Bond Time - as depicted in every James Bond film (with possible NTTD spoilers)



  • marcmarc Universal Exports
    Posts: 2,612
    00:03 - SP: Big Ben seen as OO7's boat chases Blofeld's helicopter.
    00:10 - MR: Drax's carriage clock as Bond breaks into the safe.
    00:11 - GF: Bond checks his Rolex Submariner to set timer on bomb.
    00:20 - GF: Bond checks his Rolex Submariner in the bar for the time and *kaboom*.
    00:32 - LALD: In Kananga's lair, Bond activates magnetic watch to attract pressurized bullet.
    00:36 - LALD: Bond activates the electric buzz saw integrated in his watch to cut his ropes.
    01.29 - LALD: The time on Bond's Rolex when he's in bed with Solitaire
    01:35 - YOLT: Control room world clocks show Tokyo Time (Shane Rimmer on the monitors).
    02:13 - CR: Carlos hangs his keychain explosive to the tanker at Miami Airport.
    02:57 - LTK: “An explosive alarm clock. Guaranteed never to wake up anyone who uses it.”
    05:48 - LALD: Bond checks the time on his Pulsar digital watch after being woken up by the knock on his door.
    05:51 - LALD: Bond receives magnetic Rolex Submariner from M.

    06:43 - OP: Bond notices Kamal and Gobinda fleeing with Octopussy on his Liquid crystal TV watch.
    6:55 - SP: Bond and Swann drive off in the DB5 toward Big Ben at film's end.
    07:10 - OHMSS: Toussaint checks his pocket watch after the detonation time is set for Piz Gloria.
    07:12 - OHMSS: Draco's wristwatch appears to be 2 minutes fast compared to Toussaint's.
    07:25 - DAD: Using the rotating bezel on his Omega 300 Seamaster, Bond arms a detonator placed into C4 plastic explosive hidden under diamonds in a briefcase.
    07:50 - GE: Omega laser watch used to escape from the train.
    08:40 - TND: Stamper runs across neighbouring roof after discovering Bond climbing out of the Atlantic Hotel; Central Station clocktower in the background.
    09:00 - SP: Back from Mexico in M's office, clock on mantlepiece.
    09:17 - SP: Bond receives an Omega Seamaster 300 in Q's lab
    09:40 - NSNA: On a clock on the wall as Fatima Blush first wheels Jack into Shrublands, and immediately after on another clock as Bond bumps into Patricia (though the first clock is difficult to read, and could possibly contradict the second, which is slightly clearer).
    09:55 - GE: Alex Trevelyan activates Bond‘s Omega Seamaster Pro wristwatch.
    10:05 - NSNA: The clock on the wall as Bond and Lippe bring their fight into the kitchen at Shrublands.
    10:05 - GF: Mai Lei serves Bond a Martini on Mr. Goldfinger's Lockheed Jetstar heading for Baltimore.
    10.08 - MR: Bond blows away the bars via a bomb in his Seiko M354 Memory-Bank Calendar so he and Holly can scamper into a tunnel and escape Moonraker 5's thrusters ("Bang on time!").
    10:25 - TND: Bond approaches the newsstand at Hamburg Airport, which sports a clock advertising the TV magazine "Funkuhr", above the English and German editions of "Tomorrow" headlined "China Warns British Fleet".
    10:20 - QOS: René Mathis' Hamilton Khaki Field wristwatch at his Italian villa.
    10:25 (though the next day) - TND: Bond ends up on the roof parking of the "Atlantic Hotel" after the BMW remote-controlled chase which started shortly after 08:40 (see there)...but the Central Station clock towers (both of them) show it's been one hour and 45 minutes since.
    11:00 - FRWL: Kerim Bey gets his first daily exercise rowing through Istanbul's underground reservoir to the Soviet Consulate. "My daily exercise. Eleven in the morning and three in the afternoon".
    11:07 - GF: Goldfinger is sucked out of the plane.
    11:30 - SF: OO7 navel gazing on the rooftop with Big Ben in the distance.
    11:45 - OP: Bond the Gorilla checks his watch on OP train.

    12:00 - TB: ("Come to lunch on Sunday, at Palmyra. It's my house here.") "Sunday at noon, then."
    12:10 - FYEO: Sir Timothy Havelock checks the navigation chart on the Triana.
    12:15 - TB: Bond checks his Breitling Top Time Geiger counter watch while visit at Palmyra, "Rum Collins hour."
    12:15 - DAF: Showtime for Shady Tree and his Acorns.
    12:16 - CR: Bond checks the security tapes at the Ocean Club.
    12:45 - TB: Bond is tied to the back stretching machine at Shrublands clinic.
    12:58 - TB: Bond reveals François Derval's Breitling Navitimer wristwatch to Domino.
    13:04 - OHMSS: Code-breaking machine delivered to Gumbold's office by crane.
    13:44 - OHMSS: Campbell checks clock tower as Bond copies papers in Gumbold's office.
    13:45 - FYEO: Universal Exports helicopter flies by Big Ben in the pre-title sequence.
    14:00 - OHMSS: The clock strikes 2 as Gumbold returns and Bond disposes of the safe-opening device.
    14:21 -OP: Bond checks his watch after killing the second twin as he attempts to hitch a ride.
    14:39 - CR: Bond reads time and message on Vesper's phone to meet Gettler in 30 minutes.
    14:44 - OP: Bond looks at his watch in the German couple's car
    14:45 - GF: Bond goes to change, aboard Goldfinger's jet.
    14:55 - OP: Bond gets out of the German couple's car
    15.00 - FRWL: "Russian Clocks always correct!"
    15:00 - GE: OO7's DB5 races a Ferrari 355 and he shows his Omega Seamaster watch.
    15:00 - FRWL: Kerim Bey gets his second daily exercise rowing through Istanbul's underground reservoir to the Soviet Consulate. "My daily exercise. Eleven in the morning and three in the afternoon".
    15:19 - TB: Bond lifts off using the jetpack in the pre-title sequence, tower clock (and tower compass) in the background.
    15:20 - GF: Bond returns to his seat, after having a shave and change aboard Goldfinger's jet.
    15:30 - TSWLM: 3 ½ hours after destroying Stromberg’s submarines with their own nuclear ICBMs, American submarine commander informs Bond that he has been ordered to sink the Stromberg Habitat and Bond request his jet ski in order to rescue Agent XXX.
    15:38 - DN: M instructs Bond to catch "the seven o'clock plane to Kingston - in exactly 3 hours and 22 minutes".
    15:39 - SF: Bond operates caterpillar on train in pursuit of Patrice.
    15:40 - GE: Bond enters the Manticore yacht, observes the reflection on a sun dial, fights a deckhand, and his Omega Seamaster Professional 2541.80.00 wristwatch is visible as he towels his brow.
    15:44 - GE: Bond adjusts his tie after the tank chase is over.
    15:56 - TB: Bond observes the scuba gear on the far side of Palmyra and swallows the homing pill.
    16:00 - FRWL: "It is four o'clock, you know." ("This is not kulturny in the afternoon? Then I will take it off...")
    16:10 - TSWLM: Bond's Seiko 0674 5009 watch as the ticker-tape message comes through.
    16:28 - CR: Bond searches Vesper's phone to find message to him on how to find Mr. White.
    17:00 - NSNA: Algernon replaces Bond's watch.
    17:25 – TLD: A medical attendant from the rescue helicopter used for their escape secures Koskov to a stretcher while wearing his no date Rolex Submariner on a nylon strap.
    17:32 - FRWL: Orient Express arrives at Belgrade (Remark: It is almost pitch dark, so it could be 05:32 a.m. However, when the train later arrives at Zagreb (about five hours away}, it is even darker, so Belgrade must be p.m.

    18:00 - TB: "Big Ben struck seven times at six o'clock this evening."
    18:13 - TND: Bond emerges from the repercussions at the Carver printing plant, conveniently towards the place where he illegally parked his BMW in the Mönckebergstraße pedestrian zone...the Town Hall clock bearing witness. Note: This is followed by a phone call from Carver starting with "Good Morning, Mr. Bond". But the amount of people running around in what is a shopping zone and the preceding actions make it impossible that this is actually 06:13 a.m. instead of p.m.
    18:40 - FRWL: Bond checks into his hotel (Lobby wall clock) and checks his room for recording devices (nightstand clock).
    18:56 - OHMSS: Bond activates the stopwatch function on his Rolex Daytona timing the Gondola for his escape.
    19:00 - GF: M intstructs Bond to meet with him and Col. Smithers, to discuss Goldfinger's smuggling activities, over dinner.
    19:10 - OP: Liquid crystal TV Seiko G757-5020 in Q's lab showing the woman's cleavage.
    19:12:22 - CR: Alex Dimitrios pulls into the Ocean Club and texts the word "ELLIPSES" to a terrorist bomb maker named Mollaka.
    19:20 - MR: Bond pushes Chang through the clock at St. Mark's Square.
    19:30 - TLD: Pushkin activates his watch. Bond improvises.
    19:30 - DAD: Bond enters the London Underground with Big Ben in the background.
    19:51 – TB: Angelo disguised as Commandant Derval receives Derval’s Breitling Navitimer watch to wear before boarding and hijacking the Vulcan bomber, NATO flight 759 carrying two atomic weapons numbered 456 and 457 for SPECTRE.
    20:00 - OHMSS: ("We´re leaving very soon. I must see you.") "Eight o´clock tonight."
    20:00 - TWINE: Renard places the alarm clock on the stool, for M to countdown to her demise.
    20:00 - OP: Dinner at the Monsoon palace, for James Bond with Kamal Khan and Magda.
    20:40 – TLD: Bond enters the snipers hide in a building across the street from the symphony. He is to provide overwatch protection for Koskov, a false flag double agent who is pretending to escape to the West from Russia.
    21:00 - OHMSS: ("I must see you tonight.") "Nine o´clock?"
    21:23 - FYEO: Bond unstraps watch to attend to Melina, rather than to Mrs. Thatcher.
    21:49 - TB: Bond checks his Brietling Top Time Geiger counter watch while underwater inspecting the Disco Volante underwater hatch.
    22:05 - TMWTGG: Bond checks his wristwatch outside of The Bottoms Up Club.
    22:08 - DAD: Bond enjoys a martini at the Ice Palace displaying his Omega Seamaster wristwatch.
    22:12 - OP Bond checks his watch as Magda steals the Faberge egg before her escape below. Though the watch shows a.m it's clearly night time.
    22:15 - QOS: Mathis dies after being shot in the back by the police, while Bond holds him.
    22:40 - TND: Bond activates his watch, starting his “backup plan” of blowing a hole in Carver’s stealth ship.
    22:43 - GE: Bond spying on the Admiral & Onatop as they board the Manticore via his monocular.
    23:35 - TB: Commandant Derval "makes out" with his social secretary/Fiona while awaiting for his double, Angelo, to arrive. (the time here is not consistent with the time 19:51 Angelo receives Commandant Derval's Navitimer when they make to switch, moments later.
    24:00 - OHMSS: "Every night at exactly midnight you must be alone.

    (according to @goldenswissroyale in the 'guess the character' thread; 14:55 might be not completely exact)
  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,175
    16:55 - SP: clock at the top of the facade that falls toward Bond in the pre-title sequence.

    00:03 - SP: Big Ben seen as OO7's boat chases Blofeld's helicopter.
    00:10 - MR: Drax's carriage clock as Bond breaks into the safe.
    00:11 - GF: Bond checks his Rolex Submariner to set timer on bomb.
    00:20 - GF: Bond checks his Rolex Submariner in the bar for the time and *kaboom*.
    00:32 - LALD: In Kananga's lair, Bond activates magnetic watch to attract pressurized bullet.
    00:36 - LALD: Bond activates the electric buzz saw integrated in his watch to cut his ropes.
    01.29 - LALD: The time on Bond's Rolex when he's in bed with Solitaire
    01:35 - YOLT: Control room world clocks show Tokyo Time (Shane Rimmer on the monitors).
    02:13 - CR: Carlos hangs his keychain explosive to the tanker at Miami Airport.
    02:57 - LTK: “An explosive alarm clock. Guaranteed never to wake up anyone who uses it.”
    05:48 - LALD: Bond checks the time on his Pulsar digital watch after being woken up by the knock on his door.
    05:51 - LALD: Bond receives magnetic Rolex Submariner from M.

    06:43 - OP: Bond notices Kamal and Gobinda fleeing with Octopussy on his Liquid crystal TV watch.
    6:55 - SP: Bond and Swann drive off in the DB5 toward Big Ben at film's end.
    07:10 - OHMSS: Toussaint checks his pocket watch after the detonation time is set for Piz Gloria.
    07:12 - OHMSS: Draco's wristwatch appears to be 2 minutes fast compared to Toussaint's.
    07:25 - DAD: Using the rotating bezel on his Omega 300 Seamaster, Bond arms a detonator placed into C4 plastic explosive hidden under diamonds in a briefcase.
    07:50 - GE: Omega laser watch used to escape from the train.
    08:40 - TND: Stamper runs across neighbouring roof after discovering Bond climbing out of the Atlantic Hotel; Central Station clocktower in the background.
    09:00 - SP: Back from Mexico in M's office, clock on mantlepiece.
    09:17 - SP: Bond receives an Omega Seamaster 300 in Q's lab
    09:40 - NSNA: On a clock on the wall as Fatima Blush first wheels Jack into Shrublands, and immediately after on another clock as Bond bumps into Patricia (though the first clock is difficult to read, and could possibly contradict the second, which is slightly clearer).
    09:55 - GE: Alex Trevelyan activates Bond‘s Omega Seamaster Pro wristwatch.
    10:05 - NSNA: The clock on the wall as Bond and Lippe bring their fight into the kitchen at Shrublands.
    10:05 - GF: Mai Lei serves Bond a Martini on Mr. Goldfinger's Lockheed Jetstar heading for Baltimore.
    10.08 - MR: Bond blows away the bars via a bomb in his Seiko M354 Memory-Bank Calendar so he and Holly can scamper into a tunnel and escape Moonraker 5's thrusters ("Bang on time!").
    10:25 - TND: Bond approaches the newsstand at Hamburg Airport, which sports a clock advertising the TV magazine "Funkuhr", above the English and German editions of "Tomorrow" headlined "China Warns British Fleet".
    10:20 - QOS: René Mathis' Hamilton Khaki Field wristwatch at his Italian villa.
    10:25 (though the next day) - TND: Bond ends up on the roof parking of the "Atlantic Hotel" after the BMW remote-controlled chase which started shortly after 08:40 (see there)...but the Central Station clock towers (both of them) show it's been one hour and 45 minutes since.
    11:00 - FRWL: Kerim Bey gets his first daily exercise rowing through Istanbul's underground reservoir to the Soviet Consulate. "My daily exercise. Eleven in the morning and three in the afternoon".
    11:07 - GF: Goldfinger is sucked out of the plane.
    11:30 - SF: OO7 navel gazing on the rooftop with Big Ben in the distance.
    11:45 - OP: Bond the Gorilla checks his watch on OP train.

    12:00 - TB: ("Come to lunch on Sunday, at Palmyra. It's my house here.") "Sunday at noon, then."
    12:10 - FYEO: Sir Timothy Havelock checks the navigation chart on the Triana.
    12:15 - TB: Bond checks his Breitling Top Time Geiger counter watch while visit at Palmyra, "Rum Collins hour."
    12:15 - DAF: Showtime for Shady Tree and his Acorns.
    12:16 - CR: Bond checks the security tapes at the Ocean Club.
    12:45 - TB: Bond is tied to the back stretching machine at Shrublands clinic.
    12:58 - TB: Bond reveals François Derval's Breitling Navitimer wristwatch to Domino.
    13:04 - OHMSS: Code-breaking machine delivered to Gumbold's office by crane.
    13:44 - OHMSS: Campbell checks clock tower as Bond copies papers in Gumbold's office.
    13:45 - FYEO: Universal Exports helicopter flies by Big Ben in the pre-title sequence.
    14:00 - OHMSS: The clock strikes 2 as Gumbold returns and Bond disposes of the safe-opening device.
    14:21 -OP: Bond checks his watch after killing the second twin as he attempts to hitch a ride.
    14:39 - CR: Bond reads time and message on Vesper's phone to meet Gettler in 30 minutes.
    14:44 - OP: Bond looks at his watch in the German couple's car.
    14:45 - GF: Bond goes to change, aboard Goldfinger's jet.
    14:55 - OP: Bond gets out of the German couple's car.
    15.00 - FRWL: "Russian Clocks always correct!"
    15:00 - GE: OO7's DB5 races a Ferrari 355 and he shows his Omega Seamaster watch.
    15:00 - FRWL: Kerim Bey gets his second daily exercise rowing through Istanbul's underground reservoir to the Soviet Consulate. "My daily exercise. Eleven in the morning and three in the afternoon".
    15:19 - TB: Bond lifts off using the jetpack in the pre-title sequence, tower clock (and tower compass) in the background.
    15:20 - GF: Bond returns to his seat, after having a shave and change aboard Goldfinger's jet.
    15:30 - TSWLM: 3 ½ hours after destroying Stromberg’s submarines with their own nuclear ICBMs, American submarine commander informs Bond that he has been ordered to sink the Stromberg Habitat and Bond request his jet ski in order to rescue Agent XXX.
    15:38 - DN: M instructs Bond to catch "the seven o'clock plane to Kingston - in exactly 3 hours and 22 minutes".
    15:39 - SF: Bond operates caterpillar on train in pursuit of Patrice.
    15:40 - GE: Bond enters the Manticore yacht, observes the reflection on a sun dial, fights a deckhand, and his Omega Seamaster Professional 2541.80.00 wristwatch is visible as he towels his brow.
    15:44 - GE: Bond adjusts his tie after the tank chase is over.
    15:56 - TB: Bond observes the scuba gear on the far side of Palmyra and swallows the homing pill.
    16:00 - FRWL: "It is four o'clock, you know." ("This is not kulturny in the afternoon? Then I will take it off...")
    16:10 - TSWLM: Bond's Seiko 0674 5009 watch as the ticker-tape message comes through.
    16:28 - CR: Bond searches Vesper's phone to find message to him on how to find Mr. White.
    16:55 - SP: clock at the top of the facade that falls toward Bond in the pre-title sequence.
    17:00 - NSNA: Algernon replaces Bond's watch.
    17:25 – TLD: A medical attendant from the rescue helicopter used for their escape secures Koskov to a stretcher while wearing his no date Rolex Submariner on a nylon strap.
    17:32 - FRWL: Orient Express arrives at Belgrade (Remark: It is almost pitch dark, so it could be 05:32 a.m. However, when the train later arrives at Zagreb (about five hours away}, it is even darker, so Belgrade must be p.m.

    18:00 - TB: "Big Ben struck seven times at six o'clock this evening."
    18:13 - TND: Bond emerges from the repercussions at the Carver printing plant, conveniently towards the place where he illegally parked his BMW in the Mönckebergstraße pedestrian zone...the Town Hall clock bearing witness. Note: This is followed by a phone call from Carver starting with "Good Morning, Mr. Bond". But the amount of people running around in what is a shopping zone and the preceding actions make it impossible that this is actually 06:13 a.m. instead of p.m.
    18:40 - FRWL: Bond checks into his hotel (Lobby wall clock) and checks his room for recording devices (nightstand clock).
    18:56 - OHMSS: Bond activates the stopwatch function on his Rolex Daytona timing the Gondola for his escape.
    19:00 - GF: M instructs Bond to meet with him and Col. Smithers, to discuss Goldfinger's smuggling activities, over dinner.
    19:10 - OP: Liquid crystal TV Seiko G757-5020 in Q's lab showing the woman's cleavage.
    19:12:22 - CR: Alex Dimitrios pulls into the Ocean Club and texts the word "ELLIPSES" to a terrorist bomb maker named Mollaka.
    19:20 - MR: Bond pushes Chang through the clock at St. Mark's Square.
    19:30 - TLD: Pushkin activates his watch. Bond improvises.
    19:30 - DAD: Bond enters the London Underground with Big Ben in the background.
    19:51 – TB: Angelo disguised as Commandant Derval receives Derval’s Breitling Navitimer watch to wear before boarding and hijacking the Vulcan bomber, NATO flight 759 carrying two atomic weapons numbered 456 and 457 for SPECTRE.
    20:00 - OHMSS: ("We´re leaving very soon. I must see you.") "Eight o´clock tonight."
    20:00 - TWINE: Renard places the alarm clock on the stool, for M to countdown to her demise.
    20:00 - OP: Dinner at the Monsoon palace, for James Bond with Kamal Khan and Magda.
    20:40 – TLD: Bond enters the snipers hide in a building across the street from the symphony. He is to provide overwatch protection for Koskov, a false flag double agent who is pretending to escape to the West from Russia.
    21:00 - OHMSS: ("I must see you tonight.") "Nine o´clock?"
    21:23 - FYEO: Bond unstraps watch to attend to Melina, rather than to Mrs. Thatcher.
    21:49 - TB: Bond checks his Brietling Top Time Geiger counter watch while underwater inspecting the Disco Volante underwater hatch.
    22:05 - TMWTGG: Bond checks his wristwatch outside of The Bottoms Up Club.
    22:08 - DAD: Bond enjoys a martini at the Ice Palace displaying his Omega Seamaster wristwatch.
    22:12 - OP Bond checks his watch as Magda steals the Faberge egg before her escape below. Though the watch shows a.m it's clearly night time.
    22:15 - QOS: Mathis dies after being shot in the back by the police, while Bond holds him.
    22:40 - TND: Bond activates his watch, starting his “backup plan” of blowing a hole in Carver’s stealth ship.
    22:43 - GE: Bond spying on the Admiral & Onatop as they board the Manticore via his monocular.
    23:35 - TB: Commandant Derval "makes out" with his social secretary/Fiona while awaiting for his double, Angelo, to arrive. (the time here is not consistent with the time 19:51 Angelo receives Commandant Derval's Navitimer when they make to switch, moments later.
    24:00 - OHMSS: "Every night at exactly midnight you must be alone."

