No Time to Die production thread



  • AgentJamesBond007AgentJamesBond007 Vesper’s grave
    Posts: 2,637
    aaron819 wrote: »
    Another description

    It’s unclear when in this movie this scene takes place, it could even be the opening, but it’s almost certainly early in the film. The footage begins as James wakes up. He’s in a tan suit, but he’s on the ground and a mess. Blood on his face, dirt everywhere, and he can’t quite hear, which the sound mix reflects as everything is muted. Confused, he tries to get his bearings and make a phone call to Madeleine (Léa Seydoux) but he can’t connect. So he starts running down the hill as the classic Bond music starts to pick up.

    James starts to run across a bridge and he sees a young, skinny kid with black hair in front of him. The kid turns around and smirks as a car that James can’t quite hear yet starts speeding towards him from behind. They’re also shooting and a bullet hits James in the shoulder, which alerts him to its presence. Before it can run him over, he hides behind a small rock (some of this has been in the trailers). He gets up to run the other way when a motorcycle shows up on the other side. Now he’s trapped. Car on one side, motorcycle on the other. So, as you’ve seen in the trailers, he grabs a wire from the side of the bridge and jumps off, swinging to the bottom and taking a big fall.

    He stands up, still a little disheveled and confused, and starts running again, only to be cut off by the motorcycle guy—who is young, very fashion-forward, and not your typical Bond villain. He looks more like a tourist at a nightclub. James decides to take things into his own hands and charges the cycle driver, knocking him back onto the ground. The camera follows behind James as he does this and stays with him as the battle ensues. It’s a gritty, dirty fight, captured with a handheld shot that continues until James finally bests the guy and puts him in a choke hold. “Safin sends his regards,” the guy says (at least, we think it was “Safin,” which is Rami Malek’s character, but it wasn’t 100% clear). “You know Madeline,” he continues, to James’ dismay. “She’s a daughter of…” and as the guy just starts to finish that sentence, the guy passes out. James also notices that, in the fight, the guy had a fake, electronic eye, which is now just laying on the ground.

    So James jumps on his motorcycle and speeds away. He’s at the bottom of the city but he’s going up. So it’s up one staircase, up a hill, then a funeral procession approaches, so he dips away from them and flies up a staircase, jumping into the air (another recognizable shot from the trailers). He ditches the bike to go into a hotel, where the doorman says “Your package is done, Mr. Bond, as your wife requested.”

    James shows up to the room, beaten, bloody, and dirty, to see Madeleine. “You’re right,” he says. “Letting go is hard.” She’s shocked to see him, not sure what he means, but he grabs and shakes her. “How did they know I was here?” he asks. She asks who and he says “Spectre.” She says she doesn’t know and didn’t do anything. So James takes her and rushes her downstairs where, we assume, the package is ready—that slick, silver Aston Martin from the trailers. “There’s something I need to tell you,” she says. “I bet there is,” James replies.

    The Aston Martin zips away from the hotel and instantly is being chased. First a motorcycle, then one car, then another car. As James whips left and right across the city, Madeleine’s phone rings. James tells her to answer it and, when she takes it out, the Spectre symbol is on it. She answers and a voice begins speaking. “It’s Blofeld, my love,” the voice says. “Your father would be so proud of you. Your sacrifice will be our glory.” James doesn’t know what to say but Madeleine swears she didn’t betray him. “We all have our secrets, we just didn’t get to yours yet,” he says.

    As this is happening a local sheep herder gets a phone call. He’s told to let his sheep out or he’ll be killed. And so he does let the sheep out, which just so happens to be right in James’ path. But this is James Bond. When he sees an approaching car, he unleashes a few little explosives onto the street, and when he sees the sheep, he rips a 180 degree turn as the bombs go off, blowing up the other car, and allowing him to speed away. Here, the James Bond theme music kicks in big time.

    James and Madeleine keep driving and she’s about to tell him something when they get smashed into by a truck, which stops the car dead its tracks. Now several cars and motorcycles surround them, and the drivers take out their guns and just start shooting the Aston Martin. Hundreds of bullets from all angles. Of course, the car is bulletproof, but Madeleine starts screaming. James, however, needs a second to think. He’s silent and still. Then, the fashionable guy who now has one eye (from the earlier fight) approaches the car with a bigger gun. He fires at the passenger side window over and over and over. Madeleine begs James to do something but he just sits there. Thinking. The huge shells keep cracking the glass. Madeleine screams. Finally, James acts. He flicks a switch and, in another trailer shot, the car’s headlights become machine guns. He does a 360 degree spin, blasting all the bad guys, while also letting off some smoke so they can make a clean getaway. The car drives out of the mess, into a more populated area, and skids into a parking spot… which is where the clip ended.

