politicians often ‘cross the floor’. What you have to understand is that you’re talking bollocks, mate.
  • Posts: 15,434
    Careful Wiz he might be a Trump supporter... and think indeed Trump was sent by God.

    Regarding Paul, we don't even know how much if any of his story pre conversion is true and even if he truly killed Christians... so what? He was a religious fanatics that switched brand of fanaticism, that's all.
  • TheWizardOfIceTheWizardOfIce 'One of the Internet's more toxic individuals'
    edited June 2018 Posts: 9,117
    Ludovico wrote: »
    Careful Wiz he might be a Trump supporter... and think indeed Trump was sent by God.
    I doubt Trump is Republican enough for him.
    Ludovico wrote: »
    Regarding Paul, we don't even know how much if any of his story pre conversion is true and even if he truly killed Christians... so what? He was a religious fanatics that switched brand of fanaticism, that's all.
    You see these white, middle class girls converting to Islam and then heading straight off to Syria. Converts are the most rabid. Perhaps @Risico007 used to be a Muslim who turned to Christianity?
  • RC7RC7
    Posts: 10,512
    Ludovico wrote: »
    Careful Wiz he might be a Trump supporter... and think indeed Trump was sent by God.

    Regarding Paul, we don't even know how much if any of his story pre conversion is true and even if he truly killed Christians... so what? He was a religious fanatics that switched brand of fanaticism, that's all.


    I forgot to ask @Risico007, it’s been a question burning away in my mind, was it always God’s intention to have the resurrection mascot be a rabbit? I believe the idea of a Rabbit delivering eggs was a tradition established pre-Christianity (A Pagan concept if memory serves me). Seems a bit thrifty piggy-backing on the traditions of others to celebrate what should be a truly monumental and miraculous moment.
  • Posts: 9,916
    Ludovico wrote: »
    Careful Wiz he might be a Trump supporter... and think indeed Trump was sent by God.

    Regarding Paul, we don't even know how much if any of his story pre conversion is true and even if he truly killed Christians... so what? He was a religious fanatics that switched brand of fanaticism, that's all.

    Ah that’s right we know nothing we don’t know what happened in the first century nor do we know what happened in 1812 was there a war who knows
  • DragonpolDragonpol
    edited June 2018 Posts: 18,522
    Ludovico wrote: »
    So the most fantastical, extraordinary and supernatural explanation is the most plausible for you?

    Whatever your college drug dealer is selling you, that's heavy stuff.

    I see that (while commenting on the morality of others) you're not above the plain of issuing uncalled for personal insults to those of faith. For that reason, and for the similar comments by the Wiz on the mental health of believers, I am refraining from participating in this thread any further.

    I made it crystal clear in the OP that I would not tolerate this sort of thing in this thread and so I'm sticking by my word and leaving the thread immediately. @DarthDimi also warned about how these types threads eventually descend into personal insults. It's sad that your lot had to lower the tone here, but not altogether surprising given the types of personalities involved.
  • TheWizardOfIceTheWizardOfIce 'One of the Internet's more toxic individuals'
    Posts: 9,117
    Risico007 wrote: »
    Ludovico wrote: »
    Careful Wiz he might be a Trump supporter... and think indeed Trump was sent by God.

    Regarding Paul, we don't even know how much if any of his story pre conversion is true and even if he truly killed Christians... so what? He was a religious fanatics that switched brand of fanaticism, that's all.

    Ah that’s right we know nothing we don’t know what happened in the first century nor do we know what happened in 1812 was there a war who knows
    And if you just keep repeating something that makes it true.
  • chrisisallchrisisall Brosnan Defender Of The Realm
    Posts: 17,995
  • RC7RC7
    Posts: 10,512
    Dragonpol wrote: »
    Ludovico wrote: »
    So the most fantastical, extraordinary and supernatural explanation is the most plausible for you?

    Whatever your college drug dealer is selling you, that's heavy stuff.