  • zebrafishzebrafish <°)))< in Octopussy's garden in the shade
    Posts: 4,384
  • marcmarc Universal Exports
    Posts: 2,612
    16:00 - OP: The nuclear warhead almost explodes.

    00:03 - SP: Big Ben seen as OO7's boat chases Blofeld's helicopter.
    00:10 - MR: Drax's carriage clock as Bond breaks into the safe.
    00:11 - GF: Bond checks his Rolex Submariner to set timer on bomb.
    00:20 - GF: Bond checks his Rolex Submariner in the bar for the time and *kaboom*.
    00:32 - LALD: In Kananga's lair, Bond activates magnetic watch to attract pressurized bullet.
    00:36 - LALD: Bond activates the electric buzz saw integrated in his watch to cut his ropes.
    01.29 - LALD: The time on Bond's Rolex when he's in bed with Solitaire
    01:35 - YOLT: Control room world clocks show Tokyo Time (Shane Rimmer on the monitors).
    02:13 - CR: Carlos hangs his keychain explosive to the tanker at Miami Airport.
    02:57 - LTK: “An explosive alarm clock. Guaranteed never to wake up anyone who uses it.”
    05:48 - LALD: Bond checks the time on his Pulsar digital watch after being woken up by the knock on his door.
    05:51 - LALD: Bond receives magnetic Rolex Submariner from M.

    06:43 - OP: Bond notices Kamal and Gobinda fleeing with Octopussy on his Liquid crystal TV watch.
    6:55 - SP: Bond and Swann drive off in the DB5 toward Big Ben at film's end.
    07:10 - OHMSS: Toussaint checks his pocket watch after the detonation time is set for Piz Gloria.
    07:12 - OHMSS: Draco's wristwatch appears to be 2 minutes fast compared to Toussaint's.
    07:25 - DAD: Using the rotating bezel on his Omega 300 Seamaster, Bond arms a detonator placed into C4 plastic explosive hidden under diamonds in a briefcase.
    07:50 - GE: Omega laser watch used to escape from the train.
    08:40 - TND: Stamper runs across neighbouring roof after discovering Bond climbing out of the Atlantic Hotel; Central Station clocktower in the background.
    09:00 - SP: Back from Mexico in M's office, clock on mantlepiece.
    09:17 - SP: Bond receives an Omega Seamaster 300 in Q's lab
    09:40 - NSNA: On a clock on the wall as Fatima Blush first wheels Jack into Shrublands, and immediately after on another clock as Bond bumps into Patricia (though the first clock is difficult to read, and could possibly contradict the second, which is slightly clearer).
    09:55 - GE: Alex Trevelyan activates Bond‘s Omega Seamaster Pro wristwatch.
    10:05 - NSNA: The clock on the wall as Bond and Lippe bring their fight into the kitchen at Shrublands.
    10:05 - GF: Mai Lei serves Bond a Martini on Mr. Goldfinger's Lockheed Jetstar heading for Baltimore.
    10.08 - MR: Bond blows away the bars via a bomb in his Seiko M354 Memory-Bank Calendar so he and Holly can scamper into a tunnel and escape Moonraker 5's thrusters ("Bang on time!").
    10:25 - TND: Bond approaches the newsstand at Hamburg Airport, which sports a clock advertising the TV magazine "Funkuhr", above the English and German editions of "Tomorrow" headlined "China Warns British Fleet".
    10:20 - QOS: René Mathis' Hamilton Khaki Field wristwatch at his Italian villa.
    10:25 (though the next day) - TND: Bond ends up on the roof parking of the "Atlantic Hotel" after the BMW remote-controlled chase which started shortly after 08:40 (see there)...but the Central Station clock towers (both of them) show it's been one hour and 45 minutes since.
    11:00 - FRWL: Kerim Bey gets his first daily exercise rowing through Istanbul's underground reservoir to the Soviet Consulate. "My daily exercise. Eleven in the morning and three in the afternoon".
    11:07 - GF: Goldfinger is sucked out of the plane.
    11:30 - SF: OO7 navel gazing on the rooftop with Big Ben in the distance.
    11:45 - OP: Bond the Gorilla checks his watch on OP train.

    12:00 - TB: ("Come to lunch on Sunday, at Palmyra. It's my house here.") "Sunday at noon, then."
    12:10 - FYEO: Sir Timothy Havelock checks the navigation chart on the Triana.
    12:15 - TB: Bond checks his Breitling Top Time Geiger counter watch while visit at Palmyra, "Rum Collins hour."
    12:15 - DAF: Showtime for Shady Tree and his Acorns.
    12:16 - CR: Bond checks the security tapes at the Ocean Club.
    12:45 - TB: Bond is tied to the back stretching machine at Shrublands clinic.
    12:58 - TB: Bond reveals François Derval's Breitling Navitimer wristwatch to Domino.
    13:04 - OHMSS: Code-breaking machine delivered to Gumbold's office by crane.
    13:44 - OHMSS: Campbell checks clock tower as Bond copies papers in Gumbold's office.
    13:45 - FYEO: Universal Exports helicopter flies by Big Ben in the pre-title sequence.
    14:00 - OHMSS: The clock strikes 2 as Gumbold returns and Bond disposes of the safe-opening device.
    14:21 -OP: Bond checks his watch after killing the second twin as he attempts to hitch a ride.
    14:39 - CR: Bond reads time and message on Vesper's phone to meet Gettler in 30 minutes.
    14:44 - OP: Bond looks at his watch in the German couple's car.
    14:45 - GF: Bond goes to change, aboard Goldfinger's jet.
    14:55 - OP: Bond gets out of the German couple's car.
    15.00 - FRWL: "Russian Clocks always correct!"
    15:00 - GE: OO7's DB5 races a Ferrari 355 and he shows his Omega Seamaster watch.
    15:00 - FRWL: Kerim Bey gets his second daily exercise rowing through Istanbul's underground reservoir to the Soviet Consulate. "My daily exercise. Eleven in the morning and three in the afternoon".
    15:19 - TB: Bond lifts off using the jetpack in the pre-title sequence, tower clock (and tower compass) in the background.
    15:20 - GF: Bond returns to his seat, after having a shave and change aboard Goldfinger's jet.
    15:30 - TSWLM: 3 ½ hours after destroying Stromberg’s submarines with their own nuclear ICBMs, American submarine commander informs Bond that he has been ordered to sink the Stromberg Habitat and Bond request his jet ski in order to rescue Agent XXX.
    15:38 - DN: M instructs Bond to catch "the seven o'clock plane to Kingston - in exactly 3 hours and 22 minutes".
    15:39 - SF: Bond operates caterpillar on train in pursuit of Patrice.
    15:40 - GE: Bond enters the Manticore yacht, observes the reflection on a sun dial, fights a deckhand, and his Omega Seamaster Professional 2541.80.00 wristwatch is visible as he towels his brow.
    15:44 - GE: Bond adjusts his tie after the tank chase is over.
    15:56 - TB: Bond observes the scuba gear on the far side of Palmyra and swallows the homing pill.
    16:00 - OP: The nuclear warhead almost explodes.
    16:00 - FRWL: "It is four o'clock, you know." ("This is not kulturny in the afternoon? Then I will take it off...")
    16:10 - TSWLM: Bond's Seiko 0674 5009 watch as the ticker-tape message comes through.
    16:28 - CR: Bond searches Vesper's phone to find message to him on how to find Mr. White.
    16:55 - SP: clock at the top of the facade that falls toward Bond in the pre-title sequence.
    17:00 - NSNA: Algernon replaces Bond's watch.
    17:25 – TLD: A medical attendant from the rescue helicopter used for their escape secures Koskov to a stretcher while wearing his no date Rolex Submariner on a nylon strap.
    17:32 - FRWL: Orient Express arrives at Belgrade (Remark: It is almost pitch dark, so it could be 05:32 a.m. However, when the train later arrives at Zagreb (about five hours away}, it is even darker, so Belgrade must be p.m.

    18:00 - TB: "Big Ben struck seven times at six o'clock this evening."
    18:13 - TND: Bond emerges from the repercussions at the Carver printing plant, conveniently towards the place where he illegally parked his BMW in the Mönckebergstraße pedestrian zone...the Town Hall clock bearing witness. Note: This is followed by a phone call from Carver starting with "Good Morning, Mr. Bond". But the amount of people running around in what is a shopping zone and the preceding actions make it impossible that this is actually 06:13 a.m. instead of p.m.
    18:40 - FRWL: Bond checks into his hotel (Lobby wall clock) and checks his room for recording devices (nightstand clock).
    18:56 - OHMSS: Bond activates the stopwatch function on his Rolex Daytona timing the Gondola for his escape.
    19:00 - GF: M instructs Bond to meet with him and Col. Smithers, to discuss Goldfinger's smuggling activities, over dinner.
    19:10 - OP: Liquid crystal TV Seiko G757-5020 in Q's lab showing the woman's cleavage.
    19:12:22 - CR: Alex Dimitrios pulls into the Ocean Club and texts the word "ELLIPSES" to a terrorist bomb maker named Mollaka.
    19:20 - MR: Bond pushes Chang through the clock at St. Mark's Square.
    19:30 - TLD: Pushkin activates his watch. Bond improvises.
    19:30 - DAD: Bond enters the London Underground with Big Ben in the background.
    19:51 – TB: Angelo disguised as Commandant Derval receives Derval’s Breitling Navitimer watch to wear before boarding and hijacking the Vulcan bomber, NATO flight 759 carrying two atomic weapons numbered 456 and 457 for SPECTRE.
    20:00 - OHMSS: ("We´re leaving very soon. I must see you.") "Eight o´clock tonight."
    20:00 - TWINE: Renard places the alarm clock on the stool, for M to countdown to her demise.
    20:00 - OP: Dinner at the Monsoon palace, for James Bond with Kamal Khan and Magda.
    20:40 – TLD: Bond enters the snipers hide in a building across the street from the symphony. He is to provide overwatch protection for Koskov, a false flag double agent who is pretending to escape to the West from Russia.
    21:00 - OHMSS: ("I must see you tonight.") "Nine o´clock?"
    21:23 - FYEO: Bond unstraps watch to attend to Melina, rather than to Mrs. Thatcher.
    21:49 - TB: Bond checks his Brietling Top Time Geiger counter watch while underwater inspecting the Disco Volante underwater hatch.
    22:05 - TMWTGG: Bond checks his wristwatch outside of The Bottoms Up Club.
    22:08 - DAD: Bond enjoys a martini at the Ice Palace displaying his Omega Seamaster wristwatch.
    22:12 - OP Bond checks his watch as Magda steals the Faberge egg before her escape below. Though the watch shows a.m it's clearly night time.
    22:15 - QOS: Mathis dies after being shot in the back by the police, while Bond holds him.
    22:40 - TND: Bond activates his watch, starting his “backup plan” of blowing a hole in Carver’s stealth ship.
    22:43 - GE: Bond spying on the Admiral & Onatop as they board the Manticore via his monocular.
    23:35 - TB: Commandant Derval "makes out" with his social secretary/Fiona while awaiting for his double, Angelo, to arrive. (the time here is not consistent with the time 19:51 Angelo receives Commandant Derval's Navitimer when they make to switch, moments later.
    24:00 - OHMSS: "Every night at exactly midnight you must be alone."
  • BennyBenny Shaken not stirredAdministrator, Moderator
    Posts: 15,321
    marc wrote: »
    16:00 - OP: The nuclear warhead almost explodes.

    00:03 - SP: Big Ben seen as OO7's boat chases Blofeld's helicopter.
    00:10 - MR: Drax's carriage clock as Bond breaks into the safe.
    00:11 - GF: Bond checks his Rolex Submariner to set timer on bomb.
    00:20 - GF: Bond checks his Rolex Submariner in the bar for the time and *kaboom*.
    00:32 - LALD: In Kananga's lair, Bond activates magnetic watch to attract pressurized bullet.
    00:36 - LALD: Bond activates the electric buzz saw integrated in his watch to cut his ropes.
    01.29 - LALD: The time on Bond's Rolex when he's in bed with Solitaire
    01:35 - YOLT: Control room world clocks show Tokyo Time (Shane Rimmer on the monitors).
    02:13 - CR: Carlos hangs his keychain explosive to the tanker at Miami Airport.
    02:57 - LTK: “An explosive alarm clock. Guaranteed never to wake up anyone who uses it.”
    05:48 - LALD: Bond checks the time on his Pulsar digital watch after being woken up by the knock on his door.
    05:51 - LALD: Bond receives magnetic Rolex Submariner from M.

    06:43 - OP: Bond notices Kamal and Gobinda fleeing with Octopussy on his Liquid crystal TV watch.
    6:55 - SP: Bond and Swann drive off in the DB5 toward Big Ben at film's end.
    07:10 - OHMSS: Toussaint checks his pocket watch after the detonation time is set for Piz Gloria.
    07:12 - OHMSS: Draco's wristwatch appears to be 2 minutes fast compared to Toussaint's.
    07:25 - DAD: Using the rotating bezel on his Omega 300 Seamaster, Bond arms a detonator placed into C4 plastic explosive hidden under diamonds in a briefcase.
    07:50 - GE: Omega laser watch used to escape from the train.
    08:40 - TND: Stamper runs across neighbouring roof after discovering Bond climbing out of the Atlantic Hotel; Central Station clocktower in the background.
    09:00 - SP: Back from Mexico in M's office, clock on mantlepiece.
    09:17 - SP: Bond receives an Omega Seamaster 300 in Q's lab
    09:40 - NSNA: On a clock on the wall as Fatima Blush first wheels Jack into Shrublands, and immediately after on another clock as Bond bumps into Patricia (though the first clock is difficult to read, and could possibly contradict the second, which is slightly clearer).
    09:55 - GE: Alex Trevelyan activates Bond‘s Omega Seamaster Pro wristwatch.
    10:05 - NSNA: The clock on the wall as Bond and Lippe bring their fight into the kitchen at Shrublands.
    10:05 - GF: Mai Lei serves Bond a Martini on Mr. Goldfinger's Lockheed Jetstar heading for Baltimore.
    10.08 - MR: Bond blows away the bars via a bomb in his Seiko M354 Memory-Bank Calendar so he and Holly can scamper into a tunnel and escape Moonraker 5's thrusters ("Bang on time!").
    10:25 - TND: Bond approaches the newsstand at Hamburg Airport, which sports a clock advertising the TV magazine "Funkuhr", above the English and German editions of "Tomorrow" headlined "China Warns British Fleet".
    10:20 - QOS: René Mathis' Hamilton Khaki Field wristwatch at his Italian villa.
    10:25 (though the next day) - TND: Bond ends up on the roof parking of the "Atlantic Hotel" after the BMW remote-controlled chase which started shortly after 08:40 (see there)...but the Central Station clock towers (both of them) show it's been one hour and 45 minutes since.
    11:00 - FRWL: Kerim Bey gets his first daily exercise rowing through Istanbul's underground reservoir to the Soviet Consulate. "My daily exercise. Eleven in the morning and three in the afternoon".
    11:07 - GF: Goldfinger is sucked out of the plane.
    11:30 - SF: OO7 navel gazing on the rooftop with Big Ben in the distance.
    11:45 - OP: Bond the Gorilla checks his watch on OP train.

    12:00 - TB: ("Come to lunch on Sunday, at Palmyra. It's my house here.") "Sunday at noon, then."
    12:10 - FYEO: Sir Timothy Havelock checks the navigation chart on the Triana.
    12:15 - TB: Bond checks his Breitling Top Time Geiger counter watch while visit at Palmyra, "Rum Collins hour."
    12:15 - DAF: Showtime for Shady Tree and his Acorns.
    12:16 - CR: Bond checks the security tapes at the Ocean Club.
    12:45 - TB: Bond is tied to the back stretching machine at Shrublands clinic.
    12:58 - TB: Bond reveals François Derval's Breitling Navitimer wristwatch to Domino.
    13:04 - OHMSS: Code-breaking machine delivered to Gumbold's office by crane.
    13:44 - OHMSS: Campbell checks clock tower as Bond copies papers in Gumbold's office.
    13:45 - FYEO: Universal Exports helicopter flies by Big Ben in the pre-title sequence.
    14:00 - OHMSS: The clock strikes 2 as Gumbold returns and Bond disposes of the safe-opening device.
    14:21 -OP: Bond checks his watch after killing the second twin as he attempts to hitch a ride.
    14:39 - CR: Bond reads time and message on Vesper's phone to meet Gettler in 30 minutes.
    14:44 - OP: Bond looks at his watch in the German couple's car.
    14:45 - GF: Bond goes to change, aboard Goldfinger's jet.
    14:55 - OP: Bond gets out of the German couple's car.
    15.00 - FRWL: "Russian Clocks always correct!"
    15:00 - GE: OO7's DB5 races a Ferrari 355 and he shows his Omega Seamaster watch.
    15:00 - FRWL: Kerim Bey gets his second daily exercise rowing through Istanbul's underground reservoir to the Soviet Consulate. "My daily exercise. Eleven in the morning and three in the afternoon".
    15:19 - TB: Bond lifts off using the jetpack in the pre-title sequence, tower clock (and tower compass) in the background.
    15:20 - GF: Bond returns to his seat, after having a shave and change aboard Goldfinger's jet.
    15:30 - TSWLM: 3 ½ hours after destroying Stromberg’s submarines with their own nuclear ICBMs, American submarine commander informs Bond that he has been ordered to sink the Stromberg Habitat and Bond request his jet ski in order to rescue Agent XXX.
    15:38 - DN: M instructs Bond to catch "the seven o'clock plane to Kingston - in exactly 3 hours and 22 minutes".
    15:39 - SF: Bond operates caterpillar on train in pursuit of Patrice.
    15:40 - GE: Bond enters the Manticore yacht, observes the reflection on a sun dial, fights a deckhand, and his Omega Seamaster Professional 2541.80.00 wristwatch is visible as he towels his brow.
    15:44 - GE: Bond adjusts his tie after the tank chase is over.
    15:56 - TB: Bond observes the scuba gear on the far side of Palmyra and swallows the homing pill.
    16:00 - OP: The nuclear warhead almost explodes.
    16:00 - FRWL: "It is four o'clock, you know." ("This is not kulturny in the afternoon? Then I will take it off...")
    16:10 - TSWLM: Bond's Seiko 0674 5009 watch as the ticker-tape message comes through.
    16:28 - CR: Bond searches Vesper's phone to find message to him on how to find Mr. White.
    16:55 - SP: clock at the top of the facade that falls toward Bond in the pre-title sequence.
    17:00 - NSNA: Algernon replaces Bond's watch.
    17:25 – TLD: A medical attendant from the rescue helicopter used for their escape secures Koskov to a stretcher while wearing his no date Rolex Submariner on a nylon strap.
    17:32 - FRWL: Orient Express arrives at Belgrade (Remark: It is almost pitch dark, so it could be 05:32 a.m. However, when the train later arrives at Zagreb (about five hours away}, it is even darker, so Belgrade must be p.m.