    This is from Gizmodo.
  • NicNac wrote: »
    James Page made a rare visit on these forums, just in time for your banning. I wouldn’t be surprised.

    @JamesPage is even worse than any mod. He once had a good relationship with EON, but that's the past and now he frequently posts BS articles on MI6-HQ painting EON in a negative light as revenge. So petty and childish. Remember that BS article they published just before the press conference back in the Spring of 2019?

    Seriously though, no fan forum treats its members with as much contempt as MI6community does. To be fair though, not every mod here is bad, @Samuel001 for example is a great guy and if every MI6 mod behaved like he does, this would be a much more pleasant place.

    For the record we have banned 3 people in the last 5 years. One of the reasons we ban people is for provocative behaviour designed to inflame unrest. Also, we ban people for opening multiple accounts which are clearly designed to take pot shots at the mods.....

    Oh, hello @Mods_R_thin_skinned , congratulations on ticking so many boxes.

    Oh, hello @NicNac ! First of all, I didn't post anything provocative when my Mr_Beach account got banned. Someone very thin skinned (very likely @JamesPage ) banned me because I dared to criticize MI6-HQ. Also, even if I had posted something "designed to inflame unrest", on what planet is it a sane behaviour to ban a long time member for ONE such comment? What non-power-hungry mods do when a long time member posts something against the rules is they warn them.

    Btw, feel free to ban this account, cirmumventing any kind of ban will take me about 3 minutes, and I might even already have one or two back up accounts. I am not staying to cause trouble. I am staying because i hate injustice.
  • ContrabandContraband Sweden
    Posts: 3,022
    From Vulture re: the box office

    And even in the unlikely event that COVID infection rates trigger another wave of sheltering at home this fall, conventional movie-industry wisdom now holds that the 25th James Bond installment, No Time to Die — which has seen its release date shift three times already — will stick to its October 8 release date. Although Amazon struck a deal to buy Bond 25’s distributor, MGM, for $8.5 billion in May, the release strategy is still dictated by Barbara Broccoli and Michael Wilson, the chief executives at 007’s longtime production company, Eon. According to a person with knowledge of business practices at Eon, everyone’s expectations there have been adjusted downward.

    “They’ve lost so much money by moving [No Time to Die]; the marketing has gotten stale,” the person says. “The Broccolis care more about the U.K. than anything — making it a big hit in the U.K., a decent hit in the U.S. and the rest of the world.”

    Even in an era of rising streaming dominance, the movie industry is still a hits-driven business. And despite a recent report that North American box-office revenues plummeted 80 percent in 2020, hitting a 40-year low amid the coronavirus crisis, neither Sony nor MGM ever seriously considered selling Venom and No Time to Die to deep-pocketed OTT platforms like Netflix or Apple+. But if Hollywood has learned anything from the success-with-multiple-asterisks box-office run of Black Widow — which became the biggest hit of the pandemic era over its July opening weekend, dropped a calamitous 67 percent in its second weekend in theaters, and earned a surprisingly robust $125 million via premium rentals while still falling decidedly short of pre-coronavirus financial expectations — it’s that big movies can expect to earn around one-third less than usual in these iffy times. ”With pockets of Europe, Latin America, and now Australia getting hit [with a rise of the Delta variant], instead of doing $100 million, a movie now does 50 or 60,” a studio executive says. “If the business is off by 30 percent, that kills us. But Bond feels ready to go. MGM is a one-movie company. I don’t think they can hold it another six months.”

    When it comes to Bond, Eon is crossing its fingers that the audience comfort level shoots up above 81 percent again and is “hoping for the $700, $800 [million] range,” the source close to the company says. “There’s no way they’re going to get there. But there may be some cover: ‘We probably weren’t going to do a huge number. We can blame COVID, do some business in the U.S., and move on.’”

  • matt_umatt_u better known as Mr. Roark
    edited August 2021 Posts: 4,347
    To release a film like this knowing that the business is off 40/50% means they really have no choice this time around. At least the wait is finally over for us.

