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They seemed to be called Delectados I think, which funnily enough apparently didn't exist before Die Another Day, but then several cigar companies started making them afterwards! :)
@mtm you asked if that podcast was worth a listen. IMHO, it was a nice, relaxing and informal interview with DC given that he knew the guy very well. Some interesting tidbits about Bond here and there and then towards the end, maybe the last 20 minutes, you can skip as it goes into DC's other stuff + fitness + their escapades.
Great thank you; I haven't managed to get around to it until today. I like the podcast interviews with him, you find out a bit more stuff. Have you heard that one from 2015 he did around the Spectre release? It's really quite interesting.
There was one little tidbit in there I found very interesting... I think if anyone else is reading this but hasn't seen the movie yet then give it a swerve for this reason alone. There's no direct spoilers but enough to where you might get spoiled.
Maybe it's time to rename it, suprime the "minor". From the begining, before the movie release, it was just basically the spoiler thread.
Yes, for the clarity of the forum we need to allow more spoilers. This topic is only dedicated to production news (interview, image, production documents, videos), we don't want theses productions thing scattered in different topic bewteen 2 people who give their opinion about something. The goel of this topic is to easly find new stuff, centralize the stuff of this movie. If I don't know tommorow Fukunaga talk about the end of the movie in a interview, it should be here, in this topic, not elsewhere (and not in the "spoiler reaction" one).
This thread is for the discussion of things that happened during the production, not the end result - perhaps some here wish to follow that without knowing the end of the film - like maybe the many here who don't get to see this film for another 4 weeks. It's common courtesy and good practice to not assume you know how much others know...
The end of the movie - like any other part of the movie - was filmed during the production. So it's purly logic to post thing about it here if there is news info/things about it on how they shoot/create it back in the day...
Even at the end the people who want to avoid spoiler right now, will in few week want to know everything about the movie. And for this it's good there is a topic where they can find listed evrything they miss during week/month/year easly, and not drowned in 1000 pages of just reactions (like it is on I,stagram, how many interrsting thing we miss with the 99% of useless post with the #notimetodie people currently using to send photo of them in front of the theather).
Absolutely. The film has yet to be released in some countries!
Well it's been 2 years since production wrapped up. So let us move on from production and discuss about movie and who might be future james bond .
Just as a start.
I thought I caught a part of the word and figured it was "Delectado" but I wasn't sure.
Big spoilers deleted. And this thread remains '"minor" spoilers only' for the time being. And we will decide when to lift the "minor" and when to change the topic entirely, @Hemanttyd. Thank you.
Not only are there clearly other threads to discuss these very same topics, but the film hasn't even released worldwide yet, so no, your assumption is misguided and incorrect - not everyone knows how it ends. Please be respectful to those who have yet to see it.
Sorry to hear you had it spoilt @QBranch
The person who revealed the ending here a while back apologized promptly, which made it easier to forgive. We are good, and although it was EON's intention that we learn such things during the film, I, like others here have used that knowledge to be prepared for what's in store.
Where that doesn't work out, hopefully it reverts to Bond rules. Meaning, knowing the bad guy going in like Grant or the gadget early on there remains the suspense and eventual thrill of the reveal for how it's used in the film. Still a grand payoff hopefully.
I’ve seen on set video interviews with him from the time of shooting in 2019, but curiously he’s been completely absent from all promotional material since.
He's shooting a movie
Check IMDB
He’s currently filming an Adam McKay movie, “The Menu,” which only began filming in the start of September.