    18:00 - TB: "Big Ben struck seven times at six o'clock this evening."
    18:13 - TND: Bond emerges from the repercussions at the Carver printing plant, conveniently towards the place where he illegally parked his BMW in the Mönckebergstraße pedestrian zone...the Town Hall clock bearing witness. Note: This is followed by a phone call from Carver starting with "Good Morning, Mr. Bond". But the amount of people running around in what is a shopping zone and the preceding actions make it impossible that this is actually 06:13 a.m. instead of p.m.
    18:40 - FRWL: Bond checks into his hotel (Lobby wall clock) and checks his room for recording devices (nightstand clock).
    18:56 - OHMSS: Bond activates the stopwatch function on his Rolex Daytona timing the Gondola for his escape.
    19:00 - GF: M instructs Bond to meet with him and Col. Smithers, to discuss Goldfinger's smuggling activities, over dinner.
    19:10 - OP: Liquid crystal TV Seiko G757-5020 in Q's lab showing the woman's cleavage.
    19:12:22 - CR: Alex Dimitrios pulls into the Ocean Club and texts the word "ELLIPSES" to a terrorist bomb maker named Mollaka.
    19:20 - MR: Bond pushes Chang through the clock at St. Mark's Square.
    19:30 - TLD: Pushkin activates his watch. Bond improvises.
    19:30 - DAD: Bond enters the London Underground with Big Ben in the background.
    19:51 – TB: Angelo disguised as Commandant Derval receives Derval’s Breitling Navitimer watch to wear before boarding and hijacking the Vulcan bomber, NATO flight 759 carrying two atomic weapons numbered 456 and 457 for SPECTRE.
    20:00 - OHMSS: ("We´re leaving very soon. I must see you.") "Eight o´clock tonight."
    20:00 - TWINE: Renard places the alarm clock on the stool, for M to countdown to her demise.
    20:00 - OP: Dinner at the Monsoon palace, for James Bond with Kamal Khan and Magda.
    20:40 – TLD: Bond enters the snipers hide in a building across the street from the symphony. He is to provide overwatch protection for Koskov, a false flag double agent who is pretending to escape to the West from Russia.
    21:00 - OHMSS: ("I must see you tonight.") "Nine o´clock?"
    21:23 - FYEO: Bond unstraps watch to attend to Melina, rather than to Mrs. Thatcher.
    21:49 - TB: Bond checks his Brietling Top Time Geiger counter watch while underwater inspecting the Disco Volante underwater hatch.
    22:05 - TMWTGG: Bond checks his wristwatch outside of The Bottoms Up Club.
    22:08 - DAD: Bond enjoys a martini at the Ice Palace displaying his Omega Seamaster wristwatch.
    22:12 - OP Bond checks his watch as Magda steals the Faberge egg before her escape below. Though the watch shows a.m it's clearly night time.
    22:15 - QOS: Mathis dies after being shot in the back by the police, while Bond holds him.
    22:40 - TND: Bond activates his watch, starting his “backup plan” of blowing a hole in Carver’s stealth ship.
    22:43 - GE: Bond spying on the Admiral & Onatop as they board the Manticore via his monocular.
    23:35 - TB: Commandant Derval "makes out" with his social secretary/Fiona while awaiting for his double, Angelo, to arrive. (the time here is not consistent with the time 19:51 Angelo receives Commandant Derval's Navitimer when they make to switch, moments later.
    24:00 - OHMSS: "Every night at exactly midnight you must be alone."

    Isn't it 3:45pm (15:45)
    As seen on the bomb, and as set by Gobinda to Kamal Khan's orders.
    "The performance begins at three, allowing for delays, set the bomb to detonate at three forty five."
  • marcmarc Universal Exports
    Posts: 2,612
    O yes, I'm sorry, I had wrongly remembered this. It's corrected now.

    15:45 - OP: The nuclear warhead almost explodes.

    00:03 - SP: Big Ben seen as OO7's boat chases Blofeld's helicopter.
    00:10 - MR: Drax's carriage clock as Bond breaks into the safe.
    00:11 - GF: Bond checks his Rolex Submariner to set timer on bomb.
    00:20 - GF: Bond checks his Rolex Submariner in the bar for the time and *kaboom*.
    00:32 - LALD: In Kananga's lair, Bond activates magnetic watch to attract pressurized bullet.
    00:36 - LALD: Bond activates the electric buzz saw integrated in his watch to cut his ropes.
    01.29 - LALD: The time on Bond's Rolex when he's in bed with Solitaire
    01:35 - YOLT: Control room world clocks show Tokyo Time (Shane Rimmer on the monitors).
    02:13 - CR: Carlos hangs his keychain explosive to the tanker at Miami Airport.
    02:57 - LTK: “An explosive alarm clock. Guaranteed never to wake up anyone who uses it.”
    05:48 - LALD: Bond checks the time on his Pulsar digital watch after being woken up by the knock on his door.
    05:51 - LALD: Bond receives magnetic Rolex Submariner from M.

    06:43 - OP: Bond notices Kamal and Gobinda fleeing with Octopussy on his Liquid crystal TV watch.
    6:55 - SP: Bond and Swann drive off in the DB5 toward Big Ben at film's end.
    07:10 - OHMSS: Toussaint checks his pocket watch after the detonation time is set for Piz Gloria.
    07:12 - OHMSS: Draco's wristwatch appears to be 2 minutes fast compared to Toussaint's.
    07:25 - DAD: Using the rotating bezel on his Omega 300 Seamaster, Bond arms a detonator placed into C4 plastic explosive hidden under diamonds in a briefcase.
    07:50 - GE: Omega laser watch used to escape from the train.
    08:40 - TND: Stamper runs across neighbouring roof after discovering Bond climbing out of the Atlantic Hotel; Central Station clocktower in the background.
    09:00 - SP: Back from Mexico in M's office, clock on mantlepiece.
    09:17 - SP: Bond receives an Omega Seamaster 300 in Q's lab
    09:40 - NSNA: On a clock on the wall as Fatima Blush first wheels Jack into Shrublands, and immediately after on another clock as Bond bumps into Patricia (though the first clock is difficult to read, and could possibly contradict the second, which is slightly clearer).
    09:55 - GE: Alex Trevelyan activates Bond‘s Omega Seamaster Pro wristwatch.
    10:05 - NSNA: The clock on the wall as Bond and Lippe bring their fight into the kitchen at Shrublands.
    10:05 - GF: Mai Lei serves Bond a Martini on Mr. Goldfinger's Lockheed Jetstar heading for Baltimore.
    10.08 - MR: Bond blows away the bars via a bomb in his Seiko M354 Memory-Bank Calendar so he and Holly can scamper into a tunnel and escape Moonraker 5's thrusters ("Bang on time!").
    10:25 - TND: Bond approaches the newsstand at Hamburg Airport, which sports a clock advertising the TV magazine "Funkuhr", above the English and German editions of "Tomorrow" headlined "China Warns British Fleet".
    10:20 - QOS: René Mathis' Hamilton Khaki Field wristwatch at his Italian villa.
    10:25 (though the next day) - TND: Bond ends up on the roof parking of the "Atlantic Hotel" after the BMW remote-controlled chase which started shortly after 08:40 (see there)...but the Central Station clock towers (both of them) show it's been one hour and 45 minutes since.
    11:00 - FRWL: Kerim Bey gets his first daily exercise rowing through Istanbul's underground reservoir to the Soviet Consulate. "My daily exercise. Eleven in the morning and three in the afternoon".
    11:07 - GF: Goldfinger is sucked out of the plane.
    11:30 - SF: OO7 navel gazing on the rooftop with Big Ben in the distance.
    11:45 - OP: Bond the Gorilla checks his watch on OP train.

    12:00 - TB: ("Come to lunch on Sunday, at Palmyra. It's my house here.") "Sunday at noon, then."
    12:10 - FYEO: Sir Timothy Havelock checks the navigation chart on the Triana.
    12:15 - TB: Bond checks his Breitling Top Time Geiger counter watch while visit at Palmyra, "Rum Collins hour."
    12:15 - DAF: Showtime for Shady Tree and his Acorns.
    12:16 - CR: Bond checks the security tapes at the Ocean Club.
    12:45 - TB: Bond is tied to the back stretching machine at Shrublands clinic.
    12:58 - TB: Bond reveals François Derval's Breitling Navitimer wristwatch to Domino.
    13:04 - OHMSS: Code-breaking machine delivered to Gumbold's office by crane.
    13:44 - OHMSS: Campbell checks clock tower as Bond copies papers in Gumbold's office.
    13:45 - FYEO: Universal Exports helicopter flies by Big Ben in the pre-title sequence.
    14:00 - OHMSS: The clock strikes 2 as Gumbold returns and Bond disposes of the safe-opening device.
    14:21 -OP: Bond checks his watch after killing the second twin as he attempts to hitch a ride.
    14:39 - CR: Bond reads time and message on Vesper's phone to meet Gettler in 30 minutes.
    14:44 - OP: Bond looks at his watch in the German couple's car.
    14:45 - GF: Bond goes to change, aboard Goldfinger's jet.
    14:55 - OP: Bond gets out of the German couple's car.
    15.00 - FRWL: "Russian Clocks always correct!"
    15:00 - GE: OO7's DB5 races a Ferrari 355 and he shows his Omega Seamaster watch.
    15:00 - FRWL: Kerim Bey gets his second daily exercise rowing through Istanbul's underground reservoir to the Soviet Consulate. "My daily exercise. Eleven in the morning and three in the afternoon".
    15:19 - TB: Bond lifts off using the jetpack in the pre-title sequence, tower clock (and tower compass) in the background.
    15:20 - GF: Bond returns to his seat, after having a shave and change aboard Goldfinger's jet.
    15:30 - TSWLM: 3 ½ hours after destroying Stromberg’s submarines with their own nuclear ICBMs, American submarine commander informs Bond that he has been ordered to sink the Stromberg Habitat and Bond request his jet ski in order to rescue Agent XXX.
    15:38 - DN: M instructs Bond to catch "the seven o'clock plane to Kingston - in exactly 3 hours and 22 minutes".
    15:39 - SF: Bond operates caterpillar on train in pursuit of Patrice.
    15:40 - GE: Bond enters the Manticore yacht, observes the reflection on a sun dial, fights a deckhand, and his Omega Seamaster Professional 2541.80.00 wristwatch is visible as he towels his brow.
    15:44 - GE: Bond adjusts his tie after the tank chase is over.
    15:45 - OP: The nuclear warhead almost explodes.
    15:56 - TB: Bond observes the scuba gear on the far side of Palmyra and swallows the homing pill.
    16:00 - FRWL: "It is four o'clock, you know." ("This is not kulturny in the afternoon? Then I will take it off...")
    16:10 - TSWLM: Bond's Seiko 0674 5009 watch as the ticker-tape message comes through.
    16:28 - CR: Bond searches Vesper's phone to find message to him on how to find Mr. White.
    16:55 - SP: clock at the top of the facade that falls toward Bond in the pre-title sequence.
    17:00 - NSNA: Algernon replaces Bond's watch.
    17:25 – TLD: A medical attendant from the rescue helicopter used for their escape secures Koskov to a stretcher while wearing his no date Rolex Submariner on a nylon strap.
    17:32 - FRWL: Orient Express arrives at Belgrade (Remark: It is almost pitch dark, so it could be 05:32 a.m. However, when the train later arrives at Zagreb (about five hours away}, it is even darker, so Belgrade must be p.m.

    18:00 - TB: "Big Ben struck seven times at six o'clock this evening."
    18:13 - TND: Bond emerges from the repercussions at the Carver printing plant, conveniently towards the place where he illegally parked his BMW in the Mönckebergstraße pedestrian zone...the Town Hall clock bearing witness. Note: This is followed by a phone call from Carver starting with "Good Morning, Mr. Bond". But the amount of people running around in what is a shopping zone and the preceding actions make it impossible that this is actually 06:13 a.m. instead of p.m.
    18:40 - FRWL: Bond checks into his hotel (Lobby wall clock) and checks his room for recording devices (nightstand clock).
    18:56 - OHMSS: Bond activates the stopwatch function on his Rolex Daytona timing the Gondola for his escape.
    19:00 - GF: M instructs Bond to meet with him and Col. Smithers, to discuss Goldfinger's smuggling activities, over dinner.
    19:10 - OP: Liquid crystal TV Seiko G757-5020 in Q's lab showing the woman's cleavage.
    19:12:22 - CR: Alex Dimitrios pulls into the Ocean Club and texts the word "ELLIPSES" to a terrorist bomb maker named Mollaka.
    19:20 - MR: Bond pushes Chang through the clock at St. Mark's Square.
    19:30 - TLD: Pushkin activates his watch. Bond improvises.
    19:30 - DAD: Bond enters the London Underground with Big Ben in the background.
    19:51 – TB: Angelo disguised as Commandant Derval receives Derval’s Breitling Navitimer watch to wear before boarding and hijacking the Vulcan bomber, NATO flight 759 carrying two atomic weapons numbered 456 and 457 for SPECTRE.
    20:00 - OHMSS: ("We´re leaving very soon. I must see you.") "Eight o´clock tonight."
    20:00 - TWINE: Renard places the alarm clock on the stool, for M to countdown to her demise.
    20:00 - OP: Dinner at the Monsoon palace, for James Bond with Kamal Khan and Magda.
    20:40 – TLD: Bond enters the snipers hide in a building across the street from the symphony. He is to provide overwatch protection for Koskov, a false flag double agent who is pretending to escape to the West from Russia.
    21:00 - OHMSS: ("I must see you tonight.") "Nine o´clock?"
    21:23 - FYEO: Bond unstraps watch to attend to Melina, rather than to Mrs. Thatcher.
    21:49 - TB: Bond checks his Brietling Top Time Geiger counter watch while underwater inspecting the Disco Volante underwater hatch.
    22:05 - TMWTGG: Bond checks his wristwatch outside of The Bottoms Up Club.
    22:08 - DAD: Bond enjoys a martini at the Ice Palace displaying his Omega Seamaster wristwatch.
    22:12 - OP Bond checks his watch as Magda steals the Faberge egg before her escape below. Though the watch shows a.m it's clearly night time.
    22:15 - QOS: Mathis dies after being shot in the back by the police, while Bond holds him.
    22:40 - TND: Bond activates his watch, starting his “backup plan” of blowing a hole in Carver’s stealth ship.
    22:43 - GE: Bond spying on the Admiral & Onatop as they board the Manticore via his monocular.
    23:35 - TB: Commandant Derval "makes out" with his social secretary/Fiona while awaiting for his double, Angelo, to arrive. (the time here is not consistent with the time 19:51 Angelo receives Commandant Derval's Navitimer when they make to switch, moments later.
    24:00 - OHMSS: "Every night at exactly midnight you must be alone."
  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,175

    13:09 - TWINE: OO7 in the Q-Boat on the Thames reaches for the "DIVE" lever.
    Confirmed on the Bluray at 0:10:54.


    00:03 - SP: Big Ben seen as OO7's boat chases Blofeld's helicopter.
    00:10 - MR: Drax's carriage clock as Bond breaks into the safe.
    00:11 - GF: Bond checks his Rolex Submariner to set timer on bomb.
    00:20 - GF: Bond checks his Rolex Submariner in the bar for the time and *kaboom*.
    00:32 - LALD: In Kananga's lair, Bond activates magnetic watch to attract pressurized bullet.
    00:36 - LALD: Bond activates the electric buzz saw integrated in his watch to cut his ropes.
    01.29 - LALD: The time on Bond's Rolex when he's in bed with Solitaire
    01:35 - YOLT: Control room world clocks show Tokyo Time (Shane Rimmer on the monitors).
    02:13 - CR: Carlos hangs his keychain explosive to the tanker at Miami Airport.
    02:57 - LTK: “An explosive alarm clock. Guaranteed never to wake up anyone who uses it.”
    05:48 - LALD: Bond checks the time on his Pulsar digital watch after being woken up by the knock on his door.
    05:51 - LALD: Bond receives magnetic Rolex Submariner from M.

    06:43 - OP: Bond notices Kamal and Gobinda fleeing with Octopussy on his Liquid crystal TV watch.
    06:55 - SP: Bond and Swann drive off in the DB5 toward Big Ben at film's end.
    07:10 - OHMSS: Toussaint checks his pocket watch after the detonation time is set for Piz Gloria.
    07:12 - OHMSS: Draco's wristwatch appears to be 2 minutes fast compared to Toussaint's.
    07:25 - DAD: Using the rotating bezel on his Omega 300 Seamaster, Bond arms a detonator placed into C4 plastic explosive hidden under diamonds in a briefcase.
    07:50 - GE: Omega laser watch used to escape from the train.
    08:40 - TND: Stamper runs across neighbouring roof after discovering Bond climbing out of the Atlantic Hotel; Central Station clocktower in the background.
    09:00 - SP: Back from Mexico in M's office, clock on mantlepiece.
    09:17 - SP: Bond receives an Omega Seamaster 300 in Q's lab
    09:40 - NSNA: On a clock on the wall as Fatima Blush first wheels Jack into Shrublands, and immediately after on another clock as Bond bumps into Patricia (though the first clock is difficult to read, and could possibly contradict the second, which is slightly clearer).
    09:55 - GE: Alex Trevelyan activates Bond‘s Omega Seamaster Pro wristwatch.
    10:05 - NSNA: The clock on the wall as Bond and Lippe bring their fight into the kitchen at Shrublands.
    10:05 - GF: Mai Lei serves Bond a Martini on Mr. Goldfinger's Lockheed Jetstar heading for Baltimore.
    10.08 - MR: Bond blows away the bars via a bomb in his Seiko M354 Memory-Bank Calendar so he and Holly can scamper into a tunnel and escape Moonraker 5's thrusters ("Bang on time!").
    10:25 - TND: Bond approaches the newsstand at Hamburg Airport, which sports a clock advertising the TV magazine "Funkuhr", above the English and German editions of "Tomorrow" headlined "China Warns British Fleet".
    10:20 - QOS: René Mathis' Hamilton Khaki Field wristwatch at his Italian villa.
    10:25 (though the next day) - TND: Bond ends up on the roof parking of the "Atlantic Hotel" after the BMW remote-controlled chase which started shortly after 08:40 (see there)...but the Central Station clock towers (both of them) show it's been one hour and 45 minutes since.
    11:00 - FRWL: Kerim Bey gets his first daily exercise rowing through Istanbul's underground reservoir to the Soviet Consulate. "My daily exercise. Eleven in the morning and three in the afternoon".
    11:07 - GF: Goldfinger is sucked out of the plane.
    11:30 - SF: OO7 navel gazing on the rooftop with Big Ben in the distance.
    11:45 - OP: Bond the Gorilla checks his watch on OP train.

    12:00 - TB: ("Come to lunch on Sunday, at Palmyra. It's my house here.") "Sunday at noon, then."
    12:10 - FYEO: Sir Timothy Havelock checks the navigation chart on the Triana.
    12:15 - TB: Bond checks his Breitling Top Time Geiger counter watch while visit at Palmyra, "Rum Collins hour."
    12:15 - DAF: Showtime for Shady Tree and his Acorns.
    12:16 - CR: Bond checks the security tapes at the Ocean Club.
    12:45 - TB: Bond is tied to the back stretching machine at Shrublands clinic.
    12:58 - TB: Bond reveals François Derval's Breitling Navitimer wristwatch to Domino.
    13:04 - OHMSS: Code-breaking machine delivered to Gumbold's office by crane.
    13:09 - TWINE: OO7 in the Q-Boat on the Thames reaches for the "DIVE" lever.
    13:44 - OHMSS: Campbell checks clock tower as Bond copies papers in Gumbold's office.
    13:45 - FYEO: Universal Exports helicopter flies by Big Ben in the pre-title sequence.
    14:00 - OHMSS: The clock strikes 2 as Gumbold returns and Bond disposes of the safe-opening device.
    14:21 -OP: Bond checks his watch after killing the second twin as he attempts to hitch a ride.
    14:39 - CR: Bond reads time and message on Vesper's phone to meet Gettler in 30 minutes.
    14:44 - OP: Bond looks at his watch in the German couple's car.
    14:45 - GF: Bond goes to change, aboard Goldfinger's jet.
    14:55 - OP: Bond gets out of the German couple's car.
    15.00 - FRWL: "Russian Clocks always correct!"
    15:00 - GE: OO7's DB5 races a Ferrari 355 and he shows his Omega Seamaster watch.
    15:00 - FRWL: Kerim Bey gets his second daily exercise rowing through Istanbul's underground reservoir to the Soviet Consulate. "My daily exercise. Eleven in the morning and three in the afternoon".
    15:19 - TB: Bond lifts off using the jetpack in the pre-title sequence, tower clock (and tower compass) in the background.
    15:20 - GF: Bond returns to his seat, after having a shave and change aboard Goldfinger's jet.
    15:30 - TSWLM: 3 ½ hours after destroying Stromberg’s submarines with their own nuclear ICBMs, American submarine commander informs Bond that he has been ordered to sink the Stromberg Habitat and Bond request his jet ski in order to rescue Agent XXX.
    15:38 - DN: M instructs Bond to catch "the seven o'clock plane to Kingston - in exactly 3 hours and 22 minutes".
    15:39 - SF: Bond operates caterpillar on train in pursuit of Patrice.
    15:40 - GE: Bond enters the Manticore yacht, observes the reflection on a sun dial, fights a deckhand, and his Omega Seamaster Professional 2541.80.00 wristwatch is visible as he towels his brow.
    15:44 - GE: Bond adjusts his tie after the tank chase is over.
    15:45 - OP: The nuclear warhead almost explodes.
    15:56 - TB: Bond observes the scuba gear on the far side of Palmyra and swallows the homing pill.
    16:00 - FRWL: "It is four o'clock, you know." ("This is not kulturny in the afternoon? Then I will take it off...")
    16:10 - TSWLM: Bond's Seiko 0674 5009 watch as the ticker-tape message comes through.
    16:28 - CR: Bond searches Vesper's phone to find message to him on how to find Mr. White.
    16:55 - SP: clock at the top of the facade that falls toward Bond in the pre-title sequence.
    17:00 - NSNA: Algernon replaces Bond's watch.
    17:25 – TLD: A medical attendant from the rescue helicopter used for their escape secures Koskov to a stretcher while wearing his no date Rolex Submariner on a nylon strap.
    17:32 - FRWL: Orient Express arrives at Belgrade (Remark: It is almost pitch dark, so it could be 05:32 a.m. However, when the train later arrives at Zagreb (about five hours away}, it is even darker, so Belgrade must be p.m.