    Anyway IF Venom moves, there’s a chance that Spidey will move too. In that case, Bond would still have a chance to become the highest grossing film of the year, even tho truth is it’s extremely unlikely it will out gross F9.
  • Posts: 3,164
    matt_u wrote: »
    BMB007 wrote: »
    aaron819 wrote: »
    VERY Detailed Description from Cinema Blend
    The sequence opens with James Bond (Daniel Craig) seemingly recovering from an explosion in an unidentified European city, laying on the ground unconscious and covered in dust. As he wakes up, he struggles to get to his feet and the audience experiences the same fuzzy hearing as the protagonist – again, as though a loud bomb has gone off close by. Not wasting any time, he reaches into his pocket for his phone so that he can call somebody, but it proves to be a fruitless exercise as he can’t communicate with who it is that he tries to reach.

    Running off, James Bond arrives on a bridge and sees a young man about 50 feet in front of him - who turns as 007 arrives. It’s a quick interaction, however, as from behind Bond we see a black car pull up menacingly. Immediately clocking it as a threat, the hero ducks behind a large stone jutting out from the wall along the side of the bridge, and the vehicle barely misses hitting him as its left front tire hits the stone and continues driving momentarily at a 45 degree angle. As the car gets to the other end of the bridge and turns around, a motorcycle arrives where the car initially was, giving the British spy target no way to escape.

    Thinking quickly, James Bond grabs a support cable from alongside the wall of the bridge and holds on for dear life as he leaps. The pursuers look on as the MI6 agent (not super gracefully) safely lands on the ground at the base of the bridge and continues running.

    Sprinting up stairs and through ancient buildings, the hero continues to evade his enemies, and eventually comes upon the guy on the motorcycle, whom we see has a fake eyeball. James Bond runs up and tackles the guy before he can pull out his weapon, and the two men struggle –Bond successfully getting the upper hand by choking the guy with a clothesline. As the henchman fights back, he tells his opponent that Blofeld (Christoph Waltz) sends his regards, and suggests that Bond’s girlfriend, Madeleine (Léa Seydoux), is working with the supervillain.

    After knocking out his opponent and sending his fake eye launching out of his head, Bond steals the motorcycle and quickly makes his way back to Madeleine, pulling off some remarkable maneuvers in the process (such as launching the bike up a 30 foot ramp so that he can avoid some kind of religious procession). He arrives at the hotel, and the concierge briefly stops him to let him know that his luggage has been brought down.

    As James Bond gets to his room and confronts Madeleine, saying, “You’re right letting go is hard.” She asks him what happened, and Bond rages at her, asking how they could have possibly known where he was. She denies everything, and as the phone in the room begins to ring, they make a move for the exit. Downstairs they get to the famous silver Aston Martin, and as they get in Madeleine says, “There’s something I need to tell you,” to which Bond replies “I bet there is.”

    The chase begins again almost immediately, as the Aston Martin is pursued by cars and motorcycles. Madeleine’s phone begins to ring, and after Bond demands she pick it up she pulls it out of her purse and we can see the Spectre logo on the display. Listening to the call, we hear the voice of Blofeld, who says, “Your father would be so proud of you; your sacrifice will be our glory.”

    His suspicion running at extreme levels, James Bond calls an associate and tells them to let the sheep out – the hope being that it will create a kind of roadblock that will help during the chase. Madeleine asks what motivation she could possibly have to betray her lover’s trust, and he explains, “We all have our secrets, we just didn’t get to yours yet.” As he says this, he presses one of the Aston Martin’s dashboard buttons and a set of spiked caltrops are dumped out of the bumper, causing a pursuing vehicle to go boom.

    After a short getaway and a ride down some stairs, Madeleine continues insisting upon her innocence, but she gets cut off as a blue jeep slams into the car, causing it to stop dead. More enemy vehicles arrive, and before long the drives and passengers are all out their doors and opening fire on James Bond. Fortunately, the Aston Martin is crazy bullet proof, meaning that the two individuals inside are perfectly safe.

    Seemingly realizing this, the gunfire stops, but the henchman with the fake eye whom Bond encountered earlier steps out and starts to get closer and closer to the car. As he does, he begins to fire repeatedly into the same spot in the passenger-side window. We see the glass getting weaker and weaker, and all the while Madeleine is desperate to know that she still has 007’s trust. After a silent moment, Bond says, “Ok,” and flips a switch on the dashboard, making the front headlights shift down and exposing a set of gatling guns.

    As the twin guns begin to fire, James Bond drives around in a tight circle, ensuring that all of his enemies are down before he drives off through the square.

    To this bit: "as they get in Madeleine says, “There’s something I need to tell you,” to which Bond replies “I bet there is.”
    Wondering if she was going to say she's pregnant.