    I see that (while commenting on the morality of others) you're not above the plain of personal insults to those of faith. For that reason, and for the similar comments by the Wiz on mental health, I am refraining from participating in this thread.

    I made it crystal clear in the OP that I would not tolerate this sort of thing in this thread and so I'm sticking by my word and leaving the thread immediately. @DarthDimi also warned about how these types threads eventually descend into personal insults. Sad that your lot had to lower the tone here, but not altogether surprising.

    People of faith aren’t immune from ridicule and reference to mental health is hardly without base. Many people who claim to ‘hear’ and ‘see’ things are sectioned. With the dearth of factual evidence on offer, it’s not a great leap. If people want to practice, that’s their choice, I have no right to stop them. What’s problematic in this thread is that I don’t recall yourself or Risico ever uttering the phrase, ‘I don’t know.’ Something that would garner you far more respect.

    It’s the sheer arrogance of having all the answers, the pseudo-scientific gymnastics involved, the ludicrous retro-fitting, the endless obfuscation and the reluctance to consider you may not be right that creates friction.

    Every non-believer has at some point conceded they can’t possibly have all the answers and rightly so.

    The conviction of Athiests and Agnostics on here seems far stronger than your own, as you’ve threatened to bail on numerous occasions. To a significant degree it suggests you yourself know that deep down you do, even on a very slight level, doubt your belief and can’t handle that fact. No one can stop you believing, but likewise you can’t silence the doubters when you offer no logical retort.
  • Posts: 15,434
    Risico007 wrote: »
    Ludovico wrote: »
    Careful Wiz he might be a Trump supporter... and think indeed Trump was sent by God.

    Regarding Paul, we don't even know how much if any of his story pre conversion is true and even if he truly killed Christians... so what? He was a religious fanatics that switched brand of fanaticism, that's all.

    Ah that’s right we know nothing we don’t know what happened in the first century nor do we know what happened in 1812 was there a war who knows

    False equivalence. Both events are not even comparable. The 1812 war is actually a historical event supported by evidence.
  • TheWizardOfIceTheWizardOfIce 'One of the Internet's more toxic individuals'
    Posts: 9,117
    Dragonpol wrote: »
    Ludovico wrote: »
    So the most fantastical, extraordinary and supernatural explanation is the most plausible for you?

    Whatever your college drug dealer is selling you, that's heavy stuff.

    I see that (while commenting on the morality of others) you're not above the plain of issuing uncalled for personal insults to those of faith. For that reason, and for the similar comments by the Wiz on the mental health of believers, I am refraining from participating in this thread any further.

    I made it crystal clear in the OP that I would not tolerate this sort of thing in this thread and so I'm sticking by my word and leaving the thread immediately. @DarthDimi also warned about how these types threads eventually descend into personal insults. It's sad that your lot had to lower the tone here, but not altogether surprising given the types of personalities involved.
    That is a very laudable moral stance you are making Draggers. Although one notes you weren't so vociferous in castigating your chum @Risico007 when he wrote this yesterday:
    Risico007 wrote: »
    maybe I should just wait till you or Patb kill me when you are on you atheists serial killer attacks
    Calling atheists serial killers fine in your book but woe betide anyone who might say the religious are mental and you throw your toys out of the pram and leave the thread?

    Except of course you won't because you issued such threats to leave (conservatively) about 20 times already. Even the boy who cried wolf is shaking his head in disbelief at your lack of credibility I'm afraid.

    To the impartial observer it does you no favours and, as @RC7 states above, just smacks of someone who has nothing to bring to the argument.
    Dragonpol wrote: »
    Perhaps it's time I started asking some questions of the athiests here instead for a change.
    Now that you're leaving (yet again), does this mean we're not going to get skewered with your Paxman-esque questions (that have so far singularly failed to materialise)?
  • Posts: 9,916
    Ludovico wrote: »
    Risico007 wrote: »
    Ludovico wrote: »
    Careful Wiz he might be a Trump supporter... and think indeed Trump was sent by God.