    18:00 - TB: "Big Ben struck seven times at six o'clock this evening."
    18:13 - TND: Bond emerges from the repercussions at the Carver printing plant, conveniently towards the place where he illegally parked his BMW in the Mönckebergstraße pedestrian zone...the Town Hall clock bearing witness. Note: This is followed by a phone call from Carver starting with "Good Morning, Mr. Bond". But the amount of people running around in what is a shopping zone and the preceding actions make it impossible that this is actually 06:13 a.m. instead of p.m.
    18:40 - FRWL: Bond checks into his hotel (Lobby wall clock) and checks his room for recording devices (nightstand clock).
    18:56 - OHMSS: Bond activates the stopwatch function on his Rolex Daytona timing the Gondola for his escape.
    19:00 - GF: M instructs Bond to meet with him and Col. Smithers, to discuss Goldfinger's smuggling activities, over dinner.
    19:10 - OP: Liquid crystal TV Seiko G757-5020 in Q's lab showing the woman's cleavage.
    19:12:22 - CR: Alex Dimitrios pulls into the Ocean Club and texts the word "ELLIPSES" to a terrorist bomb maker named Mollaka.
    19:20 - MR: Bond pushes Chang through the clock at St. Mark's Square.
    19:30 - TLD: Pushkin activates his watch. Bond improvises.
    19:30 - DAD: Bond enters the London Underground with Big Ben in the background.
    19:51 – TB: Angelo disguised as Commandant Derval receives Derval’s Breitling Navitimer watch to wear before boarding and hijacking the Vulcan bomber, NATO flight 759 carrying two atomic weapons numbered 456 and 457 for SPECTRE.
    20:00 - OHMSS: ("We´re leaving very soon. I must see you.") "Eight o´clock tonight."
    20:00 - TWINE: Renard places the alarm clock on the stool, for M to countdown to her demise.
    20:00 - OP: Dinner at the Monsoon palace, for James Bond with Kamal Khan and Magda.
    20:40 – TLD: Bond enters the snipers hide in a building across the street from the symphony. He is to provide overwatch protection for Koskov, a false flag double agent who is pretending to escape to the West from Russia.
    21:00 - OHMSS: ("I must see you tonight.") "Nine o´clock?"
    21:23 - FYEO: Bond unstraps watch to attend to Melina, rather than to Mrs. Thatcher.
    21:49 - TB: Bond checks his Brietling Top Time Geiger counter watch while underwater inspecting the Disco Volante underwater hatch.
    22:05 - TMWTGG: Bond checks his wristwatch outside of The Bottoms Up Club.
    22:08 - DAD: Bond enjoys a martini at the Ice Palace displaying his Omega Seamaster wristwatch.
    22:12 - OP Bond checks his watch as Magda steals the Faberge egg before her escape below. Though the watch shows a.m it's clearly night time.
    22:15 - QOS: Mathis dies after being shot in the back by the police, while Bond holds him.
    22:40 - TND: Bond activates his watch, starting his “backup plan” of blowing a hole in Carver’s stealth ship.
    22:43 - GE: Bond spying on the Admiral & Onatop as they board the Manticore via his monocular.
    23:35 - TB: Commandant Derval "makes out" with his social secretary/Fiona while awaiting for his double, Angelo, to arrive. (the time here is not consistent with the time 19:51 Angelo receives Commandant Derval's Navitimer when they make to switch, moments later).
    24:00 - OHMSS: "Every night at exactly midnight you must be alone."

  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,175
    Adding another:

    12:40 - TWINE: Big Ben aerial view across the Thames.
    Confirmed on the Bluray at 0:08:34.
    13:09 - TWINE: OO7 in the Q-Boat on the Thames reaches for the "DIVE" lever.
    Confirmed on the Bluray at 0:10:54.

    Cannot ID with my Bluray and equipment settings.

    ? - TWINE - M's wristwatch pouring bourbon. 0:06:05
    ? - TWINE - OO7's wristwatch, receiving bourbon. 0:06:38

    00:03 - SP: Big Ben seen as OO7's boat chases Blofeld's helicopter.
    00:10 - MR: Drax's carriage clock as Bond breaks into the safe.
    00:11 - GF: Bond checks his Rolex Submariner to set timer on bomb.
    00:20 - GF: Bond checks his Rolex Submariner in the bar for the time and *kaboom*.
    00:32 - LALD: In Kananga's lair, Bond activates magnetic watch to attract pressurized bullet.
    00:36 - LALD: Bond activates the electric buzz saw integrated in his watch to cut his ropes.
    01.29 - LALD: The time on Bond's Rolex when he's in bed with Solitaire
    01:35 - YOLT: Control room world clocks show Tokyo Time (Shane Rimmer on the monitors).
    02:13 - CR: Carlos hangs his keychain explosive to the tanker at Miami Airport.
    02:57 - LTK: “An explosive alarm clock. Guaranteed never to wake up anyone who uses it.”
    05:48 - LALD: Bond checks the time on his Pulsar digital watch after being woken up by the knock on his door.
    05:51 - LALD: Bond receives magnetic Rolex Submariner from M.

    06:43 - OP: Bond notices Kamal and Gobinda fleeing with Octopussy on his Liquid crystal TV watch.
    06:55 - SP: Bond and Swann drive off in the DB5 toward Big Ben at film's end.
    07:10 - OHMSS: Toussaint checks his pocket watch after the detonation time is set for Piz Gloria.
    07:12 - OHMSS: Draco's wristwatch appears to be 2 minutes fast compared to Toussaint's.
    07:25 - DAD: Using the rotating bezel on his Omega 300 Seamaster, Bond arms a detonator placed into C4 plastic explosive hidden under diamonds in a briefcase.
    07:50 - GE: Omega laser watch used to escape from the train.
    08:40 - TND: Stamper runs across neighbouring roof after discovering Bond climbing out of the Atlantic Hotel; Central Station clocktower in the background.
    09:00 - SP: Back from Mexico in M's office, clock on mantlepiece.
    09:17 - SP: Bond receives an Omega Seamaster 300 in Q's lab
    09:40 - NSNA: On a clock on the wall as Fatima Blush first wheels Jack into Shrublands, and immediately after on another clock as Bond bumps into Patricia (though the first clock is difficult to read, and could possibly contradict the second, which is slightly clearer).
    09:55 - GE: Alex Trevelyan activates Bond‘s Omega Seamaster Pro wristwatch.
    10:05 - NSNA: The clock on the wall as Bond and Lippe bring their fight into the kitchen at Shrublands.
    10:05 - GF: Mai Lei serves Bond a Martini on Mr. Goldfinger's Lockheed Jetstar heading for Baltimore.
    10.08 - MR: Bond blows away the bars via a bomb in his Seiko M354 Memory-Bank Calendar so he and Holly can scamper into a tunnel and escape Moonraker 5's thrusters ("Bang on time!").
    10:25 - TND: Bond approaches the newsstand at Hamburg Airport, which sports a clock advertising the TV magazine "Funkuhr", above the English and German editions of "Tomorrow" headlined "China Warns British Fleet".
    10:20 - QOS: René Mathis' Hamilton Khaki Field wristwatch at his Italian villa.
    10:25 (though the next day) - TND: Bond ends up on the roof parking of the "Atlantic Hotel" after the BMW remote-controlled chase which started shortly after 08:40 (see there)...but the Central Station clock towers (both of them) show it's been one hour and 45 minutes since.
    11:00 - FRWL: Kerim Bey gets his first daily exercise rowing through Istanbul's underground reservoir to the Soviet Consulate. "My daily exercise. Eleven in the morning and three in the afternoon".
    11:07 - GF: Goldfinger is sucked out of the plane.
    11:30 - SF: OO7 navel gazing on the rooftop with Big Ben in the distance.
    11:45 - OP: Bond the Gorilla checks his watch on OP train.

    12:00 - TB: ("Come to lunch on Sunday, at Palmyra. It's my house here.") "Sunday at noon, then."
    12:10 - FYEO: Sir Timothy Havelock checks the navigation chart on the Triana.
    12:15 - TB: Bond checks his Breitling Top Time Geiger counter watch while visit at Palmyra, "Rum Collins hour."
    12:15 - DAF: Showtime for Shady Tree and his Acorns.
    12:16 - CR: Bond checks the security tapes at the Ocean Club.
    12:40 - TWINE: Big Ben aerial view across the Thames.
    12:45 - TB: Bond is tied to the back stretching machine at Shrublands clinic.
    12:58 - TB: Bond reveals François Derval's Breitling Navitimer wristwatch to Domino.
    13:04 - OHMSS: Code-breaking machine delivered to Gumbold's office by crane.
    13:09 - TWINE: OO7 in the Q-Boat on the Thames reaches for the "DIVE" lever.
    13:44 - OHMSS: Campbell checks clock tower as Bond copies papers in Gumbold's office.
    13:45 - FYEO: Universal Exports helicopter flies by Big Ben in the pre-title sequence.
    14:00 - OHMSS: The clock strikes 2 as Gumbold returns and Bond disposes of the safe-opening device.
    14:21 -OP: Bond checks his watch after killing the second twin as he attempts to hitch a ride.
    14:39 - CR: Bond reads time and message on Vesper's phone to meet Gettler in 30 minutes.
    14:44 - OP: Bond looks at his watch in the German couple's car.
    14:45 - GF: Bond goes to change, aboard Goldfinger's jet.
    14:55 - OP: Bond gets out of the German couple's car.
    15.00 - FRWL: "Russian Clocks always correct!"
    15:00 - GE: OO7's DB5 races a Ferrari 355 and he shows his Omega Seamaster watch.
    15:00 - FRWL: Kerim Bey gets his second daily exercise rowing through Istanbul's underground reservoir to the Soviet Consulate. "My daily exercise. Eleven in the morning and three in the afternoon".
    15:19 - TB: Bond lifts off using the jetpack in the pre-title sequence, tower clock (and tower compass) in the background.
    15:20 - GF: Bond returns to his seat, after having a shave and change aboard Goldfinger's jet.
    15:30 - TSWLM: 3 ½ hours after destroying Stromberg’s submarines with their own nuclear ICBMs, American submarine commander informs Bond that he has been ordered to sink the Stromberg Habitat and Bond request his jet ski in order to rescue Agent XXX.
    15:38 - DN: M instructs Bond to catch "the seven o'clock plane to Kingston - in exactly 3 hours and 22 minutes".
    15:39 - SF: Bond operates caterpillar on train in pursuit of Patrice.
    15:40 - GE: Bond enters the Manticore yacht, observes the reflection on a sun dial, fights a deckhand, and his Omega Seamaster Professional 2541.80.00 wristwatch is visible as he towels his brow.
    15:44 - GE: Bond adjusts his tie after the tank chase is over.
    15:45 - OP: The nuclear warhead almost explodes.
    15:56 - TB: Bond observes the scuba gear on the far side of Palmyra and swallows the homing pill.
    16:00 - FRWL: "It is four o'clock, you know." ("This is not kulturny in the afternoon? Then I will take it off...")
    16:10 - TSWLM: Bond's Seiko 0674 5009 watch as the ticker-tape message comes through.
    16:28 - CR: Bond searches Vesper's phone to find message to him on how to find Mr. White.
    16:55 - SP: clock at the top of the facade that falls toward Bond in the pre-title sequence.
    17:00 - NSNA: Algernon replaces Bond's watch.
    17:25 – TLD: A medical attendant from the rescue helicopter used for their escape secures Koskov to a stretcher while wearing his no date Rolex Submariner on a nylon strap.
    17:32 - FRWL: Orient Express arrives at Belgrade (Remark: It is almost pitch dark, so it could be 05:32 a.m. However, when the train later arrives at Zagreb (about five hours away}, it is even darker, so Belgrade must be p.m.

    18:00 - TB: "Big Ben struck seven times at six o'clock this evening."
    18:13 - TND: Bond emerges from the repercussions at the Carver printing plant, conveniently towards the place where he illegally parked his BMW in the Mönckebergstraße pedestrian zone...the Town Hall clock bearing witness. Note: This is followed by a phone call from Carver starting with "Good Morning, Mr. Bond". But the amount of people running around in what is a shopping zone and the preceding actions make it impossible that this is actually 06:13 a.m. instead of p.m.
    18:40 - FRWL: Bond checks into his hotel (Lobby wall clock) and checks his room for recording devices (nightstand clock).
    18:56 - OHMSS: Bond activates the stopwatch function on his Rolex Daytona timing the Gondola for his escape.
    19:00 - GF: M instructs Bond to meet with him and Col. Smithers, to discuss Goldfinger's smuggling activities, over dinner.
    19:10 - OP: Liquid crystal TV Seiko G757-5020 in Q's lab showing the woman's cleavage.
    19:12:22 - CR: Alex Dimitrios pulls into the Ocean Club and texts the word "ELLIPSES" to a terrorist bomb maker named Mollaka.
    19:20 - MR: Bond pushes Chang through the clock at St. Mark's Square.
    19:30 - TLD: Pushkin activates his watch. Bond improvises.
    19:30 - DAD: Bond enters the London Underground with Big Ben in the background.
    19:51 – TB: Angelo disguised as Commandant Derval receives Derval’s Breitling Navitimer watch to wear before boarding and hijacking the Vulcan bomber, NATO flight 759 carrying two atomic weapons numbered 456 and 457 for SPECTRE.
    20:00 - OHMSS: ("We´re leaving very soon. I must see you.") "Eight o´clock tonight."
    20:00 - TWINE: Renard places the alarm clock on the stool, for M to countdown to her demise.
    20:00 - OP: Dinner at the Monsoon palace, for James Bond with Kamal Khan and Magda.
    20:40 – TLD: Bond enters the snipers hide in a building across the street from the symphony. He is to provide overwatch protection for Koskov, a false flag double agent who is pretending to escape to the West from Russia.
    21:00 - OHMSS: ("I must see you tonight.") "Nine o´clock?"
    21:23 - FYEO: Bond unstraps watch to attend to Melina, rather than to Mrs. Thatcher.
    21:49 - TB: Bond checks his Brietling Top Time Geiger counter watch while underwater inspecting the Disco Volante underwater hatch.
    22:05 - TMWTGG: Bond checks his wristwatch outside of The Bottoms Up Club.
    22:08 - DAD: Bond enjoys a martini at the Ice Palace displaying his Omega Seamaster wristwatch.
    22:12 - OP Bond checks his watch as Magda steals the Faberge egg before her escape below. Though the watch shows a.m it's clearly night time.
    22:15 - QOS: Mathis dies after being shot in the back by the police, while Bond holds him.
    22:40 - TND: Bond activates his watch, starting his “backup plan” of blowing a hole in Carver’s stealth ship.
    22:43 - GE: Bond spying on the Admiral & Onatop as they board the Manticore via his monocular.
    23:35 - TB: Commandant Derval "makes out" with his social secretary/Fiona while awaiting for his double, Angelo, to arrive. (the time here is not consistent with the time 19:51 Angelo receives Commandant Derval's Navitimer when they make to switch, moments later).
    24:00 - OHMSS: "Every night at exactly midnight you must be alone."

  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,175
    Adding sightings on the Happy & Glorious short feature:

    08:30 - H&G: Clock in Buckingham Palace.
    Confirmed at 1:30 run time.
    08:35 - Big Ben viewed from helicopter.
    Confirmed at 2:54/3:03/3:10 run times.

    00:03 - SP: Big Ben seen as OO7's boat chases Blofeld's helicopter.
    00:10 - MR: Drax's carriage clock as Bond breaks into the safe.
    00:11 - GF: Bond checks his Rolex Submariner to set timer on bomb.
    00:20 - GF: Bond checks his Rolex Submariner in the bar for the time and *kaboom*.
    00:32 - LALD: In Kananga's lair, Bond activates magnetic watch to attract pressurized bullet.
    00:36 - LALD: Bond activates the electric buzz saw integrated in his watch to cut his ropes.
    01.29 - LALD: The time on Bond's Rolex when he's in bed with Solitaire
    01:35 - YOLT: Control room world clocks show Tokyo Time (Shane Rimmer on the monitors).
    02:13 - CR: Carlos hangs his keychain explosive to the tanker at Miami Airport.
    02:57 - LTK: “An explosive alarm clock. Guaranteed never to wake up anyone who uses it.”
    05:48 - LALD: Bond checks the time on his Pulsar digital watch after being woken up by the knock on his door.
    05:51 - LALD: Bond receives magnetic Rolex Submariner from M.

    06:43 - OP: Bond notices Kamal and Gobinda fleeing with Octopussy on his Liquid crystal TV watch.
    06:55 - SP: Bond and Swann drive off in the DB5 toward Big Ben at film's end.
    07:10 - OHMSS: Toussaint checks his pocket watch after the detonation time is set for Piz Gloria.
    07:12 - OHMSS: Draco's wristwatch appears to be 2 minutes fast compared to Toussaint's.
    07:25 - DAD: Using the rotating bezel on his Omega 300 Seamaster, Bond arms a detonator placed into C4 plastic explosive hidden under diamonds in a briefcase.
    07:50 - GE: Omega laser watch used to escape from the train.
    08:30 - H&G: Clock in Buckingham Palace.
    08:35 - H&G: Big Ben viewed from helicopter.
    08:40 - TND: Stamper runs across neighbouring roof after discovering Bond climbing out of the Atlantic Hotel; Central Station clocktower in the background.
    09:00 - SP: Back from Mexico in M's office, clock on mantlepiece.
    09:17 - SP: Bond receives an Omega Seamaster 300 in Q's lab
    09:40 - NSNA: On a clock on the wall as Fatima Blush first wheels Jack into Shrublands, and immediately after on another clock as Bond bumps into Patricia (though the first clock is difficult to read, and could possibly contradict the second, which is slightly clearer).
    09:55 - GE: Alex Trevelyan activates Bond‘s Omega Seamaster Pro wristwatch.
    10:05 - NSNA: The clock on the wall as Bond and Lippe bring their fight into the kitchen at Shrublands.
    10:05 - GF: Mai Lei serves Bond a Martini on Mr. Goldfinger's Lockheed Jetstar heading for Baltimore.
    10.08 - MR: Bond blows away the bars via a bomb in his Seiko M354 Memory-Bank Calendar so he and Holly can scamper into a tunnel and escape Moonraker 5's thrusters ("Bang on time!").
    10:25 - TND: Bond approaches the newsstand at Hamburg Airport, which sports a clock advertising the TV magazine "Funkuhr", above the English and German editions of "Tomorrow" headlined "China Warns British Fleet".
    10:20 - QOS: René Mathis' Hamilton Khaki Field wristwatch at his Italian villa.
    10:25 (though the next day) - TND: Bond ends up on the roof parking of the "Atlantic Hotel" after the BMW remote-controlled chase which started shortly after 08:40 (see there)...but the Central Station clock towers (both of them) show it's been one hour and 45 minutes since.
    11:00 - FRWL: Kerim Bey gets his first daily exercise rowing through Istanbul's underground reservoir to the Soviet Consulate. "My daily exercise. Eleven in the morning and three in the afternoon".
    11:07 - GF: Goldfinger is sucked out of the plane.
    11:30 - SF: OO7 navel gazing on the rooftop with Big Ben in the distance.
    11:45 - OP: Bond the Gorilla checks his watch on OP train.

