No Time to Die production thread



  • edited December 2019 Posts: 6,786
    Thanks for your ever so present clarity, @DarthDimi, old pal.

    BTW, we have similar taste in women, I gather.

    But, you know, we folk who post more than 6 paragraphs in one reply must all calm down ;)

    One thing I've observed as of late is that since the trailer came out, people just react hysterically to details and nitpick absolutely everything. Even if someone said "you" or "him". For pete's sake, it's just a movie, and it looks like a good one at that.

    I'll be taking my "Zen and how to write calm sentences" class now :-D

    PS: @boldfinger, old pal, no harm done. We usually concur on things. I didn't see any disagreement. @octofinger thought I was mad at him, even though I specifically pointed out that I was reacting to Grace Randolphs video(s). Oh well, all is well. Let's carry on.
  • DarthDimiDarthDimi Behind you!Moderator
    Posts: 24,515
    I'm calm, @Univex. I was merely explaining my position. But I'm calm.

    Actually, I'm not. I'm superthrilled about this new Bond film. ;-)
  • Posts: 6,786
    DarthDimi wrote: »
    I'm calm, @Univex. I was merely explaining my position. But I'm calm.

    Actually, I'm not. I'm superthrilled about this new Bond film. ;-)

    That makes both of us, @DarthDimi.

    I'll be fixing my bike now, and getting zenned ;)
  • Posts: 5,767
    danielcc wrote: »
    I honestly think the "knee" phrase is the best part of the trailer. THIS is exactly what I want to see.
    Fascinating to realise that some people (fans?) dont seem to get the very essence of the Bond character, and the reason for the success of the series over the decades: Bond always rises to meet a challenge, and he is at the top of his game when these challenges come across as verbal battles with girls, allies, henchmen, femme fatales or the villains (did anyone question that Goldfinger comes across as intellectual superior to Bond with his plan??).

    I feel that some people project their own insecurity on Bond, and are afraid that a strong woman could overshadow Bond or put his leading role at risk.
    I find it borderline fascist if finding something not entertaining or fun is equalled to insecurities.

    As for the knee phrase: Why in the world would Bond´s knees be screwed up so much? I could halfway accept Silva making a remark about knees, since he came across as a bit excentric and insane, so he could say a lot of things and get away with them. But repeating the insinuation here seems pretty dumb. Bond when on duty has short periods of intensive physical stress, usually followed by periods of at least several months where he can recover and work out. So why the f should any of his body parts not be in good shape? And even if we would assume that 00s lead such a devastating life that in their early 50s they need crutches, it comes still across as rather dumb if Nomi says it to Bond, because being a 00 herself it means she ridicules her own future.

  • Univex wrote: »
    But, you know, we folk who post more than 6 paragraphs in one reply must all calm down ;)
    . . .

    I'll be taking my "Zen and how to write calm sentences" class now

    OK, mate. . . do you need some flowers in the mail or something?
  • edited December 2019 Posts: 6,786
    octofinger wrote: »
    Univex wrote: »
    But, you know, we folk who post more than 6 paragraphs in one reply must all calm down ;)
    . . .
    I'll be taking my "Zen and how to write calm sentences" class now

    OK, mate. . . do you need some flowers in the mail or something?


  • Univex wrote: »
    Oh, please. Grace is just being Grace. Neurotic as hell. I like her sometimes, but for most of the times I can't stand her. She also says the best shot in the entire trailer was Nomi retreating into the darkness. Please, the best shot in the entire piece? These youtubers and influencers are for the most part geekish heavily opinionated people who like to impose their views (problem is, most are not fans, or knowledgeable of, say, Bond)

    The trailer was awesome, it ticked all the right boxes. Nitpicking is just that, nitpicking. The production team as to take care of their cast? Please. Even Lynch would laugh at that.

    As for Grace, her Logan obsession, or her Jackman obsession creeps up from time to time as well, as if she's comparing every other hero to her precious crush.

    That being said, @octofinger, this rant of mine is obviously directed at Grace, not at you who have so aptly presented a valid point.

    Just don't be halfway convinced on her perspectives, that's what these influencers do. They contaminate and distort. Hence the name: influencer.

    Just feel what you feel and trust your instincts, which, btw, I know to be good.

