Woof !!..The Crazy Dog Person Thread.



  • LeonardPineLeonardPine The Bar on the Beach
    Posts: 3,985
    I figured we had a thread like this running around here.

    I have a cocker spaniel named Cooper, and just a few days ago it was his 4th birthday, so it made me want to dig through a few pictures and share them with you all. I am currently planning to do a sort of digital album of all my pictures of him that I've taken with my camera over the last few years, which I'll then send to the wonderful dog breeder who allowed us to adopt him.

    Here is he and I on the very first night we shared at my house, in early January 2018. Can't believe he was ever so tiny!

    These images are a little rougher, as they were taken by others on their phones, but here are some of my favorite joint shots between my buddy and I:


    Outside my own Bond woman, Cooper is by far the most important aspect of my life. We got him at a time when I really needed something to be happy about, and he has been the light of my life through every dark time I've faced. Dogs are inarguably the very best. Their love is bountiful, unending, and they get your heart so wrapped up around them you quickly can't imagine life without them. Their intelligence and individual quirks in equal measures make them such fun companions, as they really are tiny humans in fur coats, and are a cornerstone of any family they are adopted into. Here's to dogs!

    He's a lovely boy @0BradyM0Bondfanatic7
    Cocker Spaniels are great family dogs. You're right, after a while it's hard to imagine life without them.
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    @LeonardPine, that he is, thank you. To this day he's the most beautiful dog I've ever seen, and I mean that objectively. Every time I look at him, I fall in love again. I also refer to him more by adjectives like, "handsome," "beautiful," or "gorgeous" than his actual name, so if he wasn't as smart as he is, I'm sure he'd have forgotten what it was at this point. Something about them melts the tough exterior and makes you soft as a wet donut.

    The only thing that can get dicey about him is his temper. He's got a lot of personality, and is very, very protective, so uneasy around certain strangers. He kind of makes me nervous at times, with how aggressively he'll bark down people that get too close to my family and I. I respect the loyalty, but he can overshoot sometimes. Then, with people he is comfortable with, he's the biggest boob you'll ever meet, an absolute goober.
  • mattjoesmattjoes Julie T.
    Posts: 7,016
    I remember that first photo with your dog, Brady. it's very nice looking.

    I've thought about getting a Westie. I would only need a name for it. In fact, perhaps Westie would be a good name. Then I could say that the Westie is decadent and divided.
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    @mattjoes, you do? I don't even remember ever sharing it, but it's been so long it's possible I've forgotten I did.
  • mattjoesmattjoes Julie T.
    Posts: 7,016
    Yeah, it must have been in another thread.
  • LeonardPineLeonardPine The Bar on the Beach
    Posts: 3,985
    My Border Collie, Jax. Love these extremely smart Dogs. He's our second after our first one's light went out at nearly 15 years of age.
  • j_w_pepperj_w_pepper Born on the bayou, but I now hear a new dog barkin'
    Posts: 8,986
    My Border Collie, Jax. Love these extremely smart Dogs. He's our second after our first one's light went out at nearly 15 years of age.
    I'd love to have a dog like that, or any other dog except a few kinds that are an example of breeding them to intentionally carry deficiencies, like pugs and boxers and German shepherds and some bulldogs. A mongrel from the shelter might be fine. But my wife and I have been going to work for over thirty years, so nobody was there to care for a dog during the day, and we certainly wouldn't want that. We know that a neighbour's dog keeps wailing and barking for hours whenever she's been left alone. At the same time we wouldn't want to shock our two cats (who are far more practical in that regard) by adopting a dog, so I guess we'll have to remain without one.
  • RichardTheBruceRichardTheBruce I'm motivated by my Duty.
    Posts: 13,719
    He's unbelievable isn't he @LeonardPine.
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    edited November 2021 Posts: 28,694
    @LeonardPine, he's absolutely adorable. Great face.

    Do you run into the issue where he's too smart, and sometimes you wish he was dumber? With our dog we have to be very careful what words or body language we use, because he picks up on a lot and he's smart enough to know exactly what he can get away with. It's both cute and terrifying how, once he sees me pick up my lunch and put my work boots on, he'll race up to our couch, jump on top of it and start gnawing on the furniture and barking, as if to say, "Where do you think you're going, BROTHER?!?!" ;-) Never a dull moment.
  • LeonardPineLeonardPine The Bar on the Beach
    Posts: 3,985
    He's unbelievable isn't he @LeonardPine.

    Thanks @RichardTheBruce 👍
  • LeonardPineLeonardPine The Bar on the Beach
    Posts: 3,985
    @LeonardPine, he's absolutely adorable. Great face.

    Do you run into the issue where he's too smart, and sometimes you wish he was dumber? With our dog we have to be very careful what words or body language we use, because he picks up on a lot and he's smart enough to know exactly what he can get away with. It's both cute and terrifying how, once he sees me pick up my lunch and put my work boots on, he'll race up to our couch, jump on top of it and start gnawing on the furniture and barking, as if to say, "Where do you think you're going, BROTHER?!?!" ;-) Never a dull moment.