    Ding ding ding. What are the odds that
    in the trailer when we see her whip her head around as she’s sitting in front of the mirror, that she was looking at a positive pregnancy test

    100% correct.
    We can even see her holding it in her hands…
    just looked at the trailer again and yeah holy shit how did we not spot this before
  • matt_umatt_u better known as Mr. Roark
    edited August 2021 Posts: 4,347
    antovolk wrote: »
    just looked at the trailer again and yeah holy shit how did we not spot this before

    Yeah that’s crazy. We were all blinded by the beautiful composition of the shot! :D
  • edited August 2021 Posts: 1,221

    Video recap/reaction here at 36:30. If their reactions are anything to go by then we may have something special in store.
  • TheNumberOrTheCipherTheNumberOrTheCipher Raoul Silva did a little trolling
    Posts: 82

    matt_u wrote: »
    To release a film like this knowing that the business is off 40/50% means they really have no choice this time around. At least the wait is finally over for us.

    Anyway IF Venom moves, there’s a chance that Spidey will move too. In that case, Bond would still have a chance to become the highest grossing film of the year, even tho truth is it’s extremely unlikely it will out gross F9.

    Given No Way Home's importance to the current Phase of the MCU with the Multiverse plot, I doubt that it'll move, as it'll probably result in a massive shift in release dates for future MCU films, which Marvel seems hesitant to do again. As for Venom 2, it seems to be less important as I could see that being postponed along with Ghostbusters: Afterlife
  • TheNumberOrTheCipherTheNumberOrTheCipher Raoul Silva did a little trolling
    edited August 2021 Posts: 82
    You know, it just occurred to me that this is gonna be the first time in any Bond media to my knowledge where a kid has a main role in the story. I'm really curious how they're gonna do it. I think there could be some funny comedic moments to stem from the relationship between Bond and his daughter as well as some truly heartfelt moments. Something like Tony Stark's relationship with his daughter in Endgame, although more estranged . It's interesting to think about
  • edited August 2021 Posts: 1,221
    You know, it just occurred to me that this is gonna be the first time in any Bond media to my knowledge where a kid has a main role in the story. I'm really curious how they're gonna do it. I think there could be some funny comedic moments to stem from the relationship between Bond and his daughter as well as some truly heartfelt moments. It's interesting to think about
    I wonder about this as well, but my gut tells me that there probably won't be much interaction between the two and that her onscreen presence will be fairly limited. I hope not, because I'd love to see the dynamic between Bond and his young daughter, but I also feel like they'll cop out a tad. I wonder if this reaction shot of Bond dropping his phone and looking a little floored is him seeing Mathilde for the first time 7dXcszh.jpeg
  • TripAcesTripAces Universal Exports
    Posts: 4,629
    mtm wrote: »
    I'm not reading any of these. Thanks for using the spoiler tags for people like me, folks!
    aaron819 wrote: »

    Thing is, there have been loads of 007 car chases since Goldfinger that were better! Not too hard to do, really :D

    Yeah. GF is one of my all-time faves, but what car chase is he talking about?
  • TheNumberOrTheCipherTheNumberOrTheCipher Raoul Silva did a little trolling
    Posts: 82
    You know, it just occurred to me that this is gonna be the first time in any Bond media to my knowledge where a kid has a main role in the story. I'm really curious how they're gonna do it. I think there could be some funny comedic moments to stem from the relationship between Bond and his daughter as well as some truly heartfelt moments. It's interesting to think about
    I wonder about this as well, but my gut tells me that there probably won't be much interaction between the two and that her onscreen presence will be fairly limited. I hope not, because I'd love to see the dynamic between Bond and his young daughter, but I also feel like they'll cop out a tad.
    You may be right. Although, with the emphasis on family and relationships in this film, you'd think one of the big one's they'd want to handle is Bond and his daughter. Although this film isn't 3 hours, I think Endgame managed to set up a good relationship between Tony and his daughter while giving her limited screen time. Honestly just a scene or two of them alone interacting with each other would be good enough for me
  • Posts: 606
    You know, it just occurred to me that this is gonna be the first time in any Bond media to my knowledge where a kid has a main role in the story. I'm really curious how they're gonna do it. I think there could be some funny comedic moments to stem from the relationship between Bond and his daughter as well as some truly heartfelt moments. It's interesting to think about
    I wonder about this as well, but my gut tells me that there probably won't be much interaction between the two and that her onscreen presence will be fairly limited. I hope not, because I'd love to see the dynamic between Bond and his young daughter, but I also feel like they'll cop out a tad. I wonder if this reaction shot of Bond dropping his phone and looking a little floored is him seeing Mathilde for the first time 7dXcszh.jpeg
    I think you're both right. I bet her on-screen role will limited — but I'm certain there will be one or two incredibly important scenes with the two of them. If the film, broadly, is him "accepting fatherhood" then there both can't be too much of the afterward but also necessary to have a stinger with that bit. Kinda like TDKR — you don't need to see the totality of Bruce's life, but you need to see him with Selina in the end to make the film's thesis of "love conquers death" work.