    BTW, whenever I put Randolph on here at home, the wife says "Who's strangling the cat?" :-D
    "That blonde chic who thinks she knows best", I usually say. My wife just rolls her eyes, and immediately I know her to be right. I then escape the temptation to watch her squealing about how baby yoda is as cute as Hugh Jackman. The only film youtuber I generally like is Chris Stuckman, and even then he can be annoying sometimes.

    @octofinger @Univex The grand irony is that Grace Randolph loved Lashana Lynch the most in the trailer...look at her tweet:

    The only reason she is now roadcasting the 'other side' of the argment is to appeal to her audience. Who, hate to say it, are the sort of folk who shout about SJW's on Twitter, hate The Last Jedi, captain Marvel is a Nazi, think female Ghostbusters was the work of the anti-christ, etc.

    She doesn't actually agree with those opinions. But it's become the clikcbair she's known for.

    until the proper critics come out and review the film, sadly we are left with the view of Youtube influencers.
  • CraigMooreOHMSSCraigMooreOHMSS Dublin, Ireland
    Posts: 8,263
    boldfinger wrote: »
    danielcc wrote: »
    I honestly think the "knee" phrase is the best part of the trailer. THIS is exactly what I want to see.
    Fascinating to realise that some people (fans?) dont seem to get the very essence of the Bond character, and the reason for the success of the series over the decades: Bond always rises to meet a challenge, and he is at the top of his game when these challenges come across as verbal battles with girls, allies, henchmen, femme fatales or the villains (did anyone question that Goldfinger comes across as intellectual superior to Bond with his plan??).

    I feel that some people project their own insecurity on Bond, and are afraid that a strong woman could overshadow Bond or put his leading role at risk.
    I find it borderline fascist if finding something not entertaining or fun is equalled to insecurities.

    As for the knee phrase: Why in the world would Bond´s knees be screwed up so much? I could halfway accept Silva making a remark about knees, since he came across as a bit excentric and insane, so he could say a lot of things and get away with them. But repeating the insinuation here seems pretty dumb. Bond when on duty has short periods of intensive physical stress, usually followed by periods of at least several months where he can recover and work out. So why the f should any of his body parts not be in good shape? And even if we would assume that 00s lead such a devastating life that in their early 50s they need crutches, it comes still across as rather dumb if Nomi says it to Bond, because being a 00 herself it means she ridicules her own future.

    I read as a meta remark, perhaps referring to Craig's own injuries. He's poking fun at himself. That's partly why I found it funny.
  • Posts: 6,786
    Exactly, @Pierce2Daniel. Very well said. And a grand irony it is.
  • Posts: 17,878
    @007Blofeld sent me a link to that trailer reaction by Randolph. Why is she so…loud? Couldn't even sit through more than a minute of that video.

    She's one of the worst Youtubers around, and that is saying something.

    I hadn't even heard of her until I got that link from @007Blofeld. She's not the only overly loud Youtuber I've come across though. Is it a thing or something?

  • The only reason she is now roadcasting the 'other side' of the argment is to appeal to her audience. Who, hate to say it, are the sort of folk who shout about SJW's on Twitter, hate The Last Jedi, captain Marvel is a Nazi, think female Ghostbusters was the work of the anti-christ, etc.

    She doesn't actually agree with those opinions. But it's become the clikcbair she's known for.

    until the proper critics come out and review the film, sadly we are left with the view of Youtube influencers.

    For crying in the bloody sink, the only lines of hers I cited were some, I thought, useful points on the way that the producers are establishing (or not establishing) sympathies for Bond and Nomi in the trailer. That's all. Positively no need to invoke SJWs, Nazis, clickbait, or whatever else. You don't like the messenger, you find her voice too loud, fine. I've not seen any of her other videos. But her message w/r/t the tone that we get both about Bond and Nomi is an interesting one.
  • Posts: 6,786
    @007Blofeld sent me a link to that trailer reaction by Randolph. Why is she so…loud? Couldn't even sit through more than a minute of that video.

    She's one of the worst Youtubers around, and that is saying something.

    I hadn't even heard of her until I got that link from @007Blofeld. She's not the only overly loud Youtuber I've come across though. Is it a thing or something?