    Regarding Paul, we don't even know how much if any of his story pre conversion is true and even if he truly killed Christians... so what? He was a religious fanatics that switched brand of fanaticism, that's all.

    Ah that’s right we know nothing we don’t know what happened in the first century nor do we know what happened in 1812 was there a war who knows

    False equivalence. Both events are not even comparable. The 1812 war is actually a historical event supported by evidence.

    Where is this evidence
  • DragonpolDragonpol
    edited June 2018 Posts: 18,522
    Dragonpol wrote: »
    Ludovico wrote: »
    So the most fantastical, extraordinary and supernatural explanation is the most plausible for you?

    Whatever your college drug dealer is selling you, that's heavy stuff.

    I see that (while commenting on the morality of others) you're not above the plain of issuing uncalled for personal insults to those of faith. For that reason, and for the similar comments by the Wiz on the mental health of believers, I am refraining from participating in this thread any further.

    I made it crystal clear in the OP that I would not tolerate this sort of thing in this thread and so I'm sticking by my word and leaving the thread immediately. @DarthDimi also warned about how these types threads eventually descend into personal insults. It's sad that your lot had to lower the tone here, but not altogether surprising given the types of personalities involved.
    That is a very laudable moral stance you are making Draggers. Although one notes you weren't so vociferous in castigating your chum @Risico007 when he wrote this yesterday:
    Risico007 wrote: »
    maybe I should just wait till you or Patb kill me when you are on you atheists serial killer attacks

    Calling atheists serial killers fine in your book but woe betide anyone who might say the religious are mental and you throw your toys out of the pram and leave the thread?

    Except of course you won't because you issued such threats to leave (conservatively) about 20 times already. Even the boy who cried wolf is shaking his head in disbelief at your lack of credibility I'm afraid.

    To the impartial observer it does you no favours and, as @RC7 states above, just smacks of someone who has nothing to bring to the argument.
    Dragonpol wrote: »
    Perhaps it's time I started asking some questions of the athiests here instead for a change.
    Now that you're leaving (yet again), does this mean we're not going to get skewered with your Paxman-esque questions (that have so far singularly failed to materialise)?

    No, as a Christian, I would say that's wrong to say that too of course.
  • TheWizardOfIceTheWizardOfIce 'One of the Internet's more toxic individuals'
    Posts: 9,117
    Dragonpol wrote: »
    Dragonpol wrote: »
    Ludovico wrote: »
    So the most fantastical, extraordinary and supernatural explanation is the most plausible for you?

    Whatever your college drug dealer is selling you, that's heavy stuff.

    I see that (while commenting on the morality of others) you're not above the plain of issuing uncalled for personal insults to those of faith. For that reason, and for the similar comments by the Wiz on the mental health of believers, I am refraining from participating in this thread any further.

    I made it crystal clear in the OP that I would not tolerate this sort of thing in this thread and so I'm sticking by my word and leaving the thread immediately. @DarthDimi also warned about how these types threads eventually descend into personal insults. It's sad that your lot had to lower the tone here, but not altogether surprising given the types of personalities involved.
    That is a very laudable moral stance you are making Draggers. Although one notes you weren't so vociferous in castigating your chum @Risico007 when he wrote this yesterday:
    Risico007 wrote: »
    maybe I should just wait till you or Patb kill me when you are on you atheists serial killer attacks

    Calling atheists serial killers fine in your book but woe betide anyone who might say the religious are mental and you throw your toys out of the pram and leave the thread?

    Except of course you won't because you issued such threats to leave (conservatively) about 20 times already. Even the boy who cried wolf is shaking his head in disbelief at your lack of credibility I'm afraid.

    To the impartial observer it does you no favours and, as @RC7 states above, just smacks of someone who has nothing to bring to the argument.
    Dragonpol wrote: »
    Perhaps it's time I started asking some questions of the athiests here instead for a change.
    Now that you're leaving (yet again), does this mean we're not going to get skewered with your Paxman-esque questions (that have so far singularly failed to materialise)?