    Video recap/reaction here at 36:30. If their reactions are anything to go by then we may have something special in store.

    I'm increasingly convinced this will end up as my favorite Bond when looking at both its dramatic beats and also the action/visual/spectacle aspect. Cannot wait to see the
    Land Rover chase
  • Posts: 1,696
    TripAces wrote: »
    mtm wrote: »
    I'm not reading any of these. Thanks for using the spoiler tags for people like me, folks!
    aaron819 wrote: »

    Thing is, there have been loads of 007 car chases since Goldfinger that were better! Not too hard to do, really :D

    Yeah. GF is one of my all-time faves, but what car chase is he talking about?

    At Goldfinger's factory...shoots minion out through roof...crashes into mirror.
  • mtmmtm United Kingdom
    Posts: 17,328
    TripAces wrote: »
    mtm wrote: »
    I'm not reading any of these. Thanks for using the spoiler tags for people like me, folks!
    aaron819 wrote: »

    Thing is, there have been loads of 007 car chases since Goldfinger that were better! Not too hard to do, really :D

    Yeah. GF is one of my all-time faves, but what car chase is he talking about?

    Yeah that's where I get a bit wary of early hype-y praise like this: I'm sure it's great but I wonder if some of these folk aren't a bit overexcited.
  • Posts: 1,696
    As for any physical reaction by Bond in response to bad news, I have read the description at several sites, and they do not all mention that. Now, if he instantly puked, it would be understandable. Not on his fine clothing, of course.

  • Posts: 490
    BMB007 wrote: »
    You know, it just occurred to me that this is gonna be the first time in any Bond media to my knowledge where a kid has a main role in the story. I'm really curious how they're gonna do it. I think there could be some funny comedic moments to stem from the relationship between Bond and his daughter as well as some truly heartfelt moments. It's interesting to think about
    I wonder about this as well, but my gut tells me that there probably won't be much interaction between the two and that her onscreen presence will be fairly limited. I hope not, because I'd love to see the dynamic between Bond and his young daughter, but I also feel like they'll cop out a tad. I wonder if this reaction shot of Bond dropping his phone and looking a little floored is him seeing Mathilde for the first time 7dXcszh.jpeg
    I think you're both right. I bet her on-screen role will limited — but I'm certain there will be one or two incredibly important scenes with the two of them. If the film, broadly, is him "accepting fatherhood" then there both can't be too much of the afterward but also necessary to have a stinger with that bit. Kinda like TDKR — you don't need to see the totality of Bruce's life, but you need to see him with Selina in the end to make the film's thesis of "love conquers death" work.

    Video recap/reaction here at 36:30. If their reactions are anything to go by then we may have something special in store.

    I'm increasingly convinced this will end up as my favorite Bond when looking at both its dramatic beats and also the action/visual/spectacle aspect. Cannot wait to see the
    Land Rover chase

    Yeah I feel the same way. If rumors are true about who is in the Land Rover and it’s Safin chasing them in the helicopter the stakes will be insanely high.
  • Maybe a bit of a hot take, but I don't think the Bond franchise really has any truly great car chases, which is ironic considering the iconography of the Bond vehicles. I thought we were going to get that in Spectre and that was woeful, but by all indications they got it right this time.
  • mtmmtm United Kingdom
    Posts: 17,328
    Maybe a bit of a hot take, but I don't think the Bond franchise really has any truly great car chases, which is ironic considering the iconography of the Bond vehicles. I thought we were going to get that in Spectre and that was woeful, but by all indications they got it right this time.