    Oh definitely too smart. He's picked up so many words we literally have to use code for some of them! My wife trained him from when he was 4 months old and his obedience is amazing. I adore our walks together, and luckily we live in an area of Surrey that has lots of beautiful countryside.
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    @LeonardPine, I wish my dog was that obedient. He's very stubborn at times, which mixed with his intelligence is one helluva combination. We have to spell out words that trigger him in certain ways, but I think he may be getting to the point where he's getting some kind of familiarity with the spelling too. Who knows what goes on in his little head. ;-)
  • LeonardPineLeonardPine The Bar on the Beach
    Posts: 3,985
    @LeonardPine, I wish my dog was that obedient. He's very stubborn at times, which mixed with his intelligence is one helluva combination. We have to spell out words that trigger him in certain ways, but I think he may be getting to the point where he's getting some kind of familiarity with the spelling too. Who knows what goes on in his little head. ;-)

    All part of the fun mate! They all have their own little quirks. No Dog is the same 😁
  • 0BradyM0Bondfanatic70BradyM0Bondfanatic7 Quantum Floral Arrangements: "We Have Petals Everywhere"
    Posts: 28,694
    @LeonardPine, I wish my dog was that obedient. He's very stubborn at times, which mixed with his intelligence is one helluva combination. We have to spell out words that trigger him in certain ways, but I think he may be getting to the point where he's getting some kind of familiarity with the spelling too. Who knows what goes on in his little head. ;-)

    All part of the fun mate! They all have their own little quirks. No Dog is the same 😁

    Absolutely. Wouldn't change it for the world. I think we actually got a cat that looks like a dog, though, because I've never seen any dog but mine jump onto the top of a couch and sleep on the uppermost part like it's a bed. :))
  • j_w_pepperj_w_pepper Born on the bayou, but I now hear a new dog barkin'
    edited September 13 Posts: 8,986
    Getting back to my posting of November 2021 above, my wife and I now made up our mind to...get a dog after all. It's going to be this lovely creature that we met today and will pick up next week.


    He's a White Swiss Shepherd Dog (aka Berger Blanc Suisse) and, if his parents are an indication, he will grow up to about 60 cm of height at the withers and up to 40 kg of weight...but so far he is only 9 weeks old, weighs 7 kg and is just...cute. We're a bit anxious about how our cats may react, but there have been enough voices that told us that it will very likely turn out ok. And we're totally excited and can't wait to spend our nights carrying our new family member out to pee in time :-). I'll keep you posted.
  • j_w_pepperj_w_pepper Born on the bayou, but I now hear a new dog barkin'
    Posts: 8,986
    It's now four weeks that the puppy has been with us. We call him Albus (that's not really meant to be a Harry Potter reference - it's the Latin word for "white"), but in the beginning it doesn't really matter to which name he doesn't listen... :)] His official name in the breeding register (from his mother's "B" litter) is actually Braveheart Buck - a bit too pretentious for daily life, plus we didn't feel like painting half his face blue :-). But he sure acts like a Braveheart in unknown situations...a bit of a daredevil. :ar!

    On Sunday, Albus turned three months (13 weeks) old. I guess he's up to 12 kg or so by now and has almost outgrown the transport crate we bought (used) as a temporary solution. He's much less of a polar bear cub in the meantime, but even more of a bag of fleas. I'm afraid at this stage he's not always beneficial for my blood pressure, but hey...he's also cute and fun. When he's not busy molesting us with his milk teeth. >:)
  • DragonpolDragonpol https://thebondologistblog.blogspot.com
    edited July 9 Posts: 18,239
    Aww, Albus is a lovely boy. 🙂

    It reminds me of the old joke:

    What do you call a dog with no legs?

    Call him whatever you like. He won't come to you!
  • j_w_pepperj_w_pepper Born on the bayou, but I now hear a new dog barkin'
    Posts: 8,986
    Dragonpol wrote: »
    Aww, Albus is a lovely boy. 🙂

    It reminds me of the old joke:

    What do you call a dog with no legs?

    Call him whatever you like. He won't come to you!

    I'm sure the missing legs won't matter if the dog can expect a treat... :o3
  • DragonpolDragonpol https://thebondologistblog.blogspot.com
    Posts: 18,239
    j_w_pepper wrote: »
    Dragonpol wrote: »
    Aww, Albus is a lovely boy. 🙂

    It reminds me of the old joke:

    What do you call a dog with no legs?

    Call him whatever you like. He won't come to you!

    I'm sure the missing legs won't matter if the dog can expect a treat... :o3

    Yes, I find that a treat makes any pet much more alert. Funny that...
  • zebrafishzebrafish <°)))< in Octopussy's garden in the shade
    Posts: 4,340
    Hey Pepper, just found this doggy thread and wanted to congratulate you and your wife on the cute new companion! I bet he loves to eat, considering how much growing is still ahead of him. Have fun together!
  • j_w_pepperj_w_pepper Born on the bayou, but I now hear a new dog barkin'
    Posts: 8,986
    Thanks a lot. Typically, there are several occasions a day when you want to smash him on the wall, especially when he refuses to stop nibbling on you with his razor-sharp milk teeth, and I'm not sure what he does to my blood pressure...but other than that, I hope he will be less demanding when he gets older (though also less cute...).
  • j_w_pepperj_w_pepper Born on the bayou, but I now hear a new dog barkin'
    edited September 10 Posts: 8,986
    Just to update interested members... The first picture is from a week ago, the second is from today (for sizing up the creature, note that the floor tiles are 20 x 20 cm/8" x 8").


    And here's the warning sign I created for our driveway gate (the image is AI-produced, the lettering is a free "Jurassic Park" font):


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