    They seem to think an overly loud personality sells. Just have a listen to Jeremy Jahns, for example. One has to take xanax after it. What I find funny is some old school people like Tiff Needell having a laugh at them (car youtubers in this case) in some of his own videos. They're more like circus clowns who happen to have access to the show earlier than anyone else. But hey, it's a brave new world ;)
  • CraigMooreOHMSSCraigMooreOHMSS Dublin, Ireland
    Posts: 8,263
    @007Blofeld sent me a link to that trailer reaction by Randolph. Why is she so…loud? Couldn't even sit through more than a minute of that video.

    She's one of the worst Youtubers around, and that is saying something.

    I hadn't even heard of her until I got that link from @007Blofeld. She's not the only overly loud Youtuber I've come across though. Is it a thing or something?

    Unfortunately, it's almost stereotypical now. The drive for more clicks has meant they're often no more substantial or enlightening than the tabloid press. I used to follow quite a lot of them, but I had a massive subscription clearout a couple of years back.
  • Posts: 6,786
    @007Blofeld sent me a link to that trailer reaction by Randolph. Why is she so…loud? Couldn't even sit through more than a minute of that video.

    She's one of the worst Youtubers around, and that is saying something.

    I hadn't even heard of her until I got that link from @007Blofeld. She's not the only overly loud Youtuber I've come across though. Is it a thing or something?

    Unfortunately, it's almost stereotypical now. The drive for more clicks has meant they're often no more substantial or enlightening than the tabloid press. I used to follow quite a lot of them, but I had a massive subscription clearout a couple of years back.

    Same with me, @CraigMooreOHMSS. Hey, are we quite sure we're not the same person?
  • CraigMooreOHMSSCraigMooreOHMSS Dublin, Ireland
    edited December 2019 Posts: 8,263
    octofinger wrote: »
    But her message w/r/t the tone that we get both about Bond and Nomi is an interesting one.

    It is, that's fair. But I'm not sure if it's the right way of looking at it.
    Univex wrote: »
    @007Blofeld sent me a link to that trailer reaction by Randolph. Why is she so…loud? Couldn't even sit through more than a minute of that video.

    She's one of the worst Youtubers around, and that is saying something.

    I hadn't even heard of her until I got that link from @007Blofeld. She's not the only overly loud Youtuber I've come across though. Is it a thing or something?

    Unfortunately, it's almost stereotypical now. The drive for more clicks has meant they're often no more substantial or enlightening than the tabloid press. I used to follow quite a lot of them, but I had a massive subscription clearout a couple of years back.

    Same with me, @CraigMooreOHMSS. Hey, are we quite sure we're not the same person?


  • JamesCraigJamesCraig Ancient Rome
    Posts: 3,497
    DarthDimi wrote: »
    A few weeks ago I was accused of "hysteria" when merely pointing out that Bond films don't have to be kid-friendly. But what is this Lashana thing then if not hysteria? So far, I've read nothing but really positive comments about Lashana. I don't think anyone here is threatened by her presence. We're wasting our breath on perhaps a member or two--at most.

    I think she's going to be amazing. I myself am simply not attracted to her, but that's not a big issue since I'm not attracted to Camille or Paris or Triple-X either. I can still love a character, a performance, a presence. And I'm sure I'll enjoy everything Lashana brings to NTTD. But I don't have to call her a good-looking woman if she isn't in my book.

    A colleague of mine went berserk when I told her how I felt about Lashana's looks last Friday. "O . M . G! You're only saying that because she's BLACK!" I'm sorry, what? I think Sissy Spacek is an unattractive woman; I find Shelley Duvall flat-out ugly. So now I don't like my own skin colour either? What does one have to do with the other? Talk about 'hysteria'. Also, my dark-skinned girlfriend had to laugh hard when I told her.

    That doesn't mean I cannot respect an actress or appreciate what she brings. But I don't have to resort to "inner beauty" nonsense either. It's showbiz. Looks alone can make a star, even if she or he doesn't have any true acting talent. The opposite is also true; you can be the ugliest person on stage but blow us all away with an amazing performance.

    Now, I'm not saying that Lashana is ugly; I just don't find her a very good-looking addition to the realm of Bond girls. That may change, though. Still, don't get angry with me, please. I'm glad she's here and I'm admiring her already. She may end up being one of the best things in NTTD. I've always supported the choice to bring her in. I thought her better than Brie in Captain Marvel, even if Brie is the more attractive one in my book. And this has absolutely nothing to do with skin colour. I've seen lots of '70s flicks with Pam Grier and let me tell you, she a whooole lotta woman; the white girls paled in comparison. (Yeah, pun very much intended.)