    12:00 - TB: ("Come to lunch on Sunday, at Palmyra. It's my house here.") "Sunday at noon, then."
    12:10 - FYEO: Sir Timothy Havelock checks the navigation chart on the Triana.
    12:15 - TB: Bond checks his Breitling Top Time Geiger counter watch while visit at Palmyra, "Rum Collins hour."
    12:15 - DAF: Showtime for Shady Tree and his Acorns.
    12:16 - CR: Bond checks the security tapes at the Ocean Club.
    12:40 - TWINE: Big Ben aerial view across the Thames.
    12:45 - TB: Bond is tied to the back stretching machine at Shrublands clinic.
    12:58 - TB: Bond reveals François Derval's Breitling Navitimer wristwatch to Domino.
    13:04 - OHMSS: Code-breaking machine delivered to Gumbold's office by crane.
    13:09 - TWINE: OO7 in the Q-Boat on the Thames reaches for the "DIVE" lever.
    13:44 - OHMSS: Campbell checks clock tower as Bond copies papers in Gumbold's office.
    13:45 - FYEO: Universal Exports helicopter flies by Big Ben in the pre-title sequence.
    14:00 - OHMSS: The clock strikes 2 as Gumbold returns and Bond disposes of the safe-opening device.
    14:21 -OP: Bond checks his watch after killing the second twin as he attempts to hitch a ride.
    14:39 - CR: Bond reads time and message on Vesper's phone to meet Gettler in 30 minutes.
    14:44 - OP: Bond looks at his watch in the German couple's car.
    14:45 - GF: Bond goes to change, aboard Goldfinger's jet.
    14:55 - OP: Bond gets out of the German couple's car.
    15.00 - FRWL: "Russian Clocks always correct!"
    15:00 - GE: OO7's DB5 races a Ferrari 355 and he shows his Omega Seamaster watch.
    15:00 - FRWL: Kerim Bey gets his second daily exercise rowing through Istanbul's underground reservoir to the Soviet Consulate. "My daily exercise. Eleven in the morning and three in the afternoon".
    15:19 - TB: Bond lifts off using the jetpack in the pre-title sequence, tower clock (and tower compass) in the background.
    15:20 - GF: Bond returns to his seat, after having a shave and change aboard Goldfinger's jet.
    15:30 - TSWLM: 3 ½ hours after destroying Stromberg’s submarines with their own nuclear ICBMs, American submarine commander informs Bond that he has been ordered to sink the Stromberg Habitat and Bond request his jet ski in order to rescue Agent XXX.
    15:38 - DN: M instructs Bond to catch "the seven o'clock plane to Kingston - in exactly 3 hours and 22 minutes".
    15:39 - SF: Bond operates caterpillar on train in pursuit of Patrice.
    15:40 - GE: Bond enters the Manticore yacht, observes the reflection on a sun dial, fights a deckhand, and his Omega Seamaster Professional 2541.80.00 wristwatch is visible as he towels his brow.
    15:44 - GE: Bond adjusts his tie after the tank chase is over.
    15:45 - OP: The nuclear warhead almost explodes.
    15:56 - TB: Bond observes the scuba gear on the far side of Palmyra and swallows the homing pill.
    16:00 - FRWL: "It is four o'clock, you know." ("This is not kulturny in the afternoon? Then I will take it off...")
    16:10 - TSWLM: Bond's Seiko 0674 5009 watch as the ticker-tape message comes through.
    16:28 - CR: Bond searches Vesper's phone to find message to him on how to find Mr. White.
    16:55 - SP: clock at the top of the facade that falls toward Bond in the pre-title sequence.
    17:00 - NSNA: Algernon replaces Bond's watch.
    17:25 – TLD: A medical attendant from the rescue helicopter used for their escape secures Koskov to a stretcher while wearing his no date Rolex Submariner on a nylon strap.
    17:32 - FRWL: Orient Express arrives at Belgrade (Remark: It is almost pitch dark, so it could be 05:32 a.m. However, when the train later arrives at Zagreb (about five hours away}, it is even darker, so Belgrade must be p.m.

    18:00 - TB: "Big Ben struck seven times at six o'clock this evening."
    18:13 - TND: Bond emerges from the repercussions at the Carver printing plant, conveniently towards the place where he illegally parked his BMW in the Mönckebergstraße pedestrian zone...the Town Hall clock bearing witness. Note: This is followed by a phone call from Carver starting with "Good Morning, Mr. Bond". But the amount of people running around in what is a shopping zone and the preceding actions make it impossible that this is actually 06:13 a.m. instead of p.m.
    18:40 - FRWL: Bond checks into his hotel (Lobby wall clock) and checks his room for recording devices (nightstand clock).
    18:56 - OHMSS: Bond activates the stopwatch function on his Rolex Daytona timing the Gondola for his escape.
    19:00 - GF: M instructs Bond to meet with him and Col. Smithers, to discuss Goldfinger's smuggling activities, over dinner.
    19:10 - OP: Liquid crystal TV Seiko G757-5020 in Q's lab showing the woman's cleavage.
    19:12:22 - CR: Alex Dimitrios pulls into the Ocean Club and texts the word "ELLIPSES" to a terrorist bomb maker named Mollaka.
    19:20 - MR: Bond pushes Chang through the clock at St. Mark's Square.
    19:30 - TLD: Pushkin activates his watch. Bond improvises.
    19:30 - DAD: Bond enters the London Underground with Big Ben in the background.
    19:51 – TB: Angelo disguised as Commandant Derval receives Derval’s Breitling Navitimer watch to wear before boarding and hijacking the Vulcan bomber, NATO flight 759 carrying two atomic weapons numbered 456 and 457 for SPECTRE.
    20:00 - OHMSS: ("We´re leaving very soon. I must see you.") "Eight o´clock tonight."
    20:00 - TWINE: Renard places the alarm clock on the stool, for M to countdown to her demise.
    20:00 - OP: Dinner at the Monsoon palace, for James Bond with Kamal Khan and Magda.
    20:40 – TLD: Bond enters the snipers hide in a building across the street from the symphony. He is to provide overwatch protection for Koskov, a false flag double agent who is pretending to escape to the West from Russia.
    21:00 - OHMSS: ("I must see you tonight.") "Nine o´clock?"
    21:23 - FYEO: Bond unstraps watch to attend to Melina, rather than to Mrs. Thatcher.
    21:49 - TB: Bond checks his Brietling Top Time Geiger counter watch while underwater inspecting the Disco Volante underwater hatch.
    22:05 - TMWTGG: Bond checks his wristwatch outside of The Bottoms Up Club.
    22:08 - DAD: Bond enjoys a martini at the Ice Palace displaying his Omega Seamaster wristwatch.
    22:12 - OP Bond checks his watch as Magda steals the Faberge egg before her escape below. Though the watch shows a.m it's clearly night time.
    22:15 - QOS: Mathis dies after being shot in the back by the police, while Bond holds him.
    22:40 - TND: Bond activates his watch, starting his “backup plan” of blowing a hole in Carver’s stealth ship.
    22:43 - GE: Bond spying on the Admiral & Onatop as they board the Manticore via his monocular.
    23:35 - TB: Commandant Derval "makes out" with his social secretary/Fiona while awaiting for his double, Angelo, to arrive. (the time here is not consistent with the time 19:51 Angelo receives Commandant Derval's Navitimer when they make to switch, moments later).
    24:00 - OHMSS: "Every night at exactly midnight you must be alone."

  • QBranchQBranch Always have an escape plan. Mine is watching James Bond films.
    Posts: 14,906
    00:03 - SP: Big Ben seen as OO7's boat chases Blofeld's helicopter.
    00:10 - MR: Drax's carriage clock as Bond breaks into the safe.
    00:11 - GF: Bond checks his Rolex Submariner to set timer on bomb.
    00:20 - GF: Bond checks his Rolex Submariner in the bar for the time and *kaboom*.
    00:32 - LALD: In Kananga's lair, Bond activates magnetic watch to attract pressurized bullet.
    00:36 - LALD: Bond activates the electric buzz saw integrated in his watch to cut his ropes.
    01.29 - LALD: The time on Bond's Rolex when he's in bed with Solitaire
    01:35 - YOLT: Control room world clocks show Tokyo Time (Shane Rimmer on the monitors).
    02:13 - CR: Carlos hangs his keychain explosive to the tanker at Miami Airport.
    02:57 - LTK: “An explosive alarm clock. Guaranteed never to wake up anyone who uses it.”
    05:48 - LALD: Bond checks the time on his Pulsar digital watch after being woken up by the knock on his door.
    05:51 - LALD: Bond receives magnetic Rolex Submariner from M.

    06:30 - DAD: Omega laser watch used to cut a hole in the ice. (*1 second from 06:31)
    06:43 - OP: Bond notices Kamal and Gobinda fleeing with Octopussy on his Liquid crystal TV watch.
    06:55 - SP: Bond and Swann drive off in the DB5 toward Big Ben at film's end.
    07:10 - OHMSS: Toussaint checks his pocket watch after the detonation time is set for Piz Gloria.
    07:12 - OHMSS: Draco's wristwatch appears to be 2 minutes fast compared to Toussaint's.
    07:25 - DAD: Using the rotating bezel on his Omega 300 Seamaster, Bond arms a detonator placed into C4 plastic explosive hidden under diamonds in a briefcase.
    07:50 - GE: Omega laser watch used to escape from the train.
    08:30 - H&G: Clock in Buckingham Palace.
    08:35 - H&G: Big Ben viewed from helicopter.
    08:40 - TND: Stamper runs across neighbouring roof after discovering Bond climbing out of the Atlantic Hotel; Central Station clocktower in the background.
    09:00 - SP: Back from Mexico in M's office, clock on mantlepiece.
    09:17 - SP: Bond receives an Omega Seamaster 300 in Q's lab
    09:40 - NSNA: On a clock on the wall as Fatima Blush first wheels Jack into Shrublands, and immediately after on another clock as Bond bumps into Patricia (though the first clock is difficult to read, and could possibly contradict the second, which is slightly clearer).
    09:55 - GE: Alex Trevelyan activates Bond‘s Omega Seamaster Pro wristwatch.
    10:05 - NSNA: The clock on the wall as Bond and Lippe bring their fight into the kitchen at Shrublands.
    10:05 - GF: Mai Lei serves Bond a Martini on Mr. Goldfinger's Lockheed Jetstar heading for Baltimore.
    10.08 - MR: Bond blows away the bars via a bomb in his Seiko M354 Memory-Bank Calendar so he and Holly can scamper into a tunnel and escape Moonraker 5's thrusters ("Bang on time!").
    10:25 - TND: Bond approaches the newsstand at Hamburg Airport, which sports a clock advertising the TV magazine "Funkuhr", above the English and German editions of "Tomorrow" headlined "China Warns British Fleet".
    10:20 - QOS: René Mathis' Hamilton Khaki Field wristwatch at his Italian villa.
    10:25 (though the next day) - TND: Bond ends up on the roof parking of the "Atlantic Hotel" after the BMW remote-controlled chase which started shortly after 08:40 (see there)...but the Central Station clock towers (both of them) show it's been one hour and 45 minutes since.
    11:00 - FRWL: Kerim Bey gets his first daily exercise rowing through Istanbul's underground reservoir to the Soviet Consulate. "My daily exercise. Eleven in the morning and three in the afternoon".
    11:07 - GF: Goldfinger is sucked out of the plane.
    11:30 - SF: OO7 navel gazing on the rooftop with Big Ben in the distance.
    11:45 - OP: Bond the Gorilla checks his watch on OP train.

    12:00 - TB: ("Come to lunch on Sunday, at Palmyra. It's my house here.") "Sunday at noon, then."
    12:10 - FYEO: Sir Timothy Havelock checks the navigation chart on the Triana.
    12:15 - TB: Bond checks his Breitling Top Time Geiger counter watch while visit at Palmyra, "Rum Collins hour."
    12:15 - DAF: Showtime for Shady Tree and his Acorns.
    12:16 - CR: Bond checks the security tapes at the Ocean Club.
    12:40 - TWINE: Big Ben aerial view across the Thames.
    12:45 - TB: Bond is tied to the back stretching machine at Shrublands clinic.
    12:58 - TB: Bond reveals François Derval's Breitling Navitimer wristwatch to Domino.
    13:04 - OHMSS: Code-breaking machine delivered to Gumbold's office by crane.
    13:09 - TWINE: OO7 in the Q-Boat on the Thames reaches for the "DIVE" lever.
    13:44 - OHMSS: Campbell checks clock tower as Bond copies papers in Gumbold's office.
    13:45 - FYEO: Universal Exports helicopter flies by Big Ben in the pre-title sequence.
    14:00 - OHMSS: The clock strikes 2 as Gumbold returns and Bond disposes of the safe-opening device.
    14:21 -OP: Bond checks his watch after killing the second twin as he attempts to hitch a ride.
    14:39 - CR: Bond reads time and message on Vesper's phone to meet Gettler in 30 minutes.
    14:44 - OP: Bond looks at his watch in the German couple's car.
    14:45 - GF: Bond goes to change, aboard Goldfinger's jet.
    14:55 - OP: Bond gets out of the German couple's car.
    15.00 - FRWL: "Russian Clocks always correct!"
    15:00 - GE: OO7's DB5 races a Ferrari 355 and he shows his Omega Seamaster watch.
    15:00 - FRWL: Kerim Bey gets his second daily exercise rowing through Istanbul's underground reservoir to the Soviet Consulate. "My daily exercise. Eleven in the morning and three in the afternoon".
    15:19 - TB: Bond lifts off using the jetpack in the pre-title sequence, tower clock (and tower compass) in the background.
    15:20 - GF: Bond returns to his seat, after having a shave and change aboard Goldfinger's jet.
    15:30 - TSWLM: 3 ½ hours after destroying Stromberg’s submarines with their own nuclear ICBMs, American submarine commander informs Bond that he has been ordered to sink the Stromberg Habitat and Bond request his jet ski in order to rescue Agent XXX.
    15:38 - DN: M instructs Bond to catch "the seven o'clock plane to Kingston - in exactly 3 hours and 22 minutes".
    15:39 - SF: Bond operates caterpillar on train in pursuit of Patrice.
    15:40 - GE: Bond enters the Manticore yacht, observes the reflection on a sun dial, fights a deckhand, and his Omega Seamaster Professional 2541.80.00 wristwatch is visible as he towels his brow.
    15:44 - GE: Bond adjusts his tie after the tank chase is over.
    15:45 - OP: The nuclear warhead almost explodes.
    15:56 - TB: Bond observes the scuba gear on the far side of Palmyra and swallows the homing pill.
    16:00 - FRWL: "It is four o'clock, you know." ("This is not kulturny in the afternoon? Then I will take it off...")
    16:10 - TSWLM: Bond's Seiko 0674 5009 watch as the ticker-tape message comes through.
    16:28 - CR: Bond searches Vesper's phone to find message to him on how to find Mr. White.
    16:55 - SP: clock at the top of the facade that falls toward Bond in the pre-title sequence.
    17:00 - NSNA: Algernon replaces Bond's watch.
    17:25 – TLD: A medical attendant from the rescue helicopter used for their escape secures Koskov to a stretcher while wearing his no date Rolex Submariner on a nylon strap.
    17:32 - FRWL: Orient Express arrives at Belgrade (Remark: It is almost pitch dark, so it could be 05:32 a.m. However, when the train later arrives at Zagreb (about five hours away}, it is even darker, so Belgrade must be p.m.

    18:00 - TB: "Big Ben struck seven times at six o'clock this evening."
    18:13 - TND: Bond emerges from the repercussions at the Carver printing plant, conveniently towards the place where he illegally parked his BMW in the Mönckebergstraße pedestrian zone...the Town Hall clock bearing witness. Note: This is followed by a phone call from Carver starting with "Good Morning, Mr. Bond". But the amount of people running around in what is a shopping zone and the preceding actions make it impossible that this is actually 06:13 a.m. instead of p.m.
    18:40 - FRWL: Bond checks into his hotel (Lobby wall clock) and checks his room for recording devices (nightstand clock).
    18:56 - OHMSS: Bond activates the stopwatch function on his Rolex Daytona timing the Gondola for his escape.
    19:00 - GF: M instructs Bond to meet with him and Col. Smithers, to discuss Goldfinger's smuggling activities, over dinner.
    19:10 - OP: Liquid crystal TV Seiko G757-5020 in Q's lab showing the woman's cleavage.
    19:12:22 - CR: Alex Dimitrios pulls into the Ocean Club and texts the word "ELLIPSES" to a terrorist bomb maker named Mollaka.
    19:20 - MR: Bond pushes Chang through the clock at St. Mark's Square.
    19:30 - TLD: Pushkin activates his watch. Bond improvises.
    19:30 - DAD: Bond enters the London Underground with Big Ben in the background.
    19:51 – TB: Angelo disguised as Commandant Derval receives Derval’s Breitling Navitimer watch to wear before boarding and hijacking the Vulcan bomber, NATO flight 759 carrying two atomic weapons numbered 456 and 457 for SPECTRE.
    20:00 - OHMSS: ("We´re leaving very soon. I must see you.") "Eight o´clock tonight."
    20:00 - TWINE: Renard places the alarm clock on the stool, for M to countdown to her demise.
    20:00 - OP: Dinner at the Monsoon palace, for James Bond with Kamal Khan and Magda.
    20:40 – TLD: Bond enters the snipers hide in a building across the street from the symphony. He is to provide overwatch protection for Koskov, a false flag double agent who is pretending to escape to the West from Russia.
    21:00 - OHMSS: ("I must see you tonight.") "Nine o´clock?"
    21:23 - FYEO: Bond unstraps watch to attend to Melina, rather than to Mrs. Thatcher.
    21:49 - TB: Bond checks his Brietling Top Time Geiger counter watch while underwater inspecting the Disco Volante underwater hatch.
    22:05 - TMWTGG: Bond checks his wristwatch outside of The Bottoms Up Club.
    22:08 - DAD: Bond enjoys a martini at the Ice Palace displaying his Omega Seamaster wristwatch.
    22:12 - OP Bond checks his watch as Magda steals the Faberge egg before her escape below. Though the watch shows a.m it's clearly night time.
    22:15 - QOS: Mathis dies after being shot in the back by the police, while Bond holds him.
    22:40 - TND: Bond activates his watch, starting his “backup plan” of blowing a hole in Carver’s stealth ship.
    22:43 - GE: Bond spying on the Admiral & Onatop as they board the Manticore via his monocular.
    23:35 - TB: Commandant Derval "makes out" with his social secretary/Fiona while awaiting for his double, Angelo, to arrive. (the time here is not consistent with the time 19:51 Angelo receives Commandant Derval's Navitimer when they make to switch, moments later).
    24:00 - OHMSS: "Every night at exactly midnight you must be alone."

  • zebrafishzebrafish <°)))< in Octopussy's garden in the shade
    Posts: 4,384
    00:03 - SP: Big Ben seen as OO7's boat chases Blofeld's helicopter.
    00:10 - MR: Drax's carriage clock as Bond breaks into the safe.
    00:11 - GF: Bond checks his Rolex Submariner to set timer on bomb.
    00:20 - GF: Bond checks his Rolex Submariner in the bar for the time and *kaboom*.
    00:32 - LALD: In Kananga's lair, Bond activates magnetic watch to attract pressurized bullet.
    00:36 - LALD: Bond activates the electric buzz saw integrated in his watch to cut his ropes.
    01.29 - LALD: The time on Bond's Rolex when he's in bed with Solitaire
    01:35 - YOLT: Control room world clocks show Tokyo Time (Shane Rimmer on the monitors).
    02:13 - CR: Carlos hangs his keychain explosive to the tanker at Miami Airport.
    02:57 - LTK: “An explosive alarm clock. Guaranteed never to wake up anyone who uses it.”
    05:48 - LALD: Bond checks the time on his Pulsar digital watch after being woken up by the knock on his door.
    05:51 - LALD: Bond receives magnetic Rolex Submariner from M.

