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There are some things we'd already seen in previous films, like nerve gas, Bond's belt filled with plastic explosives and hang gliding over waterfalls. A flying wing backpack would be cooler. I take it all of these ideas would've been substituted for something similar. Lots of dialogue parroted from earlier films too.
Would be great to see the character of Sir Henry appear in future. With him dealing arms you could probably combine this story with Hammerhead (Hunt Engineering), which also saw a car being operated remotely by the enemy - Bond's Mustang hacked with a chip and attacking him before launching off a cliff.
Interesting that in Bond17 the DB5 dropped mines behind it and they bounce along the road. That's one for the NTTD winks & nods thread.
All in all, the thought of not getting GoldenEye as we know it has me painfacing like hell.
My idea of a nightmare, mate 🫣
That could have meant 5 or 6 movies with Ol Brossa, instead of 4!!! 🥶