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It might just be my imagination, but the picture quality seems to be miles better than the DVD collection I have, NTTD in particular
Lets dive back into the legacy films and see how we feel about this one.
Would you rather spend a week vacation at Piz Gloria OR a week vacation on Scaramanga's Island?
Lets pretend we aren't being held at these locations against our will and that we aren't going there to get an allergy cure. Which one would you like to spend a week at?
Been to Pattaya and Bangkok, but spending a week on James Bond Island be a treat. Thai food is great, maybe there's delivery. Not sure the accommodations, but even a tent would allow me to paddle around off island for a fine time in the area. Plus maybe I could see @j_w_pepper and the wife as he's departing and I'm arriving, or vice versa.
At least at Schilthorn I can have my photo taken beside a wooden cut-out of George Lazenby, which is damn close to the real thing.
I am thinking the views and the winter activities would make Piz Gloria a wonderful choice.
How is this one...
Would you rather a vacation at Drax's mansion in California OR a vacation at Sanchez's house?
Drax's estate in "California" is an impressive piece of land and house. You might take a spin in the centrifuge machine. Just be careful who is operating the machine. You'd likely be pressed to have a cucumber sandwich and I am told the pheasant hunting is quite fun. Watch out for the trees seems some are armed! California is of course in quotes as in reality the mansion was in France. You decide which locale you would rather be at!
Sanchez's house in Isthmus City. So many levels you need to take a motorized cart to get to sea level. Watch out for the weird sculptures in the rooms. But the beds are comfy and the hospitality is quite amazing. To pop out you may need to stowaway on a motor boat.
So which one is more your style? Where are you spending a week of your vacation?
So taking all of that into consideration, I'll go for Sanchez's place. Can I also take a time machine back to the 80's when I'm at it?
Thanks! That clinches the deal! Now, where did I leave that 29 million....