    06:30 - DAD: Omega laser watch used to cut a hole in the ice. (*1 second from 06:31)
    06:43 - OP: Bond notices Kamal and Gobinda fleeing with Octopussy on his Liquid crystal TV watch.
    06:55 - SP: Bond and Swann drive off in the DB5 toward Big Ben at film's end.
    07:10 - OHMSS: Toussaint checks his pocket watch after the detonation time is set for Piz Gloria.
    07:12 - OHMSS: Draco's wristwatch appears to be 2 minutes fast compared to Toussaint's.
    07:25 - DAD: Using the rotating bezel on his Omega 300 Seamaster, Bond arms a detonator placed into C4 plastic explosive hidden under diamonds in a briefcase.
    07:50 - GE: Omega laser watch used to escape from the train.
    08:30 - H&G: Clock in Buckingham Palace.
    08:35 - H&G: Big Ben viewed from helicopter.
    08:40 - TND: Stamper runs across neighbouring roof after discovering Bond climbing out of the Atlantic Hotel; Central Station clocktower in the background.
    09:00 - SP: Back from Mexico in M's office, clock on mantlepiece.
    09:17 - SP: Bond receives an Omega Seamaster 300 in Q's lab
    09:40 - NSNA: On a clock on the wall as Fatima Blush first wheels Jack into Shrublands, and immediately after on another clock as Bond bumps into Patricia (though the first clock is difficult to read, and could possibly contradict the second, which is slightly clearer).
    09:55 - GE: Alex Trevelyan activates Bond‘s Omega Seamaster Pro wristwatch.
    10:05 - NSNA: The clock on the wall as Bond and Lippe bring their fight into the kitchen at Shrublands.
    10:05 - GF: Mai Lei serves Bond a Martini on Mr. Goldfinger's Lockheed Jetstar heading for Baltimore.
    10.08 - MR: Bond blows away the bars via a bomb in his Seiko M354 Memory-Bank Calendar so he and Holly can scamper into a tunnel and escape Moonraker 5's thrusters ("Bang on time!").
    10:25 - TND: Bond approaches the newsstand at Hamburg Airport, which sports a clock advertising the TV magazine "Funkuhr", above the English and German editions of "Tomorrow" headlined "China Warns British Fleet".
    10:20 - QOS: René Mathis' Hamilton Khaki Field wristwatch at his Italian villa.
    10:25 (though the next day) - TND: Bond ends up on the roof parking of the "Atlantic Hotel" after the BMW remote-controlled chase which started shortly after 08:40 (see there)...but the Central Station clock towers (both of them) show it's been one hour and 45 minutes since.
    11:00 - FRWL: Kerim Bey gets his first daily exercise rowing through Istanbul's underground reservoir to the Soviet Consulate. "My daily exercise. Eleven in the morning and three in the afternoon".
    11:07 - GF: Goldfinger is sucked out of the plane.
    11:30 - SF: OO7 navel gazing on the rooftop with Big Ben in the distance.
    11:45 - OP: Bond the Gorilla checks his watch on OP train.

    12:00 - TB: ("Come to lunch on Sunday, at Palmyra. It's my house here.") "Sunday at noon, then."
    12:10 - FYEO: Sir Timothy Havelock checks the navigation chart on the Triana.
    12:15 - TB: Bond checks his Breitling Top Time Geiger counter watch while visit at Palmyra, "Rum Collins hour."
    12:15 - DAF: Showtime for Shady Tree and his Acorns.
    12:16 - CR: Bond checks the security tapes at the Ocean Club.
    12:40 - TWINE: Big Ben aerial view across the Thames.
    12:45 - TB: Bond is tied to the back stretching machine at Shrublands clinic.
    12:58 - TB: Bond reveals François Derval's Breitling Navitimer wristwatch to Domino.
    13:04 - OHMSS: Code-breaking machine delivered to Gumbold's office by crane.
    13:09 - TWINE: OO7 in the Q-Boat on the Thames reaches for the "DIVE" lever.
    13:37 - NTTD: Bond waits for M at Hammersmith Bridge, London
    13:44 - OHMSS: Campbell checks clock tower as Bond copies papers in Gumbold's office.
    13:45 - FYEO: Universal Exports helicopter flies by Big Ben in the pre-title sequence.
    14:00 - OHMSS: The clock strikes 2 as Gumbold returns and Bond disposes of the safe-opening device.
    14:21 -OP: Bond checks his watch after killing the second twin as he attempts to hitch a ride.
    14:39 - CR: Bond reads time and message on Vesper's phone to meet Gettler in 30 minutes.
    14:44 - OP: Bond looks at his watch in the German couple's car.
    14:45 - GF: Bond goes to change, aboard Goldfinger's jet.
    14:55 - OP: Bond gets out of the German couple's car.
    15.00 - FRWL: "Russian Clocks always correct!"
    15:00 - GE: OO7's DB5 races a Ferrari 355 and he shows his Omega Seamaster watch.
    15:00 - FRWL: Kerim Bey gets his second daily exercise rowing through Istanbul's underground reservoir to the Soviet Consulate. "My daily exercise. Eleven in the morning and three in the afternoon".
    15:19 - TB: Bond lifts off using the jetpack in the pre-title sequence, tower clock (and tower compass) in the background.
    15:20 - GF: Bond returns to his seat, after having a shave and change aboard Goldfinger's jet.
    15:30 - TSWLM: 3 ½ hours after destroying Stromberg’s submarines with their own nuclear ICBMs, American submarine commander informs Bond that he has been ordered to sink the Stromberg Habitat and Bond request his jet ski in order to rescue Agent XXX.
    15:38 - DN: M instructs Bond to catch "the seven o'clock plane to Kingston - in exactly 3 hours and 22 minutes".
    15:39 - SF: Bond operates caterpillar on train in pursuit of Patrice.
    15:40 - GE: Bond enters the Manticore yacht, observes the reflection on a sun dial, fights a deckhand, and his Omega Seamaster Professional 2541.80.00 wristwatch is visible as he towels his brow.
    15:44 - GE: Bond adjusts his tie after the tank chase is over.
    15:45 - OP: The nuclear warhead almost explodes.
    15:56 - TB: Bond observes the scuba gear on the far side of Palmyra and swallows the homing pill.
    16:00 - FRWL: "It is four o'clock, you know." ("This is not kulturny in the afternoon? Then I will take it off...")
    16:10 - TSWLM: Bond's Seiko 0674 5009 watch as the ticker-tape message comes through.
    16:28 - CR: Bond searches Vesper's phone to find message to him on how to find Mr. White.
    16:55 - SP: clock at the top of the facade that falls toward Bond in the pre-title sequence.
    17:00 - NSNA: Algernon replaces Bond's watch.
    17:25 – TLD: A medical attendant from the rescue helicopter used for their escape secures Koskov to a stretcher while wearing his no date Rolex Submariner on a nylon strap.
    17:32 - FRWL: Orient Express arrives at Belgrade (Remark: It is almost pitch dark, so it could be 05:32 a.m. However, when the train later arrives at Zagreb (about five hours away}, it is even darker, so Belgrade must be p.m.

    18:00 - TB: "Big Ben struck seven times at six o'clock this evening."
    18:13 - TND: Bond emerges from the repercussions at the Carver printing plant, conveniently towards the place where he illegally parked his BMW in the Mönckebergstraße pedestrian zone...the Town Hall clock bearing witness. Note: This is followed by a phone call from Carver starting with "Good Morning, Mr. Bond". But the amount of people running around in what is a shopping zone and the preceding actions make it impossible that this is actually 06:13 a.m. instead of p.m.
    18:40 - FRWL: Bond checks into his hotel (Lobby wall clock) and checks his room for recording devices (nightstand clock).
    18:56 - OHMSS: Bond activates the stopwatch function on his Rolex Daytona timing the Gondola for his escape.
    19:00 - GF: M instructs Bond to meet with him and Col. Smithers, to discuss Goldfinger's smuggling activities, over dinner.
    19:10 - OP: Liquid crystal TV Seiko G757-5020 in Q's lab showing the woman's cleavage.
    19:12:22 - CR: Alex Dimitrios pulls into the Ocean Club and texts the word "ELLIPSES" to a terrorist bomb maker named Mollaka.
    19:20 - MR: Bond pushes Chang through the clock at St. Mark's Square.
    19:30 - TLD: Pushkin activates his watch. Bond improvises.
    19:30 - DAD: Bond enters the London Underground with Big Ben in the background.
    19:51 – TB: Angelo disguised as Commandant Derval receives Derval’s Breitling Navitimer watch to wear before boarding and hijacking the Vulcan bomber, NATO flight 759 carrying two atomic weapons numbered 456 and 457 for SPECTRE.
    20:00 - OHMSS: ("We´re leaving very soon. I must see you.") "Eight o´clock tonight."
    20:00 - TWINE: Renard places the alarm clock on the stool, for M to countdown to her demise.
    20:00 - OP: Dinner at the Monsoon palace, for James Bond with Kamal Khan and Magda.
    20:40 – TLD: Bond enters the snipers hide in a building across the street from the symphony. He is to provide overwatch protection for Koskov, a false flag double agent who is pretending to escape to the West from Russia.
    21:00 - OHMSS: ("I must see you tonight.") "Nine o´clock?"
    21:23 - FYEO: Bond unstraps watch to attend to Melina, rather than to Mrs. Thatcher.
    21:49 - TB: Bond checks his Brietling Top Time Geiger counter watch while underwater inspecting the Disco Volante underwater hatch.
    22:05 - TMWTGG: Bond checks his wristwatch outside of The Bottoms Up Club.
    22:08 - DAD: Bond enjoys a martini at the Ice Palace displaying his Omega Seamaster wristwatch.
    22:12 - OP Bond checks his watch as Magda steals the Faberge egg before her escape below. Though the watch shows a.m it's clearly night time.
    22:15 - QOS: Mathis dies after being shot in the back by the police, while Bond holds him.
    22:40 - TND: Bond activates his watch, starting his “backup plan” of blowing a hole in Carver’s stealth ship.
    22:43 - GE: Bond spying on the Admiral & Onatop as they board the Manticore via his monocular.
    23:35 - TB: Commandant Derval "makes out" with his social secretary/Fiona while awaiting for his double, Angelo, to arrive. (the time here is not consistent with the time 19:51 Angelo receives Commandant Derval's Navitimer when they make to switch, moments later).
    24:00 - OHMSS: "Every night at exactly midnight you must be alone."
  • ThunderfingerThunderfinger Das Boot Hill
    Posts: 45,489
    Is there also a thread that deals with specified years?
  • zebrafishzebrafish <°)))< in Octopussy's garden in the shade
    Posts: 4,384
    @Thunderfinger , not that I know of. Do you have an idea?
  • ThunderfingerThunderfinger Das Boot Hill
    Posts: 45,489
    zebrafish wrote: »
    @Thunderfinger , not that I know of. Do you have an idea?

    Well, I think years are more interesting than hours and minutes, but maybe that s just me.
  • QBranchQBranch Always have an escape plan. Mine is watching James Bond films.
    edited October 2021 Posts: 14,906
    zebrafish wrote: »
    @Thunderfinger , not that I know of. Do you have an idea?

    Well, I think years are more interesting than hours and minutes, but maybe that s just me.
    I'm up for this. How intricate do you want to make it? I've often analyzed individual films to see which days of what month the entire mission unfolds. I did this for DAD very recently to get an idea of what date is on Bond's watch (when I posted that photo above).
  • ThunderfingerThunderfinger Das Boot Hill
    Posts: 45,489
    QBranch wrote: »
    zebrafish wrote: »
    @Thunderfinger , not that I know of. Do you have an idea?

    Well, I think years are more interesting than hours and minutes, but maybe that s just me.
    I'm up for this. How intricate do you want to make it? I've often analyzed individual films to see which days of what month the entire mission unfolds. I did this for DAD very recently to get an idea of what date is on Bond's watch (when I posted that photo above).

    Days, months and years would be nice. Not so keen on running such a thread myself, but if you or anyone else sets up a thread like this, I would sure follow it. It could cover both books and films.
  • QBranchQBranch Always have an escape plan. Mine is watching James Bond films.
    Posts: 14,906
    QBranch wrote: »
    zebrafish wrote: »
    @Thunderfinger , not that I know of. Do you have an idea?

    Well, I think years are more interesting than hours and minutes, but maybe that s just me.
    I'm up for this. How intricate do you want to make it? I've often analyzed individual films to see which days of what month the entire mission unfolds. I did this for DAD very recently to get an idea of what date is on Bond's watch (when I posted that photo above).

    Days, months and years would be nice. Not so keen on running such a thread myself, but if you or anyone else sets up a thread like this, I would sure follow it. It could cover both books and films.
    Cool, I'll start the thread. Let me know if I've misunderstood your intentions.
  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    edited December 2021 Posts: 14,175
    [No Update]

    00:03 - SP: Big Ben seen as OO7's boat chases Blofeld's helicopter.
    00:10 - MR: Drax's carriage clock as Bond breaks into the safe.
    00:11 - GF: Bond checks his Rolex Submariner to set timer on bomb.
    00:20 - GF: Bond checks his Rolex Submariner in the bar for the time and *kaboom*.
    00:32 - LALD: In Kananga's lair, Bond activates magnetic watch to attract pressurized bullet.
    00:36 - LALD: Bond activates the electric buzz saw integrated in his watch to cut his ropes.
    01.29 - LALD: The time on Bond's Rolex when he's in bed with Solitaire
    01:35 - YOLT: Control room world clocks show Tokyo Time (Shane Rimmer on the monitors).
    02:13 - CR: Carlos hangs his keychain explosive to the tanker at Miami Airport.
    02:57 - LTK: “An explosive alarm clock. Guaranteed never to wake up anyone who uses it.”

    05:48 - LALD: Bond checks the time on his Pulsar digital watch after being woken up by the knock on his door.
    05:51 - LALD: Bond receives magnetic Rolex Submariner from M.

    06:30 - DAD: Omega laser watch used to cut a hole in the ice. (*1 second from 06:31)
    06:43 - OP: Bond notices Kamal and Gobinda fleeing with Octopussy on his Liquid crystal TV watch.
    06:55 - SP: Bond and Swann drive off in the DB5 toward Big Ben at film's end.
    07:10 - OHMSS: Toussaint checks his pocket watch after the detonation time is set for Piz Gloria.
    07:12 - OHMSS: Draco's wristwatch appears to be 2 minutes fast compared to Toussaint's.
    07:25 - DAD: Using the rotating bezel on his Omega 300 Seamaster, Bond arms a detonator placed into C4 plastic explosive hidden under diamonds in a briefcase.
    07:50 - GE: Omega laser watch used to escape from the train.
    08:30 - H&G: Clock in Buckingham Palace.
    08:35 - H&G: Big Ben viewed from helicopter.
    08:40 - TND: Stamper runs across neighbouring roof after discovering Bond climbing out of the Atlantic Hotel; Central Station clocktower in the background.

    09:00 - SP: Back from Mexico in M's office, clock on mantlepiece.
    09:17 - SP: Bond receives an Omega Seamaster 300 in Q's lab
    09:40 - NSNA: On a clock on the wall as Fatima Blush first wheels Jack into Shrublands, and immediately after on another clock as Bond bumps into Patricia (though the first clock is difficult to read, and could possibly contradict the second, which is slightly clearer).
    09:55 - GE: Alex Trevelyan activates Bond‘s Omega Seamaster Pro wristwatch.
    10:05 - NSNA: The clock on the wall as Bond and Lippe bring their fight into the kitchen at Shrublands.
    10:05 - GF: Mai Lei serves Bond a Martini on Mr. Goldfinger's Lockheed Jetstar heading for Baltimore.
    10.08 - MR: Bond blows away the bars via a bomb in his Seiko M354 Memory-Bank Calendar so he and Holly can scamper into a tunnel and escape Moonraker 5's thrusters ("Bang on time!").
    10:25 - TND: Bond approaches the newsstand at Hamburg Airport, which sports a clock advertising the TV magazine "Funkuhr", above the English and German editions of "Tomorrow" headlined "China Warns British Fleet".
    10:20 - QOS: René Mathis' Hamilton Khaki Field wristwatch at his Italian villa.
    10:25 (though the next day) - TND: Bond ends up on the roof parking of the "Atlantic Hotel" after the BMW remote-controlled chase which started shortly after 08:40 (see there)...but the Central Station clock towers (both of them) show it's been one hour and 45 minutes since.
    11:00 - FRWL: Kerim Bey gets his first daily exercise rowing through Istanbul's underground reservoir to the Soviet Consulate. "My daily exercise. Eleven in the morning and three in the afternoon".
    11:07 - GF: Goldfinger is sucked out of the plane.
    11:30 - SF: OO7 navel gazing on the rooftop with Big Ben in the distance.
    11:45 - OP: Bond the Gorilla checks his watch on OP train.

    12:00 - TB: ("Come to lunch on Sunday, at Palmyra. It's my house here.") "Sunday at noon, then."
    12:10 - FYEO: Sir Timothy Havelock checks the navigation chart on the Triana.
    12:15 - TB: Bond checks his Breitling Top Time Geiger counter watch while visit at Palmyra, "Rum Collins hour."
    12:15 - DAF: Showtime for Shady Tree and his Acorns.
    12:16 - CR: Bond checks the security tapes at the Ocean Club.
    12:40 - TWINE: Big Ben aerial view across the Thames.
    12:45 - TB: Bond is tied to the back stretching machine at Shrublands clinic.
    12:58 - TB: Bond reveals François Derval's Breitling Navitimer wristwatch to Domino.
    13:04 - OHMSS: Code-breaking machine delivered to Gumbold's office by crane.
    13:09 - TWINE: OO7 in the Q-Boat on the Thames reaches for the "DIVE" lever.
    13:37 - NTTD: Bond waits for M at Hammersmith Bridge, London
    13:44 - OHMSS: Campbell checks clock tower as Bond copies papers in Gumbold's office.
    13:45 - FYEO: Universal Exports helicopter flies by Big Ben in the pre-title sequence.
    14:00 - OHMSS: The clock strikes 2 as Gumbold returns and Bond disposes of the safe-opening device.
    14:21 -OP: Bond checks his watch after killing the second twin as he attempts to hitch a ride.
    14:39 - CR: Bond reads time and message on Vesper's phone to meet Gettler in 30 minutes.
    14:44 - OP: Bond looks at his watch in the German couple's car.
    14:45 - GF: Bond goes to change, aboard Goldfinger's jet.
    14:55 - OP: Bond gets out of the German couple's car.

    15.00 - FRWL: "Russian Clocks always correct!"
    15:00 - GE: OO7's DB5 races a Ferrari 355 and he shows his Omega Seamaster watch.
    15:00 - FRWL: Kerim Bey gets his second daily exercise rowing through Istanbul's underground reservoir to the Soviet Consulate. "My daily exercise. Eleven in the morning and three in the afternoon".
    15:19 - TB: Bond lifts off using the jetpack in the pre-title sequence, tower clock (and tower compass) in the background.
    15:20 - GF: Bond returns to his seat, after having a shave and change aboard Goldfinger's jet.
    15:30 - TSWLM: 3 ½ hours after destroying Stromberg’s submarines with their own nuclear ICBMs, American submarine commander informs Bond that he has been ordered to sink the Stromberg Habitat and Bond request his jet ski in order to rescue Agent XXX.
    15:38 - DN: M instructs Bond to catch "the seven o'clock plane to Kingston - in exactly 3 hours and 22 minutes".
    15:39 - SF: Bond operates caterpillar on train in pursuit of Patrice.
    15:40 - GE: Bond enters the Manticore yacht, observes the reflection on a sun dial, fights a deckhand, and his Omega Seamaster Professional 2541.80.00 wristwatch is visible as he towels his brow.
    15:44 - GE: Bond adjusts his tie after the tank chase is over.
    15:45 - OP: The nuclear warhead almost explodes.
    15:56 - TB: Bond observes the scuba gear on the far side of Palmyra and swallows the homing pill.
    16:00 - FRWL: "It is four o'clock, you know." ("This is not kulturny in the afternoon? Then I will take it off...")
    16:10 - TSWLM: Bond's Seiko 0674 5009 watch as the ticker-tape message comes through.
    16:28 - CR: Bond searches Vesper's phone to find message to him on how to find Mr. White.
    16:55 - SP: clock at the top of the facade that falls toward Bond in the pre-title sequence.
    17:00 - NSNA: Algernon replaces Bond's watch.
    17:25 – TLD: A medical attendant from the rescue helicopter used for their escape secures Koskov to a stretcher while wearing his no date Rolex Submariner on a nylon strap.
    17:32 - FRWL: Orient Express arrives at Belgrade (Remark: It is almost pitch dark, so it could be 05:32 a.m. However, when the train later arrives at Zagreb (about five hours away}, it is even darker, so Belgrade must be p.m.

    18:00 - TB: "Big Ben struck seven times at six o'clock this evening."
    18:13 - TND: Bond emerges from the repercussions at the Carver printing plant, conveniently towards the place where he illegally parked his BMW in the Mönckebergstraße pedestrian zone...the Town Hall clock bearing witness. Note: This is followed by a phone call from Carver starting with "Good Morning, Mr. Bond". But the amount of people running around in what is a shopping zone and the preceding actions make it impossible that this is actually 06:13 a.m. instead of p.m.
    18:40 - FRWL: Bond checks into his hotel (Lobby wall clock) and checks his room for recording devices (nightstand clock).
    18:56 - OHMSS: Bond activates the stopwatch function on his Rolex Daytona timing the Gondola for his escape.
    19:00 - GF: M instructs Bond to meet with him and Col. Smithers, to discuss Goldfinger's smuggling activities, over dinner.
    19:10 - OP: Liquid crystal TV Seiko G757-5020 in Q's lab showing the woman's cleavage.
    19:12:22 - CR: Alex Dimitrios pulls into the Ocean Club and texts the word "ELLIPSES" to a terrorist bomb maker named Mollaka.
    19:20 - MR: Bond pushes Chang through the clock at St. Mark's Square.
    19:30 - TLD: Pushkin activates his watch. Bond improvises.
    19:30 - DAD: Bond enters the London Underground with Big Ben in the background.
    19:51 – TB: Angelo disguised as Commandant Derval receives Derval’s Breitling Navitimer watch to wear before boarding and hijacking the Vulcan bomber, NATO flight 759 carrying two atomic weapons numbered 456 and 457 for SPECTRE.
    20:00 - OHMSS: ("We´re leaving very soon. I must see you.") "Eight o´clock tonight."
    20:00 - TWINE: Renard places the alarm clock on the stool, for M to countdown to her demise.
    20:00 - OP: Dinner at the Monsoon palace, for James Bond with Kamal Khan and Magda.
    20:40 – TLD: Bond enters the snipers hide in a building across the street from the symphony. He is to provide overwatch protection for Koskov, a false flag double agent who is pretending to escape to the West from Russia.

