Do you believe in ghosts?

edited October 2017 in General Discussion Posts: 18,522

As it's coming near to Halloween once again I was wondering how many of us here actually believe in ghosts (or not as the case may be)?

Perhaps you have seen a ghost yourself or something paranormal at least.

Personally I do believe in ghosts though I have never seen one or anything paranormal for that matter. I will give my reasons for this belief very shortly.

I hope that this is an interesting discussion. :)


  • NicNacNicNac Administrator, Moderator
    Posts: 7,587
    I believe the brain is an amazing organ. Far more powerful than we can ever imagine
  • Posts: 4,325
  • JohnHammond73JohnHammond73 Lancashire, UK
    Posts: 4,151
    I actually don't believe but I did think about it once, not long after my wife and I lost our mums very close to each other. I remember being laid on out couch and I looked up towards our living room door, it was slightly ajar and thought I saw both our mums just looking in. Almost like they were keeping an eye on us. It did freak me out a little bit, but I just took it that I'd dropped off and was dreaming. Very weird.
  • Not too sure myself, but it certainly is a scary feeling when you're home alone, and your cat is staring intensely at something just behind you!
  • MurdockMurdock The minus world
    Posts: 16,381
    I do actually. With my father's passing 3 years ago, I have the occasional dream about him and other loved ones I have lost. And not just regular dreams either. REM sleep type dreams. One dream I had was so real for a moment I thought he was standing in my kitchen. So yes, I do believe in ghosts.
  • edited October 2016 Posts: 4,696
    I recently read "A Demon - Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark" by Carl Sagan. In one of the chapters, he takes a global tour of all of the stuff that people beleive in different countries. I had not realised that its GB that has the real love/belief in ghosts, its not a really global thing. Anyway, one of my favourite quotes from the great man:

    "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence".

    If people want to claim that ghosts exists, then fine and this thread is as good a place as any to present the evidence. In the meantime, I place ghosts in the mental filing cabinet along with all other things that have not produced enough evidence to be seriously considered. Its a big filing cabinet: humans are just too good at swallowing stuff like this. It will be our downfall IMHO.
    PS the "do you beleive" phrase is interesting as we only apply this question to certain things. They either exist or they dont. We don't ask " do you beleive in the Sun" or "do you beleive that 2 and 2 makes 4". These questions are matter of fact. I am not sure why beleif comes into it.
  • I'm not religious and I don't believe that there is any sort of life after death, i.e. death is the end.
  • Posts: 19,339
  • jake24jake24 Sitting at your desk, kissing your lover, eating supper with your familyModerator
    Posts: 10,592
    Murdock wrote: »
    I do actually. With my father's passing 3 years ago, I have the occasional dream about him and other loved ones I have lost. And not just regular dreams either. REM sleep type dreams. One dream I had was so real for a moment I thought he was standing in my kitchen. So yes, I do believe in ghosts.
    Sorry to hear that, @Murdock. I have a number of close family members who have had similar experiences.
  • edited October 2016 Posts: 19,339
    I get sleep paralysis or 'Old Hag Syndrome' frequently (about every 2 months)..basically your conscious returns and you wake up,but your body is still under,so you cant move...also because your mind is only semi conscious your subconscious throws all sorts of things at you : I have had witches,a creature walking across the ceiling,screams and evil laughter,my bedroom door opening and something standing there,something sitting on my chest looking at me,something getting in be next to me but obviously I cant move my head to look at it,i'm naturally paralyzed in real life at that moment in time.

    I have had it since I was a child and it used to scare the hell out of me,but now what I do is force myself to laugh at it in my mind and I snap out of it.
    The only problem is you have to make sure then that you are fully awake,because if u drift off,it just starts all over again.
    My record in one night is 7 times,and that was a few weeks ago on 19Sept.

    If you want to learn more about it there is a great piece on it on WIKI,under 'Old Hag Syndrome' shows how it affected people in the past and the supersticious stigma it got,i.e possession by a demon etc...

  • Posts: 9,915
    yes I do and I have experiences but I don't want to share them as they are personal.
  • Posts: 4,696
    dont supose anyone had a camera on them? Interesting that with the rise of CCTV, smart phones etc, the number of photos of ghosts has not risen?
  • Let's be honest, we could rename this thread 'Are you a particularly credulous young child?'
  • Posts: 9,915
    Let's be honest, we could rename this thread 'Are you a particularly credulous young child?'

    and this is why I refuse to share.

  • Posts: 19,339
    Let's be honest, we could rename this thread 'Are you a particularly credulous young child?'
    And why do you say that ?

  • Posts: 4,696
    Let's be honest, we could rename this thread 'Are you a particularly credulous young child?'

    loving the honesty

  • edited October 2016 Posts: 19,339
    Risico007 wrote: »
    Let's be honest, we could rename this thread 'Are you a particularly credulous young child?'

    and this is why I refuse to share.
    It's also the reason I wont post any experiences on here apart from the sleep paralysis,which is a natural condition.As Timothy Dalton said in TLD : "Time to leave..".
    Which I will do before I kick off at someone.