    But like I said, so far, this forum seems very pleased with Lashana.

    A voice of reason, as always.

    Maybe you could negotiate a new government for our weird little country? ;-)

    And beauty is, of course, in the eye of the beholder. ;)
  • Posts: 6,786
    @CraigMooreOHMSS, at least we're not the animated pig or the Nic Cage noir versions. Although the latter is admittedly cool.
  • ThunderfingerThunderfinger Das Boot Hill
    Posts: 45,489
    boldfinger wrote: »
    danielcc wrote: »
    I honestly think the "knee" phrase is the best part of the trailer. THIS is exactly what I want to see.
    Fascinating to realise that some people (fans?) dont seem to get the very essence of the Bond character, and the reason for the success of the series over the decades: Bond always rises to meet a challenge, and he is at the top of his game when these challenges come across as verbal battles with girls, allies, henchmen, femme fatales or the villains (did anyone question that Goldfinger comes across as intellectual superior to Bond with his plan??).

    I feel that some people project their own insecurity on Bond, and are afraid that a strong woman could overshadow Bond or put his leading role at risk.
    I find it borderline fascist if finding something not entertaining or fun is equalled to insecurities.

    As for the knee phrase: Why in the world would Bond´s knees be screwed up so much? I could halfway accept Silva making a remark about knees, since he came across as a bit excentric and insane, so he could say a lot of things and get away with them. But repeating the insinuation here seems pretty dumb. Bond when on duty has short periods of intensive physical stress, usually followed by periods of at least several months where he can recover and work out. So why the f should any of his body parts not be in good shape? And even if we would assume that 00s lead such a devastating life that in their early 50s they need crutches, it comes still across as rather dumb if Nomi says it to Bond, because being a 00 herself it means she ridicules her own future.

    Maybe they worked him twisting his leg into the film?
  • edited December 2019 Posts: 17,878
    Univex wrote: »
    @007Blofeld sent me a link to that trailer reaction by Randolph. Why is she so…loud? Couldn't even sit through more than a minute of that video.

    She's one of the worst Youtubers around, and that is saying something.

    I hadn't even heard of her until I got that link from @007Blofeld. She's not the only overly loud Youtuber I've come across though. Is it a thing or something?

    They seem to think an overly loud personality sells. Just have a listen to Jeremy Jahns, for example. One has to take xanax after it. What I find funny is some old school people like Tiff Needell having a laugh at them (car youtubers in this case) in some of his own videos. They're more like circus clowns who happen to have access to the show earlier than anyone else. But hey, it's a brave new world ;)

    You just made me check out this Jahns guy (another one I've never heard of) and his Joker review. Could not focus on anything but his excessive arm movements!
    @007Blofeld sent me a link to that trailer reaction by Randolph. Why is she so…loud? Couldn't even sit through more than a minute of that video.

    She's one of the worst Youtubers around, and that is saying something.

    I hadn't even heard of her until I got that link from @007Blofeld. She's not the only overly loud Youtuber I've come across though. Is it a thing or something?

    Unfortunately, it's almost stereotypical now. The drive for more clicks has meant they're often no more substantial or enlightening than the tabloid press. I used to follow quite a lot of them, but I had a massive subscription clearout a couple of years back.

    I take it as a positive thing I've rarely come across these people on Youtube. What's surprising though having a look at it, is the amount of views these people get!
  • JamesCraigJamesCraig Ancient Rome
    Posts: 3,497
    Univex wrote: »
    @007Blofeld sent me a link to that trailer reaction by Randolph. Why is she so…loud? Couldn't even sit through more than a minute of that video.

    She's one of the worst Youtubers around, and that is saying something.

    I hadn't even heard of her until I got that link from @007Blofeld. She's not the only overly loud Youtuber I've come across though. Is it a thing or something?