    No, as a Christian, I would say that's wrong to say that too of course.
    Back already? That's a record even for you.
  • DragonpolDragonpol
    edited June 2018 Posts: 18,522
    Dragonpol wrote: »
    Dragonpol wrote: »
    Ludovico wrote: »
    So the most fantastical, extraordinary and supernatural explanation is the most plausible for you?

    Whatever your college drug dealer is selling you, that's heavy stuff.

    I see that (while commenting on the morality of others) you're not above the plain of issuing uncalled for personal insults to those of faith. For that reason, and for the similar comments by the Wiz on the mental health of believers, I am refraining from participating in this thread any further.

    I made it crystal clear in the OP that I would not tolerate this sort of thing in this thread and so I'm sticking by my word and leaving the thread immediately. @DarthDimi also warned about how these types threads eventually descend into personal insults. It's sad that your lot had to lower the tone here, but not altogether surprising given the types of personalities involved.
    That is a very laudable moral stance you are making Draggers. Although one notes you weren't so vociferous in castigating your chum @Risico007 when he wrote this yesterday:
    Risico007 wrote: »
    maybe I should just wait till you or Patb kill me when you are on you atheists serial killer attacks

    Calling atheists serial killers fine in your book but woe betide anyone who might say the religious are mental and you throw your toys out of the pram and leave the thread?

    Except of course you won't because you issued such threats to leave (conservatively) about 20 times already. Even the boy who cried wolf is shaking his head in disbelief at your lack of credibility I'm afraid.

    To the impartial observer it does you no favours and, as @RC7 states above, just smacks of someone who has nothing to bring to the argument.
    Dragonpol wrote: »
    Perhaps it's time I started asking some questions of the athiests here instead for a change.
    Now that you're leaving (yet again), does this mean we're not going to get skewered with your Paxman-esque questions (that have so far singularly failed to materialise)?

    No, as a Christian, I would say that's wrong to say that too of course.
    Back already? That's a record even for you.

    Only to reply to your point, to correct a false impression. Two wrongs don't make a right. I'm as critical of Christians as anyone else, if it's called for. That's it for now.
  • TheWizardOfIceTheWizardOfIce 'One of the Internet's more toxic individuals'
    Posts: 9,117
    Dragonpol wrote: »
    No, as a Christian, I would say that's wrong to say that too of course.
    Why can't you just say that you Dragonpol think it's wrong? What does being a Christian have to do with it? Are you unable to make any decision yourself without first filtering it through God and Jesus to check what they tell you to think?

    If that's not being brainwashed I don't know what is.
  • DragonpolDragonpol
    edited June 2018 Posts: 18,522
    Dragonpol wrote: »
    No, as a Christian, I would say that's wrong to say that too of course.
    Why can't you just say that you Dragonpol think it's wrong? What does being a Christian have to do with it? Are you unable to make any decision yourself without first filtering it through God and Jesus to check what they tell you to think?

    If that's not being brainwashed I don't know what is.

    Well, I as Dragonpol think it is wrong too. Perhaps I shouldn't have invoked Christianity there. Sorry if it wasn't clear enough. Faith informs our world view, rather than controlling it.
  • Posts: 15,434
    Dragonpol wrote: »
    Ludovico wrote: »
    So the most fantastical, extraordinary and supernatural explanation is the most plausible for you?

    Whatever your college drug dealer is selling you, that's heavy stuff.

    I see that (while commenting on the morality of others) you're not above the plain of issuing uncalled for personal insults to those of faith. For that reason, and for the similar comments by the Wiz on the mental health of believers, I am refraining from participating in this thread any further.

    I made it crystal clear in the OP that I would not tolerate this sort of thing in this thread and so I'm sticking by my word and leaving the thread immediately. @DarthDimi also warned about how these types threads eventually descend into personal insults. It's sad that your lot had to lower the tone here, but not altogether surprising given the types of personalities involved.

