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Happy Birthday, hope you're enjoying yourself!
16 is a good age to reach!
Happy birthday! I've 9 months to match you. Nice to see some similar demographics, none the less.
Congratulations, my friend! We all desire you luck, health, sucess and mainly fortune in your life! And continue to be one of the greatest Bond fans of this site! :-bd
I only wish my Bond girl was here to celebrate with me.
Eva is pleased with the fact that it is your birthday:
I'm off out now to celebrate.
HAPPY B-DAY, friend. You'll be spending the next ten years in the 30 club. Let's swing!
Hell yes! I like your style DD! Count me in! <:-P
I'm fine with it until I hit my 40s.
Since then, visiting the forums has been a daily routine. Checking for news, opinions, ideas, fun facts, fan experiences etc. and sharing my own.
It's been a wonderful time, some of the highlights being my promotion to a 00-Agent on KTBEU (18-year-old me was very proud :P), the transition to MI6 Community and of course Quantum and Skyfall's preparation & pre-production periods. Those are always the most fun!
Six years and counting. How time flies...
I got several presents including a Remington Steele Boxset :-w
I was a bit worried about the looming prospect of turning 30 but after drooling looking at the pictures above* I'm a bit more relaxed. Getting older can have it's advantages.
*Eva Green is just mesmerising but I REALLY don't believe those girls are over 20 let alone 30
Enjoy your hours of Brozzer fun ;-)
And happy birthday, @BAIN123.
And to be truthful feel fucking miserable about it right now
It's not a celebration, it's a realization you've got less years alive and the fun times you had in years past become ever so more distant
Going to watch Skyfall again today and then after that some very strong drinks and forget all about it, this is a day that I fail to recognize, but only once a year, so worth a mention
Be back at a later date
2 birthdays in headquarters today, eh? Many happy returns to you as well, @LicencedToKilt69007. It can get nasty in the field, so keep yourself alert and make it back to us in one piece....With maybe a slice or two or birthday cake... ;)
Oh, wait- that's already come and gone! Guess I wasn't that excited to say goodbye to my 20s, eh?! ;)