    They seem to think an overly loud personality sells. Just have a listen to Jeremy Jahns, for example. One has to take xanax after it. What I find funny is some old school people like Tiff Needell having a laugh at them (car youtubers in this case) in some of his own videos. They're more like circus clowns who happen to have access to the show earlier than anyone else. But hey, it's a brave new world ;)

    You just made me check out this Jahns guy (another one I've never heard of) and his Joker review. Could not focus on anything but his excessive arm movements!
    @007Blofeld sent me a link to that trailer reaction by Randolph. Why is she so…loud? Couldn't even sit through more than a minute of that video.

    She's one of the worst Youtubers around, and that is saying something.

    I hadn't even heard of her until I got that link from @007Blofeld. She's not the only overly loud Youtuber I've come across though. Is it a thing or something?

    Unfortunately, it's almost stereotypical now. The drive for more clicks has meant they're often no more substantial or enlightening than the tabloid press. I used to follow quite a lot of them, but I had a massive subscription clearout a couple of years back.

    I take it as a positive thing I've rarely come across these people on Youtube. What's surprising though having a look at it, is the amount of views these people get!

    Skewered. One does not symphatize.
  • CraigMooreOHMSSCraigMooreOHMSS Dublin, Ireland
    Posts: 8,263
    Univex wrote: »
    @007Blofeld sent me a link to that trailer reaction by Randolph. Why is she so…loud? Couldn't even sit through more than a minute of that video.

    She's one of the worst Youtubers around, and that is saying something.

    I hadn't even heard of her until I got that link from @007Blofeld. She's not the only overly loud Youtuber I've come across though. Is it a thing or something?

    They seem to think an overly loud personality sells. Just have a listen to Jeremy Jahns, for example. One has to take xanax after it. What I find funny is some old school people like Tiff Needell having a laugh at them (car youtubers in this case) in some of his own videos. They're more like circus clowns who happen to have access to the show earlier than anyone else. But hey, it's a brave new world ;)

    You just made me check out this Jahns guy (another one I've never heard of) and his Joker review. Could not focus on anything but his excessive arm movements!

    I did see Jahn's review of Dark Fate and found his Arnie impressions entertaining, though.
  • Posts: 17,878
    JamesCraig wrote: »
    Univex wrote: »
    @007Blofeld sent me a link to that trailer reaction by Randolph. Why is she so…loud? Couldn't even sit through more than a minute of that video.

    She's one of the worst Youtubers around, and that is saying something.

    I hadn't even heard of her until I got that link from @007Blofeld. She's not the only overly loud Youtuber I've come across though. Is it a thing or something?

    They seem to think an overly loud personality sells. Just have a listen to Jeremy Jahns, for example. One has to take xanax after it. What I find funny is some old school people like Tiff Needell having a laugh at them (car youtubers in this case) in some of his own videos. They're more like circus clowns who happen to have access to the show earlier than anyone else. But hey, it's a brave new world ;)

    You just made me check out this Jahns guy (another one I've never heard of) and his Joker review. Could not focus on anything but his excessive arm movements!
    @007Blofeld sent me a link to that trailer reaction by Randolph. Why is she so…loud? Couldn't even sit through more than a minute of that video.

    She's one of the worst Youtubers around, and that is saying something.

    I hadn't even heard of her until I got that link from @007Blofeld. She's not the only overly loud Youtuber I've come across though. Is it a thing or something?

    Unfortunately, it's almost stereotypical now. The drive for more clicks has meant they're often no more substantial or enlightening than the tabloid press. I used to follow quite a lot of them, but I had a massive subscription clearout a couple of years back.

    I take it as a positive thing I've rarely come across these people on Youtube. What's surprising though having a look at it, is the amount of views these people get!

    Skewered. One does not symphatize.

    Univex wrote: »
    @007Blofeld sent me a link to that trailer reaction by Randolph. Why is she so…loud? Couldn't even sit through more than a minute of that video.

    She's one of the worst Youtubers around, and that is saying something.

    I hadn't even heard of her until I got that link from @007Blofeld. She's not the only overly loud Youtuber I've come across though. Is it a thing or something?

    They seem to think an overly loud personality sells. Just have a listen to Jeremy Jahns, for example. One has to take xanax after it. What I find funny is some old school people like Tiff Needell having a laugh at them (car youtubers in this case) in some of his own videos. They're more like circus clowns who happen to have access to the show earlier than anyone else. But hey, it's a brave new world ;)

    You just made me check out this Jahns guy (another one I've never heard of) and his Joker review. Could not focus on anything but his excessive arm movements!