    @Dragonpol I fail to see how 1)using sarcasm and derision is immoral and 2)it's any more rude than a man who got all high and mighty and holier than thou scolding us for alleged immorality while himself said he wouldn't commit adultery with a couple of female coworkers because God ordered him not to.

    Sorry but I'm not sorry. I was criticizing what he said through sarcasm, but nobody will say I have no moral compass without backing it up.
  • Posts: 9,916
    Jeez wiz kid I really touched a nerv there I see fine I apologize the joke of calling you a serial killer was clearly in poor taste and I apologize.. I would wait for an apology from the other side for the monsterous things said about me but I feel Christ will return long before that happens
  • RC7RC7
    edited June 2018 Posts: 10,512
    Dragonpol wrote: »
    Dragonpol wrote: »
    Dragonpol wrote: »
    Ludovico wrote: »
    So the most fantastical, extraordinary and supernatural explanation is the most plausible for you?

    Whatever your college drug dealer is selling you, that's heavy stuff.

    I see that (while commenting on the morality of others) you're not above the plain of issuing uncalled for personal insults to those of faith. For that reason, and for the similar comments by the Wiz on the mental health of believers, I am refraining from participating in this thread any further.

    I made it crystal clear in the OP that I would not tolerate this sort of thing in this thread and so I'm sticking by my word and leaving the thread immediately. @DarthDimi also warned about how these types threads eventually descend into personal insults. It's sad that your lot had to lower the tone here, but not altogether surprising given the types of personalities involved.
    That is a very laudable moral stance you are making Draggers. Although one notes you weren't so vociferous in castigating your chum @Risico007 when he wrote this yesterday:
    Risico007 wrote: »
    maybe I should just wait till you or Patb kill me when you are on you atheists serial killer attacks

    Calling atheists serial killers fine in your book but woe betide anyone who might say the religious are mental and you throw your toys out of the pram and leave the thread?

    Except of course you won't because you issued such threats to leave (conservatively) about 20 times already. Even the boy who cried wolf is shaking his head in disbelief at your lack of credibility I'm afraid.

    To the impartial observer it does you no favours and, as @RC7 states above, just smacks of someone who has nothing to bring to the argument.
    Dragonpol wrote: »
    Perhaps it's time I started asking some questions of the athiests here instead for a change.
    Now that you're leaving (yet again), does this mean we're not going to get skewered with your Paxman-esque questions (that have so far singularly failed to materialise)?

    No, as a Christian, I would say that's wrong to say that too of course.
    Back already? That's a record even for you.

    Only to reply to your point, to correct a false impression. Two wrongs don't make a right. I'm as critical of Christians as anyone else, if it's called for. That's it for now.

    You need to lighten up, mate. But then this is what happens when you bring something very personal into a public forum. It’s like me or Wiz starting a thread about marital issues. The devout don’t seem to understand their faith is ultimately very personal and others don’t want to be badgered, lectured or patronised. The dwindling numbers of those with faith in this country should tell you all you need to know. As science evolves, faith regresses.
    Risico007 wrote: »
    Jeez wiz kid I really touched a nerv there I see fine I apologize the joke of calling you a serial killer was clearly in poor taste and I apologize.. I would wait for an apology from the other side for the monsterous things said about me but I feel Christ will return long before that happens

    I see what you did there - given he doesn’t exist and so won’t.
  • DragonpolDragonpol
    Posts: 18,522
    Ludovico wrote: »
    Dragonpol wrote: »
    Ludovico wrote: »
    So the most fantastical, extraordinary and supernatural explanation is the most plausible for you?

    Whatever your college drug dealer is selling you, that's heavy stuff.

    I see that (while commenting on the morality of others) you're not above the plain of issuing uncalled for personal insults to those of faith. For that reason, and for the similar comments by the Wiz on the mental health of believers, I am refraining from participating in this thread any further.