    Probably one for the 'controversial opinions' thread, but I reckon the FYEO and TND car chases are both candidates for particularly excellent car chases. Maybe not quite Ronin, but up there.
    And way better than Goldfinger! :D
  • edited August 2021 Posts: 1,221
  • Another interesting tidbit that
    the bellman refers to Madeleine as Bond's wife. I wonder if that's just a case of the bellman being presumptuous or if they are in fact married at this point.
  • ContrabandContraband Sweden
    edited August 2021 Posts: 3,022
    ertert wrote: »
    BMB007 wrote: »
    You know, it just occurred to me that this is gonna be the first time in any Bond media to my knowledge where a kid has a main role in the story. I'm really curious how they're gonna do it. I think there could be some funny comedic moments to stem from the relationship between Bond and his daughter as well as some truly heartfelt moments. It's interesting to think about
    I wonder about this as well, but my gut tells me that there probably won't be much interaction between the two and that her onscreen presence will be fairly limited. I hope not, because I'd love to see the dynamic between Bond and his young daughter, but I also feel like they'll cop out a tad. I wonder if this reaction shot of Bond dropping his phone and looking a little floored is him seeing Mathilde for the first time 7dXcszh.jpeg
    I think you're both right. I bet her on-screen role will limited — but I'm certain there will be one or two incredibly important scenes with the two of them. If the film, broadly, is him "accepting fatherhood" then there both can't be too much of the afterward but also necessary to have a stinger with that bit. Kinda like TDKR — you don't need to see the totality of Bruce's life, but you need to see him with Selina in the end to make the film's thesis of "love conquers death" work.

    Video recap/reaction here at 36:30. If their reactions are anything to go by then we may have something special in store.

    I'm increasingly convinced this will end up as my favorite Bond when looking at both its dramatic beats and also the action/visual/spectacle aspect. Cannot wait to see the
    Land Rover chase

    Yeah I feel the same way. If rumors are true about who is in the Land Rover and it’s Safin chasing them in the helicopter the stakes will be insanely high.

    Not just a rumour re: the Land Rover Defender. You can see who it is during the chase in the forest via a screengrab
  • Posts: 16,378
    Another interesting tidbit that
    the bellman refers to Madeleine as Bond's wife. I wonder if that's just a case of the bellman being presumptuous or if they are in fact married at this point.

    I kind of hope not, actually.
  • Posts: 606
    mtm wrote: »
    Maybe a bit of a hot take, but I don't think the Bond franchise really has any truly great car chases, which is ironic considering the iconography of the Bond vehicles. I thought we were going to get that in Spectre and that was woeful, but by all indications they got it right this time.

    Probably one for the 'controversial opinions' thread, but I reckon the FYEO and TND car chases are both candidates for particularly excellent car chases. Maybe not quite Ronin, but up there.
    And way better than Goldfinger! :D

    I love the TND car chase, probably one of the best use of gadgets in the films. So energetic and slick.
  • Posts: 16,378
    Best car chase since GF
    My impression is that the writer randomly picked GF as an example to compare with. As much as I love the film, Bond car chase sequences have long since improved, and I wouldn't consider the Aston Martin chase at Auric Enterprises one of the best.
  • TripAcesTripAces Universal Exports
    Posts: 4,629
    Since62 wrote: »
    TripAces wrote: »
    mtm wrote: »
    I'm not reading any of these. Thanks for using the spoiler tags for people like me, folks!
    aaron819 wrote: »

    Thing is, there have been loads of 007 car chases since Goldfinger that were better! Not too hard to do, really :D

    Yeah. GF is one of my all-time faves, but what car chase is he talking about?

    At Goldfinger's factory...shoots minion out through roof...crashes into mirror.

    Yes. I was being sarcastic. LOL. As @mtm hinted, that one doesn't exactly come to mind when we talk about great Bond car chases.
  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,173
    GF invoked like The Godfather into film discussion. Not badly played.

  • ContrabandContraband Sweden
    Posts: 3,022
    We have had this debate before. Going by the long clip we now 'know'

    Maddie and Bond is married in the PTS (according to all the film magazines at Cinemacon).

    But have we seen any BTS at all shooting the ceremony or the location? I'm thinking somewhere in Italy but then again, how on earth did they avoid bystanders and bond fans reporting? The only way possible is that they shot those scenes at Pinewood

  • Contraband wrote: »
    We have had this debate before. Going by the long clip we now 'know'

    Maddie and Bond is married in the PTS (according to all the film magazines at Cinemacon).

    But have we seen any BTS at all shooting the ceremony or the location? I'm thinking somewhere in Italy but then again, how on earth did they avoid bystanders and bond fans reporting? The only way possible is that they shot those scenes at Pinewood
    Unless they were married off-screen.
  • Posts: 1,913
    How is it that no one is talking about the music??????
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