    I did see Jahn's review of Dark Fate and found his Arnie impressions entertaining, though.

    Well, any Arnie impression has the potential of being entertaining, haha!
  • MajorDSmytheMajorDSmythe "I tolerate this century, but I don't enjoy it."Moderator
    Posts: 14,076
    I'm not subb'd to Grace Randolph, so I have no idea on her Bond fan credentials, but I watched her NTTD trailer breakdown. She complimented the filling cabinet in Bonds garage, wished there were more easter eggs and yet fails to mention the elephant in the room V8 Vantage in the garage. #-o
  • Posts: 25
    I'm not subb'd to Grace Randolph, so I have no idea on her Bond fan credentials, but I watched her NTTD trailer breakdown. She complimented the filling cabinet in Bonds garage, wished there were more easter eggs and yet fails to mention the elephant in the room V8 Vantage in the garage. #-o

    Grace is a bit looney. She thinks that toy story 4 is socialist propaganda!
  • MajorDSmytheMajorDSmythe "I tolerate this century, but I don't enjoy it."Moderator
    Posts: 14,076
    KizerK wrote: »
    I'm not subb'd to Grace Randolph, so I have no idea on her Bond fan credentials, but I watched her NTTD trailer breakdown. She complimented the filling cabinet in Bonds garage, wished there were more easter eggs and yet fails to mention the elephant in the room V8 Vantage in the garage. #-o

    Grace is a bit looney. She thinks that toy story 4 is socialist propaganda!

    I haven't seen Toy Story 4, but is it possible, even remotely, that she is right?
  • Posts: 25
    KizerK wrote: »
    I'm not subb'd to Grace Randolph, so I have no idea on her Bond fan credentials, but I watched her NTTD trailer breakdown. She complimented the filling cabinet in Bonds garage, wished there were more easter eggs and yet fails to mention the elephant in the room V8 Vantage in the garage. #-o

    Grace is a bit looney. She thinks that toy story 4 is socialist propaganda!

    I haven't seen Toy Story 4, but is it possible, even remotely, that she is right?

    No, trust me no haha
  • Posts: 16,372
    I'm not remotely familiar with any of these Youtube film critics.
    Perhaps I should decide to join the 21st century?
    On second thought I'll stay where I am.

    Seems to me, and perhaps I'm wrong, but it looks like anyone can set up a Youtube channel and review Bond films, or whatever genre in which one is interested.

    I miss the days of SISKEL AND EBERT. Although I didn't always agree with their critiques, (particularly with Bond), they didn't pull punches and resulted in quite entertaining reviews.
  • MajorDSmytheMajorDSmythe "I tolerate this century, but I don't enjoy it."Moderator
    Posts: 14,076
    KizerK wrote: »
    KizerK wrote: »
    I'm not subb'd to Grace Randolph, so I have no idea on her Bond fan credentials, but I watched her NTTD trailer breakdown. She complimented the filling cabinet in Bonds garage, wished there were more easter eggs and yet fails to mention the elephant in the room V8 Vantage in the garage. #-o

    Grace is a bit looney. She thinks that toy story 4 is socialist propaganda!

    I haven't seen Toy Story 4, but is it possible, even remotely, that she is right?

    No, trust me no haha

    As I said, I haven't seen that one yet. But when enough (famous) people were taken at face value, only to have their dark side revealed, it isn't outside the realm of possibility that an animated film might be used as propaganda? Dinsey had enough experience of that during WW2.

    @ToTheRight Anyone can. I have one. I just upload random videogame clips from time to time. Setting a channel up is the easy part.
  • matt_umatt_u better known as Mr. Roark
    edited December 2019 Posts: 4,347
    I’m starting to really believe Safin could really end up being a kind of Dr. No reinterpretation. Shocked no one is discussing Japan being mentioned as a film location, alongside the fact that Safin wears and has a collection of No theatre Japanese masks...
  • edited December 2019 Posts: 6,786
    matt_u wrote: »
    I’m starting to really believe Safin could really end up being a kind of Dr. No reinterpretation. Shocked no one is discussing Japan being mentioned as a film location, alongside the fact that Safin wears and has a collection of No theatre Japanese masks...

    And a huge bonsai. He also seems to be wearing a kimono.

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