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@Pierce2Daniel is quite correct. Yesterday an industry person close to this production told me if this delay wasn't made they'd lose at least $300 million-- at least. This was a very difficult, but shrewd, business move.
And, if the film (likely), has anything to do with viral/biological warfare, could you imagine the backlash if they released it in "safe'ish" territories in the present climate? The media would have a field day. They'd call it tasteless and lacking in sensitivity... They'd try and stage manage the narrative into something very negative.
EoN, et al, made a "big picture" decision (short term pain (fans going bonkers; loss of dollars spent in P&A), vs long term gain (critics in November saying how sensitive EoN was to postpone during a crisis; cinemas being open for business; a new P&A campaign, hitting that billion dollar mark)).
This, Peter. We just have to hope things are ok come November & the film doesn’t get delayed once again.
@ColonelSun mentored me best @DonnyDB5 ... I told him I had a case of painful blue balls coming on (I was decimated by the news that was texted to me at about noon my time (EST)), and he said....
"Stick ‘em in an ice cold martini. Aways works!"
And wouldn't you know... he was right...
Indeed! I indulged in a Vesper tonight.
Also, if the virus is contained or subsides then NTTD’s plot could be viewed favorably—something prescient and cutting edge as opposed to insensitive and ill-timed.
Your poor balls, @peter
Get well soon.
Yes, me last night. Two stiff measures. One for each ball.
Another fine point @Burgess ... Bond was ahead of the curve. The headlines: Life Imitating Art!
Yep poor balls but the Cure may be just the remedy. Thanks!!
Yes. Thank you for bringing sense.
They always said they make films relevant to the current issues at the time. So if it is about biological warfare that would be an amazing coincidence. But bad timing because the media and social media trolls will fan some non-existent flames
Also, delaying it a month or so before release must mean MGM has already lost money on the film. All the marketing for April has to be thrown away or put back in storage so I assume the film will have to make a bit more in total worldwide box office to recoup the losses from delaying.
Time will tell if the decision was right or wrong but I can't imagine no summer blockbuster films not coming close to a billion with or without Chinese box office. Star Wars ep 9 bombed in China but still grossed over a billion world wide. It's possible for a billion dollar grosser without big China box office but it makes sense to try and get people in China to see NTTD. I've no idea how big Bond is in China.
At a selfish fan level, it's disappointing. I thought it was out next month and it's not. Meh. Major letdown. Oh well... what can you do? Have a moan and then chill out for seven months! ;)
In the case of NTTD, it wasn’t only China but Japan, South Korea, other South East Asian countries, possibly Australia and parts of Europe. That collection of markets represents a higher financial risk than the money lost on advertising. Plus, I don’t think MGM or EON see it as a complete loss. They have to build momentum for the November release but they’re going into the fall with a level of brand awareness greater than any recent Bond film relative to this time of year. Keep in mind that the move was made to maximize the coalition of markets that can get Bond to a billion dollars rather than believing no film between now and November will hit a billion dollars.
Sure, it's disappointing, but it may be perfect for Eon. Bond 25 out November. They got want they wanted. Weird how things turn out. Having said that, if the virus is spreading in winter around the time of release, well, who knows what will happen!
Good perspective on things. November is what they originally wanted, but be careful what you wish for (and be specific)!
Funny enough there is a conspiracy theory going around the cronovirus was a secretly developed bio weapon for China and the reason they are being difficult is because well they are communist and two is because it maybe a bio weapon apparently the outbreak came out close to the bio weapons facility in Wuhan how ironic for no time to die's plot.
I don't think creating a story in your mind constitutes "going around". This forum sometimes...
Its not from my mind go and google it all I made was a statement really am I the new punching bag? I can say what I want and shouldn't be shot down for commenting harmless things.
That's true, you can.
Stunt team:
Far left - Oliver Schneider, supervising stunt coordinator
Second from right - Jean-Charles Rousseau, one of Craigs stunt-doubles (all the stuntwork in Jamaica).
Asian guy - Patrick Vo, fight choreographer
The remaing two I do not know but I'm sure you guys do?
Funny thing is, as an MI6 officer, London is pretty much the only place she's not actually allowed to operate! :)
I do agree that I'm quite keen on the idea of her character though: she has bags of cool in all the shots we've seen of her so far- I think she might be a bit of a hit. A spinoff with her feels like it could work: she's way less cheesy than Jinx, their last attempt at a character like this. Love her Triumph!
I think they'd started filming again after he had recovered (as much as he did recover!) when they all went on Norton: it was pretty weird to be honest and Chris McQuarrie said he was a bit baffled that his cast had all gone on the telly because he was trying to shoot the movie! :D
I think that was on the Empire podcast interview he did- I can't recommend it enough, incidentally: he's very candid.
I don't think they did go back on when the movie got released: I was expecting them to too but I'm pretty sure they didn't. You're right though: that's a good example of unconventionally early promotion for a film.
Sounds like a Frankie Goes To Hollywood song.
In short: EoN start planning ahead! Go and seek the new Bond, which should be Aidan Turner, but don't let this silly situation rob yourself and us of the future we all deserve and very much enjoy.
Translation, sort of:
NEW I The special issue "JAMES BOND, Spies are Eternal" is available from your newsagent! 🍸🤵 The most secret agent in the world will have none for you, thanks to this number which will help you to wait until the film is released in November! ➡ available on
Nicola Dove behind the stills would mean official stills, maybe new set pictures. All you french members in here should get the mag asap!!
This again. I remember when SPECTRE came out he never definitively said he was done for good like many said, rather he wanted to take a break before he would come back and EON granted him that. People took the "slit my wrist" comment way out of context. I do think of EON wanted to hop right onto another film soon after SP he probably would have declined and they would have looked for another actor, but they decided to wait him out for when he was ready.
With NTTD though he's much more clear that this was it for him, and others have actually acknowledged that this is his last ride.