    I made it crystal clear in the OP that I would not tolerate this sort of thing in this thread and so I'm sticking by my word and leaving the thread immediately. @DarthDimi also warned about how these types threads eventually descend into personal insults. It's sad that your lot had to lower the tone here, but not altogether surprising given the types of personalities involved.

    @Dragonpol I fail to see how 1)using sarcasm and derision is immoral and 2)it's any more rude than a man who got all high and mighty and holier than thou scolding us for alleged immorality while himself said he wouldn't commit adultery with a couple of female coworkers because God ordered him not to.

    Sorry but I'm not sorry. I was criticizing what he said through sarcasm, but nobody will say I have no moral compass without backing it up.

    Well, fair enough. I'm staying out of this thread for now. I'm genuinely fed up with petty squabbles about religion and have more productive things to be doing, like getting back into writing again as that is my main passion.
  • DragonpolDragonpol
    edited June 2018 Posts: 18,522
    RC7 wrote: »
    Dragonpol wrote: »
    Dragonpol wrote: »
    Dragonpol wrote: »
    Ludovico wrote: »
    So the most fantastical, extraordinary and supernatural explanation is the most plausible for you?

    Whatever your college drug dealer is selling you, that's heavy stuff.

    I see that (while commenting on the morality of others) you're not above the plain of issuing uncalled for personal insults to those of faith. For that reason, and for the similar comments by the Wiz on the mental health of believers, I am refraining from participating in this thread any further.

    I made it crystal clear in the OP that I would not tolerate this sort of thing in this thread and so I'm sticking by my word and leaving the thread immediately. @DarthDimi also warned about how these types threads eventually descend into personal insults. It's sad that your lot had to lower the tone here, but not altogether surprising given the types of personalities involved.
    That is a very laudable moral stance you are making Draggers. Although one notes you weren't so vociferous in castigating your chum @Risico007 when he wrote this yesterday:
    Risico007 wrote: »
    maybe I should just wait till you or Patb kill me when you are on you atheists serial killer attacks

    Calling atheists serial killers fine in your book but woe betide anyone who might say the religious are mental and you throw your toys out of the pram and leave the thread?

    Except of course you won't because you issued such threats to leave (conservatively) about 20 times already. Even the boy who cried wolf is shaking his head in disbelief at your lack of credibility I'm afraid.

    To the impartial observer it does you no favours and, as @RC7 states above, just smacks of someone who has nothing to bring to the argument.
    Dragonpol wrote: »
    Perhaps it's time I started asking some questions of the athiests here instead for a change.
    Now that you're leaving (yet again), does this mean we're not going to get skewered with your Paxman-esque questions (that have so far singularly failed to materialise)?

    No, as a Christian, I would say that's wrong to say that too of course.
    Back already? That's a record even for you.

    Only to reply to your point, to correct a false impression. Two wrongs don't make a right. I'm as critical of Christians as anyone else, if it's called for. That's it for now.

    You need to lighten up, mate.
    But then this is what happens when you bring something very personal into a public forum. It’s like me or Wiz starting a thread about marital issues. The devout don’t seem to understand their faith is ultimately very personal and others don’t want to be badgered, lectured or patronised. The dwindling numbers of those with faith in this country should tell you all you need to know. As science evolves, faith regresses.

    Perhaps I do, but I've never sought to preach or convert anyone here. That I see as a job for others better qualified than I. Nor have I ever "badgered, lectured or patronised", to the best of my knowledge. That's not what I created the thread for in the first place. It was for largely respectful discourse on religion and faith. It has lasted, against the odds, and I can take some comfort from the fact it is still rolling on over 100 pages later. I don't think anyone could have predicted it would have lasted for that long. Therefore, we must be doing something right at least. That said, it is time I stood back from it again and let it all flow on without me. I doubt my input will be missed very much anyhow.

This discussion has been closed.