    21:00 - OHMSS: ("I must see you tonight.") "Nine o´clock?"
    21:23 - FYEO: Bond unstraps watch to attend to Melina, rather than to Mrs. Thatcher.
    21:49 - TB: Bond checks his Brietling Top Time Geiger counter watch while underwater inspecting the Disco Volante underwater hatch.
    22:05 - TMWTGG: Bond checks his wristwatch outside of The Bottoms Up Club.
    22:08 - DAD: Bond enjoys a martini at the Ice Palace displaying his Omega Seamaster wristwatch.
    22:12 - OP Bond checks his watch as Magda steals the Faberge egg before her escape below. Though the watch shows a.m it's clearly night time.
    22:15 - QOS: Mathis dies after being shot in the back by the police, while Bond holds him.
    22:40 - TND: Bond activates his watch, starting his “backup plan” of blowing a hole in Carver’s stealth ship.
    22:43 - GE: Bond spying on the Admiral & Onatop as they board the Manticore via his monocular.
    23:35 - TB: Commandant Derval "makes out" with his social secretary/Fiona while awaiting for his double, Angelo, to arrive. (the time here is not consistent with the time 19:51 Angelo receives Commandant Derval's Navitimer when they make to switch, moments later).
    24:00 - OHMSS: "Every night at exactly midnight you must be alone."

  • BennyBenny Shaken not stirredAdministrator, Moderator
    Posts: 15,321
    Apparently Bond and Swann drive off in the DB5 towards Big Ben at different times.
    It's also seen at 06:55 too.
    Continuity error, or viewer error?
  • NickTwentyTwoNickTwentyTwo Vancouver, BC, Canada
    Posts: 7,606
    Analogue clocks are hard? ;P
  • QBranchQBranch Always have an escape plan. Mine is watching James Bond films.
    Posts: 14,906
    Speaking of hard clocks:

    @Benny's wife: "It's that time again, Big Ben".
  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 14,175

    Funny yes, I'm the one that also proposed 6:55 which should carry the day. Good discussion though.

    Retracting previous suggestion.
  • j_w_pepperj_w_pepper Born on the bayou, but I now hear a new dog barkin'
    Posts: 9,186
    A few additions for the sake of completeness:

    00:03 - SP: Big Ben seen as OO7's boat chases Blofeld's helicopter.
    00:10 - MR: Drax's carriage clock as Bond breaks into the safe.
    00:11 - GF: Bond checks his Rolex Submariner to set timer on bomb.
    00:20 - GF: Bond checks his Rolex Submariner in the bar for the time and *kaboom*.
    00:32 - LALD: In Kananga's lair, Bond activates magnetic watch to attract pressurized bullet.
    00:36 - LALD: Bond activates the electric buzz saw integrated in his watch to cut his ropes.
    01.29 - LALD: The time on Bond's Rolex when he's in bed with Solitaire
    01:35 - YOLT: Control room world clocks show Tokyo Time (Shane Rimmer on the monitors).
    02:13 - CR: Carlos hangs his keychain explosive to the tanker at Miami Airport.
    02:57 - LTK: “An explosive alarm clock. Guaranteed never to wake up anyone who uses it.”

    05:48 - LALD: Bond checks the time on his Pulsar digital watch after being woken up by the knock on his door.
    05:51 - LALD: Bond receives magnetic Rolex Submariner from M.

    06:30 - DAD: Omega laser watch used to cut a hole in the ice. (*1 second from 06:31)
    06:43 - OP: Bond notices Kamal and Gobinda fleeing with Octopussy on his Liquid crystal TV watch.
    06:55 - SP: Bond and Swann drive off in the DB5 toward Big Ben at film's end.
    07:10 - OHMSS: Toussaint checks his pocket watch after the detonation time is set for Piz Gloria.
    07:12 - OHMSS: Draco's wristwatch appears to be 2 minutes fast compared to Toussaint's.
    07:25 - DAD: Using the rotating bezel on his Omega 300 Seamaster, Bond arms a detonator placed into C4 plastic explosive hidden under diamonds in a briefcase.
    07:50 - GE: Omega laser watch used to escape from the train.
    08:30 - H&G: Clock in Buckingham Palace.
    08:35 - H&G: Big Ben viewed from helicopter.
    08:40 - TND: Stamper runs across neighbouring roof after discovering Bond climbing out of the Atlantic Hotel; Central Station clocktower in the background.

    09:00 - SP: Back from Mexico in M's office, clock on mantlepiece.
    09:17 - SP: Bond receives an Omega Seamaster 300 in Q's lab
    09:40 - NSNA: On a clock on the wall as Fatima Blush first wheels Jack into Shrublands, and immediately after on another clock as Bond bumps into Patricia (though the first clock is difficult to read, and could possibly contradict the second, which is slightly clearer).
    09:55 - GE: Alex Trevelyan activates Bond‘s Omega Seamaster Pro wristwatch.
    10:05 - NSNA: The clock on the wall as Bond and Lippe bring their fight into the kitchen at Shrublands.
    10:05 - GF: Mai Lei serves Bond a Martini on Mr. Goldfinger's Lockheed Jetstar heading for Baltimore.
    10.08 - MR: Bond blows away the bars via a bomb in his Seiko M354 Memory-Bank Calendar so he and Holly can scamper into a tunnel and escape Moonraker 5's thrusters ("Bang on time!").
    10:25 - TND: Bond approaches the newsstand at Hamburg Airport, which sports a clock advertising the TV magazine "Funkuhr", above the English and German editions of "Tomorrow" headlined "China Warns British Fleet".
    10:20 - QOS: René Mathis' Hamilton Khaki Field wristwatch at his Italian villa.
    10:25 (though the next day) - TND: Bond ends up on the roof parking of the "Atlantic Hotel" after the BMW remote-controlled chase which started shortly after 08:40 (see there)...but the Central Station clock towers (both of them) show it's been one hour and 45 minutes since.
    11:00 - FRWL: Kerim Bey gets his first daily exercise rowing through Istanbul's underground reservoir to the Soviet Consulate. "My daily exercise. Eleven in the morning and three in the afternoon".
    11:07 - GF: Goldfinger is sucked out of the plane.
    11:30 - SF: OO7 navel gazing on the rooftop with Big Ben in the distance.
    11:45 - OP: Bond the Gorilla checks his watch on OP train.

    12:00 - TB: ("Come to lunch on Sunday, at Palmyra. It's my house here.") "Sunday at noon, then."
    12:10 - FYEO: Sir Timothy Havelock checks the navigation chart on the Triana.
    12:15 - TB: Bond checks his Breitling Top Time Geiger counter watch while visit at Palmyra, "Rum Collins hour."
    12:15 - DAF: Showtime for Shady Tree and his Acorns.
    12:16 - CR: Bond checks the security tapes at the Ocean Club.
    12:22 - OHMSS: St. Paul's clock when Bond arrives at the College of Arms
    12:40 - TWINE: Big Ben aerial view across the Thames.
    12:45 - TB: Bond is tied to the back stretching machine at Shrublands clinic.
    12:58 - TB: Bond reveals François Derval's Breitling Navitimer wristwatch to Domino.
    13:00 - OHMSS: clock tower of the Church of the Holy Ghost when Bond is dropped off at Gebrüder Gumbold's office in Bern
    13:04 - OHMSS: Code-breaking machine delivered to Gumbold's office by crane.
    13:09 - TWINE: OO7 in the Q-Boat on the Thames reaches for the "DIVE" lever.
    13:25 - OHMSS: Campbell seems to be getting nervous while Bond is reading PLAYBOY
    13:37 - NTTD: Bond waits for M at Hammersmith Bridge, London
    13:44 - OHMSS: Campbell checks clock tower as Bond copies papers in Gumbold's office.
    13:45 - FYEO: Universal Exports helicopter flies by Big Ben in the pre-title sequence.
    14:00 - OHMSS: The clock strikes 2 as Gumbold returns and Bond disposes of the safe-opening device.
    14:21 -OP: Bond checks his watch after killing the second twin as he attempts to hitch a ride.
    14:39 - CR: Bond reads time and message on Vesper's phone to meet Gettler in 30 minutes.
    14:44 - OP: Bond looks at his watch in the German couple's car.
    14:45 - GF: Bond goes to change, aboard Goldfinger's jet.
    14:55 - OP: Bond gets out of the German couple's car.

    15.00 - FRWL: "Russian Clocks always correct!"
    15:00 - GE: OO7's DB5 races a Ferrari 355 and he shows his Omega Seamaster watch.
    15:00 - FRWL: Kerim Bey gets his second daily exercise rowing through Istanbul's underground reservoir to the Soviet Consulate. "My daily exercise. Eleven in the morning and three in the afternoon".
    15:19 - TB: Bond lifts off using the jetpack in the pre-title sequence, tower clock (and tower compass) in the background.
    15:20 - GF: Bond returns to his seat, after having a shave and change aboard Goldfinger's jet.
    15:30 - TSWLM: 3 ½ hours after destroying Stromberg’s submarines with their own nuclear ICBMs, American submarine commander informs Bond that he has been ordered to sink the Stromberg Habitat and Bond request his jet ski in order to rescue Agent XXX.
    15:38 - DN: M instructs Bond to catch "the seven o'clock plane to Kingston - in exactly 3 hours and 22 minutes".
    15:39 - SF: Bond operates caterpillar on train in pursuit of Patrice.
    15:40 - GE: Bond enters the Manticore yacht, observes the reflection on a sun dial, fights a deckhand, and his Omega Seamaster Professional 2541.80.00 wristwatch is visible as he towels his brow.
    15:44 - GE: Bond adjusts his tie after the tank chase is over.
    15:45 - OP: The nuclear warhead almost explodes.
    15:56 - TB: Bond observes the scuba gear on the far side of Palmyra and swallows the homing pill.
    16:00 - FRWL: "It is four o'clock, you know." ("This is not kulturny in the afternoon? Then I will take it off...")
    16:10 - TSWLM: Bond's Seiko 0674 5009 watch as the ticker-tape message comes through.
    16:28 - CR: Bond searches Vesper's phone to find message to him on how to find Mr. White.
    16:55 - SP: clock at the top of the facade that falls toward Bond in the pre-title sequence.
    17:00 - NSNA: Algernon replaces Bond's watch.
    17:25 – TLD: A medical attendant from the rescue helicopter used for their escape secures Koskov to a stretcher while wearing his no date Rolex Submariner on a nylon strap.
    17:32 - FRWL: Orient Express arrives at Belgrade (Remark: It is almost pitch dark, so it could be 05:32 a.m. However, when the train later arrives at Zagreb (about five hours away}, it is even darker, so Belgrade must be p.m.

    18:00 - TB: "Big Ben struck seven times at six o'clock this evening."
    18:13 - TND: Bond emerges from the repercussions at the Carver printing plant, conveniently towards the place where he illegally parked his BMW in the Mönckebergstraße pedestrian zone...the Town Hall clock bearing witness. Note: This is followed by a phone call from Carver starting with "Good Morning, Mr. Bond". But the amount of people running around in what is a shopping zone and the preceding actions make it impossible that this is actually 06:13 a.m. instead of p.m.
    18:40 - FRWL: Bond checks into his hotel (Lobby wall clock) and checks his room for recording devices (nightstand clock).
    18:56 - OHMSS: Bond activates the stopwatch function on his Rolex Daytona timing the Gondola for his escape.
    19:00 - GF: M instructs Bond to meet with him and Col. Smithers, to discuss Goldfinger's smuggling activities, over dinner.
    19:10 - OP: Liquid crystal TV Seiko G757-5020 in Q's lab showing the woman's cleavage.
    19:12:22 - CR: Alex Dimitrios pulls into the Ocean Club and texts the word "ELLIPSES" to a terrorist bomb maker named Mollaka.
    19:20 - MR: Bond pushes Chang through the clock at St. Mark's Square.
    19:30 - TLD: Pushkin activates his watch. Bond improvises.
    19:30 - DAD: Bond enters the London Underground with Big Ben in the background.
    19:51 – TB: Angelo disguised as Commandant Derval receives Derval’s Breitling Navitimer watch to wear before boarding and hijacking the Vulcan bomber, NATO flight 759 carrying two atomic weapons numbered 456 and 457 for SPECTRE.
    20:00 - OHMSS: ("We´re leaving very soon. I must see you.") "Eight o´clock tonight."
    20:00 - TWINE: Renard places the alarm clock on the stool, for M to countdown to her demise.
    20:00 - OP: Dinner at the Monsoon palace, for James Bond with Kamal Khan and Magda.
    20:40 – TLD: Bond enters the snipers hide in a building across the street from the symphony. He is to provide overwatch protection for Koskov, a false flag double agent who is pretending to escape to the West from Russia.

    21:00 - OHMSS: ("I must see you tonight.") "Nine o´clock?"
    21:23 - FYEO: Bond unstraps watch to attend to Melina, rather than to Mrs. Thatcher.
    21:49 - TB: Bond checks his Brietling Top Time Geiger counter watch while underwater inspecting the Disco Volante underwater hatch.
    22:05 - TMWTGG: Bond checks his wristwatch outside of The Bottoms Up Club.
    22:08 - DAD: Bond enjoys a martini at the Ice Palace displaying his Omega Seamaster wristwatch.
    22:12 - OP Bond checks his watch as Magda steals the Faberge egg before her escape below. Though the watch shows a.m it's clearly night time.
    22:15 - QOS: Mathis dies after being shot in the back by the police, while Bond holds him.
    22:40 - TND: Bond activates his watch, starting his “backup plan” of blowing a hole in Carver’s stealth ship.
    22:43 - GE: Bond spying on the Admiral & Onatop as they board the Manticore via his monocular.
    23:35 - TB: Commandant Derval "makes out" with his social secretary/Fiona while awaiting for his double, Angelo, to arrive. (the time here is not consistent with the time 19:51 Angelo receives Commandant Derval's Navitimer when they make to switch, moments later).
    24:00 - OHMSS: "Every night at exactly midnight you must be alone."
  • zebrafishzebrafish <°)))< in Octopussy's garden in the shade
    Posts: 4,384
    Thanks @j_w_pepper . I meant to add NTTD some time, maybe over X-mas, pausing the BluRay here and there..
  • j_w_pepperj_w_pepper Born on the bayou, but I now hear a new dog barkin'
    edited December 2022 Posts: 9,186
    I've got a few things to offer in that regard, only by using Screenmusings, however I got only up to about Blofeld's demise so far (SM frame 1146):

    00:03 - SP: Big Ben seen as OO7's boat chases Blofeld's helicopter.
    00:10 - MR: Drax's carriage clock as Bond breaks into the safe.
    00:11 - GF: Bond checks his Rolex Submariner to set timer on bomb.
    00:20 - GF: Bond checks his Rolex Submariner in the bar for the time and *kaboom*.
    00:32 - LALD: In Kananga's lair, Bond activates magnetic watch to attract pressurized bullet.
    00:36 - LALD: Bond activates the electric buzz saw integrated in his watch to cut his ropes.
    01.29 - LALD: The time on Bond's Rolex when he's in bed with Solitaire
    01:35 - YOLT: Control room world clocks show Tokyo Time (Shane Rimmer on the monitors).
    02:13 - CR: Carlos hangs his keychain explosive to the tanker at Miami Airport.
    02:57 - LTK: “An explosive alarm clock. Guaranteed never to wake up anyone who uses it.”

    05:48 - LALD: Bond checks the time on his Pulsar digital watch after being woken up by the knock on his door.
    05:51 - LALD: Bond receives magnetic Rolex Submariner from M.

    06:30 - DAD: Omega laser watch used to cut a hole in the ice. (*1 second from 06:31)
    06:43 - OP: Bond notices Kamal and Gobinda fleeing with Octopussy on his Liquid crystal TV watch.
    06:55 - SP: Bond and Swann drive off in the DB5 toward Big Ben at film's end.
    07:08 - NTTD: Obruchev's wristwatch when he receives the phone call (yes, it is a.m. - the establishing shot of the raid looks to the East, down the Thames, and shows the dawn, past The Shard)
    07:10 - OHMSS: Toussaint checks his pocket watch after the detonation time is set for Piz Gloria.
    07:12 - OHMSS: Draco's wristwatch appears to be 2 minutes fast compared to Toussaint's.
    07:25 - DAD: Using the rotating bezel on his Omega 300 Seamaster, Bond arms a detonator placed into C4 plastic explosive hidden under diamonds in a briefcase.
    07:50 - GE: Omega laser watch used to escape from the train.
    08:30 - H&G: Clock in Buckingham Palace.
    08:35 - H&G: Big Ben viewed from helicopter.
    08:40 - TND: Stamper runs across neighbouring roof after discovering Bond climbing out of the Atlantic Hotel; Central Station clocktower in the background.

    09:00 - SP: Back from Mexico in M's office, clock on mantlepiece.
    09:17 - SP: Bond receives an Omega Seamaster 300 in Q's lab
    09:40 - NSNA: On a clock on the wall as Fatima Blush first wheels Jack into Shrublands, and immediately after on another clock as Bond bumps into Patricia (though the first clock is difficult to read, and could possibly contradict the second, which is slightly clearer).
    09:55 - GE: Alex Trevelyan activates Bond‘s Omega Seamaster Pro wristwatch.
    10:05 - NSNA: The clock on the wall as Bond and Lippe bring their fight into the kitchen at Shrublands.
    10:05 - GF: Mai Lei serves Bond a Martini on Mr. Goldfinger's Lockheed Jetstar heading for Baltimore.
    10.08 - MR: Bond blows away the bars via a bomb in his Seiko M354 Memory-Bank Calendar so he and Holly can scamper into a tunnel and escape Moonraker 5's thrusters ("Bang on time!").
    10:20 - QOS: René Mathis' Hamilton Khaki Field wristwatch at his Italian villa.
    10:25 - TND: Bond approaches the newsstand at Hamburg Airport, which sports a clock advertising the TV magazine "Funkuhr", above the English and German editions of "Tomorrow" headlined "China Warns British Fleet".
    10:25 (though the next day) - TND: Bond ends up on the roof parking of the "Atlantic Hotel" after the BMW remote-controlled chase which started shortly after 08:40 (see there)...but the Central Station clock towers (both of them) show it's been one hour and 45 minutes since.
    10:30 (or 22:30 - neither makes much sense) - NTTD: Moneypenny's watch at the meeting in M's office where they check the video footage etc. of the SPECTRE mayhem at the Cuba festivity (note: the establishing shot for this scene looks up the Thames at sunset, but there still seems to be the sun shining into the window at this time of day, or night)
    10:40 - NTTD: Primo's wristwatch when Bond wrestles him on the "Matera" (actually: Gravina) bridge

    11:00 - FRWL: Kerim Bey gets his first daily exercise rowing through Istanbul's underground reservoir to the Soviet Consulate. "My daily exercise. Eleven in the morning and three in the afternoon".
    11:05 - NTTD: Bond and Madeleine cross the railroad tracks at the "Civita Lucana" (Sapri) train station
    11:07 - GF: Goldfinger is sucked out of the plane.
    11:30 - SF: OO7 navel gazing on the rooftop with Big Ben in the distance.
    11:45 - OP: Bond the Gorilla checks his watch on OP train.