  • barryt007 wrote: »
    Let's be honest, we could rename this thread 'Are you a particularly credulous young child?'
    And why do you say that ?

    Because ghosts have all the supporting evidence of the bogeyman and the lochness monster. In other words, zilch. It's not something a adult mind with any degree of healthy scepticism can give credit to. Why is every TV programme dealing with 'paranormal' activity shown to be utterly false? If they even found one ghost that would be enough. But no, scams and lies for the terminally credulous.

    @Risico007 's response is quite revealing. A sceptic pops their head above the parapet and he slinks away, knowing he has zero to offer.
  • Posts: 9,915
    see this is the issue. my experiences are personal and yet because Johnny Sceptic comes in and wants to push for an enlightened response I have to give one. Why so you can say "well this is ridiculous your stories offer no evidence"...

    I assume you want scientific data that can not be explained and not stories like how my step Father would be in Danbury CT yet his house in Stratford CT would have the basement lights flicker on and off all night (amazing considering no one was in the house but I am sure you can come up with a rational scientific explanation like the wind can magically turn on and off lights)

    I tend to avoid experiences as an adult because I have seen enough to know that while 95% of evidence can be explained 5% simply can not and there is something else sharing this space this time this world with us that we can't explain or even understand. Yes I suppose my faith does come into question here as I am a Christian.. Again it's easy to claim ghosts don't exist when one doesn't do the research themselves.

    I have had two houses in my life that were indeed haunted. I have heard disembodied voices seen electronics turn on and off by seemingly magic and my family has had a long history of these experiences (going back to my grandfather dealing with a ghost during world war 2) ...

    Like I said the personal experiences are enough to make me believe tell me Comte what research have you done to disprove the supernatural? Have you stayed in any of the so called haunted locations?
  • edited October 2016 Posts: 4,696
    with the rise of the internet, there has never been a better time to capture and share evidence...but those darn ghosts are so illusive. Even Scooby Doo worked out they weren't real.
    PS the Lochness Monster IMHO has a greater chance of being real as it exists (allegedly) within out time/space dimension. It does not require some other dimension. Still baloney though.
  • Posts: 9,915
    Ok for the skeptics here have you ever once spent a night in a supposed haunted place I don't mean like local legend stuff I mean a location millions travel from around the world to see?

    for example anyone here spend a night in any of the 13 hotels listed here

  • Posts: 4,696
    No...does this imply that to beleive in ghosts, I have to stay in one of these 13 hotels? No way the owners would create stories to get them a better profile within the media, no way these hotels have CCTV fitted so we can share the experience? c'mon USA Today? thread started at 8am and this is the best evidence we have so far? Also interesting that ghosts seem to imhabit old buildings that fit in with the Scooby Doo image. Considering that people die in all sorts of ways and in all eras. why is it the same type of buildings keep coming up within the media?
  • ThunderfingerThunderfinger Das Boot Hill
    Posts: 45,489
    I have encountered ghosts. They are fact, no reason to "believe".
  • Posts: 9,915
    patb wrote: »
    No...does this imply that to beleive in ghosts, I have to stay in one of these 13 hotels? No way the owners would create stories to get them a better profile within the media, no way these hotels have CCTV fitted so we can share the experience? c'mon USA Today? thread started at 8am and this is the best evidence we have so far? Also interesting that ghosts seem to imhabit old buildings that fit in with the Scooby Doo image. Considering that people die in all sorts of ways and in all eras. why is it the same type of buildings keep coming up within the media?

    no not at all but the issue is this you don't do any research you don't talk to people who have had experiences (except to be condescending to them) so basically your ignoring the scientific method

    and instead going into almost a René Descartes approach by saying

    "I have no personal experiences there forth ghosts don't exist"

    Must be nice to know everything that exists in this world..
  • ThunderfingerThunderfinger Das Boot Hill
    Posts: 45,489
    Asia doesn t exist. Where s the proof?
  • Posts: 9,915
    Asia doesn t exist. Where s the proof?
    Exactly In fact I have seen picture of UK and heard people from there but I have never been personally so I don't think it exists either.
  • patb wrote: »
    Also interesting that ghosts seem to imhabit old buildings that fit in with the Scooby Doo image. Considering that people die in all sorts of ways and in all eras. why is it the same type of buildings keep coming up within the media?

    Lmao. It's transparent nonsense.
  • Posts: 9,915
    I rest my case. you guys couldn't be more stereotypical skeptics if you tried.

    Again where is being condecening and ignoring first hand reports apart of the scientific method? I did link a nice diagram that should show you how to truly investigate this topic and I don't see where acting like a jerk is on the list.
  • What is the correct method to investigate the existence of unicorns?
  • Posts: 9,915
    I would assume the same..

    You can ignore the scientific method all you like but then it's no wonder 50% of americans distrust scientist

    (I made up that statistics but deep down you believed that number was true admit it.)
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