    12:00 - TB: ("Come to lunch on Sunday, at Palmyra. It's my house here.") "Sunday at noon, then."
    12:10 - FYEO: Sir Timothy Havelock checks the navigation chart on the Triana.
    12:15 - TB: Bond checks his Breitling Top Time Geiger counter watch while visit at Palmyra, "Rum Collins hour."
    12:15 - DAF: Showtime for Shady Tree and his Acorns.
    12:16 - CR: Bond checks the security tapes at the Ocean Club.
    12:22 - OHMSS: St. Paul's clock when Bond arrives at the College of Arms
    12:40 - TWINE: Big Ben aerial view across the Thames.
    12:45 - TB: Bond is tied to the back stretching machine at Shrublands clinic.
    12:58 - TB: Bond reveals François Derval's Breitling Navitimer wristwatch to Domino.
    13:00 - OHMSS: clock tower of the Church of the Holy Ghost when Bond is dropped off at Gebrüder Gumbold's office in Bern
    13:04 - OHMSS: Code-breaking machine delivered to Gumbold's office by crane.
    13:09 - TWINE: OO7 in the Q-Boat on the Thames reaches for the "DIVE" lever.
    13:25 - OHMSS: Campbell seems to be getting nervous while Bond is reading PLAYBOY
    13:37 - NTTD: Bond waits for M at Hammersmith Bridge, London
    13:44 - OHMSS: Campbell checks clock tower as Bond copies papers in Gumbold's office.
    13:45 - FYEO: Universal Exports helicopter flies by Big Ben in the pre-title sequence.
    14:00 - OHMSS: The clock strikes 2 as Gumbold returns and Bond disposes of the safe-opening device.
    14:21 -OP: Bond checks his watch after killing the second twin as he attempts to hitch a ride.
    14:39 - CR: Bond reads time and message on Vesper's phone to meet Gettler in 30 minutes.
    14:44 - OP: Bond looks at his watch in the German couple's car.
    14:45 - GF: Bond goes to change, aboard Goldfinger's jet.
    14:55 - OP: Bond gets out of the German couple's car.

    15.00 - FRWL: "Russian Clocks always correct!"
    15:00 - GE: OO7's DB5 races a Ferrari 355 and he shows his Omega Seamaster watch.
    15:00 - FRWL: Kerim Bey gets his second daily exercise rowing through Istanbul's underground reservoir to the Soviet Consulate. "My daily exercise. Eleven in the morning and three in the afternoon".
    15:19 - TB: Bond lifts off using the jetpack in the pre-title sequence, tower clock (and tower compass) in the background.
    15:20 - GF: Bond returns to his seat, after having a shave and change aboard Goldfinger's jet.
    15:30 - TSWLM: 3 ½ hours after destroying Stromberg’s submarines with their own nuclear ICBMs, American submarine commander informs Bond that he has been ordered to sink the Stromberg Habitat and Bond request his jet ski in order to rescue Agent XXX.
    15:38 - DN: M instructs Bond to catch "the seven o'clock plane to Kingston - in exactly 3 hours and 22 minutes".
    15:39 - SF: Bond operates caterpillar on train in pursuit of Patrice.
    15:40 - GE: Bond enters the Manticore yacht, observes the reflection on a sun dial, fights a deckhand, and his Omega Seamaster Professional 2541.80.00 wristwatch is visible as he towels his brow.
    15:44 - GE: Bond adjusts his tie after the tank chase is over.
    15:45 - OP: The nuclear warhead almost explodes.
    15:56 - TB: Bond observes the scuba gear on the far side of Palmyra and swallows the homing pill.
    16:00 - FRWL: "It is four o'clock, you know." ("This is not kulturny in the afternoon? Then I will take it off...")
    16:10 - TSWLM: Bond's Seiko 0674 5009 watch as the ticker-tape message comes through.
    16:28 - CR: Bond searches Vesper's phone to find message to him on how to find Mr. White.
    16:55 - SP: clock at the top of the facade that falls toward Bond in the pre-title sequence.
    17:00 - NSNA: Algernon replaces Bond's watch.
    17:25 – TLD: A medical attendant from the rescue helicopter used for their escape secures Koskov to a stretcher while wearing his no date Rolex Submariner on a nylon strap.
    17:32 - FRWL: Orient Express arrives at Belgrade (Remark: It is almost pitch dark, so it could be 05:32 a.m. However, when the train later arrives at Zagreb (about five hours away}, it is even darker, so Belgrade must be p.m.

    18:00 - TB: "Big Ben struck seven times at six o'clock this evening."
    18:13 - TND: Bond emerges from the repercussions at the Carver printing plant, conveniently towards the place where he illegally parked his BMW in the Mönckebergstraße pedestrian zone...the Town Hall clock bearing witness. Note: This is followed by a phone call from Carver starting with "Good Morning, Mr. Bond". But the amount of people running around in what is a shopping zone and the preceding actions make it impossible that this is actually 06:13 a.m. instead of p.m.
    18:40 - FRWL: Bond checks into his hotel (Lobby wall clock) and checks his room for recording devices (nightstand clock).
    18:46 - TWINE: Bond's Omega Seamaster down in the nuclear factory
    18:56 - OHMSS: Bond activates the stopwatch function on his Rolex Daytona timing the Gondola for his escape.
    19:00 - GF: M instructs Bond to meet with him and Col. Smithers, to discuss Goldfinger's smuggling activities, over dinner.
    19:10 - OP: Liquid crystal TV Seiko G757-5020 in Q's lab showing the woman's cleavage.
    19:12:22 - CR: Alex Dimitrios pulls into the Ocean Club and texts the word "ELLIPSES" to a terrorist bomb maker named Mollaka.
    19:20 - MR: Bond pushes Chang through the clock at St. Mark's Square.
    19:30 - TLD: Pushkin activates his watch. Bond improvises.
    19:30 - DAD: Bond enters the London Underground with Big Ben in the background.
    19:51 – TB: Angelo disguised as Commandant Derval receives Derval’s Breitling Navitimer watch to wear before boarding and hijacking the Vulcan bomber, NATO flight 759 carrying two atomic weapons numbered 456 and 457 for SPECTRE.
    20:00 - OHMSS: ("We´re leaving very soon. I must see you.") "Eight o´clock tonight."
    20:00 - TWINE: Renard places the alarm clock on the stool, for M to countdown to her demise.
    20:00 - OP: Dinner at the Monsoon palace, for James Bond with Kamal Khan and Magda.
    20:40 – TLD: Bond enters the snipers hide in a building across the street from the symphony. He is to provide overwatch protection for Koskov, a false flag double agent who is pretending to escape to the West from Russia.

    21:00 - OHMSS: ("I must see you tonight.") "Nine o´clock?"
    21:23 - FYEO: Bond unstraps watch to attend to Melina, rather than to Mrs. Thatcher.
    21:49 - TB: Bond checks his Brietling Top Time Geiger counter watch while underwater inspecting the Disco Volante underwater hatch.
    22:05 - TMWTGG: Bond checks his wristwatch outside of The Bottoms Up Club.
    22:08 - DAD: Bond enjoys a martini at the Ice Palace displaying his Omega Seamaster wristwatch.
    22:12 - OP Bond checks his watch as Magda steals the Faberge egg before her escape below. Though the watch shows a.m it's clearly night time.
    22:15 - QOS: Mathis dies after being shot in the back by the police, while Bond holds him.
    22:40 - TND: Bond activates his watch, starting his “backup plan” of blowing a hole in Carver’s stealth ship.
    22:43 - GE: Bond spying on the Admiral & Onatop as they board the Manticore via his monocular.
    23:35 - TB: Commandant Derval "makes out" with his social secretary/Fiona while awaiting for his double, Angelo, to arrive. (the time here is not consistent with the time 19:51 Angelo receives Commandant Derval's Navitimer when they make to switch, moments later).
    24:00 - OHMSS: "Every night at exactly midnight you must be alone."
  • zebrafishzebrafish <°)))< in Octopussy's garden in the shade
    Posts: 4,384
    Excellent spying, agent Pepper!
  • j_w_pepperj_w_pepper Born on the bayou, but I now hear a new dog barkin'
    Posts: 9,186
    I added another one to my latest posting, from TWINE (18:46)...fallout from looking for quarter-frames...
  • QBranchQBranch Always have an escape plan. Mine is watching James Bond films.
    edited December 2022 Posts: 14,906
    00:03 - SP: Big Ben seen as OO7's boat chases Blofeld's helicopter.
    00:10 - MR: Drax's carriage clock as Bond breaks into the safe.
    00:11 - GF: Bond checks his Rolex Submariner to set timer on bomb.
    00:20 - GF: Bond checks his Rolex Submariner in the bar for the time and *kaboom*.
    00:32 - LALD: In Kananga's lair, Bond activates magnetic watch to attract pressurized bullet.
    00:36 - LALD: Bond activates the electric buzz saw integrated in his watch to cut his ropes.
    01.29 - LALD: The time on Bond's Rolex when he's in bed with Solitaire
    01:35 - YOLT: Control room world clocks show Tokyo Time (Shane Rimmer on the monitors).
    02:13 - CR: Carlos hangs his keychain explosive to the tanker at Miami Airport.
    02:57 - LTK: “An explosive alarm clock. Guaranteed never to wake up anyone who uses it.”

    05:48 - LALD: Bond checks the time on his Pulsar digital watch after being woken up by the knock on his door.
    05:51 - LALD: Bond receives magnetic Rolex Submariner from M.

    06:30 - DAD: Omega laser watch used to cut a hole in the ice. (*1 second from 06:31)
    06:43 - OP: Bond notices Kamal and Gobinda fleeing with Octopussy on his Liquid crystal TV watch.
    06:55 - SP: Bond and Swann drive off in the DB5 toward Big Ben at film's end.
    07:08 - NTTD: Obruchev's wristwatch when he receives the phone call (yes, it is a.m. - the establishing shot of the raid looks to the East, down the Thames, and shows the dawn, past The Shard)
    07:10 - OHMSS: Toussaint checks his pocket watch after the detonation time is set for Piz Gloria.
    07:12 - OHMSS: Draco's wristwatch appears to be 2 minutes fast compared to Toussaint's.
    07:25 - DAD: Using the rotating bezel on his Omega 300 Seamaster, Bond arms a detonator placed into C4 plastic explosive hidden under diamonds in a briefcase.
    07:50 - GE: Omega laser watch used to escape from the train.
    08:30 - H&G: Clock in Buckingham Palace.
    08:35 - H&G: Big Ben viewed from helicopter.
    08:40 - TND: Stamper runs across neighbouring roof after discovering Bond climbing out of the Atlantic Hotel; Central Station clocktower in the background.

    09:00 - SP: Back from Mexico in M's office, clock on mantlepiece.
    09:17 - SP: Bond receives an Omega Seamaster 300 in Q's lab
    09:40 - NSNA: On a clock on the wall as Fatima Blush first wheels Jack into Shrublands, and immediately after on another clock as Bond bumps into Patricia (though the first clock is difficult to read, and could possibly contradict the second, which is slightly clearer).
    09:55 - GE: Alex Trevelyan activates Bond‘s Omega Seamaster Pro wristwatch.
    10:05 - NSNA: The clock on the wall as Bond and Lippe bring their fight into the kitchen at Shrublands.
    10:05 - GF: Mai Lei serves Bond a Martini on Mr. Goldfinger's Lockheed Jetstar heading for Baltimore.
    10.08 - MR: Bond blows away the bars via a bomb in his Seiko M354 Memory-Bank Calendar so he and Holly can scamper into a tunnel and escape Moonraker 5's thrusters ("Bang on time!").
    10:20 - QOS: René Mathis' Hamilton Khaki Field wristwatch at his Italian villa.
    10:25 - TND: Bond approaches the newsstand at Hamburg Airport, which sports a clock advertising the TV magazine "Funkuhr", above the English and German editions of "Tomorrow" headlined "China Warns British Fleet".
    10:25 (though the next day) - TND: Bond ends up on the roof parking of the "Atlantic Hotel" after the BMW remote-controlled chase which started shortly after 08:40 (see there)...but the Central Station clock towers (both of them) show it's been one hour and 45 minutes since.
    10:30 (or 22:30 - neither makes much sense) - NTTD: Moneypenny's watch at the meeting in M's office where they check the video footage etc. of the SPECTRE mayhem at the Cuba festivity (note: the establishing shot for this scene looks up the Thames at sunset, but there still seems to be the sun shining into the window at this time of day, or night)
    10:40 - NTTD: Primo's wristwatch when Bond wrestles him on the "Matera" (actually: Gravina) bridge
    11:00 - FRWL: Kerim Bey gets his first daily exercise rowing through Istanbul's underground reservoir to the Soviet Consulate. "My daily exercise. Eleven in the morning and three in the afternoon".
    11:05 - NTTD: Bond and Madeleine cross the railroad tracks at the "Civita Lucana" (Sapri) train station
    11:07 - GF: Goldfinger is sucked out of the plane.
    11:30 - SF: OO7 navel gazing on the rooftop with Big Ben in the distance.
    11:45 - OP: Bond the Gorilla checks his watch on OP train.
    11:55 - TSWLM: Bond checks the Liparus control room clock - minutes from Armageddon!
    11:59 - TSWLM: close-up of the Liparus control room clock

    12:00 - TSWLM: close-up of the Liparus control room clock - changes from 11:59 to 12:00
    12:00 - TB: ("Come to lunch on Sunday, at Palmyra. It's my house here.") "Sunday at noon, then."
    12:10 - FYEO: Sir Timothy Havelock checks the navigation chart on the Triana.
    12:15 - TB: Bond checks his Breitling Top Time Geiger counter watch while visit at Palmyra, "Rum Collins hour."
    12:15 - DAF: Showtime for Shady Tree and his Acorns.
    12:16 - CR: Bond checks the security tapes at the Ocean Club.
    12:22 - OHMSS: St. Paul's clock when Bond arrives at the College of Arms
    12:40 - TWINE: Big Ben aerial view across the Thames.
    12:45 - TB: Bond is tied to the back stretching machine at Shrublands clinic.
    12:58 - TB: Bond reveals François Derval's Breitling Navitimer wristwatch to Domino.
    13:00 - OHMSS: clock tower of the Church of the Holy Ghost when Bond is dropped off at Gebrüder Gumbold's office in Bern
    13:04 - OHMSS: Code-breaking machine delivered to Gumbold's office by crane.
    13:09 - TWINE: OO7 in the Q-Boat on the Thames reaches for the "DIVE" lever.
    13:25 - OHMSS: Campbell seems to be getting nervous while Bond is reading PLAYBOY
    13:37 - NTTD: Bond waits for M at Hammersmith Bridge, London
    13:44 - OHMSS: Campbell checks clock tower as Bond copies papers in Gumbold's office.
    13:45 - FYEO: Universal Exports helicopter flies by Big Ben in the pre-title sequence.
    14:00 - OHMSS: The clock strikes 2 as Gumbold returns and Bond disposes of the safe-opening device.
    14:21 -OP: Bond checks his watch after killing the second twin as he attempts to hitch a ride.
    14:39 - CR: Bond reads time and message on Vesper's phone to meet Gettler in 30 minutes.
    14:44 - OP: Bond looks at his watch in the German couple's car.
    14:45 - GF: Bond goes to change, aboard Goldfinger's jet.
    14:55 - OP: Bond gets out of the German couple's car.

    15.00 - FRWL: "Russian Clocks always correct!"
    15:00 - GE: OO7's DB5 races a Ferrari 355 and he shows his Omega Seamaster watch.
    15:00 - FRWL: Kerim Bey gets his second daily exercise rowing through Istanbul's underground reservoir to the Soviet Consulate. "My daily exercise. Eleven in the morning and three in the afternoon".
    15:19 - TB: Bond lifts off using the jetpack in the pre-title sequence, tower clock (and tower compass) in the background.
    15:20 - GF: Bond returns to his seat, after having a shave and change aboard Goldfinger's jet.
    15:30 - TSWLM: 3 ½ hours after destroying Stromberg’s submarines with their own nuclear ICBMs, American submarine commander informs Bond that he has been ordered to sink the Stromberg Habitat and Bond request his jet ski in order to rescue Agent XXX.
    15:38 - DN: M instructs Bond to catch "the seven o'clock plane to Kingston - in exactly 3 hours and 22 minutes".
    15:39 - SF: Bond operates caterpillar on train in pursuit of Patrice.
    15:40 - GE: Bond enters the Manticore yacht, observes the reflection on a sun dial, fights a deckhand, and his Omega Seamaster Professional 2541.80.00 wristwatch is visible as he towels his brow.
    15:44 - GE: Bond adjusts his tie after the tank chase is over.
    15:45 - OP: The nuclear warhead almost explodes.
    15:56 - TB: Bond observes the scuba gear on the far side of Palmyra and swallows the homing pill.
    16:00 - FRWL: "It is four o'clock, you know." ("This is not kulturny in the afternoon? Then I will take it off...")
    16:10 - TSWLM: Bond's Seiko 0674 5009 watch as the ticker-tape message comes through.
    16:28 - CR: Bond searches Vesper's phone to find message to him on how to find Mr. White.
    16:55 - SP: clock at the top of the facade that falls toward Bond in the pre-title sequence.
    17:00 - NSNA: Algernon replaces Bond's watch.
    17:25 – TLD: A medical attendant from the rescue helicopter used for their escape secures Koskov to a stretcher while wearing his no date Rolex Submariner on a nylon strap.
    17:32 - FRWL: Orient Express arrives at Belgrade (Remark: It is almost pitch dark, so it could be 05:32 a.m. However, when the train later arrives at Zagreb (about five hours away}, it is even darker, so Belgrade must be p.m.

    18:00 - TB: "Big Ben struck seven times at six o'clock this evening."
    18:13 - TND: Bond emerges from the repercussions at the Carver printing plant, conveniently towards the place where he illegally parked his BMW in the Mönckebergstraße pedestrian zone...the Town Hall clock bearing witness. Note: This is followed by a phone call from Carver starting with "Good Morning, Mr. Bond". But the amount of people running around in what is a shopping zone and the preceding actions make it impossible that this is actually 06:13 a.m. instead of p.m.
    18:40 - FRWL: Bond checks into his hotel (Lobby wall clock) and checks his room for recording devices (nightstand clock).
    18:46 - TWINE: Bond's Omega Seamaster down in the nuclear factory
    18:56 - OHMSS: Bond activates the stopwatch function on his Rolex Daytona timing the Gondola for his escape.
    19:00 - GF: M instructs Bond to meet with him and Col. Smithers, to discuss Goldfinger's smuggling activities, over dinner.
    19:10 - OP: Liquid crystal TV Seiko G757-5020 in Q's lab showing the woman's cleavage.
    19:12:22 - CR: Alex Dimitrios pulls into the Ocean Club and texts the word "ELLIPSES" to a terrorist bomb maker named Mollaka.
    19:20 - MR: Bond pushes Chang through the clock at St. Mark's Square.
    19:30 - TLD: Pushkin activates his watch. Bond improvises.
    19:30 - DAD: Bond enters the London Underground with Big Ben in the background.
    19:51 – TB: Angelo disguised as Commandant Derval receives Derval’s Breitling Navitimer watch to wear before boarding and hijacking the Vulcan bomber, NATO flight 759 carrying two atomic weapons numbered 456 and 457 for SPECTRE.
    20:00 - OHMSS: ("We´re leaving very soon. I must see you.") "Eight o´clock tonight."
    20:00 - TWINE: Renard places the alarm clock on the stool, for M to countdown to her demise.
    20:00 - OP: Dinner at the Monsoon palace, for James Bond with Kamal Khan and Magda.
    20:40 – TLD: Bond enters the snipers hide in a building across the street from the symphony. He is to provide overwatch protection for Koskov, a false flag double agent who is pretending to escape to the West from Russia.

    21:00 - OHMSS: ("I must see you tonight.") "Nine o´clock?"
    21:23 - FYEO: Bond unstraps watch to attend to Melina, rather than to Mrs. Thatcher.
    21:49 - TB: Bond checks his Brietling Top Time Geiger counter watch while underwater inspecting the Disco Volante underwater hatch.
    22:05 - TMWTGG: Bond checks his wristwatch outside of The Bottoms Up Club.
    22:08 - DAD: Bond enjoys a martini at the Ice Palace displaying his Omega Seamaster wristwatch.
    22:12 - OP Bond checks his watch as Magda steals the Faberge egg before her escape below. Though the watch shows a.m it's clearly night time.
    22:15 - QOS: Mathis dies after being shot in the back by the police, while Bond holds him.
    22:40 - TND: Bond activates his watch, starting his “backup plan” of blowing a hole in Carver’s stealth ship.
    22:43 - GE: Bond spying on the Admiral & Onatop as they board the Manticore via his monocular.
    23:35 - TB: Commandant Derval "makes out" with his social secretary/Fiona while awaiting for his double, Angelo, to arrive. (the time here is not consistent with the time 19:51 Angelo receives Commandant Derval's Navitimer when they make to switch, moments later).
    24:00 - OHMSS: "Every night at exactly midnight you must be alone."
  • j_w_pepperj_w_pepper Born on the bayou, but I now hear a new dog barkin'
    Posts: 9,186
    Excuse me, I may have overlooked and even copied those two entries, even repeatedly, but what are
    08:30 - H&G: Clock in Buckingham Palace.
    08:35 - H&G: Big Ben viewed from helicopter.
  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    edited December 2022 Posts: 14,175
    j_w_pepper wrote: »
    Excuse me, I may have overlooked and even copied those two entries, even repeatedly, but what are
    08:30 - H&G: Clock in Buckingham Palace.
    08:35 - H&G: Big Ben viewed from helicopter.

    Happy and Glorious (2012)
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